Example #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Zdarzenie wywoływane gdy obiekt wedźie w pole wykrywania
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="collision"></param>
 public void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collision)
     if (Filter(collision.gameObject) && !TrackedObjects.Exists(obj => obj == collision.gameObject))
Example #2
        public override void NextFrame(int frameNo, IAstroImage astroImage)
            base.NextFrame(frameNo, astroImage);

            #region run the full star recognition recovery if enabled
            if (TangraConfig.Settings.Tracking.RecoverFromLostTracking &&
                m_RefiningFramesLeft <= 0)
                bool notAllStarsLocated            = TrackedObjects.Exists(o => !o.IsLocated);
                bool notAllLocateFirstStarsLocated = LocateFirstObjects.Exists(o => !o.IsLocated);
                if (notAllLocateFirstStarsLocated && LocateFirstObjects.Count > 1)

                // TODO: Use the notAllStarsLocated to troubleshoot the pattern recognition alignment

            bool allGuidingStarsLocated = true;
            foreach (TrackedObject trackedObject in LocateFirstObjects)
                if (!trackedObject.IsLocated && !trackedObject.IsOffScreen)
                    allGuidingStarsLocated = false;

            if (m_RefiningFramesLeft > 0)
                if (allGuidingStarsLocated)
                m_IsTrackedSuccessfully =
                    LocateFirstObjects.Count > 0
                            ? allGuidingStarsLocated
                            : OccultedStar.IsLocated;

            if (!m_Refining &&
                (LocateFirstObjects.Count > 0 && allGuidingStarsLocated) &&
                (LightCurveReductionContext.Instance.FieldRotation || LightCurveReductionContext.Instance.LightCurveReductionType == LightCurveReductionType.MutualEvent))
                for (int i = 0; i < TrackedObjects.Count; i++)
                    TrackedObject obj1 = TrackedObjects[i] as TrackedObject;

                    for (int j = 0; j < TrackedObjects.Count; j++)
                        if (i == j)

                        TrackedObject obj2 = TrackedObjects[j] as TrackedObject;

                        long pairId = (((long)obj1.TargetNo) << 32) + (long)obj2.TargetNo;

                        double oldDistance = m_RefinedDistances[pairId];
                        double newDistance = ImagePixel.ComputeDistance(
                            obj1.Center.XDouble, obj2.Center.XDouble,
                            obj1.Center.YDouble, obj2.Center.YDouble);

                        m_RefinedDistances[pairId] = (oldDistance + newDistance) / 2.0;

                        LocationVector vector = obj1.OtherGuidingStarsLocationVectors[obj2.TargetNo];
                        vector.DeltaXToAdd = (vector.DeltaXToAdd + obj2.Center.XDouble - obj1.Center.XDouble) / 2;
                        vector.DeltaYToAdd = (vector.DeltaYToAdd + obj2.Center.YDouble - obj1.Center.YDouble) / 2;

            if (!m_IsTrackedSuccessfully)
                // If the tracking has failed, then some objects may be offscreen and have NaN position
                // So inherit the IsOffScreen flag from the previous position
                foreach (TrackedObject obj in TrackedObjects)
                    if (m_IsOffScreenPrev[obj.TargetNo] && double.IsNaN(obj.Center.XDouble))
                        obj.SetIsLocated(false, NotMeasuredReasons.ObjectExpectedPositionIsOffScreen);
                foreach (TrackedObject obj in TrackedObjects)
                    m_IsOffScreenPrev[obj.TargetNo] = obj.IsOffScreen;