Example #1
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            #region Setup for Reactive ASCOM

             * First create our channel factory.
             * This is also the place where we can inject a logging service.
             * If you don't provide a logging service here, there will be no logging!
             * Note that logging is configured in NLog.config.
             * See also: TA.Utils.Core.Diagnostics
             * The channel factory knows about serial ports by default, but we are going to
             * register a custom channel implementation that contains a hardware simulator.
             * (the simulator is abstracted from the Digital Domeworks dome driver).
             * If you make your own custom channels, you can register them the same way.
            var log = new LoggingService(); // TA.Utils.Logging.NLog
            .Message("Program start. Version {gitversion}", GitVersion.GitInformationalVersion)
            .Property("CommitSha", GitVersion.GitCommitSha)
            .Property("CommitDate", GitVersion.GitCommitDate)

            var channelFactory = new ChannelFactory(log);
                endpoint => new SimulatorCommunicationsChannel((SimulatorEndpoint)endpoint, log));

             * Now get our connection string from the AppSettings.json file.

            var connectionString = Configuration["ConnectionString"];

             * Create the communications channel and connect it to the transaction observer.
             * The TransactionObserver is the beating heart of Rx Comms and is where everything is synchronized.
            var channel             = channelFactory.FromConnectionString(connectionString);
            var transactionObserver = new TransactionObserver(channel);

             * TransactionObsever is an IObservable<DeviceTransaction>, so we need a sequence for it to observe.
             * The transaction sequence can be created by any convenient means, and Rx Comms provides
             * a handy helper class for doing this, called ReactiveTransactionProcessor.
             * However the sequence is created, it must be fed into the transaction observer
             * by creating a subscription. ReactiveTransactionProcessor has a helper method for that.
             * The helper method also gives us a way to rate-limit commands to the hardware, if needed.
            var transactionProcessor = new ReactiveTransactionProcessor();
            transactionProcessor.SubscribeTransactionObserver(transactionObserver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
            #endregion Setup for Reactive ASCOM

            // All set up and ready to go.
                // First we'll create a StatusTransaction and get the device's status.
                var statusTransaction = new StatusTransaction();
                statusTransaction.WaitForCompletionOrTimeout(); // There is also an async version

                // If the transaction failed, log and throw TransactionException.
                TransactionExtensions.ThrowIfFailed(statusTransaction, log);

                // Now we can retrieve the results and use them.
                // If the transaction succeeded, we should be assured of a valid result.
                // When you write your own transactions, make sure this is so!
                var status = statusTransaction.HardwareStatus;
                log.Debug().Message("Got status: {deviceStatus}", status).Write();

                // Get the user GPIO pins and flip the value of pin 0.
                var gpioPins        = status.UserPins;
                var gpioPinsToWrite = gpioPins.WithBitSetTo(0, !gpioPins[0]);

                // Now we'll use another transaction to set the new GPIO pin state.
                var gpioTransaction = new SetUserPinTransaction(gpioPinsToWrite);

                TransactionExtensions.ThrowIfFailed(gpioTransaction, log);
                var newPinState = gpioTransaction.UserPins;
                if (newPinState != gpioPinsToWrite)
                    throw new ApplicationException("Failed to write GPIO pins");
                .Message("Successfully changed GPIO pins {oldState} => {newState}", gpioPins, newPinState)
            catch (TransactionException exception)
                .Message("Transaction failed {transaction}", exception.Transaction)
            catch (ApplicationException exception)
                log.Error().Message("Failed to set teh GPIO pins.").Exception(exception).Write();
                 * We just need to dispose the transaction processor. This terminates the
                 * sequence of transactions, which causes the TransactionObserver's OnCompleted method
                 * to be called, which unsubscribes the receive sequence, which closes the
                 * communications channel.
                log.Info().Message("Cleanup complete").Write();

                 * It is best practice to explicitly shut down the logging service,
                 * otherwise any buffered log entries might not be written to the log.
                 * This may take a few seconds if you are using a slow log target.