Example #1
        public UserMutations(UserRepository users, TransactionService transactionService, UserService userService)
            Field <UserType>(
                description: "Mark the user as deleted. Requires the 'Users' role.",
                resolve: ctx => users.DeleteById(ctx.Source)

            Field <UserType>(
                description: "Unmark the user as deleted. Requires the 'Users' role.",
                resolve: ctx => users.UndeleteById(ctx.Source)

            FieldAsync <UserType>(
                description: "Assign or unassign a role to the user. Requires the 'Users' role.",
                arguments: new QueryArguments(
                    new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <UserPermissionEnumType> > {
                Name = "permission", Description = "The role to modify."
                    new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <BooleanGraphType> > {
                Name = "assigned", Description = "'true' to assign the role, or 'false' to unassign it."
                resolve: async ctx => {
                var userId     = ctx.Source;
                var permission = ctx.GetArgument <UserPermission>("permission");
                var assigned   = ctx.GetArgument <bool>("assigned");

                var role = permission.GetRoleName();
                return(await userService.SetRole(userId, role, assigned));

            FieldAsync <AdjustmentTransactionType>(
                description: "Record an adjustment to the user's balance. Requires the 'Balances' role.",
                arguments: new QueryArguments(
                    new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <AdjustmentInputType> > {
                Name = "adjustment", Description = "Details of the adjustment."
                resolve: async ctx =>
                var userId = ctx.Source;
                var input  = ctx.GetArgument <AdjustmentInputType.Data>("adjustment");

                return(await transactionService.AddAdjustment(userId, input.Amount, input.Description));

            FieldAsync <PaymentTransactionType>(
                description: "Record an payment for the user. Requires the 'Balances' role.",
                arguments: new QueryArguments(
                    new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <DecimalGraphType> > {
                Name = "amount", Description = "Amount of the payment."
                resolve: async ctx =>
                var userId = ctx.Source;
                var amount = ctx.GetArgument <decimal>("amount");

                return(await transactionService.AddPayment(userId, amount));