Example #1
                /// <summary>
                /// This function to get payload string for creating new transaction
                /// </summary>
                public string getPyaloadString(
                    string description,
                    int category,
                    double amount,
                    string channel,
                    string merchantRedirectURI,
                    string merchantProductId,
                    string merchantTransactionId)
                    TransactiontionPayloadObj.RootObject payload = new TransactiontionPayloadObj.RootObject()
                        Description = description,
                        Amount      = amount,
                        Category    = category,
                        Channel     = channel,
                        MerchantPaymentRedirectUrl = merchantRedirectURI,
                        MerchantProductId          = merchantProductId,
                        MerchantTransactionId      = merchantTransactionId

                    var serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();

Example #2
                /// <summary>
                /// This function to get payload string for creating new transaction 
                /// </summary>
                public string getPyaloadString(
                    string description,
                    int category,
                    double amount,
                    string channel,
                    string merchantRedirectURI,
                    string merchantProductId,
                    string merchantTransactionId)
                    TransactiontionPayloadObj.RootObject payload = new TransactiontionPayloadObj.RootObject()

                        Description = description,
                        Amount = amount,
                        Category = category,
                        Channel = channel,
                        MerchantPaymentRedirectUrl = merchantRedirectURI,
                        MerchantProductId = merchantProductId,
                        MerchantTransactionId = merchantTransactionId

                    var serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
                    return serializer.Serialize(payload);