Example #1
File: Trace.cs Project: hirous/test
        public override bool getNext()
            if (m_eof)

            if (m_nextValid)
                address     = m_nextAddr;
                type        = m_nextType;
                from        = 0;
                m_nextValid = false;

                ulong t_addr      = m_reader.ReadUInt64();
                int   t_preceding = m_reader.ReadInt32();
                ulong t_pc        = m_reader.ReadUInt64();
                req_cnt  = t_preceding;
                deadline = t_addr;

                //if (m_group == 1)
                //    Console.WriteLine("group: {2} addr {0:X} count {1}", t_addr, t_preceding, m_group);

                Trace.Type t_type = (t_addr >> 63) != 0 ?
                                    Trace.Type.Rd : Trace.Type.Wr;
                t_addr &= 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF;

                t_addr |= ((ulong)m_group) << 48;

                if (t_preceding > 0)
                    m_nextAddr  = t_addr;
                    m_nextType  = t_type;
                    m_nextValid = true;

                    address = (ulong)t_preceding;
                    from    = 0;
                    type    = Trace.Type.NonMem;
                    address = t_addr;
                    from    = 0;
                    type    = t_type;

            catch (EndOfStreamException)
                m_eof = true;
Example #2
File: Trace.cs Project: hirous/test
        public override bool getNext()
            if (m_eof)

            if (m_nextValid)
                address     = m_nextAddr;
                type        = m_nextType;
                from        = 0;
                m_nextValid = false;

                ulong t_addr;
                int   t_preceding;
                lock (m_tlocks[m_filename]) {
                    m_traces[m_filename].BaseStream.Seek(m_trace_pos, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    t_addr       = m_traces[m_filename].ReadUInt64();
                    t_preceding  = m_traces[m_filename].ReadInt32();
                    m_trace_pos += 12;
                Trace.Type t_type = (t_addr >> 63) != 0 ?
                                    Trace.Type.Rd : Trace.Type.Wr;
                t_addr &= 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF;

                t_addr |= ((ulong)m_group) << 48;

                if (t_preceding > 0)
                    m_nextAddr  = t_addr;
                    m_nextType  = t_type;
                    m_nextValid = true;

                    address = (ulong)t_preceding;
                    from    = 0;
                    type    = Trace.Type.NonMem;
                    address = t_addr;
                    from    = 0;
                    type    = t_type;

            catch (EndOfStreamException)
                m_eof = true;
Example #3
        public override bool getNext()
            if (m_eof)

            if (m_nextValid)
                address     = m_nextAddr;
                type        = m_nextType;
                from        = 0;
                m_nextValid = false;

                ulong      t_addr      = m_reader.ReadUInt64();
                int        t_preceding = m_reader.ReadInt32();
                Trace.Type t_type      = (t_addr >> 63) != 0 ?
                                         Trace.Type.Rd : Trace.Type.Wr;
                t_addr &= 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF;

                t_addr |= ((ulong)m_group) << 48;

                if (t_preceding > 0)
                    m_nextAddr  = t_addr;
                    m_nextType  = t_type;
                    m_nextValid = true;

                    address = (ulong)t_preceding;
                    from    = 0;
                    type    = Trace.Type.NonMem;
                    address = t_addr;
                    from    = 0;
                    type    = t_type;

            catch (EndOfStreamException)
                m_eof = true;
Example #4
File: Trace.cs Project: hirous/test
        public override bool getNext()
            next_req = null;
            if (!is_chunk_base || (req_list.Count == 0))
                while (req_list.Count < check_num)
                    if (m_eof)
                        ulong t_addr      = m_reader.ReadUInt64();
                        int   t_preceding = m_reader.ReadInt32();

                        Trace.Type t_type = (t_addr >> 63) != 0 ?
                                            Trace.Type.Rd : Trace.Type.Wr;
                        t_addr &= 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF;

                        t_addr |= ((ulong)m_group) << 48;

                        mem_req req = new mem_req(t_type, t_addr, 0);

                        //		    Console.WriteLine("push request: addr{0:x}", t_addr);
                    catch (EndOfStreamException)
                        m_eof = true;
            if (req_list.Count > 0)
                address = next_req.address;
                from    = next_req.from;
                type    = next_req.type;
Example #5
File: Trace.cs Project: hirous/test
        public override bool preCheck(out ulong addr)
            addr = 0;

            if (m_eof)

                ulong t_addr      = m_reader.ReadUInt64();
                int   t_preceding = m_reader.ReadInt32();
                //if (m_group == 1)
                //    Console.WriteLine("group: {2} addr {0:X} count {1}", t_addr, t_preceding, m_group);

                Trace.Type t_type = (t_addr >> 63) != 0 ?
                                    Trace.Type.Rd : Trace.Type.Wr;
                t_addr &= 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF;

                t_addr |= ((ulong)m_group) << 48;

                TraceFile_Old_Entry entry = new TraceFile_Old_Entry(t_type, t_addr, t_preceding);

                if (m_group == 17)
                    Console.WriteLine("Precheck addr:{0:x}", t_addr);
                addr = t_addr;
            catch (EndOfStreamException)
                m_eof = true;
Example #6
File: Trace.cs Project: hirous/test
        public override bool getNext()
            if (m_nextValid)
                address     = m_nextAddr;
                type        = m_nextType;
                from        = 0;
                m_nextValid = false;

            if (m_rate == 0)
                address = 1;
                type    = Trace.Type.NonMem;
                from    = 0;

            // Generate new trace record (mem address + preceding insts)
            ulong t_addr = (ulong)m_r.Next(0, Int32.MaxValue);

            // assumes 32-byte cache block, 4x4 (16-node) network
            if (Config.network_nrX != 4 && Config.network_nrY != 4 &&
                (Config.bSynthBitComplement || Config.bSynthTranspose))
                throw new Exception("bit complement and transpose are only for 4x4.");
            ulong mask = 0x1e0;

            if (Config.bSynthBitComplement)
                t_addr = (t_addr & ~mask) | (ulong)((~m_group & 0x0f) << 5);
            else if (Config.bSynthTranspose)
                int dest = ((m_group << 2) & 0x0c) | ((m_group >> 2) & 0x03);
                t_addr = (t_addr & ~mask) | (ulong)(dest << 5);

            // Quantile exponential distribution: In this case synth_rate (m_rate) is the lambda.
            // The average is 1 / lambda, so 1 mem request per 1 / lambda instructions.
            int t_preceding = (int)(-1.0 / m_rate * Math.Log(m_r.NextDouble()));

            Trace.Type t_type = (m_reads_fraction > m_r.NextDouble()) ?
                                Trace.Type.Rd : Trace.Type.Wr;

            t_addr &= 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF;     // Clear MSB bit
            t_addr |= ((ulong)m_group) << 48; // embed group number in address

            if (t_preceding > 0)
                m_nextAddr  = t_addr;
                m_nextType  = t_type;
                m_nextValid = true;

                address = (ulong)t_preceding;
                from    = 0;
                type    = Trace.Type.NonMem;
                address = t_addr;
                from    = 0;
                type    = t_type;

Example #7
File: Trace.cs Project: hirous/test
 public TraceFile_Old_Entry(Trace.Type in_type, ulong in_address, int in_preceding)
     type      = in_type;
     address   = in_address;
     preceding = in_preceding;
Example #8
File: Trace.cs Project: hirous/test
        public int from;      // for sync

        public mem_req(Trace.Type set_type, ulong set_address, int set_from)
            type    = set_type;
            address = set_address;
            from    = set_from;
Example #9
        public override bool getNext()
            if (m_nextValid)
                address     = m_nextAddr;
                type        = m_nextType;
                from        = 0;
                m_nextValid = false;

            if (m_rate == 0)
                address = 1;
                type    = Trace.Type.NonMem;
                from    = 0;

            // Generate new trace record (mem address + preceding insts)
            ulong t_addr      = (ulong)m_r.Next(0, Int32.MaxValue);
            int   t_preceding = (int)(-1.0 / m_rate * Math.Log(m_r.NextDouble()));

            //		Console.WriteLine("t_preceding : {0}", t_preceding);
            Trace.Type t_type = (m_reads_fraction > m_r.NextDouble()) ?
                                Trace.Type.Rd : Trace.Type.Wr;

            t_addr &= 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF;     // Clear MSB bit
            t_addr |= ((ulong)m_group) << 48; // embed group number in address

            //ulong t_addr = (ulong)m_r.Next(0,Int32.MaxValue);
            // assumes 32-byte cache block, 4x4 (16-node) network
            if (Config.network_nrX != 4 && Config.network_nrY != 4 &&
                Config.network_nrX != 8 && Config.network_nrY != 8 &&
                Config.network_nrX != 16 && Config.network_nrY != 16 &&
                (Config.bSynthBitComplement || Config.bSynthTranspose))
                throw new Exception("bit complement and transpose are only for 4x4 and 8x8 and 16x16.");
            ulong mask = 0;

            if (Config.network_nrX == 4 && Config.network_nrY == 4)
                mask = 0x1e0;
            else if (Config.network_nrX == 8 && Config.network_nrY == 8)
                mask = 0x7e0;
            else if (Config.network_nrX == 16 && Config.network_nrY == 16)
                mask = 0x01fe0;
            if (Config.bSynthBitComplement)
                if (Config.topology == Topology.Mesh || Config.topology == Topology.SingleRing)
                    if (Config.network_nrX == 4 && Config.network_nrY == 4)
                        t_addr = (t_addr & ~mask) | (ulong)((~m_group & 0x0f) << 5);
                    else if (Config.network_nrX == 8 && Config.network_nrY == 8)
                        t_addr = (t_addr & ~mask) | (ulong)((~m_group & 0x3f) << 5);
                    else if (Config.network_nrX == 16 && Config.network_nrY == 16)
                        t_addr = (t_addr & ~mask) | (ulong)((~m_group & 0xff) << 5);
                    ulong mapping = 0;
                    if (Config.network_nrX == 4 && Config.network_nrY == 4)
                        switch (m_group)
                        case 0: { mapping = 10; break; }

                        case 1: { mapping = 11; break; }

                        case 2: { mapping = 8; break; }

                        case 3: { mapping = 9; break; }

                        case 4: { mapping = 14; break; }

                        case 5: { mapping = 15; break; }

                        case 6: { mapping = 12; break; }

                        case 7: { mapping = 13; break; }

                        case 8: { mapping = 2; break; }

                        case 9: { mapping = 3; break; }

                        case 10: { mapping = 0; break; }

                        case 11: { mapping = 1; break; }

                        case 12: { mapping = 6; break; }

                        case 13: { mapping = 7; break; }

                        case 14: { mapping = 4; break; }

                        case 15: { mapping = 5; break; }

                        default: { Console.WriteLine("Error"); break; }
                        t_addr = (t_addr & ~mask) | (ulong)((mapping) << 5);
                        int   g3row = (m_group / 64 == 0 || m_group / 64 == 3)? 0 : 1;
                        int   g3col = (m_group / 64 == 0 || m_group / 64 == 1)? 0 : 1;
                        int   g2row = (m_group / 16 % 16 == 0 || m_group / 16 % 16 == 3)? 0 : 1;
                        int   g2col = (m_group / 16 % 16 == 1 || m_group / 16 % 16 == 0)? 0 : 1;
                        int   g1row = (m_group / 4 % 4 == 0 || m_group / 4 % 4 == 3)? 0 : 1;
                        int   g1col = (m_group / 4 % 4 == 0 || m_group / 4 % 4 == 1)? 0 : 1;
                        int   lrow  = (m_group % 4 == 0 || m_group % 4 == 3)? 0 : 1;
                        int   lcol  = (m_group % 4 == 0 || m_group % 4 == 1)? 0 : 1;
                        int   row   = g3row * 8 + g2row * 4 + g1row * 2 + lrow;
                        int   col   = g3col * 8 + g2col * 4 + g1col * 2 + lcol;
                        ulong index = (ulong)row * (ulong)Config.network_nrX + (ulong)col;
                        if (Config.network_nrX == 8)
                            t_addr = (t_addr & ~mask) | (ulong)((~index & 0x3f) << 5);
                        else if (Config.network_nrX == 16)
                            t_addr = (t_addr & ~mask) | (ulong)((~index & 0xff) << 5);
            else if (Config.bSynthTranspose)
                if (Config.topology == Topology.Mesh || Config.topology == Topology.SingleRing)
                    if (Config.network_nrX == 4 && Config.network_nrY == 4)
                        int dest = ((m_group << 2) & 0x0c) | ((m_group >> 2) & 0x03);
                        t_addr = (t_addr & ~mask) | (ulong)(dest << 5);
                    else if (Config.network_nrX == 8 && Config.network_nrY == 8)
                        int dest = ((m_group << 3) & 0x38) | ((m_group >> 3) & 0x07);
                        t_addr = (t_addr & ~mask) | (ulong)(dest << 5);
                    else if (Config.network_nrX == 16 && Config.network_nrY == 16)
                        int dest = ((m_group << 4) & 0xf0) | ((m_group >> 4) & 0x0f);
                        t_addr = (t_addr & ~mask) | (ulong)(dest << 5);
                    if (Config.network_nrX == 4 && Config.network_nrY == 4)
                        ulong mapping = 0;
                        switch (m_group)
                        case 0: { mapping = 10; break; }

                        case 1: { mapping = 9; break; }

                        case 2: { mapping = 8; break; }

                        case 3: { mapping = 11; break; }

                        case 4: { mapping = 6; break; }

                        case 5: { mapping = 5; break; }

                        case 6: { mapping = 4; break; }

                        case 7: { mapping = 7; break; }

                        case 8: { mapping = 2; break; }

                        case 9: { mapping = 1; break; }

                        case 10: { mapping = 0; break; }

                        case 11: { mapping = 3; break; }

                        case 12: { mapping = 14; break; }

                        case 13: { mapping = 13; break; }

                        case 14: { mapping = 12; break; }

                        case 15: { mapping = 15; break; }
                        t_addr = (t_addr & ~mask) | (ulong)((mapping) << 5);
                        int g3row = (m_group / 64 == 0 || m_group / 64 == 3)? 0 : 1;
                        int g3col = (m_group / 64 == 0 || m_group / 64 == 1)? 0 : 1;
                        int g2row = (m_group / 16 % 16 == 0 || m_group / 16 % 16 == 3)? 0 : 1;
                        int g2col = (m_group / 16 % 16 == 1 || m_group / 16 % 16 == 0)? 0 : 1;
                        int g1row = (m_group / 4 % 4 == 0 || m_group / 4 % 4 == 3)? 0 : 1;
                        int g1col = (m_group / 4 % 4 == 0 || m_group / 4 % 4 == 1)? 0 : 1;
                        int lrow  = (m_group % 4 == 0 || m_group % 4 == 3)? 0 : 1;
                        int lcol  = (m_group % 4 == 0 || m_group % 4 == 1)? 0 : 1;
                        int row   = g3row * 8 + g2row * 4 + g1row * 2 + lrow;
                        int col   = g3col * 8 + g2col * 4 + g1col * 2 + lcol;

                        ulong index = (ulong)row * (ulong)Config.network_nrX + (ulong)col;
                        if (Config.network_nrX == 8 && Config.network_nrY == 8)
                            ulong dest = ((index << 3) & 0x38) | ((index >> 3) & 0x07);
                            t_addr = (t_addr & ~mask) | (ulong)(dest << 5);
                        else if (Config.network_nrX == 16 && Config.network_nrY == 16)
                            ulong dest = ((index << 4) & 0xf0) | ((index >> 4) & 0x0f);
                            t_addr = (t_addr & ~mask) | (ulong)(dest << 5);

            if (Config.bSynthHotspot)
//                if (Config.network_nrX != 4 && Config.network_nrY != 4)
//                    throw new Exception("hotspot for 4x4 only.");

                // Send to 1 destination only
                ulong _mask = 0x1e0;
                int   dest  = 10;
                t_addr = (t_addr & ~_mask) | (ulong)(dest << 5);

            if (Config.randomHotspot)
                if (Config.network_nrX != 4 && Config.network_nrY != 4)
                    throw new Exception("hotspot for 4x4 only.");

                // Send to 1 destination only
                ulong _mask = 0x1e0;

                int mapping = 10;
                // ----- generate an address that traverse out of the ring
                if (rand.NextDouble() > Config.non_local_chance) //generate a non local traffic
                    int loc = rand.Next() % 12;
                    if (m_group == 0 || m_group == 1 || m_group == 4 || m_group == 5)
                        switch (loc)
                        case 0: { mapping = 2; break; }

                        case 1: { mapping = 3; break; }

                        case 2: { mapping = 6; break; }

                        case 3: { mapping = 7; break; }

                        case 4: { mapping = 8; break; }

                        case 5: { mapping = 9; break; }

                        case 6: { mapping = 12; break; }

                        case 7: { mapping = 13; break; }

                        case 8: { mapping = 10; break; }

                        case 9: { mapping = 11; break; }

                        case 10: { mapping = 14; break; }

                        case 11: { mapping = 15; break; }
                    else if (m_group == 2 || m_group == 3 || m_group == 6 || m_group == 7)
                        switch (loc)
                        case 0: { mapping = 0; break; }

                        case 1: { mapping = 1; break; }

                        case 2: { mapping = 4; break; }

                        case 3: { mapping = 5; break; }

                        case 4: { mapping = 8; break; }

                        case 5: { mapping = 9; break; }

                        case 6: { mapping = 12; break; }

                        case 7: { mapping = 13; break; }

                        case 8: { mapping = 10; break; }

                        case 9: { mapping = 11; break; }

                        case 10: { mapping = 14; break; }

                        case 11: { mapping = 15; break; }
                    else if (m_group == 8 || m_group == 9 || m_group == 12 || m_group == 13)
                        switch (loc)
                        case 0: { mapping = 0; break; }

                        case 1: { mapping = 1; break; }

                        case 2: { mapping = 4; break; }

                        case 3: { mapping = 5; break; }

                        case 4: { mapping = 2; break; }

                        case 5: { mapping = 3; break; }

                        case 6: { mapping = 6; break; }

                        case 7: { mapping = 7; break; }

                        case 8: { mapping = 10; break; }

                        case 9: { mapping = 11; break; }

                        case 10: { mapping = 14; break; }

                        case 11: { mapping = 15; break; }
                    else if (m_group == 10 || m_group == 11 || m_group == 14 || m_group == 15)
                        switch (loc)
                        case 0: { mapping = 0; break; }

                        case 1: { mapping = 1; break; }

                        case 2: { mapping = 4; break; }

                        case 3: { mapping = 5; break; }

                        case 4: { mapping = 8; break; }

                        case 5: { mapping = 9; break; }

                        case 6: { mapping = 12; break; }

                        case 7: { mapping = 13; break; }

                        case 8: { mapping = 2; break; }

                        case 9: { mapping = 3; break; }

                        case 10: { mapping = 6; break; }

                        case 11: { mapping = 7; break; }
                else // generate a local traffic
                    int loc = rand.Next() % 4;
                    if (m_group == 0 || m_group == 1 || m_group == 4 || m_group == 5)
                        switch (loc)
                        case 0: { mapping = 0; break; }

                        case 1: { mapping = 1; break; }

                        case 2: { mapping = 4; break; }

                        case 3: { mapping = 5; break; }
                    else if (m_group == 2 || m_group == 3 || m_group == 6 || m_group == 7)
                        switch (loc)
                        case 0: { mapping = 2; break; }

                        case 1: { mapping = 3; break; }

                        case 2: { mapping = 6; break; }

                        case 3: { mapping = 7; break; }
                    else if (m_group == 8 || m_group == 9 || m_group == 12 || m_group == 13)
                        switch (loc)
                        case 0: { mapping = 8; break; }

                        case 1: { mapping = 9; break; }

                        case 2: { mapping = 12; break; }

                        case 3: { mapping = 13; break; }
                    else if (m_group == 10 || m_group == 11 || m_group == 14 || m_group == 15)
                        switch (loc)
                        case 0: { mapping = 10; break; }

                        case 1: { mapping = 11; break; }

                        case 2: { mapping = 14; break; }

                        case 3: { mapping = 15; break; }
                t_addr = (t_addr & ~_mask) | (ulong)(mapping << 5);

            if (t_preceding > 0)
                m_nextAddr  = t_addr;
                m_nextType  = t_type;
                m_nextValid = true;

                address = (ulong)t_preceding;
                from    = 0;
                type    = Trace.Type.NonMem;
                address = t_addr;
                from    = 0;
                type    = t_type;

Example #10
File: Trace.cs Project: hirous/test
	public TraceFile_Old_Entry( Trace.Type in_type, ulong in_address, int in_preceding )
	    type = in_type;
	    address = in_address;
	    preceding = in_preceding;
Example #11
File: Trace.cs Project: hirous/test
        public int from;      // for sync

	public mem_req( Trace.Type set_type, ulong set_address, int set_from)
	    type = set_type;
	    address = set_address;
	    from = set_from;
Example #12
        public override bool getNext()
            if (m_nextValid)
                address     = m_nextAddr;
                type        = m_nextType;
                from        = 0;
                m_nextValid = false;

            if (m_rate == 0)
                address = 1;
                type    = Trace.Type.NonMem;
                from    = 0;

            // Generate new trace record (mem address + preceding insts)
            ulong t_addr = (ulong)m_r.Next(0, Int32.MaxValue);
            ulong mask   = 0x1e0;

            // assumes 32-byte cache block, 4x4 (16-node) network
            switch (Config.router.pattern)
            case TrafficPattern.bitComplement:
                if (Config.network_nrX != 4 && Config.network_nrY != 4)
                    throw new Exception("Synth only for 4x4");
                t_addr = (t_addr & ~mask) | (ulong)((~m_group & 0x0f) << 5);

            case TrafficPattern.transpose:
                if (Config.network_nrX != 4 && Config.network_nrY != 4)
                    throw new Exception("Synth only for 4x4");
                int dest = ((m_group << 2) & 0x0c) | ((m_group >> 2) & 0x03);
                t_addr = (t_addr & ~mask) | (ulong)(dest << 5);

            case TrafficPattern.uniformRandom:

            default: throw new Exception("Synth pattern not implemented yet");

            int t_preceding = (int)(-1.0 / m_rate * Math.Log(m_r.NextDouble()));

            Trace.Type t_type = (m_reads_fraction > m_r.NextDouble()) ?
                                Trace.Type.Rd : Trace.Type.Wr;

            t_addr &= 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF;     // Clear MSB bit
            t_addr |= ((ulong)m_group) << 48; // embed group number in address

            if (t_preceding > 0)
                m_nextAddr  = t_addr;
                m_nextType  = t_type;
                m_nextValid = true;

                address = (ulong)t_preceding;
                from    = 0;
                type    = Trace.Type.NonMem;
                address = t_addr;
                from    = 0;
                type    = t_type;
