Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// InternalDumpHashtable is called to write a hashtable out to the debugging stream.  It can be used internally or is called
        /// directly from the public facing DumpHashTable methods. If called internally then internalCall must be true as this will ensure
        /// that all info is output with Constants.MOREINFO, and therefore form part of the calling methods output rather than
        /// a log in its own right.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ht">The hashtable that is to be written to the trace stream</param>
        /// <param name="contextText">A context string describing the hash table</param>
        /// <param name="internalCall">A boolean to flag if method is being called internall i.e. as part of another dump method</param>
        /// <param name="secondaryMessage">Further contextual information</param>
        /// <param name="meth">The Method Name</param>
        /// <param name="pth">The caller path</param>
        /// <param name="ln">The Line Number</param>
        private void InternalDumpHashTable(Hashtable ht, string contextText, string secondaryMessage, bool internalCall, string meth, string pth, int ln)
            TraceCommandTypes typeOfMessage = internalCall ? TraceCommandTypes.MoreInfo : baseCommandLevel;

            if (ht == null)
                ActiveRouteMessage(typeOfMessage, "Hashtable Dump (" + contextText + ") : null", "", meth, pth, ln);

            secondaryMessage = secondaryMessage ?? string.Empty;

            ActiveRouteMessage(typeOfMessage, "Hashtable Dump (" + contextText + ") : " + ht.ToString(), secondaryMessage + " \r\n Ht Entries : " + ht.Count.ToString(), meth, pth, ln);
            // output each item in the hashtable
            foreach (System.Collections.DictionaryEntry hEntry in ht)
                string valText;

                if (hEntry.Value is Hashtable)
                    valText = "Value is Hashtable with " + ((Hashtable)hEntry.Value).Count.ToString() + " elements.";
                else if (hEntry.Value is Array)
                    valText = "Value is Array with " + ((Array)hEntry.Value).Length.ToString() + " elements.";
                    valText = hEntry.Value.ToString();
                ActiveRouteMessage(TraceCommandTypes.MoreInfo, String.Format("  Key [{0}]  : Value [{1}]  ", hEntry.Key.ToString(), valText), "");

            ActiveRouteMessage(TraceCommandTypes.MoreInfo, "_______ Hashtable Dump End ________", "");
Example #2
        internal static string TraceCommandToReadableString(TraceCommandTypes tct)
            switch (tct)
            case TraceCommandTypes.AssertionFailed: return("Assertion");

            case TraceCommandTypes.CommandOnly: return("Command");

            case TraceCommandTypes.ErrorMsg: return("Error");

            case TraceCommandTypes.ExceptionBlock: return("Exception Block");

            case TraceCommandTypes.ExceptionData: return("Exception");

            case TraceCommandTypes.ExcEnd: return("Exception Inner Start");

            case TraceCommandTypes.ExcStart: return("Exception Inner End");

            case TraceCommandTypes.InternalMsg: return("Internal");

            case TraceCommandTypes.LogMessage: return("Log Message");

            case TraceCommandTypes.LogMessageMini: return("Log Minimal");

            case TraceCommandTypes.LogMessageVerb: return("Log Verbose");

            case TraceCommandTypes.MoreInfo: return("Chain Message");

            case TraceCommandTypes.TraceMessage: return("Trace Message");

            case TraceCommandTypes.TraceMessageIn: return("Trace Enter");

            case TraceCommandTypes.TraceMessageOut: return("Trace Exit");

            case TraceCommandTypes.WarningMsg: return("Warning Message");

            case TraceCommandTypes.SectionStart: return("Section Start");

            case TraceCommandTypes.SectionEnd: return("Section End");

            case TraceCommandTypes.ResourceEat: return("Resource Allocation");

            case TraceCommandTypes.ResourcePuke: return("Resource DeAllocation");

            case TraceCommandTypes.ResourceCount: return("Resource Value Setting");

            case TraceCommandTypes.CommandXML: return("XML Command");

            case TraceCommandTypes.Custom: return("Custom Command");

            default: throw new ArgumentException("Invalid Trace Command Type selected in TraceCommandToReadableString", "tct");
 internal EventEntry(long newGlobalIndex, string newModule, string newLineNo, string newThreadId, string newDebugMessage, string moreLocData, string threadnetidentity)
     : this(newGlobalIndex) {
     GlobalIndex      = newGlobalIndex;
     ThreadID         = newThreadId;
     DebugMessage     = newDebugMessage;
     MoreLocationData = moreLocData;
     ThreadNetId      = threadnetidentity;
     Module           = newModule;
     LineNumber       = newLineNo;
     cmdType          = TraceCommandTypes.Unknown;
     ViewData.isValid = false;
Example #4
        public static string TraceCommandToString(TraceCommandTypes theCommand)
            switch (theCommand)
            case TraceCommandTypes.LogMessage: return(Constants.MSGFMT_LOG);

            case TraceCommandTypes.LogMessageVerb: return(Constants.MSGFMT_LOGVERBOSE);

            case TraceCommandTypes.InternalMsg: return(Constants.INTERNALMSG);

            case TraceCommandTypes.TraceMessageIn: return(Constants.TRACEMESSAGEIN);

            case TraceCommandTypes.TraceMessageOut: return(Constants.TRACEMESSAGEOUT);

            case TraceCommandTypes.AssertionFailed: return(Constants.ASSERTIONFAILED);

            case TraceCommandTypes.MoreInfo: return(Constants.MOREINFO);

            case TraceCommandTypes.CommandOnly: return(Constants.COMMANDONLY);

            case TraceCommandTypes.ErrorMsg: return(Constants.ERRORMSG);

            case TraceCommandTypes.WarningMsg: return(Constants.WARNINGMSG);

            case TraceCommandTypes.ExceptionData: return(Constants.EXCEPTIONDATA);

            case TraceCommandTypes.ExceptionBlock: return(Constants.EXCEPTIONBLOCK);

            case TraceCommandTypes.ExcStart: return(Constants.EXCSTART);

            case TraceCommandTypes.ExcEnd: return(Constants.EXCEND);

            case TraceCommandTypes.SectionStart: return(Constants.SECTIONSTART);

            case TraceCommandTypes.SectionEnd: return(Constants.SECTIONEND);

            case TraceCommandTypes.ResourceEat: return(Constants.RESOURCEEAT);

            case TraceCommandTypes.ResourcePuke: return(Constants.RESOURCEPUKE);

            case TraceCommandTypes.ResourceCount: return(Constants.RESOURCECOUNT);

            case TraceCommandTypes.CommandXML: return(Constants.MSGFMT_XMLCOMMAND);

            case TraceCommandTypes.Alert: return(Constants.MSGFMT_ALERT);

            case TraceCommandTypes.Custom: return(Constants.MSGFMT_CUSTOM);

            throw new ArgumentException("Unreachable Code, the value of the parameter is invalid, this code should not be executed.", "theCommand");
        protected void ActiveRouteMessage(TraceCommandTypes tct, string messageBody, string furtherInfo = null, string methodName = null, string fileName = null, int lineNumber = 0)
            MessageMetadata mmd = new MessageMetadata()
                CommandType    = tct,
                MethodName     = methodName,
                FileName       = fileName,
                LineNumber     = lineNumber.ToString(),
                Body           = messageBody,
                FurtherDetails = furtherInfo

        public static SupportingMessageData ParseAsMessageData(TraceCommandTypes tct, ref string PrimaryMessagData, ref string MoreInfoData)
            try {
                if ((tct == TraceCommandTypes.SectionStart) || (tct == TraceCommandTypes.SectionEnd))
                    // Sections can contain timer data, if so then we abstract the timer data here.
                    TimerInstanceData tid = null;
                    if (PrimaryMessagData.StartsWith(Constants.TIMER_SECTIONIDENTIFIER))
                        // This is only a timer based section if it has this specfic tag in its debug message.
                        try {
                            tid = new TimerInstanceData(MoreInfoData);
                        } catch (ArgumentException aex) {
                            //Bilge.Dump(aex, "Timer error, couldnt parse timer message as timer message structure:  (" + MoreInfoData + ")");
                            MexCore.TheCore.ViewManager.AddUserNotificationMessageByIndex(ViewSupportManager.UserMessages.CorruptStringFound, ViewSupportManager.UserMessageType.ErrorMessage, "A timing message was recieved but it was corrupt.  Try removing any strange characters from the timer names.  Timing data may be innaccurate.");
                        PrimaryMessagData = PrimaryMessagData.Substring(Constants.TIMER_SECTIONIDENTIFIER.Length); // Strip the intiial identifier
                        MoreInfoData      = string.Empty;                                                          // All of the more info should be consumed when creating the timer event.


                if ((tct == TraceCommandTypes.ResourcePuke) || (tct == TraceCommandTypes.ResourceEat))
                    // Resource alteration identifiers contain values for named resources incrementing or decrementing by amounts.
                    ResourceInstanceData rid = new ResourceInstanceData(MoreInfoData);
                    PrimaryMessagData = "Resource Alteration for " + rid.ResourceName;
                    MoreInfoData      = "Value Change " + rid.ResourceValue.ToString();

                if (tct == TraceCommandTypes.ResourceCount)
                    ResourceInstanceData rid = new ResourceInstanceData(MoreInfoData);
                    PrimaryMessagData = "Resource Set For " + rid.ResourceName;
                    MoreInfoData      = "Value = " + rid.ResourceValue;
            } catch (ArgumentException aex) {
                //Bilge.Dump(aex, "There was a problem when trying to extract data from a message type.");
                //Bilge.Warning("Failed to interpret the data string sent to Mex as valid data containing more info.  Returning null for this instance", "Trace Command Type  : " + tct.ToString());
                //Bilge.FurtherInfo("Primary:" + PrimaryMessagData);
                //Bilge.FurtherInfo("Secondary:" + MoreInfoData);
                MexCore.TheCore.ViewManager.AddUserNotificationMessageByIndex(ViewSupportManager.UserMessages.CorruptStringFound, ViewSupportManager.UserMessageType.ErrorMessage, "Unable to extract the expected information from a message.  One of the strings arriving in Mex was corrupt.");

 internal EventEntry(EventEntry copyMe)
     this.cmdType                 = copyMe.cmdType;
     this.DebugMessage            = copyMe.DebugMessage;
     this.HasMoreInfo             = copyMe.HasMoreInfo;
     this.LastVisitedFilter       = copyMe.LastVisitedFilter;
     this.LastVisitedFilterResult = copyMe.LastVisitedFilterResult;
     this.LineNumber              = copyMe.LineNumber;
     this.Module           = copyMe.Module;
     this.MoreLocationData = copyMe.MoreLocationData;
     this.SecondaryMessage = copyMe.SecondaryMessage;
     this.ThreadID         = copyMe.ThreadID;
     this.ThreadNetId      = copyMe.ThreadNetId;
     this.ViewData         = new ViewSpecificData();
Example #8
        } // End SetThreadsModulesLocations

        internal void SetMessageTypeIncludeByType(TraceCommandTypes tct, bool newValue)
            #region entry code

            //Bilge.Assert(!m_readonly, "You must call BeginFilterUpdate before setting filter values");


            if (newValue)
                m_flagsForInclude |= (uint)tct;  // turn the bit on
                m_flagsForInclude &= ~(uint)tct;  // turn the bit off
Example #9
        public void WriteMessage_ArrivesAsMessage(TraceCommandTypes testCase)
            var sut = TestHelper.GetBilgeAndClearDown();

            sut.ActiveTraceLevel = SourceLevels.Verbose;
            var mmh = new MockMessageHandler();


            WriteCorrectTypeOfMessage(sut, testCase);

            var msg = mmh.GetMostRecentMessage();

            Assert.Equal(testCase, msg.CommandType);
Example #10
        internal AHighlightRequest(Color bkCol, Color fgCol, TraceCommandTypes matchType, string match, bool invertMatch, bool checkCase) : this()
            if (bkCol != Color.Empty)
                BackColorSpecified = true;
                BackgroundColor    = bkCol;
                BackColorSpecified = false;
                BackgroundColor    = Color.Empty;

            if (fgCol != Color.Empty)
                ForeColorSpecified = true;
                ForegroundColor    = fgCol;
                ForeColorSpecified = false;
                ForegroundColor    = Color.Empty;

            matchTct           = matchType;
            MakeMatchUsingType = false; MakeMatchUsingString = false;
            if (matchTct != TraceCommandTypes.Unknown)
                MakeMatchUsingType = true;
            ComparisonStringToMatchOn = match;
            if ((ComparisonStringToMatchOn != null) && (ComparisonStringToMatchOn.Length > 0))
                MakeMatchUsingString = true;
            NotMatch      = invertMatch;
            CaseSensitive = checkCase;

            DescriptionString = NameString;

            // Now just check that we havent allowed them not to match on anything at all as that would be really quite lame.
            //Bilge.Assert(MakeMatchUsingType || MakeMatchUsingString, "Highlight object is invalid.  The UI should ensure that a highlight object is created to either highlight the event type or on a matching string or possibly both but it should not allow no match criteia.");
Example #11
        private void WriteCorrectTypeOfMessage(Bilge sut, TraceCommandTypes testCase)
            switch (testCase)
            case TraceCommandTypes.LogMessage: sut.Info.Log("Test"); break;

            case TraceCommandTypes.LogMessageVerb: sut.Verbose.Log("Test"); break;

            case TraceCommandTypes.TraceMessageIn: sut.Info.EnterSection("Test"); break;

            case TraceCommandTypes.ErrorMsg: sut.Error.Log("Test"); break;

            case TraceCommandTypes.WarningMsg: sut.Warning.Log("Test"); break;

            case TraceCommandTypes.LogMessageMini:
            case TraceCommandTypes.InternalMsg:
            case TraceCommandTypes.TraceMessageOut:
            case TraceCommandTypes.TraceMessage:
            case TraceCommandTypes.AssertionFailed:
            case TraceCommandTypes.MoreInfo:
            case TraceCommandTypes.CommandOnly:
            case TraceCommandTypes.ExceptionBlock:
            case TraceCommandTypes.ExceptionData:
            case TraceCommandTypes.ExcStart:
            case TraceCommandTypes.ExcEnd:
            case TraceCommandTypes.SectionStart:
            case TraceCommandTypes.SectionEnd:
            case TraceCommandTypes.ResourceEat:
            case TraceCommandTypes.ResourcePuke:
            case TraceCommandTypes.ResourceCount:
            case TraceCommandTypes.Standard:
            case TraceCommandTypes.CommandXML:
            case TraceCommandTypes.Custom:
            case TraceCommandTypes.Alert:
            case TraceCommandTypes.Unknown:
                throw new NotImplementedException();
 public static bool IsTraceCommand(TraceCommandTypes tct)
     return(((uint)tct & TRACECOMMANDS) == (uint)tct);
Example #13
 internal AHighlightRequest(Color bkCol, Color fgCol, TraceCommandTypes matchType, bool invertMatch, bool checkCase) : this(bkCol, fgCol, matchType, null, invertMatch, checkCase)
 public static bool IsLogMessageCommand(TraceCommandTypes tct)
     return(((uint)tct & LOGCOMMANDS) == (uint)tct);
        /// <summary>
        /// called when there are messages queued ready to be added to the data manager - this method will take either the next one or all available
        /// pending messaged from the queue and add it to the data structures that atre used to store the information.
        /// </summary>
        public void ProcessNextStoredMessage(bool doAll, bool reporting)
            if (m_incommingMsgQueue.Count == 0)
                //Bilge.Warning("WARNING INNEFFICIENT --> ProcessNextStoredMessage Called  when there are no messages on queue  INC_CHECKDUPEJOBS");

#if DUAL
            if (rapc == null)
                rapc = RawEntryParserChain.CreateChain(RawEntryParserChain.VAL_LINK + RawEntryParserChain.V2_LINK + RawEntryParserChain.LEG_LINK + RawEntryParserChain.ALL_LINK, store);
            if (dp == null)
                dp = new DataParser(store, rapc, comparer);

            List <int> appIndexesAffectedByImport = new List <int>();

            DateTime startTime        = DateTime.Now; // how long have we been running
            DateTime overallStartTime = DateTime.Now;

            FileStream   everythingStream = null;
            StreamWriter everythingLog    = null;

            if (MexCore.TheCore.Options.PersistEverything)
                everythingStream = new FileStream(MexCore.TheCore.Options.CurrentFilename, FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write);
                everythingLog    = new StreamWriter(everythingStream);

            try {
                    if (m_shutdownRequested)
                        //Bilge.Log("Aborting import as shutdown has been requested.");

                    // we have a piece of work
#if !DEBUG
                    // We only want this catch block in release code, to at least try and find out whats gone wrong, in debug code we want it
                    // to simply explode.
                    try {
                    IncomingEventStore nextEvent = (IncomingEventStore)m_incommingMsgQueue.Dequeue();

                    if (MexCore.TheCore.Options.PersistEverything)
                        everythingLog.WriteLine("\"" + nextEvent.MachineName + "\",\"" + nextEvent.Pid + "\",\"" + nextEvent.MessageString + "\",\"" + "DE\"");

                    if (MexCore.TheCore.Options.RemoveDuplicatesOnImport)
                        bool dupeFound = true;
                        while ((dupeFound) && (m_incommingMsgQueue.Count > 0))
                            IncomingEventStore potentialNext = (IncomingEventStore)m_incommingMsgQueue.Peek();
                            dupeFound = potentialNext.Equals(nextEvent);
                            if (dupeFound)
                                // Throw the dupe away.
#if DUAL
                    RawApplicationEvent rae = new RawApplicationEvent()
                        ArrivalTime = nextEvent.TimeRecieved,
                        OriginId    = store.GetOriginIdentity(nextEvent.MachineName, nextEvent.Pid.ToString()),
                        Machine     = nextEvent.MachineName,
                        Process     = nextEvent.Pid.ToString(),
                        Text        = nextEvent.MessageString
                    EventEntry ee          = null;
                    string tempMachineName = null;
                    bool legacyMode        = false;
                    bool isCommand         = false;
                    // firstly is this a truncation ?
                    if (nextEvent.MessageString.StartsWith(Constants.MESSAGETRUNCATE))
                        #region This message was a truncation of the previous one, deal with it like that

                        // This is a truncation, it should be added to the last message that was added to the process with the same pid.

                        //Bilge.Warning("WARNING INNEFFICIENT --> Looking for non existant GI Sux in timed view could cache this -> Global Index " + nextEvent.GlobalIndex.ToString() + " skipped as its a truncate message");

                        int endMachineNameIdx   = nextEvent.MessageString.IndexOf(']');
                        int startMachineNameIdx = Constants.MESSAGETRUNCATE.Length + 1;  // 1 is for length of "["
                        int endUniqueIdIdx      = nextEvent.MessageString.IndexOf(Constants.TRUNCATE_DATAENDMARKER);

                        if ((endMachineNameIdx < 0) || (startMachineNameIdx < 0) || (endUniqueIdIdx < 0))
                            //Bilge.Warning("WARNING --> INVAID truncate join string found, probably old version of//Bilge.  Ignoring this command.");
                            MexCore.TheCore.ViewManager.AddUserNotificationMessageByIndex(ViewSupportManager.UserMessages.InvalidTruncateStringFound, ViewSupportManager.UserMessageType.WarningMessage, null);

                        string machineName          = nextEvent.MessageString.Substring(startMachineNameIdx, endMachineNameIdx - startMachineNameIdx);
                        string truncateUniqueJoinId = nextEvent.MessageString.Substring(endMachineNameIdx + 2, (endUniqueIdIdx - (endMachineNameIdx + 2)));

                        bool anotherExpected = nextEvent.MessageString.EndsWith(Constants.MESSAGETRUNCATE);

                        ee = MexCore.TheCore.CacheManager.CacheGet_EventEntryExpectingTruncate(nextEvent.Pid, machineName, truncateUniqueJoinId, !anotherExpected);

                        if (ee == null)
                            // This can only happen following a purge i guess
                            //Bilge.Warning("ProcessNextStoredMessage --> WARNING --> Invalid truncation message found. Couldnt find the EE in the structure to append this trunc to. Skipping it");

                        // Patch it together, removing the truncate markers from the middle.
                        if ((ee.SecondaryMessage != null) && (ee.SecondaryMessage.Length > 0))
                            ee.SecondaryMessage = ee.SecondaryMessage.Substring(0, (ee.SecondaryMessage.Length - Constants.MESSAGETRUNCATE.Length)) + nextEvent.MessageString.Substring(Constants.MESSAGETRUNCATE.Length);
                            ee.SetDebugMessage(ee.DebugMessage.Substring(0, (ee.DebugMessage.Length - Constants.MESSAGETRUNCATE.Length)) + nextEvent.MessageString.Substring(Constants.MESSAGETRUNCATE.Length));



                    // If we get here then this message is not a truncation so its either an ODS or Tex message

                    // If it was not a truncation its either a message from another app or a tex message
                    if (!TraceMessageFormat.IsTexString(nextEvent.MessageString))
                        // Horrid workaround but whatever, patched this in after the code will refactor in phase 2
                        if (TraceMessageFormat.IsLegacyTexString(nextEvent.MessageString))
                            legacyMode = true;
                            goto LEGACYSUPPORT;

                        // if its not tex the assumption is that it has always come from this machine, although if mex gets v clever this could change
                        NonTracedApplicationEntry newNte = new NonTracedApplicationEntry(nextEvent.Pid, nextEvent.MessageString, nextEvent.GlobalIndex);

                        if ((MexCore.TheCore.Options.XRefMatchingProcessIdsIntoEventEntries) && (MexCore.TheCore.DataManager.IsPidAKnownApplication(nextEvent.Pid, nextEvent.MachineName)))
                            // We need to check whether or not this came form the same PID if it did we need to cross reference it.

                            ee = EventEntry.CreatePseudoEE(nextEvent.GlobalIndex, nextEvent.MessageString);
                            tempMachineName = nextEvent.MachineName;

                            if (MexCore.TheCore.Options.XRefReverseCopyEnabled)
                                // If were doing cross references by PID then we need to determine whether to dupe into the NTA list too.
                            } // else we just throw away the NTA as its really a traced app malformed message

                    // The goto bypasses the non legacy code
                    int nextLogicalIndexAffected = -1;
                    if (ee == null)
                        // Must be at least close to legit string as it passed our validation.  Therefore we create a new known event entry and provide it with
                        // the required information to be stored in the traced applications.

                        string tempCommandType;
                        string tempPid;
                        int    tPid;
                        string tempDebugMessage;

                        ee = new EventEntry(nextEvent.GlobalIndex);  // Create new entry giving it next index
                        ee.m_timeMessageRecieved = nextEvent.TimeRecieved;

                        if (legacyMode)
                            TraceMessageFormat.ReturnPartsOfStringLegacy(nextEvent.MessageString, out tempCommandType, out tempPid, out tempMachineName, out ee.ThreadID, out ee.Module, out ee.LineNumber, out tempDebugMessage);
                            ee.ThreadNetId      = "??";
                            ee.MoreLocationData = "LegacyTexSupport";
                            legacyMode          = false;
                            TraceMessageFormat.ReturnPartsOfString(nextEvent.MessageString, out tempCommandType, out tempPid, out ee.ThreadNetId, out tempMachineName, out ee.ThreadID, out ee.Module, out ee.LineNumber, out ee.MoreLocationData, out tempDebugMessage);
                        tPid = int.Parse(tempPid);
                        ee.SetDebugMessage(tempDebugMessage);  // Checks for secondary data and splits accordingly
                        TraceCommandTypes tct = TraceCommands.StringToTraceCommand(tempCommandType);

                        if (tct == TraceCommandTypes.CommandXML)
                            TracedApplication additionalDataTracedApp = GetTracedApplicationWithCreate(tempMachineName, tPid);
                            nextLogicalIndexAffected = additionalDataTracedApp.VirtualIndex;
                            isCommand = true;
                            if ((tct == TraceCommandTypes.MoreInfo) && (tempDebugMessage.StartsWith(Constants.DATAINDICATOR)))
                                // Data indicator messages include things like the initialisation strings sent when you call//Bilge.Initialise() - this is where additional
                                // information is given about the process and additionally where things like the intitialisation / partial purge on init takes place.
                                TracedApplication additionalDataTracedApp = GetTracedApplicationWithCreate(tempMachineName, tPid);

                                #region Data indicator messages are not imported, they change the viewer behaviour.

                                tempDebugMessage = tempDebugMessage.Substring(Constants.DATAINDICATOR.Length);
                                ee.DebugMessage  = ee.DebugMessage.Substring(Constants.DATAINDICATOR.Length);

                                // Chopped off ~~DATA::
                                switch (ee.DebugMessage[0])
                                case 'P':     //ProcessName

                                    // If they have specified their own preferred name for the application then it is passed through here, this preferred name
                                    // should replace most of the alternative views.
                                    if ((ee.SecondaryMessage != null) && (ee.SecondaryMessage.Length > 0))
                                        additionalDataTracedApp.PreferredName = ee.SecondaryMessage;

                                    // The process name is contained in ProcessName()
                                    string actualAppName = ee.DebugMessage.Substring(Consts.PROCNAMEIDENT_PREFIX.Length);
                                    actualAppName   = actualAppName.Substring(0, (actualAppName.Length - Consts.PROCNAMEIDENT_POSTFIX.Length));
                                    ee.DebugMessage = actualAppName;

                                    if (MexCore.TheCore.Options.XRefAppInitialiseToMain)
                                        // If this option is selected we place a message into the unknown events to indicate that theres an Xref occured
                                        MexCore.TheCore.DataManager.PlaceUnknownEventIntoDataStructure(new NonTracedApplicationEntry(tPid, "Process " + actualAppName + " Started with pid : (" + tPid.ToString() + ")", nextEvent.GlobalIndex));

                                    if (MexCore.TheCore.Options.AutoPurgeApplicationOnMatchingName)
                                        // BUG!!! Omg too dumb.  Realised only after coding this that if oyu add autopurge as a job option it kicks
                                        // in after the import and then purges all of the new messages.  Aysnchthink ftw.
                                        //Bilge.Log("Synchronous Purge By Matching Name starting.  Trying to purge name " + actualAppName, "However skipping new pid which is " + tPid);
                                        MexCore.TheCore.DataManager.PurgeByName(actualAppName, tempMachineName, tPid);
                                        //MexCore.TheCore.WorkManager.ProcessJob(new Job_PartialPurgeApp(tempMachineName,tPid));

                                        //Bilge.Log("Synchronous Purge By Matching Name Completes.");

                                    additionalDataTracedApp.ProcessName = actualAppName;
                                    MexCore.TheCore.WorkManager.AddJob(new Job_NotifyKnownProcessUpdate(MexCore.TheCore.ViewManager.SelectedTracedAppIdx));


                                case 'M':     //MainModule
                                    additionalDataTracedApp.MainModule = ee.DebugMessage;

                                case 'W':
                                    additionalDataTracedApp.WindowTitle = ee.DebugMessage;

                                case 'I':
                                    // Initialise(MachineName\appName) skipped.
                                    string initName = ee.DebugMessage.Substring(10, ee.DebugMessage.Length - 10);
                                    additionalDataTracedApp.AssemblyFullName = ee.SecondaryMessage;
                                    additionalDataTracedApp.InitialiseName   = initName;
                                    ee.DebugMessage = initName;

                                case 'C':     // Calling Assembly
                                    string assemblyData = tempDebugMessage.Substring(16, tempDebugMessage.Length - 17);
                                    additionalDataTracedApp.CallingAssemblyInfo = assemblyData;

                                case 'E':     // Executing Assembly
                                    assemblyData = tempDebugMessage.Substring(18, tempDebugMessage.Length - 19);
                                    additionalDataTracedApp.ExecutingAssemblyInfo = assemblyData;

                                case 'T':     // ThreadName
                                    //Bilge.Warning("Not Implemented, thread name request recieved but this functionality is not implemented in MEX yet");

                                    //Bilge.Assert(false, "This should not be possible, we should never reach this bit of code.");


                            } // End if it starts with a data indicator

                            // If we get here its a Tex message that is not a data indicator
                            // This is looking like a normal message.  IE Not a moreinfo / data string
                            if (nextEvent.Pid == -1)
                                nextEvent.Pid = int.Parse(tempPid);

                            ee.cmdType = tct;

                            // Some messages can be cross referenced into the main view if the options say that.  This section deals with
                            // creating the duplicate messages for this cross reference to work.

                            #region support cross references to main view based on type of event

                            if (MexCore.TheCore.Options.XRefAssertionsToMain && ee.cmdType == TraceCommandTypes.AssertionFailed)
                                MexCore.TheCore.DataManager.PlaceUnknownEventIntoDataStructure(new NonTracedApplicationEntry(tPid, ee.DebugMessage, ee.GlobalIndex));

                            if (MexCore.TheCore.Options.XRefErrorsToMain && ee.cmdType == TraceCommandTypes.ErrorMsg)
                                MexCore.TheCore.DataManager.PlaceUnknownEventIntoDataStructure(new NonTracedApplicationEntry(tPid, ee.DebugMessage, ee.GlobalIndex));

                            if (MexCore.TheCore.Options.XRefExceptionsToMain && ee.cmdType == TraceCommandTypes.ExceptionBlock)
                                MexCore.TheCore.DataManager.PlaceUnknownEventIntoDataStructure(new NonTracedApplicationEntry(tPid, ee.DebugMessage, ee.GlobalIndex));

                            if (MexCore.TheCore.Options.XRefLogsToMain && ee.cmdType == TraceCommandTypes.LogMessage)
                                MexCore.TheCore.DataManager.PlaceUnknownEventIntoDataStructure(new NonTracedApplicationEntry(tPid, ee.DebugMessage, ee.GlobalIndex));

                            if (MexCore.TheCore.Options.XRefVerbLogsToMain && ee.cmdType == TraceCommandTypes.LogMessageVerb)
                                MexCore.TheCore.DataManager.PlaceUnknownEventIntoDataStructure(new NonTracedApplicationEntry(tPid, ee.DebugMessage, ee.GlobalIndex));

                            if (MexCore.TheCore.Options.XRefResourceMessagesToMain)
                                if ((ee.cmdType == TraceCommandTypes.ResourceEat) || (ee.cmdType == TraceCommandTypes.ResourcePuke) || (ee.cmdType == TraceCommandTypes.ResourceCount))
                                    MexCore.TheCore.DataManager.PlaceUnknownEventIntoDataStructure(new NonTracedApplicationEntry(tPid, ee.DebugMessage, ee.GlobalIndex));

                            if (MexCore.TheCore.Options.XRefWarningsToMain && ee.cmdType == TraceCommandTypes.WarningMsg)
                                MexCore.TheCore.DataManager.PlaceUnknownEventIntoDataStructure(new NonTracedApplicationEntry(tPid, ee.DebugMessage, ee.GlobalIndex));


                            if (tempDebugMessage.EndsWith(Constants.MESSAGETRUNCATE))
                                //Bilge.Log("IncommingMessageManager::ProcessNextStoredMessage --> Truncation message found, storing event for future");
                                // Truncated messages end with #TNK#JoinID#TNK# this lets us join them back together using the unique join id - however
                                // joinIds are only unique per process/machien therefore all of this info is used as a key.
                                int    idxStart       = tempDebugMessage.IndexOf(Constants.MESSAGETRUNCATE) + Constants.MESSAGETRUNCATE.Length;
                                string joinIdentifier = tempDebugMessage.Substring(idxStart, tempDebugMessage.Length - (idxStart + Constants.MESSAGETRUNCATE.Length));
                                MexCore.TheCore.CacheManager.CacheAdd_EventEntryExpectingTruncate(ee, nextEvent.Pid, tempMachineName, joinIdentifier);
                    } // End if it was a normal tex message (ee==null)

                    if (!isCommand)
                        //Bilge.Assert(ee != null, "The event entry must be populated by now in the code");

                        // Whether or not it was a cross reference its imported into the data structures now.
                        //Bilge.Assert(tempMachineName != null, "machine name must be populated by the time we add it to the data structures");

                        ee.SupportingData = SupportingMessageData.ParseAsMessageData(ee.cmdType, ref ee.DebugMessage, ref ee.SecondaryMessage);


                        // *************** Actually add it into the structure here ***************
                        nextLogicalIndexAffected = MexCore.TheCore.DataManager.PlaceNewEventIntoDataStructure(ee, nextEvent.Pid, tempMachineName);

                    if (!appIndexesAffectedByImport.Contains(nextLogicalIndexAffected))

#if DUAL
                    if (!comparer.Compare(ee))
                        // This is our porting code, if this fires then we have got  a problem with our new parser.
                        //Bilge.WarningLog("FAILED A COMPARISON");

                        throw new InvalidOperationException("The new parser is out of sync");
#if !DEBUG
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    //Bilge.Dump(ex, "IncommingMessageManager::ProcessNextStoredMessage Trying to process a string from the stack, lost string during processing.");
                    // DO NOT SWALLOW THIS!, results in an infinite loop
                    if (reporting)
                        // For long running imports make sure that we tell the client side every now and again
                        TimeSpan ts = DateTime.Now - startTime;
                        if ((ts.TotalSeconds > MexCore.TheCore.Options.NoSecondsForRefreshOnImport))
                            startTime = DateTime.Now;
                            TimeSpan overall = DateTime.Now - overallStartTime;

                            MexCore.TheCore.ViewManager.AddUserNotificationMessageByIndex(ViewSupportManager.UserMessages.MessageImportLongRunning, ViewSupportManager.UserMessageType.InformationMessage, overall.TotalSeconds.ToString() + "s elapsed.");

                            foreach (int appAffectedIdx in appIndexesAffectedByImport)
                                MexCore.TheCore.WorkManager.ProcessJob(new Job_NotifyNewEventAdded(appAffectedIdx));
                } while ((m_incommingMsgQueue.Count > 0) && (doAll));
            } finally {
                if (MexCore.TheCore.Options.PersistEverything)

            foreach (int appAffectedIdx in appIndexesAffectedByImport)
                MexCore.TheCore.WorkManager.AddJob(new Job_NotifyNewEventAdded(appAffectedIdx));
 public static bool IsResourceCommand(TraceCommandTypes tct)
     return(((uint)tct & RESOURCECOMMANDS) == (uint)tct);
 public static bool IsExceptionCommand(TraceCommandTypes tct)
     return(((uint)tct & EXCEPTIONCOMMANDS) == (uint)tct);
Example #18
        private bool WriteConsolePreamble(TraceCommandTypes commandType)
            bool         doWrite  = true;
            string       preamble = "";
            ConsoleColor cc       = ConsoleColor.White;

            switch (commandType)
            case TraceCommandTypes.LogMessageVerb:
                cc       = ConsoleColor.Blue;
                preamble = "Verb";

            case TraceCommandTypes.LogMessage:
            case TraceCommandTypes.LogMessageMini:
                cc       = ConsoleColor.Green;
                preamble = "Info";

            case TraceCommandTypes.SectionStart:
            case TraceCommandTypes.SectionEnd:
            case TraceCommandTypes.ResourceEat:
            case TraceCommandTypes.ResourcePuke:
            case TraceCommandTypes.ResourceCount:
            case TraceCommandTypes.Standard:
            case TraceCommandTypes.CommandXML:
            case TraceCommandTypes.Custom:
            case TraceCommandTypes.MoreInfo:
            case TraceCommandTypes.CommandOnly:
            case TraceCommandTypes.InternalMsg:
            case TraceCommandTypes.TraceMessageIn:
            case TraceCommandTypes.TraceMessageOut:
            case TraceCommandTypes.TraceMessage:
                doWrite = false;

            case TraceCommandTypes.AssertionFailed:
                cc       = ConsoleColor.Blue;
                preamble = "Assert";

            case TraceCommandTypes.ErrorMsg:
                cc       = ConsoleColor.Red;
                preamble = "Error";

            case TraceCommandTypes.WarningMsg:
                cc       = ConsoleColor.DarkYellow;
                preamble = "Warn";

            case TraceCommandTypes.ExceptionBlock:
            case TraceCommandTypes.ExceptionData:
            case TraceCommandTypes.ExcStart:
            case TraceCommandTypes.ExcEnd:
                cc       = ConsoleColor.DarkMagenta;
                preamble = "Fault";

            case TraceCommandTypes.Alert:
                cc       = ConsoleColor.Blue;
                preamble = "Alert";

            case TraceCommandTypes.Unknown:
                doWrite = false;

            if (doWrite)
                Console.ForegroundColor = cc;
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
                Console.Write(" : ");
 public static bool IsSectionCommand(TraceCommandTypes tct)
     return(((uint)tct & SECTIONCOMMANDS) == (uint)tct);
Example #20
 /// <summary>
 /// Takes the name of a secific message type and indicates whether or not this filter will allow this message type to be displayed.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="tct">The trace command type to check the filter against</param>
 /// <returns>True if this type is displayed after filter processing, false if the filter removes these types</returns>
 internal bool TraceMessageTypeIncludedByFilter(TraceCommandTypes tct)
     return((((uint)tct) & m_flagsForInclude) == (uint)tct);