bool HandleGroup(TrackEventGroup group) { DateTime?groupTimeNul = null; foreach (TrackEvent trackEvent in group) { DateTime?tempTime = GetGlobalTime(trackEvent); if (null != tempTime && null == groupTimeNul) { groupTimeNul = tempTime; } } if (null == groupTimeNul) { return(false); } DateTime groupTime = (DateTime)groupTimeNul; TimeSpan timeSpan = new TimeSpan(groupTime.Ticks - m_minGlobalTime.Ticks); double dOffset = timeSpan.TotalMilliseconds; foreach (TrackEvent trackEvent in group) { trackEvent.Start = new Timecode(dOffset); } return(true); }
// skip audio events that are grouped with a selected video event // that uses the same media because they usually contain the same // captioning data private bool IsPairedAudioEvent(TrackEvent trackEvent, Media media) { if (trackEvent.IsAudio() && trackEvent.IsGrouped) { TrackEventGroup group = trackEvent.Group; if (null != group) { foreach (TrackEvent groupedEvent in group) { if (groupedEvent != trackEvent) { if (groupedEvent.IsVideo() && groupedEvent.Selected) { Take take = groupedEvent.ActiveTake; if (null != take) { Media groupedMedia = take.Media; if (null != media) { if (groupedMedia == media) { return(true); } } } } } } } } return(false); }
public void FromVegas(Vegas vegas) { = vegas; util = new Util(vegas); Dictionary <Track, List <TrackEvent> > selectedTrackEventMap; Dictionary <Track, List <TrackEvent> > nonSelectedtrackEventMap; util.GetSelectedTrackEvents(out selectedTrackEventMap, out nonSelectedtrackEventMap); if (selectedTrackEventMap.Count != 1) { util.ShowError("Requires: 1 selected track with selected events"); return; } //Assuming there's only 1 selected track, then get the selected track like this: IEnumerator selectedTrackEnum = selectedTrackEventMap.Keys.GetEnumerator(); selectedTrackEnum.MoveNext(); Track selectedTrack = (Track)selectedTrackEnum.Current; if (selectedTrack == null) { util.ShowError(selectedTrackEventMap.Count + ""); return; } //Create a group for each selected track event in selected track Dictionary <TrackEvent, TrackEventGroup> selectedTrackEventGroups = new Dictionary <TrackEvent, TrackEventGroup>(); foreach (TrackEvent trackEvent in selectedTrackEventMap[selectedTrack]) { //Create new group to hold track event TrackEventGroup trackEventGroup = new TrackEventGroup(); vegas.Project.Groups.Add(trackEventGroup); trackEventGroup.Add(trackEvent); selectedTrackEventGroups.Add(trackEvent, trackEventGroup); } //Go through every selected track event in non selected tracks and put them in the right groups (if possible) foreach (KeyValuePair <Track, List <TrackEvent> > nonSelectedtrackEventMapEntry in nonSelectedtrackEventMap) { foreach (TrackEvent trackEvent in nonSelectedtrackEventMapEntry.Value) { TrackEvent overlappingTrackEvent = util.GetOverlappingTrackEvent(trackEvent, new List <TrackEvent>(selectedTrackEventGroups.Keys)); if (overlappingTrackEvent != null) { selectedTrackEventGroups[overlappingTrackEvent].Add(trackEvent); } } } }
void ProcessBlips() { selectedVideoEvent = util.GetFirstSelectedVideoEvent(); if (selectedVideoEvent == null) { util.ShowError("No video event selected"); return; } TrackEventGroup selectedVideoEventGroup = selectedVideoEvent.Group; //take the first audio track in the selected video's group foreach (TrackEvent trackEventInGroup in selectedVideoEventGroup) { if (trackEventInGroup is AudioEvent) { selectedAudioEvent = trackEventInGroup as AudioEvent; break; } } if (selectedAudioEvent == null) { util.ShowError("Selected video event has no audio event in its group"); return; } //Create a temporary WAV file, and export the audio span of selected video event string wavePath = wavUtil.CreateVideoEventWAV(selectedVideoEvent); if (wavePath == null) { util.ShowError("Unable to export temporary WAV"); return; } short[] leftChannel, rightChannel; bool wavReadStatus = wavUtil.ReadWav(wavePath, out leftChannel, out rightChannel); if (wavReadStatus == false) { util.ShowError("Unable to read WAV export file."); return; } //Delete the temporary file File.Delete(wavePath); //Find all blips in the left channel and split tracks at blips blips = wavUtil.FindBlips(rightChannel); }
public PushBlur(List <TrackEvent> SelectedMedias, Vegas vegas, TransitionMode TransitionMode) { selectedMedias = SelectedMedias; myVegas = vegas; transitionMode = TransitionMode; group1 = selectedMedias[0].Group; group2 = selectedMedias[1].Group; if (Config.DebugMode) { MessageBox.Show($"group1 events = {group1.Count}"); MessageBox.Show($"group2 events = {group2.Count}"); } }
//Split a track event at a global location, and creating new groups if splitGroups = true public TrackEvent Split(TrackEvent trackEvent, Timecode splitLocation, bool splitGroups) { TrackEventGroup trackEventGroup = trackEvent.Group; //If not splitting groups or not in a group, then perform split on event and return if (!splitGroups || trackEventGroup == null) { return(trackEvent.Split(splitLocation - trackEvent.Start)); } //Create new group to hold split events TrackEventGroup splitGroup = new TrackEventGroup(); vegas.Project.Groups.Add(splitGroup); //Reference to splitEvent of trackEvent TrackEvent returnSplitEvent = null; //Split every track event in the group foreach (TrackEvent trackEventInGroup in trackEventGroup) { //If splitLocation splits the track, then split it if (IsTimecodeInTrackEvent(trackEventInGroup, splitLocation)) { TrackEvent splitEvent = trackEventInGroup.Split(splitLocation - trackEventInGroup.Start); //remove the splitEvent from group, and add it to splitGroup trackEventGroup.Remove(splitEvent); splitGroup.Add(splitEvent); //if this track is the trackEvent in the parameter, then return it's split event if (trackEventInGroup == trackEvent) { returnSplitEvent = splitEvent; } } //If splitLocation comes before the track, then move the track to splitGroup else if (IsTimecodeBeforeTrackEvent(trackEventInGroup, splitLocation)) { //remove the trackEventInGroup from group, and add it to splitGroup trackEventGroup.Remove(trackEventInGroup); splitGroup.Add(trackEventInGroup); } } return(returnSplitEvent); }
private bool isTrackUnique(Track initialTrack, Track comparisonTrack, TrackEventGroup trackEventsGroup) { if (comparisonTrack == initialTrack) { return(false); } foreach (TrackEvent trackEvent in trackEventsGroup) { if (trackEvent.Track == comparisonTrack) { return(false); } } return(true); }
public static bool isPickedEventsInTheSameGroup(List <TrackEvent> selectedMedias) { TrackEventGroup group = null; foreach (TrackEvent trackEvent in selectedMedias) { if (group == null) { group = trackEvent.Group; } else { if (group == trackEvent.Group) { return(true); } } } return(false); }
public void FromVegas(Vegas vegas) { myVegas = vegas; List <WorkItem> workItems = new List <WorkItem>(); List <AudioEvent> events = new List <AudioEvent>(); AddSelectedAudioEvents(events); if (0 == events.Count) { AddAllAudioEvents(events); } foreach (AudioEvent audioEvent in events) { if (audioEvent.Channels == ChannelRemapping.None) { Track destTrack = FindDestTrack(audioEvent.Track); if (null == destTrack) { destTrack = CreateDestTrack(audioEvent.Track); } workItems.Add(new WorkItem(audioEvent, destTrack)); } } foreach (WorkItem workItem in workItems) { AudioEvent destEvent = (AudioEvent)workItem.SrcEvent.Copy(workItem.DstTrack, workItem.SrcEvent.Start); workItem.SrcEvent.Channels = ChannelRemapping.DisableRight; destEvent.Channels = ChannelRemapping.DisableLeft; TrackEventGroup sourceGroup = workItem.SrcEvent.Group; if (null == sourceGroup) { sourceGroup = new TrackEventGroup(); myVegas.Project.Groups.Add(sourceGroup); sourceGroup.Add(workItem.SrcEvent); } sourceGroup.Add(destEvent); } }
public void FromVegas(Vegas vegas) { var start = vegas.Transport.LoopRegionStart; var length = vegas.Transport.LoopRegionLength; try { var frameRate = vegas.Project.Video.FrameRate; var frameRateInt = (int)Math.Round(frameRate * 1000); var scriptDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(Script.File); if (scriptDirectory == null) { MessageBox.Show("Couldn't get script directory path!"); return; } var xvidPath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ProgramFiles(x86)"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(xvidPath)) { xvidPath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ProgramFiles"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(xvidPath)) { MessageBox.Show("Couldn't get Xvid install path!"); return; } xvidPath += @"\Xvid\uninstall.exe"; if (!File.Exists(xvidPath)) { MessageBox.Show( "Xvid codec not installed. The script will install it now and may ask for admin access to install it."); var xvid = new Process { StartInfo = { UseShellExecute = true, FileName = Path.Combine(scriptDirectory, "_internal", "xvid", "xvid.exe"), WorkingDirectory = Path.Combine(scriptDirectory,"_internal"), Arguments = "--unattendedmodeui none --mode unattended --AutoUpdater no --decode_divx DIVX --decode_3ivx 3IVX --decode_divx DIVX --decode_other MPEG-4", CreateNoWindow = true, Verb = "runas" } }; try { xvid.Start(); } catch (Win32Exception e) { if (e.NativeErrorCode == 1223) { MessageBox.Show("Admin privilege for Xvid installation refused."); return; } throw; } xvid.WaitForExit(); GetStandardTemplates(vegas); GetTemplate(vegas, frameRateInt); MessageBox.Show( "Xvid installed and render template generated for the current frame rate. Please restart Sony Vegas and run the script again."); return; } var template = GetTemplate(vegas, frameRateInt); if (template == null) { GetStandardTemplates(vegas); GetTemplate(vegas, frameRateInt); MessageBox.Show( "Render template generated for the current frame rate. Please restart Sony Vegas and run the script again."); return; } var frameCount = (string)Registry.GetValue( "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\SOFTWARE\\Sony Creative Software\\Custom Presets", "FrameCount", ""); var defaultCount = 1; if (frameCount != "") { try { var value = int.Parse(frameCount); if (value > 0) { defaultCount = value; } } catch (Exception) { // ignore } } var prompt = new Form { Width = 500, Height = 140, Text = "Datamoshing Parameters" }; var textLabel = new Label { Left = 10, Top = 10, Text = "Frame count" }; var inputBox = new NumericUpDown { Left = 200, Top = 10, Width = 200, Minimum = 1, Maximum = 1000000000, Value = defaultCount }; var textLabel2 = new Label { Left = 10, Top = 40, Text = "Frames repeats" }; var inputBox2 = new NumericUpDown { Left = 200, Top = 40, Width = 200, Value = 1, Minimum = 1, Maximum = 1000000000, Text = "" }; var confirmation = new Button { Text = "OK", Left = 200, Width = 100, Top = 70 }; confirmation.Click += (sender, e) => { prompt.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; prompt.Close(); }; prompt.Controls.Add(confirmation); prompt.Controls.Add(textLabel); prompt.Controls.Add(inputBox); prompt.Controls.Add(textLabel2); prompt.Controls.Add(inputBox2); inputBox2.Select(); prompt.AcceptButton = confirmation; if (prompt.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } var size = (int)inputBox.Value; var repeat = (int)inputBox2.Value; if (repeat <= 0) { MessageBox.Show("Frames repeats must be > 0!"); return; } if (length.FrameCount < size) { MessageBox.Show("The selection must be as long as the frame count!"); return; } if (start.FrameCount < 1) { MessageBox.Show("The selection mustn't start on the first frame of the project!"); return; } if (defaultCount != size) { Registry.SetValue( "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\SOFTWARE\\Sony Creative Software\\Custom Presets", "FrameCount", size.ToString(), RegistryValueKind.String); } VideoTrack videoTrack = null; for (var i = vegas.Project.Tracks.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { videoTrack = vegas.Project.Tracks[i] as VideoTrack; if (videoTrack != null) { break; } } AudioTrack audioTrack = null; for (var i = 0; i < vegas.Project.Tracks.Count; i++) { audioTrack = vegas.Project.Tracks[i] as AudioTrack; if (audioTrack != null) { break; } } if (videoTrack == null && audioTrack == null) { MessageBox.Show("No tracks found!"); return; } var changed = false; var finalFolder = (string)Registry.GetValue( "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\SOFTWARE\\Sony Creative Software\\Custom Presets", "ClipFolder", ""); while (string.IsNullOrEmpty(finalFolder) || !Directory.Exists(finalFolder)) { MessageBox.Show("Select the folder to put generated datamoshed clips into."); changed = true; var dialog = new CommonOpenFileDialog { IsFolderPicker = true, EnsurePathExists = true, EnsureFileExists = false, AllowNonFileSystemItems = false, DefaultFileName = "Select Folder", Title = "Select the folder to put generated datamoshed clips into" }; if (dialog.ShowDialog() != CommonFileDialogResult.Ok) { MessageBox.Show("No folder selected"); return; } finalFolder = dialog.FileName; } if (changed) { Registry.SetValue( "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\SOFTWARE\\Sony Creative Software\\Custom Presets", "ClipFolder", finalFolder, RegistryValueKind.String); } var path = Path.Combine(vegas.TemporaryFilesPath, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(vegas.Project.FilePath) + "-" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("B").ToUpper().Substring(1, 8) + ".avi"); var pathEncoded = Path.Combine(vegas.TemporaryFilesPath, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(vegas.Project.FilePath) + "-" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("B").ToUpper().Substring(1, 8) + ".avi"); var pathDatamoshedBase = Path.Combine(finalFolder, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(vegas.Project.FilePath) + "-" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("B").ToUpper().Substring(1, 8)); var pathDatamoshed = pathDatamoshedBase + ".avi"; var pathEncodedEscape = pathEncoded.Replace("\\", "/"); var pathDatamoshedEscape = pathDatamoshed.Replace("\\", "/"); var renderArgs = new RenderArgs { OutputFile = path, Start = Timecode.FromFrames(start.FrameCount - 1), Length = Timecode.FromFrames(length.FrameCount + 1), RenderTemplate = template }; var status = vegas.Render(renderArgs); if (status != RenderStatus.Complete) { MessageBox.Show("Unexpected render status: " + status); return; } string[] datamoshConfig = { "var input=\"" + pathEncodedEscape + "\";", "var output=\"" + pathDatamoshedEscape + "\";", "var size=" + size + ";", "var repeat=" + repeat + ";" }; File.WriteAllLines(Path.Combine(scriptDirectory, "_internal", "config_datamosh.js"), datamoshConfig); var encode = new Process { StartInfo = { UseShellExecute = false, FileName = Path.Combine(scriptDirectory, "_internal", "ffmpeg", "ffmpeg.exe"), WorkingDirectory = Path.Combine(scriptDirectory, "_internal"), Arguments = "-y -hide_banner -nostdin -i \"" + path + "\" -c:v libxvid -q:v 1 -g 1M -flags +mv4+qpel -mpeg_quant 1 -c:a copy \"" + pathEncoded + "\"", RedirectStandardOutput = true, RedirectStandardError = true, CreateNoWindow = true } }; encode.Start(); var output = encode.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd(); var error = encode.StandardError.ReadToEnd(); Debug.WriteLine(output); Debug.WriteLine("---------------------"); Debug.WriteLine(error); encode.WaitForExit(); File.Delete(path); File.Delete(path + ".sfl"); var datamosh = new Process { StartInfo = { UseShellExecute = false, FileName = Path.Combine(scriptDirectory, "_internal", "avidemux", "avidemux2_cli.exe"), WorkingDirectory = Path.Combine(scriptDirectory, "_internal"), Arguments = "--nogui --run avidemux_datamosh.js", RedirectStandardInput = true, RedirectStandardOutput = true, RedirectStandardError = true, CreateNoWindow = true } }; datamosh.Start(); datamosh.StandardInput.WriteLine("n"); output = datamosh.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd(); error = datamosh.StandardError.ReadToEnd(); Debug.WriteLine(output); Debug.WriteLine("---------------------"); Debug.WriteLine(error); datamosh.WaitForExit(); File.Delete(pathEncoded); File.Delete(pathEncoded + ".sfl"); var media = vegas.Project.MediaPool.AddMedia(pathDatamoshed); media.TimecodeIn = Timecode.FromFrames(1); VideoEvent videoEvent = null; if (videoTrack != null) { videoEvent = videoTrack.AddVideoEvent(start, Timecode.FromFrames(1 + length.FrameCount + (repeat - 1) * size)); videoEvent.AddTake(media.GetVideoStreamByIndex(0)); } AudioEvent audioEvent = null; if (audioTrack != null) { audioEvent = audioTrack.AddAudioEvent(start, Timecode.FromFrames(1 + length.FrameCount + (repeat - 1) * size)); audioEvent.AddTake(media.GetAudioStreamByIndex(0)); } if (videoTrack != null && audioTrack != null) { var group = new TrackEventGroup(); vegas.Project.Groups.Add(group); group.Add(videoEvent); group.Add(audioEvent); } } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show("Unexpected exception: " + e.Message); Debug.WriteLine(e); } }
public void FromVegas(Vegas vegas) { var start = vegas.Transport.LoopRegionStart; var length = vegas.Transport.LoopRegionLength; try { var frameRate = vegas.Project.Video.FrameRate; var frameRateInt = (int)Math.Round(frameRate * 1000); var scriptDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(Script.File); if (scriptDirectory == null) { MessageBox.Show("Couldn't get script directory path!"); return; } var template = GetTemplate(vegas, frameRateInt); if (template == null) { GetStandardTemplates(vegas); GetTemplate(vegas, frameRateInt); MessageBox.Show( "Render template generated for the current frame rate. Please restart Sony Vegas and run the script again."); return; } VideoTrack videoTrack = null; for (var i = vegas.Project.Tracks.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { videoTrack = vegas.Project.Tracks[i] as VideoTrack; if (videoTrack != null) { break; } } AudioTrack audioTrack = null; for (var i = 0; i < vegas.Project.Tracks.Count; i++) { audioTrack = vegas.Project.Tracks[i] as AudioTrack; if (audioTrack != null) { break; } } if (videoTrack == null && audioTrack == null) { MessageBox.Show("No tracks found!"); return; } var changed = false; var finalFolder = (string)Registry.GetValue( "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\SOFTWARE\\Sony Creative Software\\Custom Presets", "RenderClipFolder", ""); while (string.IsNullOrEmpty(finalFolder) || !Directory.Exists(finalFolder)) { MessageBox.Show("Select the folder to put generated rendered clips into.\n" + "(As they are stored uncompressed with alpha, they can take a lot of space (think 1 GB/minute). " + "Choose a location with a lot of available space and go remove some clips there if you need space.)"); changed = true; var dialog = new CommonOpenFileDialog { IsFolderPicker = true, EnsurePathExists = true, EnsureFileExists = false, AllowNonFileSystemItems = false, DefaultFileName = "Select Folder", Title = "Select the folder to put generated rendered clips into" }; if (dialog.ShowDialog() != CommonFileDialogResult.Ok) { MessageBox.Show("No folder selected"); return; } finalFolder = dialog.FileName; } if (changed) { Registry.SetValue( "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\SOFTWARE\\Sony Creative Software\\Custom Presets", "RenderClipFolder", finalFolder, RegistryValueKind.String); } var path = Path.Combine(vegas.TemporaryFilesPath, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(vegas.Project.FilePath) + "-" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("B").ToUpper().Substring(1, 8) + ".avi"); var pathEncoded = Path.Combine(vegas.TemporaryFilesPath, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(vegas.Project.FilePath) + "-" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("B").ToUpper().Substring(1, 8) + ".avi"); var renderArgs = new RenderArgs { OutputFile = path, Start = Timecode.FromFrames(start.FrameCount), Length = Timecode.FromFrames(length.FrameCount), RenderTemplate = template }; var status = vegas.Render(renderArgs); if (status != RenderStatus.Complete) { MessageBox.Show("Unexpected render status: " + status); return; } File.Delete(pathEncoded + ".sfl"); var media = vegas.Project.MediaPool.AddMedia(path); VideoEvent videoEvent = null; if (videoTrack != null) { videoEvent = videoTrack.AddVideoEvent(start, length); ((VideoStream)videoEvent.AddTake(media.GetVideoStreamByIndex(0)).MediaStream).AlphaChannel = VideoAlphaType.Straight; } AudioEvent audioEvent = null; if (audioTrack != null) { audioEvent = audioTrack.AddAudioEvent(start, length); audioEvent.AddTake(media.GetAudioStreamByIndex(0)); } if (videoTrack != null && audioTrack != null) { var group = new TrackEventGroup(); vegas.Project.Groups.Add(group); group.Add(videoEvent); group.Add(audioEvent); } } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show("Unexpected exception: " + e.Message); Debug.WriteLine(e); } }
public void FromVegas(Vegas vegas) { // Collect lists of the audio of media with video // and video events of media with audio List <TrackEvent> evtListAudio = new List <TrackEvent>(); List <TrackEvent> evtListVideo = new List <TrackEvent>(); foreach (Track trkItem in vegas.Project.Tracks) { foreach (TrackEvent evtItem in trkItem.Events) { if ((evtItem.MediaType == MediaType.Audio) && (evtItem.ActiveTake.Media.HasVideo())) { evtListAudio.Add(evtItem); } else if ((evtItem.MediaType == MediaType.Video) && (evtItem.ActiveTake.Media.HasAudio())) { evtListVideo.Add(evtItem); } } } // For all of the listed video events, group together any // audio events sharing the same start/end, and sharing the same media int numVidEvents = evtListVideo.Count; for (int ixVidEvt = 0; ixVidEvt < numVidEvents; ++ixVidEvt) { TrackEvent evtVid = evtListVideo[ixVidEvt]; TrackEventGroup grpTmp = null; bool matchFound = false; // defer creating a group, or adding the events to the group until a match is found // Walk the audio-event list in reverse order so matched items can be safetly removed from the list int numAudEvents = evtListAudio.Count; for (int ixAudEvt = numAudEvents - 1; ixAudEvt >= 0; --ixAudEvt) { TrackEvent evtAud = evtListAudio[ixAudEvt]; // For a match the event must; // have the same start and end points and reference the same media bool test1 = evtVid.Start == evtAud.Start; bool test2 = evtVid.End == evtAud.End; bool test3 = evtVid.ActiveTake.Media == evtAud.ActiveTake.Media; if (test1 && test2 && test3) { if (!matchFound) { // On the first match, create the group and add the video event matchFound = true; grpTmp = new TrackEventGroup(); vegas.Project.TrackEventGroups.Add(grpTmp); grpTmp.Add(evtVid); } // Add the matching audio event and remove it from the list leaving only unmatched events grpTmp.Add(evtAud); evtListAudio.RemoveAt(ixAudEvt); } } } }
private void buttonOk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (listViewTracks.SelectedItems.Count == 2) { Track t1 = listViewTracks.SelectedItems[0].Tag as Track; Track t2 = listViewTracks.SelectedItems[1].Tag as Track; if (t1.Events.Count != t2.Events.Count) { MessageBox.Show("Você selecionou duas faixas com quantidades de eventos diferentes.\nOs eventos serão agrupados apenas até a contagem de eventos da menor faixa."); } try { for (int i = 0; i < t1.Events.Count; i++) { TrackEventGroup g = new TrackEventGroup(); MyVegas.Project.TrackEventGroups.Add(g); g.Add(t1.Events[i]); g.Add(t2.Events[i]); } } catch { } finally { Close(); } } else MessageBox.Show("Selecione somente duas faixas na lista"); }