Example #1
        public void WebSocketMessageHandler(MessageArgs e)
            string text = e.Text.Replace("\u0000", string.Empty);

            if (text.StartsWith("["))
                JArray array  = JArray.Parse(text);
                int    chanId = array[0].Value <int>();

                // Check the ChannelId of the message
                if (m_tickerChannelIds.ContainsKey(chanId))     // is this channel id in our TICKER list?
                    string symbol = m_tickerChannelIds[chanId];
                    JArray ja     = array[1] as JArray;
                    if (ja == null)
                        string msgtype = array[1].Value <string>();
                        if (msgtype == "hb")
                            ErrorMessage("Bitfinex::WebSocketMessageHandler=> Unknown ticker message type: {0}", msgtype);
                    var tim = new TickerMessage(ja);
                    // TODO: Fire event with this ticker update
                    cout("BITFINEX Ticker: {0} {1}", symbol, tim.ToString());
                else if (m_tradeChannelIds.ContainsKey(chanId)) // is this channel id in our TRADE list?
                    string symbol = m_tradeChannelIds[chanId];
                    JArray ja     = array[1] as JArray;
                    if (ja == null)
                        string msgtype = array[1].Value <string>();
                        if (msgtype == "hb")
                        else if (msgtype == "te")
                            ja = array[2] as JArray;
                            var trm = new TradeMessage(ja);
                            // TODO: Fire event with this trade execution
                            cout("BITFINEX Trade Execution: {0} {1}", symbol, trm.ToString());
                        else if (msgtype == "tu")
                            ja = array[2] as JArray;
                            var trm = new TradeMessage(ja);
                            // TODO: Fire event with this trade execution update
                            cout("BITFINEX Trade Execution Update: {0} {1}", symbol, trm.ToString());
                            ErrorMessage("Bitfinex::WebSocketMessageHandler=> Unknown trade message type: {0}", msgtype);
                    foreach (JArray t in ja)
                        var trm = new TradeMessage(t);
                        // TODO: Fire event with this trade update
                        cout("BITFINEX Trade: {0} {1}", symbol, trm.ToString());

                if (array[1] is JArray)
                    JArray book = array[1].Value <JArray>();
                    if (book[0] is JArray)
                        for (int i = 0; i < book.Count; ++i)
                            var   bookEntry     = book[i].Value <JArray>();
                            float price         = bookEntry[0].Value <float>();
                            int   ordersAtLevel = bookEntry[1].Value <int>();
                            float amount        = bookEntry[2].Value <float>();
                            //cout("{0} {1} {2}", price, ordersAtLevel, amount);
                            if (ordersAtLevel == 0)
                                m_orderBook.UpdateBid(price.ToString(), 0);
                                m_orderBook.UpdateAsk(price.ToString(), 0);
                                if (amount >= 0)     // bid
                                    m_orderBook.UpdateBid(price.ToString(), amount.ToString());
                                if (amount <= 0)    // ask
                                    m_orderBook.UpdateAsk(price.ToString(), (-amount).ToString());
                    else        // only contains a SINGLE book entry (a single list containing 3 values)
                        float price         = book[0].Value <float>();
                        int   ordersAtLevel = book[1].Value <int>();
                        float amount        = book[2].Value <float>();
                        //cout("{0} {1} {2}", price, ordersAtLevel, amount);
                        if (ordersAtLevel == 0)
                            m_orderBook.UpdateBid(price.ToString(), 0);
                            m_orderBook.UpdateAsk(price.ToString(), 0);
                            if (amount >= 0)     // bid
                                m_orderBook.UpdateBid(price.ToString(), amount.ToString());
                            if (amount <= 0)    // ask
                                m_orderBook.UpdateAsk(price.ToString(), (-amount).ToString());
                    if (array[1].Type == JTokenType.String && array[1].Value <string>() == "hb")
                        dout("{0} BITFINEX:HEARTBEAT", DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss"));
                        ErrorMessage("BITFINEX: Unknown message: {0}", array[1]);
                JObject msg = JObject.Parse(text);
                if (msg["event"] != null)
                    string msgType = msg["event"].Value <string>();
                    if (msgType == "info")
                        var version = msg["version"];
                        if (version != null)
                            int     iversion = version.Value <int>();
                            JObject platform = msg["platform"] as JObject;
                            int     status   = platform["status"].Value <int>();
                            dout("BITFINEX: info  version={0} status={1}", iversion, status);
                        var code = msg["code"];
                        if (code != null)
                            int    icode   = code.Value <int>();
                            string message = msg["msg"].Value <string>();
                            dout("BITFINEX: info  code={0} message:{1}", icode, message);
                    else if (msgType == "subscribed")
                        //dout("BITFINEX: subscribed");
                        string channel = msg["channel"].Value <string>();
                        int    chanId  = msg["chanId"].Value <int>();
                        string symbol  = msg["symbol"].Value <string>();
                        string pair    = msg["pair"].Value <string>();
                        if (channel == "ticker")
                            m_tickerChannelIds[chanId] = pair;
                        else if (channel == "trades")
                            m_tradeChannelIds[chanId] = pair;
                            ErrorMessage("Bitfinex::WebSocketMessageHandler=> Unknown channel in 'subscribed' message: {0}", channel);
                        dout("BITFINEX:subscribed  channel={0} chanId={1} symbol={2} pair={3}", channel, chanId, symbol, pair);
                    ErrorMessage("Unknown message type: ", Str(msg));
