Example #1
 private void InitializeComponent()
     label1    = new Label();
     trackBar1 = new TrackBar();
     label1.AutoSize          = true;
     label1.Location          = new Point(12, 11);
     label1.Name              = "label1";
     label1.Size              = new Size(0x21, 13);
     label1.TabIndex          = 0;
     label1.Text              = "name";
     trackBar1.Location       = new Point(0xcc, 7);
     trackBar1.Name           = "trackBar1";
     trackBar1.Size           = new Size(0x144, 0x2d);
     trackBar1.TabIndex       = 1;
     trackBar1.TickStyle      = TickStyle.None;
     trackBar1.Scroll        += new EventHandler(trackBar1_Scroll);
     base.AutoScaleDimensions = new SizeF(6f, 13f);
     base.AutoScaleMode       = AutoScaleMode.Font;
     base.Name = "xex_slider";
     base.Size = new Size(0x213, 0x23);
Example #2
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 private void InitializeComponent()
     formPanel1            = new TableLayoutPanel();
     bookPanel             = new TableLayoutPanel();
     bookStockLabel        = new FlatLabel();
     bookGuidLabel         = new FlatLabel();
     bookTitleLabel        = new FlatLabel();
     bookPriceLabel        = new FlatLabel();
     bookGuid              = new TextBox();
     bookTitle             = new ComboBox();
     bookPricePanel        = new TableLayoutPanel();
     currencyLabel1        = new FlatBadge();
     bookPrice             = new Label();
     bookStockPanel        = new TableLayoutPanel();
     unitLabel1            = new FlatBadge();
     bookStock             = new Label();
     customerPanel         = new TableLayoutPanel();
     customerLocationLabel = new FlatLabel();
     customerGuidLabel     = new FlatLabel();
     customerNameLabel     = new FlatLabel();
     customerEmailLabel    = new FlatLabel();
     customerGuid          = new TextBox();
     customerEmail         = new Label();
     customerLocation      = new Label();
     customerNamePanel     = new FlowLayoutPanel();
     customerName          = new ComboBox();
     customerNameButton    = new Button();
     customerLabel         = new FlatHeader();
     bookLabel             = new FlatHeader();
     formPanel2            = new TableLayoutPanel();
     purchasePanel         = new TableLayoutPanel();
     purchaseQuantityLabel = new FlatLabel();
     purchaseTotalPanel    = new TableLayoutPanel();
     currencyLabel2        = new FlatBadge();
     purchaseTotal         = new Label();
     purchaseTotalLabel    = new FlatLabel();
     purchaseQuantityPanel = new TableLayoutPanel();
     unitLabel2            = new FlatBadge();
     purchaseQuantityInfo  = new Label();
     purchaseQuantity      = new TrackBar();
     buttonPanel           = new FlowLayoutPanel();
     buttonCancel          = new FlatButton();
     buttonConfirm         = new FlatButton();
     purchaseLabel         = new FlatHeader();
     // formPanel1
     formPanel1.BackColor   = SystemColors.ControlDark;
     formPanel1.ColumnCount = 2;
     formPanel1.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.Percent, 50F));
     formPanel1.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.Percent, 50F));
     formPanel1.Controls.Add(customerLabel, 0, 0);
     formPanel1.Controls.Add(customerPanel, 0, 1);
     formPanel1.Controls.Add(bookLabel, 1, 0);
     formPanel1.Controls.Add(bookPanel, 1, 1);
     formPanel1.Dock     = DockStyle.Top;
     formPanel1.Location = new Point(0, 0);
     formPanel1.Name     = "formPanel1";
     formPanel1.RowCount = 2;
     formPanel1.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.Absolute, 27F));
     formPanel1.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.Percent, 100F));
     formPanel1.Size = new Size(624, 160);
     // bookPanel
     bookPanel.BackColor       = Color.Gainsboro;
     bookPanel.CellBorderStyle = TableLayoutPanelCellBorderStyle.Single;
     bookPanel.ColumnCount     = 2;
     bookPanel.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.Absolute, 60F));
     bookPanel.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.Percent, 100F));
     bookPanel.Controls.Add(bookGuidLabel, 0, 0);
     bookPanel.Controls.Add(bookGuid, 1, 0);
     bookPanel.Controls.Add(bookTitleLabel, 0, 1);
     bookPanel.Controls.Add(bookTitle, 1, 1);
     bookPanel.Controls.Add(bookPriceLabel, 0, 2);
     bookPanel.Controls.Add(bookPricePanel, 1, 2);
     bookPanel.Controls.Add(bookStockLabel, 0, 3);
     bookPanel.Controls.Add(bookStockPanel, 1, 3);
     bookPanel.Dock     = DockStyle.Fill;
     bookPanel.Location = new Point(312, 27);
     bookPanel.Margin   = new Padding(0);
     bookPanel.Name     = "bookPanel";
     bookPanel.Padding  = new Padding(2, 4, 4, 4);
     bookPanel.RowCount = 4;
     bookPanel.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.Percent, 25F));
     bookPanel.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.Percent, 25F));
     bookPanel.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.Percent, 25F));
     bookPanel.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.Percent, 25F));
     bookPanel.Size = new Size(312, 133);
     // currencyLabel1
     currencyLabel1.Location = new Point(208, 0);
     currencyLabel1.Name     = "currencyLabel1";
     currencyLabel1.Size     = new Size(26, 24);
     currencyLabel1.Text     = "€";
     // currencyLabel2
     currencyLabel2.Location = new Point(518, 0);
     currencyLabel2.Name     = "currencyLabel2";
     currencyLabel2.Size     = new Size(26, 30);
     currencyLabel2.Text     = "€";
     // unitLabel1
     unitLabel1.Location = new Point(208, 0);
     unitLabel1.Name     = "unitLabel1";
     unitLabel1.Size     = new Size(26, 24);
     unitLabel1.Text     = "Un";
     // unitLabel2
     unitLabel2.Location = new Point(518, 0);
     unitLabel2.Name     = "unitLabel2";
     unitLabel2.Size     = new Size(26, 29);
     unitLabel2.Text     = "Un";
     // bookGuidLabel
     bookGuidLabel.Location = new Point(3, 5);
     bookGuidLabel.Name     = "bookGuidLabel";
     bookGuidLabel.Size     = new Size(60, 30);
     bookGuidLabel.Text     = "GUID";
     // bookPriceLabel
     bookPriceLabel.Location = new Point(3, 67);
     bookPriceLabel.Name     = "bookPriceLabel";
     bookPriceLabel.Size     = new Size(60, 30);
     bookPriceLabel.Text     = "Price";
     // bookStockLabel
     bookStockLabel.Location = new Point(3, 98);
     bookStockLabel.Name     = "bookStockLabel";
     bookStockLabel.Size     = new Size(60, 30);
     bookStockLabel.Text     = "Stock";
     // bookTitleLabel
     bookTitleLabel.Location = new Point(3, 36);
     bookTitleLabel.Name     = "bookTitleLabel";
     bookTitleLabel.Size     = new Size(60, 30);
     bookTitleLabel.Text     = "Title";
     // bookGuid
     bookGuid.Anchor           = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right;
     bookGuid.Enabled          = false;
     bookGuid.Location         = new Point(68, 10);
     bookGuid.Margin           = new Padding(4);
     bookGuid.Name             = "bookGuid";
     bookGuid.ReadOnly         = true;
     bookGuid.ShortcutsEnabled = false;
     bookGuid.Size             = new Size(235, 20);
     // bookPrice
     bookPrice.Dock      = DockStyle.Fill;
     bookPrice.Location  = new Point(3, 0);
     bookPrice.Name      = "bookPrice";
     bookPrice.Size      = new Size(199, 24);
     bookPrice.Text      = "0,00";
     bookPrice.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleRight;
     // bookStock
     bookStock.Dock      = DockStyle.Fill;
     bookStock.Location  = new Point(3, 0);
     bookStock.Name      = "bookStock";
     bookStock.Size      = new Size(199, 24);
     bookStock.Text      = "0";
     bookStock.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleRight;
     // bookTitle
     bookTitle.Anchor                = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right;
     bookTitle.DropDownStyle         = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList;
     bookTitle.Location              = new Point(68, 40);
     bookTitle.Margin                = new Padding(4);
     bookTitle.Name                  = "bookTitle";
     bookTitle.Size                  = new Size(235, 21);
     bookTitle.TabIndex              = 4;
     bookTitle.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(BookTitle_SelectedIndexChanged);
     // bookPricePanel
     bookPricePanel.ColumnCount = 2;
     bookPricePanel.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.Percent, 100F));
     bookPricePanel.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.Absolute, 32F));
     bookPricePanel.Controls.Add(bookPrice, 0, 0);
     bookPricePanel.Controls.Add(currencyLabel1, 1, 0);
     bookPricePanel.Dock     = DockStyle.Fill;
     bookPricePanel.Location = new Point(67, 70);
     bookPricePanel.Name     = "bookPricePanel";
     bookPricePanel.RowCount = 1;
     bookPricePanel.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.Percent, 100F));
     bookPricePanel.Size = new Size(237, 24);
     // bookStockPanel
     bookStockPanel.ColumnCount = 2;
     bookStockPanel.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.Percent, 100F));
     bookStockPanel.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.Absolute, 32F));
     bookStockPanel.Controls.Add(bookStock, 0, 0);
     bookStockPanel.Controls.Add(unitLabel1, 1, 0);
     bookStockPanel.Dock     = DockStyle.Fill;
     bookStockPanel.Location = new Point(67, 101);
     bookStockPanel.Name     = "bookStockPanel";
     bookStockPanel.RowCount = 1;
     bookStockPanel.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.Percent, 100F));
     bookStockPanel.Size = new Size(237, 24);
     // customerPanel
     customerPanel.BackColor       = Color.Gainsboro;
     customerPanel.CellBorderStyle = TableLayoutPanelCellBorderStyle.Single;
     customerPanel.ColumnCount     = 2;
     customerPanel.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.Absolute, 60F));
     customerPanel.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.Percent, 100F));
     customerPanel.Controls.Add(customerGuidLabel, 0, 0);
     customerPanel.Controls.Add(customerGuid, 1, 0);
     customerPanel.Controls.Add(customerNameLabel, 0, 1);
     customerPanel.Controls.Add(customerNamePanel, 1, 1);
     customerPanel.Controls.Add(customerEmailLabel, 0, 2);
     customerPanel.Controls.Add(customerEmail, 1, 2);
     customerPanel.Controls.Add(customerLocationLabel, 0, 3);
     customerPanel.Controls.Add(customerLocation, 1, 3);
     customerPanel.Dock     = DockStyle.Fill;
     customerPanel.Location = new Point(0, 27);
     customerPanel.Margin   = new Padding(0);
     customerPanel.Name     = "customerPanel";
     customerPanel.Padding  = new Padding(4, 4, 2, 4);
     customerPanel.RowCount = 4;
     customerPanel.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.Percent, 25F));
     customerPanel.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.Percent, 25F));
     customerPanel.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.Percent, 25F));
     customerPanel.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.Percent, 25F));
     customerPanel.Size = new Size(312, 133);
     // customerEmail
     customerEmail.Dock      = DockStyle.Fill;
     customerEmail.Location  = new Point(70, 71);
     customerEmail.Margin    = new Padding(4);
     customerEmail.Name      = "customerEmail";
     customerEmail.Size      = new Size(235, 22);
     customerEmail.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft;
     // customerEmailLabel
     customerEmailLabel.Location = new Point(5, 67);
     customerEmailLabel.Name     = "customerEmailLabel";
     customerEmailLabel.Size     = new Size(60, 30);
     customerEmailLabel.Text     = "E-mail";
     // customerGuid
     customerGuid.Anchor   = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right;
     customerGuid.Enabled  = false;
     customerGuid.Location = new Point(70, 10);
     customerGuid.Margin   = new Padding(4);
     customerGuid.Name     = "customerGuid";
     customerGuid.ReadOnly = true;
     customerGuid.Size     = new Size(235, 20);
     // customerGuidLabel
     customerGuidLabel.Location = new Point(5, 5);
     customerGuidLabel.Name     = "customerGuidLabel";
     customerGuidLabel.Size     = new Size(60, 30);
     customerGuidLabel.Text     = "GUID";
     // customerLocation
     customerLocation.Dock      = DockStyle.Fill;
     customerLocation.Location  = new Point(70, 102);
     customerLocation.Margin    = new Padding(4);
     customerLocation.Name      = "customerLocation";
     customerLocation.Size      = new Size(235, 22);
     customerLocation.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft;
     // customerLocationLabel
     customerLocationLabel.Location = new Point(5, 98);
     customerLocationLabel.Name     = "customerLocationLabel";
     customerLocationLabel.Size     = new Size(60, 30);
     customerLocationLabel.Text     = "Location";
     // customerName
     customerName.Anchor                = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right;
     customerName.DropDownStyle         = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList;
     customerName.Location              = new Point(0, 1);
     customerName.Margin                = new Padding(0);
     customerName.Name                  = "customerName";
     customerName.Size                  = new Size(205, 21);
     customerName.TabIndex              = 2;
     customerName.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(CustomerName_SelectedIndexChanged);
     // customerNameButton
     customerNameButton.Location = new Point(205, 0);
     customerNameButton.Margin   = new Padding(0);
     customerNameButton.Name     = "customerNameButton";
     customerNameButton.Size     = new Size(32, 23);
     customerNameButton.TabIndex = 3;
     customerNameButton.Text     = "...";
     customerNameButton.Click   += new EventHandler(CustomerNameButton_Click);
     // customerNameLabel
     customerNameLabel.Location = new Point(5, 36);
     customerNameLabel.Name     = "customerNameLabel";
     customerNameLabel.Size     = new Size(60, 30);
     customerNameLabel.Text     = "Name";
     // customerNamePanel
     customerNamePanel.Dock     = DockStyle.Fill;
     customerNamePanel.Location = new Point(69, 39);
     customerNamePanel.Name     = "customerNamePanel";
     customerNamePanel.Size     = new Size(237, 24);
     // customerLabel
     customerLabel.Location = new Point(2, 2);
     customerLabel.Name     = "customerLabel";
     customerLabel.Size     = new Size(308, 23);
     customerLabel.Text     = "Customer";
     // bookLabel
     bookLabel.Location = new Point(314, 2);
     bookLabel.Name     = "bookLabel";
     bookLabel.Size     = new Size(308, 23);
     bookLabel.Text     = "Book";
     // formPanel2
     formPanel2.BackColor   = SystemColors.ControlDark;
     formPanel2.ColumnCount = 1;
     formPanel2.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.Percent, 100F));
     formPanel2.Controls.Add(purchaseLabel, 0, 0);
     formPanel2.Controls.Add(purchasePanel, 0, 1);
     formPanel2.Controls.Add(buttonPanel, 0, 2);
     formPanel2.Dock     = DockStyle.Fill;
     formPanel2.Location = new Point(0, 160);
     formPanel2.Name     = "formPanel2";
     formPanel2.RowCount = 3;
     formPanel2.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.Absolute, 27F));
     formPanel2.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.Percent, 100F));
     formPanel2.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.Absolute, 34F));
     formPanel2.Size = new Size(624, 143);
     // purchasePanel
     purchasePanel.BackColor       = Color.Gainsboro;
     purchasePanel.CellBorderStyle = TableLayoutPanelCellBorderStyle.Single;
     purchasePanel.ColumnCount     = 2;
     purchasePanel.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.Absolute, 60F));
     purchasePanel.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.Percent, 100F));
     purchasePanel.Controls.Add(purchaseQuantityLabel, 0, 0);
     purchasePanel.Controls.Add(purchaseQuantityPanel, 1, 0);
     purchasePanel.Controls.Add(purchaseTotalLabel, 0, 1);
     purchasePanel.Controls.Add(purchaseTotalPanel, 1, 1);
     purchasePanel.Dock     = DockStyle.Fill;
     purchasePanel.Location = new Point(0, 27);
     purchasePanel.Margin   = new Padding(0);
     purchasePanel.Name     = "purchasePanel";
     purchasePanel.Padding  = new Padding(4);
     purchasePanel.RowCount = 2;
     purchasePanel.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.Percent, 50F));
     purchasePanel.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.Percent, 50F));
     purchasePanel.Size = new Size(624, 82);
     // purchaseQuantity
     purchaseQuantity.Dock      = DockStyle.Fill;
     purchaseQuantity.Location  = new Point(3, 3);
     purchaseQuantity.Minimum   = 1;
     purchaseQuantity.Name      = "purchaseQuantity";
     purchaseQuantity.Size      = new Size(461, 23);
     purchaseQuantity.TabIndex  = 5;
     purchaseQuantity.TickStyle = TickStyle.None;
     purchaseQuantity.Value     = 1;
     purchaseQuantity.Scroll   += new EventHandler(PurchaseQuantity_Scroll);
     // purchaseQuantityInfo
     purchaseQuantityInfo.Dock      = DockStyle.Fill;
     purchaseQuantityInfo.Location  = new Point(470, 0);
     purchaseQuantityInfo.Name      = "purchaseQuantityInfo";
     purchaseQuantityInfo.Size      = new Size(42, 29);
     purchaseQuantityInfo.Text      = "1";
     purchaseQuantityInfo.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleRight;
     // purchaseQuantityLabel
     purchaseQuantityLabel.Location = new Point(5, 5);
     purchaseQuantityLabel.Name     = "purchaseQuantityLabel";
     purchaseQuantityLabel.Size     = new Size(60, 35);
     purchaseQuantityLabel.Text     = "Quantity";
     // purchaseQuantityPanel
     purchaseQuantityPanel.ColumnCount = 3;
     purchaseQuantityPanel.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.Percent, 100F));
     purchaseQuantityPanel.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.Absolute, 48F));
     purchaseQuantityPanel.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.Absolute, 32F));
     purchaseQuantityPanel.Controls.Add(purchaseQuantity, 0, 0);
     purchaseQuantityPanel.Controls.Add(purchaseQuantityInfo, 1, 0);
     purchaseQuantityPanel.Controls.Add(unitLabel2, 2, 0);
     purchaseQuantityPanel.Dock     = DockStyle.Fill;
     purchaseQuantityPanel.Location = new Point(69, 8);
     purchaseQuantityPanel.Name     = "purchaseQuantityPanel";
     purchaseQuantityPanel.RowCount = 1;
     purchaseQuantityPanel.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.Percent, 100F));
     purchaseQuantityPanel.Size = new Size(547, 29);
     // purchaseTotal
     purchaseTotal.Dock      = DockStyle.Fill;
     purchaseTotal.Location  = new Point(3, 0);
     purchaseTotal.Name      = "purchaseTotal";
     purchaseTotal.Size      = new Size(509, 30);
     purchaseTotal.Text      = "0,00";
     purchaseTotal.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleRight;
     // purchaseTotalLabel
     purchaseTotalLabel.Location = new Point(5, 41);
     purchaseTotalLabel.Name     = "purchaseTotalLabel";
     purchaseTotalLabel.Size     = new Size(60, 36);
     purchaseTotalLabel.Text     = "Total";
     // purchaseTotalPanel
     purchaseTotalPanel.ColumnCount = 2;
     purchaseTotalPanel.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.Percent, 100F));
     purchaseTotalPanel.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.Absolute, 32F));
     purchaseTotalPanel.Controls.Add(purchaseTotal, 0, 0);
     purchaseTotalPanel.Controls.Add(currencyLabel2, 1, 0);
     purchaseTotalPanel.Dock     = DockStyle.Fill;
     purchaseTotalPanel.Location = new Point(69, 44);
     purchaseTotalPanel.Name     = "purchaseTotalPanel";
     purchaseTotalPanel.RowCount = 1;
     purchaseTotalPanel.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.Percent, 100F));
     purchaseTotalPanel.Size = new Size(547, 30);
     // buttonCancel
     buttonCancel.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel;
     buttonCancel.Location     = new Point(492, 5);
     buttonCancel.Margin       = new Padding(2, 3, 0, 3);
     buttonCancel.Name         = "buttonCancel";
     buttonCancel.Size         = new Size(128, 24);
     buttonCancel.TabIndex     = 1;
     buttonCancel.Text         = "Cancel";
     // buttonConfirm
     buttonConfirm.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
     buttonConfirm.Location     = new Point(360, 5);
     buttonConfirm.Margin       = new Padding(0, 3, 2, 3);
     buttonConfirm.Name         = "buttonConfirm";
     buttonConfirm.Size         = new Size(128, 24);
     buttonConfirm.TabIndex     = 0;
     buttonConfirm.Text         = "Confirm";
     // buttonPanel
     buttonPanel.BackColor = SystemColors.ControlDark;
     buttonPanel.Dock          = DockStyle.Fill;
     buttonPanel.FlowDirection = FlowDirection.RightToLeft;
     buttonPanel.Location      = new Point(0, 109);
     buttonPanel.Margin        = new Padding(0);
     buttonPanel.Name          = "buttonPanel";
     buttonPanel.Padding       = new Padding(2);
     buttonPanel.Size          = new Size(624, 34);
     // purchaseLabel
     purchaseLabel.Location = new Point(2, 2);
     purchaseLabel.Name     = "purchaseLabel";
     purchaseLabel.Size     = new Size(620, 23);
     purchaseLabel.Text     = "Purchase";
     // PurchaseForm
     AcceptButton = buttonConfirm;
     CancelButton = buttonCancel;
     ClientSize   = new Size(624, 303);
     Name  = "PurchaseForm";
     Text  = "Register Purchase";
     Load += new EventHandler(PurchaseForm_Load);
Example #3
    ///<para>Constructs and initializes all child controls of this dialog box.</para>
    private void InitializeComponent()
        // Label with to display current opacity level
        Label Label1 = new Label();

        Label1.AutoSize = true;
        Label1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(4, 8);
        Label1.Text     = "1. Drag&&Drop an image file from windows explorer into this window.";

        Label Label2 = new Label();

        Label2.AutoSize = true;
        Label2.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(4, 38);
        Label2.Text     = "2. Play with the opacity level [0..255]:";

        // Label with to display current opacity level
        LabelValue          = new Label();
        LabelValue.AutoSize = true;
        LabelValue.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(195, 38);
        LabelValue.Text     = "255";


        // Trackbar to change opacity level
        Track = new TrackBar();

        Track.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(18, 58);
        Track.Size     = new System.Drawing.Size(310, 0);
        Track.Maximum       = 255;
        Track.TickFrequency = 5;
        Track.TickStyle     = TickStyle.TopLeft;
        Track.Value         = 255;

        Track.ValueChanged += new EventHandler(Track_ValueChanged);


        Label Label3 = new Label();

        Label3.AutoSize = true;
        Label3.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(4, 108);
        Label3.Text     = "3. Drag the layered window arround you desktop!";

        // Label with two links to me! :)
        LinkLabel Link = new LinkLabel();

        Link.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(4, 140);
        Link.Size     = new System.Drawing.Size(250, 80);
        Link.Text     = "by Rui Lopes <*****@*****.**>";
        Link.Links.Add(3, 9, "http://www.ruilopes.com");
        Link.Links.Add(14, 16, "mailto:[email protected]");

        Link.LinkClicked += new LinkLabelLinkClickedEventHandler(Link_LinkClicked);


        // TestForm will containt the per-pixel-alpha dib
        TestForm = new MyPerPixelAlphaForm();
 private void InitializeComponent()
     components                  = new Container();
     treeView1                   = new TreeView();
     contextMenuStrip1           = new ContextMenuStrip(components);
     deleteItemToolStripMenuItem = new ToolStripMenuItem();
     poke_changes                = new Button();
     save_add      = new Button();
     Description   = new TextBox();
     DefaultValue  = new TextBox();
     OffsetName    = new TextBox();
     Class         = new TextBox();
     Offset        = new TextBox();
     poke_value    = new TextBox();
     poke_offset   = new TextBox();
     comboBox1     = new ComboBox();
     button1       = new Button();
     Value_type    = new ComboBox();
     get_value     = new Button();
     checkBox1     = new CheckBox();
     button2       = new Button();
     button3       = new Button();
     panel1        = new Panel();
     button4       = new Button();
     textBox1      = new TextBox();
     filter        = new TextBox();
     comboBox2     = new ComboBox();
     checkBox2     = new CheckBox();
     GameSelector  = new ComboBox();
     trackBar1     = new TrackBar();
     textBox2      = new TextBox();
     textBox3      = new TextBox();
     pokeall_value = new TextBox();
     button5       = new Button();
     textBox4      = new TextBox();
     mapmagic      = new TextBox();
     startoff      = new TextBox();
     endoff        = new TextBox();
     memcheck      = new CheckBox();
     treeView1.Anchor           = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Top;
     treeView1.ContextMenuStrip = contextMenuStrip1;
     treeView1.Location         = new Point(12, 0x25);
     treeView1.Name             = "treeView1";
     treeView1.Size             = new Size(0x101, 0x153);
     treeView1.TabIndex         = 14;
     treeView1.AfterSelect     += new TreeViewEventHandler(treeView1_AfterSelect);
     contextMenuStrip1.Items.AddRange(new ToolStripItem[] { deleteItemToolStripMenuItem });
     contextMenuStrip1.Name             = "contextMenuStrip1";
     contextMenuStrip1.Size             = new Size(0x99, 0x30);
     deleteItemToolStripMenuItem.Name   = "deleteItemToolStripMenuItem";
     deleteItemToolStripMenuItem.Size   = new Size(0x98, 0x16);
     deleteItemToolStripMenuItem.Text   = "Delete Item";
     deleteItemToolStripMenuItem.Click += new EventHandler(deleteItemToolStripMenuItem_Click);
     poke_changes.Anchor   = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Bottom;
     poke_changes.Location = new Point(0x1fc, 0x164);
     poke_changes.Name     = "poke_changes";
     poke_changes.Size     = new Size(0x72, 20);
     poke_changes.TabIndex = 12;
     poke_changes.Text     = "Poke Changes";
     poke_changes.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
     poke_changes.Click += new EventHandler(poke_changes_Click);
     save_add.Location   = new Point(0x113, 11);
     save_add.Name       = "save_add";
     save_add.Size       = new Size(0x15b, 20);
     save_add.TabIndex   = 13;
     save_add.Text       = "Save/Add To List";
     save_add.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
     save_add.Click             += new EventHandler(save_add_Click_1);
     Description.Anchor          = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Top;
     Description.Location        = new Point(0x113, 0x73);
     Description.Multiline       = true;
     Description.Name            = "Description";
     Description.Size            = new Size(0x15b, 0xd1);
     Description.TabIndex        = 11;
     Description.Text            = "Description";
     DefaultValue.Location       = new Point(0x113, 0x59);
     DefaultValue.Name           = "DefaultValue";
     DefaultValue.Size           = new Size(0xad, 20);
     DefaultValue.TabIndex       = 6;
     DefaultValue.Text           = "Default Value";
     OffsetName.Location         = new Point(0x113, 0x3f);
     OffsetName.Name             = "OffsetName";
     OffsetName.Size             = new Size(0x15b, 20);
     OffsetName.TabIndex         = 9;
     OffsetName.Text             = "Name";
     Class.Location              = new Point(0x113, 0x25);
     Class.Name                  = "Class";
     Class.Size                  = new Size(0xad, 20);
     Class.TabIndex              = 8;
     Class.Text                  = "Class";
     Offset.Location             = new Point(0x1c0, 0x25);
     Offset.Name                 = "Offset";
     Offset.Size                 = new Size(0xae, 20);
     Offset.TabIndex             = 7;
     Offset.Text                 = "Offset";
     Offset.TextChanged         += new EventHandler(Offset_TextChanged);
     poke_value.Anchor           = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Bottom;
     poke_value.Location         = new Point(0x1c1, 330);
     poke_value.Name             = "poke_value";
     poke_value.Size             = new Size(0xad, 20);
     poke_value.TabIndex         = 7;
     poke_value.Text             = "Value";
     poke_offset.Anchor          = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Bottom;
     poke_offset.Location        = new Point(0x114, 330);
     poke_offset.Name            = "poke_offset";
     poke_offset.Size            = new Size(0x72, 20);
     poke_offset.TabIndex        = 8;
     poke_offset.Text            = "Offset";
     poke_offset.TextChanged    += new EventHandler(poke_offset_TextChanged);
     comboBox1.Anchor            = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Bottom;
     comboBox1.FormattingEnabled = true;
     comboBox1.Items.AddRange(new object[] { "String", "Unicode String", "ASCII String", "Float", "Double", "Long", "Quad", "Byte", "Short", "Bytes" });
     comboBox1.Location              = new Point(0x114, 0x163);
     comboBox1.Name                  = "comboBox1";
     comboBox1.Size                  = new Size(0x52, 0x15);
     comboBox1.TabIndex              = 15;
     comboBox1.Text                  = "Float";
     comboBox1.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(comboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged);
     button1.Anchor                  = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Bottom;
     button1.Location                = new Point(12, 0x17e);
     button1.Name     = "button1";
     button1.Size     = new Size(0x101, 20);
     button1.TabIndex = 0x10;
     button1.Text     = "Update Offsets from File";
     button1.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
     button1.Click += new EventHandler(button1_Click_1);
     Value_type.FormattingEnabled = true;
     Value_type.Items.AddRange(new object[] { "String", "Unicode String", "ASCII String", "Float", "Double", "Long", "Quad", "Byte", "Bytes", "Short" });
     Value_type.Location              = new Point(450, 0x58);
     Value_type.Name                  = "Value_type";
     Value_type.Size                  = new Size(0xac, 0x15);
     Value_type.TabIndex              = 15;
     Value_type.Text                  = "Value Type";
     Value_type.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(Value_type_SelectedIndexChanged);
     get_value.Anchor                 = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Bottom;
     get_value.Location               = new Point(0x188, 0x164);
     get_value.Name     = "get_value";
     get_value.Size     = new Size(0x72, 20);
     get_value.TabIndex = 0x11;
     get_value.Text     = "Get Value";
     get_value.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
     get_value.Click     += new EventHandler(get_value_Click);
     checkBox1.Anchor     = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Bottom;
     checkBox1.AutoSize   = true;
     checkBox1.Checked    = true;
     checkBox1.CheckState = CheckState.Checked;
     checkBox1.Location   = new Point(0x1ac, 0x14d);
     checkBox1.Name       = "checkBox1";
     checkBox1.Size       = new Size(15, 14);
     checkBox1.TabIndex   = 0x12;
     checkBox1.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
     button2.Anchor   = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Bottom;
     button2.Location = new Point(0x18a, 330);
     button2.Name     = "button2";
     button2.Size     = new Size(14, 20);
     button2.TabIndex = 0x13;
     button2.Text     = "-";
     button2.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
     button2.Click   += new EventHandler(button2_Click);
     button3.Anchor   = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Bottom;
     button3.Location = new Point(410, 330);
     button3.Name     = "button3";
     button3.Size     = new Size(14, 20);
     button3.TabIndex = 0x13;
     button3.Text     = "+";
     button3.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
     button3.Click    += new EventHandler(button3_Click);
     panel1.Anchor     = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Top;
     panel1.AutoScroll = true;
     panel1.Location   = new Point(0x39f, 12);
     panel1.Name       = "panel1";
     panel1.Size       = new Size(0x1a2, 0x169);
     panel1.TabIndex   = 0x17;
     button4.Anchor    = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Bottom;
     button4.Location  = new Point(0x286, 0x17e);
     button4.Name      = "button4";
     button4.Size      = new Size(0x86, 20);
     button4.TabIndex  = 0x16;
     button4.Text      = "Parse Values";
     button4.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
     button4.Click              += new EventHandler(button4_Click);
     textBox1.Anchor             = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Top;
     textBox1.Location           = new Point(0x274, 0x25);
     textBox1.Multiline          = true;
     textBox1.Name               = "textBox1";
     textBox1.ScrollBars         = ScrollBars.Both;
     textBox1.Size               = new Size(0x125, 0x150);
     textBox1.TabIndex           = 20;
     textBox1.Click             += new EventHandler(textBox1_Click);
     filter.Anchor               = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Bottom;
     filter.Location             = new Point(0x343, 0x17f);
     filter.Name                 = "filter";
     filter.Size                 = new Size(0x56, 20);
     filter.TabIndex             = 0x18;
     comboBox2.Anchor            = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Bottom;
     comboBox2.FormattingEnabled = true;
     comboBox2.Items.AddRange(new object[] { "", "string", "float", "double", "long", "quad", "byte", "short" });
     comboBox2.Location = new Point(0x30e, 0x17e);
     comboBox2.Name     = "comboBox2";
     comboBox2.Size     = new Size(50, 0x15);
     comboBox2.TabIndex = 0x19;
     checkBox2.Anchor   = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Bottom;
     checkBox2.AutoSize = true;
     checkBox2.Location = new Point(0x274, 0x181);
     checkBox2.Name     = "checkBox2";
     checkBox2.Size     = new Size(15, 14);
     checkBox2.TabIndex = 0x1a;
     checkBox2.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
     GameSelector.FormattingEnabled    = true;
     GameSelector.Location             = new Point(13, 10);
     GameSelector.Name               = "GameSelector";
     GameSelector.Size               = new Size(0x100, 0x15);
     GameSelector.TabIndex           = 0x1b;
     GameSelector.Text               = "Halo Reach";
     GameSelector.TextChanged       += new EventHandler(GameSelector_TextChanged);
     trackBar1.Anchor                = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Bottom;
     trackBar1.Location              = new Point(0x188, 0x17d);
     trackBar1.Maximum               = 5;
     trackBar1.Minimum               = -5;
     trackBar1.Name                  = "trackBar1";
     trackBar1.Size                  = new Size(230, 0x2d);
     trackBar1.TabIndex              = 0x1c;
     trackBar1.TickStyle             = TickStyle.None;
     trackBar1.Scroll               += new EventHandler(trackBar1_Scroll);
     textBox2.Anchor                 = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Bottom;
     textBox2.Location               = new Point(0x113, 0x17e);
     textBox2.Name                   = "textBox2";
     textBox2.Size                   = new Size(0x38, 20);
     textBox2.TabIndex               = 0x1d;
     textBox2.Text                   = "-5";
     textBox2.TextChanged           += new EventHandler(textBox2_TextChanged);
     textBox3.Anchor                 = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Bottom;
     textBox3.Location               = new Point(0x14e, 0x17e);
     textBox3.Name                   = "textBox3";
     textBox3.Size                   = new Size(0x38, 20);
     textBox3.TabIndex               = 0x1d;
     textBox3.Text                   = "5";
     textBox3.TextChanged           += new EventHandler(textBox3_TextChanged);
     pokeall_value.Anchor            = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Bottom;
     pokeall_value.Location          = new Point(0x39f, 0x17f);
     pokeall_value.Name              = "pokeall_value";
     pokeall_value.Size              = new Size(0x139, 20);
     pokeall_value.TabIndex          = 30;
     button5.Anchor                  = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Bottom;
     button5.Location                = new Point(0x4de, 0x17f);
     button5.Name                    = "button5";
     button5.Size                    = new Size(0x63, 0x13);
     button5.TabIndex                = 0x1f;
     button5.Text                    = "Poke All";
     button5.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
     button5.Click                  += new EventHandler(button5_Click);
     textBox4.Anchor                 = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Bottom;
     textBox4.Location               = new Point(360, 0x163);
     textBox4.Name                   = "textBox4";
     textBox4.ReadOnly               = true;
     textBox4.Size                   = new Size(30, 20);
     textBox4.TabIndex               = 0x20;
     mapmagic.Location               = new Point(0x274, 12);
     mapmagic.Name                   = "mapmagic";
     mapmagic.Size                   = new Size(0x5b, 20);
     mapmagic.TabIndex               = 0x21;
     mapmagic.Text                   = "Magic";
     startoff.Location               = new Point(720, 12);
     startoff.Name                   = "startoff";
     startoff.Size                   = new Size(0x5b, 20);
     startoff.TabIndex               = 0x21;
     endoff.Location                 = new Point(0x32c, 12);
     endoff.Name       = "endoff";
     endoff.Size       = new Size(0x5b, 20);
     endoff.TabIndex   = 0x21;
     memcheck.AutoSize = true;
     memcheck.Location = new Point(0x389, 15);
     memcheck.Name     = "memcheck";
     memcheck.Size     = new Size(15, 14);
     memcheck.TabIndex = 0x22;
     memcheck.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
     base.AutoScaleDimensions         = new SizeF(6f, 13f);
     base.AutoScaleMode = AutoScaleMode.Font;
     base.ClientSize    = new Size(0x274, 0x19c);
     MaximumSize = new Size(0x55d, 850);
     MinimumSize = new Size(0x284, 450);
     base.Name   = "xex_offset_manager";
     Text        = "Memory Offset Manager";
Example #5
 private void InitializeComponent()
     components        = new Container();
     lblValueName      = new Label();
     txtValue          = new TextBox();
     contextMenuStrip1 = new ContextMenuStrip(components);
     displayInformationToolStripMenuItem = new ToolStripMenuItem();
     panel1    = new Panel();
     trackBar1 = new TrackBar();
     setMinimumValueToolStripMenuItem = new ToolStripMenuItem();
     applyToolStripMenuItem           = new ToolStripMenuItem();
     toolStripTextBox1 = new ToolStripTextBox();
     toolStripTextBox2 = new ToolStripTextBox();
     lblValueName.Font        = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 7f, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, 0);
     lblValueName.Location    = new Point(3, 5);
     lblValueName.Name        = "lblValueName";
     lblValueName.Size        = new Size(0xb9, 20);
     lblValueName.TabIndex    = 14;
     lblValueName.Text        = "name";
     lblValueName.TextAlign   = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft;
     lblValueName.MouseLeave += new EventHandler(uiValue_MouseLeave);
     lblValueName.MouseHover += new EventHandler(uiValue_MouseHover);
     txtValue.Anchor          = AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Top;
     txtValue.Location        = new Point(0x174, 5);
     txtValue.Name            = "txtValue";
     txtValue.Size            = new Size(90, 20);
     txtValue.TabIndex        = 0x10;
     txtValue.TextChanged    += new EventHandler(textBox1_TextChanged);
     txtValue.MouseLeave     += new EventHandler(uiValue_MouseLeave);
     txtValue.MouseHover     += new EventHandler(uiValue_MouseHover);
     contextMenuStrip1.Items.AddRange(new ToolStripItem[] { displayInformationToolStripMenuItem, setMinimumValueToolStripMenuItem });
     contextMenuStrip1.Name = "contextMenuStrip1";
     contextMenuStrip1.Size = new Size(0xb3, 0x30);
     displayInformationToolStripMenuItem.Name   = "displayInformationToolStripMenuItem";
     displayInformationToolStripMenuItem.Size   = new Size(0xb2, 0x16);
     displayInformationToolStripMenuItem.Text   = "Display Information";
     displayInformationToolStripMenuItem.Click += new EventHandler(displayInformationToolStripMenuItem_Click);
     panel1.Dock         = DockStyle.Fill;
     panel1.Location     = new Point(0, 0);
     panel1.Name         = "panel1";
     panel1.Size         = new Size(0x1d1, 0x21);
     panel1.TabIndex     = 0x11;
     panel1.MouseLeave  += new EventHandler(uiValue_MouseLeave);
     panel1.MouseHover  += new EventHandler(uiValue_MouseHover);
     trackBar1.Location  = new Point(0xb8, 5);
     trackBar1.Name      = "trackBar1";
     trackBar1.Size      = new Size(0xb6, 0x2d);
     trackBar1.TabIndex  = 0x11;
     trackBar1.TickStyle = TickStyle.None;
     setMinimumValueToolStripMenuItem.DropDownItems.AddRange(new ToolStripItem[] { toolStripTextBox1, toolStripTextBox2, applyToolStripMenuItem });
     setMinimumValueToolStripMenuItem.Name = "setMinimumValueToolStripMenuItem";
     setMinimumValueToolStripMenuItem.Size = new Size(0xb2, 0x16);
     setMinimumValueToolStripMenuItem.Text = "SetMinimum Value";
     applyToolStripMenuItem.Name           = "applyToolStripMenuItem";
     applyToolStripMenuItem.Size           = new Size(160, 0x16);
     applyToolStripMenuItem.Text           = "Apply";
     toolStripTextBox1.BackColor           = SystemColors.ScrollBar;
     toolStripTextBox1.Name      = "toolStripTextBox1";
     toolStripTextBox1.Size      = new Size(100, 0x17);
     toolStripTextBox1.Text      = "Minimum";
     toolStripTextBox2.BackColor = SystemColors.ScrollBar;
     toolStripTextBox2.Name      = "toolStripTextBox2";
     toolStripTextBox2.Size      = new Size(100, 0x17);
     toolStripTextBox2.Text      = "Maximum";
     base.AutoScaleDimensions    = new SizeF(6f, 13f);
     base.AutoScaleMode          = AutoScaleMode.Font;
     BackColor = SystemColors.Control;
     base.Name        = "uiValue";
     base.Size        = new Size(0x1d1, 0x21);
     base.MouseLeave += new EventHandler(uiValue_MouseLeave);
     base.MouseHover += new EventHandler(uiValue_MouseHover);