protected void TrainSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Session["TrainResults"] = null; string oName = FromText.Text; string dName = ToText.Text; RomeApi += "&oName=" + oName + "&dName=" + dName + ""; System.Net.WebRequest wrGETURL; wrGETURL = System.Net.WebRequest.Create(RomeApi); System.IO.Stream objStream; objStream = wrGETURL.GetResponse().GetResponseStream(); System.Xml.XmlDocument xmlDoc = new System.Xml.XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.Load(objStream); XmlNamespaceManager mgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(xmlDoc.NameTable); mgr.AddNamespace("ns", ""); System.Xml.XmlNode pricenode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//ns:SearchResponse/ns:Route[@name='Train']/ns:IndicativePrice", mgr); System.Xml.XmlNode freqnode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//ns:SearchResponse/ns:Route[@name='Train']/ns:TransitSegment/ns:TransitItinerary/ns:TransitLeg/ns:TransitHop", mgr); System.Xml.XmlNode timenode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//ns:SearchResponse/ns:Route[@name='Train']", mgr); System.Xml.XmlNode carriernode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//ns:SearchResponse/ns:Route[@name='Train']/ns:TransitSegment/ns:TransitItinerary/ns:TransitLeg/ns:TransitHop/ns:TransitHopAgency", mgr); double usd = Convert.ToDouble(pricenode.Attributes[0].Value); string carrier = carriernode.Attributes[0].Value; string time = timenode.Attributes[2].Value; TrainClass[] array = new TrainClass[1]; array[0] = new TrainClass(usd, carrier, time); Session.Add("TrainResults", array); RomeApi = ""; GridView1.DataSource = (TrainClass[])Session["TrainResults"]; GridView1.DataBind(); }
public void TrainClassModelExtensionsClass_ToTrainClassMethod_ReturnsObjectWithCorrectTableCodeProperty_IfParameterHasTableCodePropertyThatIsNotNull() { TrainClassModel testParam = GetModel(); TrainClass testOutput = testParam.ToTrainClass(); Assert.AreEqual(testParam.TableCode, testOutput.TableCode); }
public void TrainClassExtensionsClass_ToYamlTrainClassModelMethod_ThrowsNullReferenceException_IfParameterIsNull() { TrainClass testParam = null; _ = testParam.ToYamlTrainClassModel(); Assert.Fail(); }
public void TrainClassExtensionsClass_ToTrainClassModelMethod_ThrowsArgumentNullException_IfParameterIsNull() { TrainClass testObject = null; _ = testObject.ToTrainClassModel(); Assert.Fail(); }
public VendorsEx(VendorType vendorType, string name, Location location, TrainClass trainClass, int entryId) { VendorType = vendorType; Name = name; Location = location; TrainClass = trainClass; EntryId = entryId; }
public void TrainClassExtensionsClass_ToYamlTrainClassModelMethod_ReturnsObjectWithCorrectIdProperty_IfParameterIsNotNull() { TrainClass testParam = GetTestObject(); TrainClassModel testOutput = testParam.ToYamlTrainClassModel(); Assert.AreEqual(testParam.Id, testOutput.Id); }
public void TrainClassModelExtensionsClass_ToTrainClassMethod_ReturnsObjectWithTableCodePropertyEqualToNull_IfParameterHasTableCodePropertyThatIsNull() { TrainClassModel testParam = GetModel(); testParam.TableCode = null; TrainClass testOutput = testParam.ToTrainClass(); Assert.IsNull(testOutput.TableCode); }
public TrainClassParam(TrainClass trainclass) { this.Id = trainclass.Id; this.Name = trainclass.Name; this.CreateDate = trainclass.CreateDate; this.UpdateDate = trainclass.UpdateDate; this.DeleteDate = trainclass.DeleteDate; this.IsDelete = trainclass.IsDelete; this.CreateBy = ""; //isi this.UpdateBy = ""; //isi this.DeleteBy = ""; //isi }
public void TrainClassExtensionsClass_ToTrainClassModelMethod_ThrowsArgumentNullExceptionWithCorrectParamNameProperty_IfParameterIsNull() { TrainClass testObject = null; try { _ = testObject.ToTrainClassModel(); Assert.Fail(); } catch (ArgumentNullException ex) { Assert.AreEqual("trainClass", ex.ParamName); } }
/// <summary> /// Convert a <see cref="TrainClass"/> instance into a <see cref="TrainClassModel"/> instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="trainClass">The object to convert.</param> /// <returns>A <see cref="TrainClassModel"/> instance whose properties are the same as the parameter.</returns> public static TrainClassModel ToTrainClassModel(this TrainClass trainClass) { if (trainClass is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(trainClass)); } return(new TrainClassModel { Description = trainClass.Description, Id = trainClass.Id, TableCode = trainClass.TableCode, }); }
/// <summary> /// Convert a <see cref="TrainClass" /> instance to a <see cref="TrainClassModel" /> instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="trainClass">The object to be converted.</param> /// <returns>A <see cref="TrainClassModel" /> instance containing the same data as the parameter in serialisable form.</returns> /// <exception cref="NullReferenceException">Thrown if the parameter is <c>null</c>.</exception> public static TrainClassModel ToYamlTrainClassModel(this TrainClass trainClass) { if (trainClass is null) { throw new NullReferenceException(); } return(new TrainClassModel { Description = trainClass.Description, Id = trainClass.Id, TableCode = trainClass.TableCode, }); }
public SplinePlus() { SPData = CreateInstance(SPData); SPData.SplinePlus = this; SplineCreationClass = CreateInstance(SplineCreationClass); FollowerClass = CreateInstance(FollowerClass); TrainClass = CreateInstance(TrainClass); EventClass = CreateInstance(EventClass); GizmosClass = CreateInstance(GizmosClass); ProjectionClass = CreateInstance(ProjectionClass); SPData.Selections = CreateInstance(SPData.Selections); SPData.SmoothData = CreateInstance(SPData.SmoothData); SPData.SharedSettings = CreateInstance(SPData.SharedSettings); }
public bool AddClass(TrainClass trainClass) { try { using (TrainTicketBookingDbContext dbContext = new TrainTicketBookingDbContext()) //Adding train classes to the db { dbContext.TrainClass.Add(trainClass); dbContext.SaveChanges(); return(true); } } catch (Exception) { return(false); } }
public ActionResult AddClass([Bind(Exclude = "TrainClassDetails,ClassId")] TrainClassViewModel trainClassViewModel) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { TrainClass trainClass = AutoMapper.Mapper.Map <TrainClassViewModel, TrainClass>(trainClassViewModel); bool result = trainClassBL.AddClass(trainClass); if (!result) { TempData["Message"] = "Please Try Again"; return(View()); } TempData["Message"] = "Added Successfully!!!"; return(RedirectToAction("DisplayClass")); } return(View()); }
private void DataView_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { if (DataView.SelectedItem == null) { return; } TrainClass itemInfo = DataView.SelectedItem as TrainClass; if (itemInfo == null || !(itemInfo is TrainClass)) { MessageBox.Show("获取选中项出现问题"); return; } Text_lineid_Copy.Text = itemInfo.lineid.ToString(); Text_traintype_Copy.Text = itemInfo.traintype; Text_seatcount_Copy.Text = itemInfo.seatcount.ToString(); }
private void BtnDown_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_model == null || dataGridView.SelectedCells.Count == 0) { return; } int idx = dataGridView.SelectedCells[0].RowIndex; if (idx >= _model.Count - 1) { return; } TrainClass swap = _model[idx]; _model[idx] = _model[idx + 1]; _model[idx + 1] = swap; UpdateViewToModel(); }
private void Button_delete_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (DataView.SelectedItem == null) { return; } int selected_trainid; TrainClass itemInfo = DataView.SelectedItem as TrainClass; if (itemInfo != null && itemInfo is TrainClass) { selected_trainid = itemInfo.trainid; } else { MessageBox.Show("获取选中项出现问题"); return; } TcpClient tcpClient = null; NetworkStream networkStream = null; try { tcpClient = new TcpClient(); tcpClient.Connect(ip_address, port); //建立与服务器的连接 networkStream = tcpClient.GetStream(); if (networkStream.CanWrite) { var package = new TTS_Core.TrainOperationPackage(user, ip_address + ":" + listen_port.ToString(), "server", TTS_Core.Enum_OP.K_DELETE, selected_trainid, 0, "", 0); byte[] sendBytes = package.DataPackageToBytes(); networkStream.Write(sendBytes, 0, sendBytes.Length); var newClient = tcp_listener.AcceptTcpClient(); var bytes = ReadFromTcpClient(newClient); //获取数据 var package_rec = new TTS_Core.DataSetPackage(bytes); if (package_rec.forbid != 0 && package_rec.forbid != 1) { MessageBox.Show("出大问题"); } if (package_rec.forbid == 1) { MessageBox.Show("删除失败,请检查完整性约束或者是服务器故障"); } else { DataView.Items.Remove(DataView.SelectedItem); DataView.Items.Refresh(); } } } catch { MessageBox.Show("无法连接到服务器!"); return; } finally { if (networkStream != null) { networkStream.Close(); } tcpClient.Close(); } }
public void LoadXml(XmlNode xmlNode) { if (xmlNode != null) { foreach (XmlNode childNode in xmlNode.ChildNodes) { if (childNode.Name == "Vendor") { string name = string.Empty; int entryId = int.MinValue; VendorType type = VendorType.Unknown; string x = string.Empty; string y = string.Empty; string z = string.Empty; TrainClass trainClass = TrainClass.Unknown; foreach (XmlAttribute attribute in childNode.Attributes) { switch (attribute.Name) { case "Name": name = attribute.InnerText; break; case "EntryId": entryId = Convert.ToInt32(attribute.InnerText); break; case "Type": type = (VendorType)Enum.Parse(typeof(VendorType), attribute.InnerText, true); break; case "TrainClass": trainClass = (TrainClass)Enum.Parse(typeof(TrainClass), attribute.InnerText, true); break; case "X": x = GetCorrectString(attribute.InnerText); break; case "Y": y = GetCorrectString(attribute.InnerText); break; case "Z": z = GetCorrectString(attribute.InnerText); break; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { if (trainClass == TrainClass.Unknown) { Npc.Add(new VendorsEx(type, name, new Location((float)Convert.ToDouble(x), (float)Convert.ToDouble(y), (float)Convert.ToDouble(z)), entryId)); } else { Npc.Add(new VendorsEx(type, name, new Location((float)Convert.ToDouble(x), (float)Convert.ToDouble(y), (float)Convert.ToDouble(z)), trainClass, entryId)); } } } } } }
public bool AddClass(TrainClass trainClass) //Method to add train classes in db { return(trainClassRepository.AddClass(trainClass)); }
private void Button_modify_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (DataView.SelectedItem == null) { return; } TrainClass itemInfo = DataView.SelectedItem as TrainClass; if (itemInfo == null || !(itemInfo is TrainClass)) { MessageBox.Show("获取选中项出现问题"); return; } TcpClient tcpClient = null; NetworkStream networkStream = null; try { tcpClient = new TcpClient(); tcpClient.Connect(ip_address, port); //建立与服务器的连接 networkStream = tcpClient.GetStream(); if (networkStream.CanWrite) { int lineid = 0; int seatcount = 0; if (!getStandard(out lineid, Text_lineid_Copy.Text) || !getStandard(out seatcount, Text_seatcount_Copy.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("查询信息填写错误"); return; } var package = new TTS_Core.TrainOperationPackage(user, ip_address + ":" + listen_port.ToString(), "server", TTS_Core.Enum_OP.K_MODIFY, itemInfo.trainid, lineid, Text_traintype_Copy.Text, seatcount); byte[] sendBytes = package.DataPackageToBytes(); //注册数据包转化为字节数组 networkStream.Write(sendBytes, 0, sendBytes.Length); var newClient = tcp_listener.AcceptTcpClient(); var bytes = ReadFromTcpClient(newClient); //获取数据 var package_rec = new TTS_Core.DataSetPackage(bytes); if (package_rec.forbid != 0 && package_rec.forbid != 1) { MessageBox.Show("出大问题"); } if (package_rec.forbid == 1) { MessageBox.Show("修改失败,请检查完整性约束或者是服务器故障"); } else { itemInfo.lineid = lineid; itemInfo.traintype = Text_traintype_Copy.Text; itemInfo.seatcount = seatcount; DataView.Items.Insert(DataView.SelectedIndex, itemInfo); DataView.Items.Remove(DataView.SelectedItem); DataView.Items.Refresh(); } } } catch { MessageBox.Show("无法连接到服务器!"); return; } finally { if (networkStream != null) { networkStream.Close(); } tcpClient.Close(); } }