Example #1
        private static TrackerDataSet.WaypointDataTable LoadKml(FileUpload fileUpload, int eventId)
            TrackerDataSet.WaypointDataTable result = new TrackerDataSet.WaypointDataTable();

              XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(fileUpload.FileContent);

              bool inPlacemark = false;

              string name = null;

              string description = null;

              double? lat = null;
              double? lon = null;
              double? alt = null;

            while (reader.Read())
              if (reader.Name == "Placemark")
            if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
              inPlacemark = true;
              name = null;
              description = null;
              lat = null;
              lon = null;
              alt = null;

            if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement)
              if (name == null || lat == null || lon == null || alt == null)
              { // description could be null
                throw new ApplicationException("At least one requred value is absent");

              TrackerDataSet.WaypointRow existingRow =
                result.Where(r => r.Name.ToLower() == name.ToLower()).FirstOrDefault();

              if (existingRow != null)
                if (lat != existingRow.Lat ||
                     lon != existingRow.Lon ||
                     alt != existingRow.Alt)
                  throw new ApplicationException("There are two rows with same name but different values in the file.");
                TrackerDataSet.WaypointRow row =
                  result.AddWaypointRow(eventId, name, lat.Value, lon.Value, alt.Value, description == null ? "" : description);

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(description))

              name = null;
              description = null;
              lat = null;
              lon = null;
              alt = null;
              inPlacemark = false;

              if (inPlacemark && reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
            if (reader.Name == "name")
              name = reader.ReadElementContentAsString();

            if (reader.Name == "description")
              description = reader.ReadElementContentAsString();

            if (reader.Name == "coordinates")
              if (lat.HasValue || lon.HasValue || alt.HasValue)
                throw new ApplicationException("Got <coordinates>, but already have lat, or lon, or alt.");

              string str = reader.ReadElementContentAsString();
              string[] latAndLon = str.Split(',');
                lon = Global.ToDouble(latAndLon[0]);
                lat = Global.ToDouble(latAndLon[1]);
                alt = Global.ToDouble(latAndLon[2]);
              catch (Exception exc)
                throw new ApplicationException(
                  string.Format("{0}: {1}", latAndLon, exc.Message),
              catch (Exception exc)
            if (name != null)
              throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Problem with {0}: {1}", name, exc.Message), exc);

              return result;
Example #2
        private static TrackerDataSet.WaypointDataTable LoadCup(FileUpload fileUpload, int eventId)
            // See http://download.naviter.com/docs/cup_format.pdf
              // and http://forum.naviter.com/showthread.php/2577-Number-of-digits-after-decimal-point-for-Longitude-in-CUP-file

              TrackerDataSet.WaypointDataTable result = new TrackerDataSet.WaypointDataTable();

              StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(fileUpload.FileContent);

              string line = null;
            bool isFirstLine = true;

            while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
              // Neither format spec (see above) nor the example we have say anything about
              // empty line, but let's be flexible:
              if (line.Trim() == "") continue;

            // See the link to the CUP format specification above:
            if (line.StartsWith("---")) break; // this means that the waypoints section has ended

            string[] elements = line.Split(',');

            // "JONNY",JONNY,,3318.830S,14750.088E,227.0m,1,,,,"field next to Burrawang Rd"

            if (elements.Length < 11)
              throw new ApplicationException("Unexpected number of elements");

            string id = elements[1].Trim('"').Trim();
            string description = elements[0].Trim('"').Trim();
            if (id == "")
              id = description;

            double lat = GetCupCoord(elements[3], 'S', 'N', 90);
            double lon = GetCupCoord(elements[4], 'W', 'E', 180);

              char charPrefix;
              int deg;
              int min;
              int minFraction;

              CoordControls.DegMin.CoordToDegMin(lat, 'S', 'N', out charPrefix, out deg, out min, out minFraction);

            double alt = GetCupAlt(elements[5]);

            TrackerDataSet.WaypointRow row =
              result.AddWaypointRow(eventId, id, lat, lon, alt, description);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(description))
            // The format spec (see above) doesn't say anything about the first line,
            // but the example we've got has it. So try to parse the first line, but it fails
            // consider that it's header:
            if (!isFirstLine) throw;
            isFirstLine = false;
              catch (Exception exc)
            if (line != null)
              if (line.Length > 120)
            line = line.Remove(118) + "...";

              throw new ApplicationException(
            string.Format("{0}\nProblem found in line:\n{1}", exc.Message, line),

              return result;
Example #3
        private static TrackerDataSet.WaypointDataTable LoadGpx(FileUpload fileUpload, int eventId)
            TrackerDataSet.WaypointDataTable result = new TrackerDataSet.WaypointDataTable();

              XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(fileUpload.FileContent);

              bool inWpt = false;

              string name = null;

              string description = null;

              double? lat = null;
              double? lon = null;
              double? alt = null;

              Regex ignorableWaypointsRegex = new Regex(@"^(CIVLID\s\d+#CIV|COMPID\s\d+#COM)");

              // name is an sub-element of <Wpt> element, but lat and lon are
              // attributes of <Wpt>. So when problem with lat/lon occurs, there is still
              // no name. So lat/lon error is saved and the message re-thrown when the name
              // is ready and can be inserted as a part of the resulting exception:
              string latLonError = null;

            while (reader.Read())
              if (reader.Name == "wpt")
            if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
              inWpt = true;
              name = null;
              description = null;
              lat = null;
              lon = null;
              alt = null;

              while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute())
                  if (reader.Name == "lat")
                    lat = Convert.ToDouble(reader.Value);
                  else if (reader.Name == "lon")
                    lon = Convert.ToDouble(reader.Value);
                catch (Exception exc)
                  latLonError =
                    $"Can't parse lat or lon value {reader.Value}: {exc.Message}";

            if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement)
              if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name))
                name = description;

              if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(latLonError))
                // name will be added later to the resulting exception:
                throw new ApplicationException(latLonError);

              if (name == null || lat == null || lon == null || alt == null)
              { // description could be null. Name will be added later to the resulting exception:
                throw new ApplicationException("At least one requred value is absent");

              TrackerDataSet.WaypointRow existingRow =
                result.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Name.ToLower() == name.ToLower());

              if (existingRow != null)
                if (lat != existingRow.Lat ||
                     lon != existingRow.Lon ||
                     alt != existingRow.Alt)
                  throw new ApplicationException("There are two rows with same name but different values in the file.");
                string nameAndDescr = name + "#" + (description ?? "");
                if (!ignorableWaypointsRegex.IsMatch(nameAndDescr))
                  TrackerDataSet.WaypointRow row =
                  result.AddWaypointRow(eventId, name, lat.Value, lon.Value, alt.Value, description ?? "");

                  if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(description))

              name = null;
              description = null;
              lat = null;
              lon = null;
              alt = null;
              inWpt = false;

              if (inWpt && reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
            if (reader.Name == "name")
              name = (reader.ReadElementContentAsString() ?? "").Trim();

            if (reader.Name == "desc")
              description = (reader.ReadElementContentAsString() ?? "").Trim();

            if (reader.Name == "ele")
              string altString = (reader.ReadElementContentAsString() ?? "").Trim();
              alt =
                altString == ""
                  ? 0
                  : Convert.ToDouble(altString);
              catch (Exception exc)
            if (name != null)
              throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Problem with {0}: {1}", name, exc.Message), exc);


              return result;
Example #4
        private void LoadAllWaypoints()
            TrackerDataSetTableAdapters.WaypointTableAdapter waypointsAdapter =
            new TrackerDataSetTableAdapters.WaypointTableAdapter();

              _allEventWaypoints = waypointsAdapter.GetDataByEventId(EventId);