Example #1
        public GenericRecodeWRC(IMediaStream srcStream, IMediaStream destStream, int videoTrackID, TracksIncluded audioOrVideoOnly = TracksIncluded.Both,
                                bool cttsOut = false)
            : base(srcStream, destStream)
            audioOrVideoOrBoth = audioOrVideoOnly;
            CTTSOut            = cttsOut;

            //Common.Logger.Instance.Info("[GenericRecodeWRC::Ctor] srcStream [" + srcStream.GetType().Name + "], destStream [" + destStream.GetType().Name + "], videoTrackId [" + videoTrackID + "]");

            // get characteristics of input stream, and set FetchNextBlock callback on each track.
            TrackInfo = IsochronousTrackInfo.GetTrackCharacteristics(SourceStream, audioOrVideoOrBoth, videoTrackID);

            if ((!TrackInfo.Any(t => t is RawVideoTrackInfo)) && (audioOrVideoOnly != TracksIncluded.Audio))
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Video track specified does not exist");

            AdjustTrackSpecsToDestination(); // adjust recode params according to output

            // setup destination stream here (initialize headers in output tracks)
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// AdjustTrackSpecsToDestination
        /// The purpose of this is to control the recoding by modifying two instances of the class
        /// BaseTrackInfo under the two subclasses RawAudioTrackInfo and RawVideoTrackInfo.
        /// By default, these subclass instances take on the characteristics of the input media.
        /// NOTE: This method should be XML driven or should pick up parameters from a configuration file.
        /// FIXME: What about other track types?
        /// </summary>
        protected void AdjustTrackSpecsToDestination()
            foreach (IsochronousTrackInfo trackDef in TrackInfo)
                trackDef.TrackID = 0; // reset track ID (destination stream should determine track ID)
                if (trackDef is RawVideoTrackInfo)
                    trackDef.CTTSOut = CTTSOut;

            uint oneSecondTicks = (uint)TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond;

            if (DestStream.GetType().FullName.Equals("Media.Formats.MP4.MP4StreamWriter"))
                TrackInfo.ForEach(delegate(IsochronousTrackInfo trk)
                    // set the movie time scale to 1,000
                    trk.MovieTimeScale = 1000;

                    // Set the track time scale to 10,000.
                    // QuickTime cannot handle ulong durations, and our mp4 writer automatically switches to ulong if
                    // a movie is more than 2,166,748,000 units long (a value which goes beyond int.MaxValue).
                    // The track duration can get this high if the time scale is 10,000,000 which is what Expression uses.
                    trk.TimeScale = 10000;

                    if (trk is RawVideoTrackInfo)
                        trk.CTTSOut = CTTSOut;
                    else if (trk is RawAudioTrackInfo)
                        // if we are recoding to MP4 from HyperAsset, private codec data should be set as follows
                        if (SourceStream.GetType().FullName.Contains(".AssetMediaStream")) // This needs to encompass the new AssetMediaStream2 class.
                            trk.CodecPrivateData = "038080220000000480801640150020000001F4000001F4000580800511900000000680800102";
            else if (DestStream.IsMediaStreamFragmented)
                TrackInfo.ForEach(delegate(IsochronousTrackInfo trk)
                    if (trk is RawVideoTrackInfo)
                        // modify RawVideoTrackInfo: for fragmented tracks, timescale should be = oneSecondTicks
                        // rvti.MovieDurationIn100NanoSecs = rvti.MovieDurationIn100NanoSecs * (oneSecondTicks / rvti.MovieTimeScale); // FIXME: what if rvti.MovieTimeScale > oneSecondTicks ticks?
                        trk.MovieTimeScale = oneSecondTicks;
                        //rvti.DurationIn100NanoSecs = rvti.DurationIn100NanoSecs * (oneSecondTicks / rvti.TimeScale);
                        trk.TimeScale = oneSecondTicks;

                        trk.IsFragment = true;

            if (TrackInfo.Any(t => t is RawAudioTrackInfo))
                RawAudioTrackInfo rati = (RawAudioTrackInfo)TrackInfo.First(t => t is RawAudioTrackInfo);
                if ((rati != null) && (audioOrVideoOrBoth == TracksIncluded.Video))
                    rati = null;

            if (audioOrVideoOrBoth == TracksIncluded.Audio)
                IsochronousTrackInfo rvti;
                    rvti = TrackInfo.FirstOrDefault(t => t is RawVideoTrackInfo);
                    if (rvti != null)
                } while (rvti != null);