public TransactionServiceResponse <Transaction> GetTransactions(TransactionRequest req, List <ServiceLogRecord> logRecords = null)
            var response = new TransactionServiceResponse <Transaction>();

            var Transactions = new List <Transaction>();

            #region [ Envelope settings ]

            // Create the including fields according to the envelope
            var includes = new List <string>();


            #region [ Filters ]

            // Check for filters
            Expression <Func <Transaction, bool> > filterPredicate = PredicateBuilder.New <Transaction>(true);

            // Add the filters
            if (req.TransactionIds.Any())
                filterPredicate = filterPredicate.And(r => req.TransactionIds.Contains(r.TransactionID));

            if (req.UserIds.Any())
                filterPredicate = filterPredicate.And(m => req.UserIds.Contains(m.UserID));

            if (req.OrderIds.Any())
                filterPredicate = filterPredicate.And(m => req.OrderIds.Contains(m.OrderID));


            // Make the query
            if (filterPredicate.Parameters.Count > 0)
                Transactions = _transactionServiceBase.GetIncluding(filterPredicate, includes.ToArray()).Result;
                Transactions = _transactionServiceBase.GetAllIncluding(includes.ToArray()).Result;

            response.Type   = Headstone.Common.ServiceResponseTypes.Success;
            response.Result = Transactions;

        public TransactionServiceResponse <Transaction> CreateTransaction(TransactionCreated ev, List <ServiceLogRecord> logRecords = null)
            // Create the watch
            var sw = new Stopwatch();


            // Create a log record collection if necessary
            if (logRecords == null)
                logRecords = new List <ServiceLogRecord>();

            // Add log
            logRecords.Add(new ServiceLogRecord()
                Type      = "DEBUG",
                TimeStamp = DateTime.Now,
                Body      = "Create Transaction request received."

            var response = new TransactionServiceResponse <Transaction>();

            #region [ Validate Request ]

            logRecords.Add(new ServiceLogRecord()
                Type      = "DEBUG",
                TimeStamp = DateTime.Now,
                Body      = "User has the required permissions. Now validating the incoming event data."

            // Check required data
            List <string> dataErrors = new List <string>();

            //if (ev.ResellerId == default(int) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(ev.ResellerName))
            //    dataErrors.Add("No reseller!");

            //if (ev.Items == null || ev.Items.Count == 0)
            //    dataErrors.Add("No Transaction item(s)!");

            //if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ev.Name))
            //    dataErrors.Add("No product name!");
            //if (ev.Items.Count == 0)
            //    dataErrors.Add("No Transaction item");

            if (dataErrors.Count > 0)
                // Add log
                logRecords.Add(new ServiceLogRecord()
                    Type      = "DEBUG",
                    TimeStamp = DateTime.Now,
                    Body      = dataErrors.Count + " error(s) found within the event data! Terminating the process. Errors:" + String.Join(";", dataErrors)

                // Stop the sw

                response.Type = ServiceResponseTypes.Error;
                response.Code = ((short)HeadstoneServiceResponseCodes.Invalid_Request).ToString();
                response.PreProcessingTook = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                response.Message           = "There are some errors with the incoming event data!";
                response.LogRecords = logRecords;



            #region [ Data manuplation ]

            // Stop the timer

            // Set the pre-processing time and start the time
            response.PreProcessingTook = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            #region [ Create Object ]
            logRecords.Add(new ServiceLogRecord()
                Type      = "DEBUG",
                TimeStamp = DateTime.Now,
                Body      = "Creating Transaction."

            // Create the reseller application
            var command = new Transaction()
                CardNumber = ev.CardNumber,
                FirstName  = ev.FirstName,
                LastName   = ev.LastName,
                OrderID    = ev.OrderID,
                Status     = Framework.Models.EntityStatus.Active,
                TotalPrice = ev.TotalPrice,
                UserID     = ev.UserID,
                Created    = DateTime.Now

            // Add log
            logRecords.Add(new ServiceLogRecord()
                Type      = "DEBUG",
                TimeStamp = DateTime.Now,
                Body      = string.Format("Transaction created", ev.UserToken, ev.SessionId)

            #region [ Save Transaction ]

            var baseServiceResponse = _transactionServiceBase.Create(command);
            if (baseServiceResponse.Type != Headstone.Framework.Models.ServiceResponseTypes.Success)
                // Add log
                logRecords.Add(new ServiceLogRecord()
                    Type      = "ERROR",
                    TimeStamp = DateTime.Now,
                    Body      = "There was an error while saving Transaction!"

                // Stop the sw

                response.Type        = ServiceResponseTypes.Error;
                response.Code        = ((short)HeadstoneServiceResponseCodes.General_Exception).ToString();
                response.ServiceTook = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                response.Message     = "There was an error while saving the request!";
                response.LogRecords = logRecords;

                // Add log
                logRecords.Add(new ServiceLogRecord()
                    Type      = "DEBUG",
                    TimeStamp = DateTime.Now,
                    Body      = string.Format("Transaction successfuly created. TransactionId:{0}",

                // Add the new object to the result

                // Set the object id
                response.TransactionId = command.TransactionID;
            // Stop the sw

            response.Type        = ServiceResponseTypes.Success;
            response.Code        = ((short)HeadstoneServiceResponseCodes.Request_Successfuly_Completed).ToString();
            response.ServiceTook = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds;
            response.Message     = string.Format("Transaction successfuly created. TransactionId:{0}",
            response.LogRecords = logRecords;

