//listen thread ussed to listen for messages
        static void listen()
            TestHarness loader = new TestHarness();

            while (true)
                ClientEnvironment.verbose = true;
                CommMessage crcvMsg = comm.getMessage();
                if (crcvMsg.body != null && crcvMsg.command != null)
                    if (ClientEnvironment.verbose)
                    if (crcvMsg.command.Equals("testrequest"))
                        Console.WriteLine("\n Received Test Request Message from child process {0} and enqueued in the test request queue", crcvMsg.port);
                        Console.WriteLine("\n ----------------------------------------------------------");
                        TrQ.enQ(crcvMsg.port + " " + crcvMsg.body);
                    else if (crcvMsg.body != null && crcvMsg.body.Equals("DllTransferCompleted"))
                        isDllReceived = true;
                    else if (crcvMsg.port == 8095 && crcvMsg.body != null && crcvMsg.body.Equals("logsreceived"))
                        isHarnessAvailable = true;
 //dequeueing process queue and start testing first test request
 static void allocateprocess()
     Console.WriteLine("\n                    Test harness waiting for test requests");
     Console.WriteLine("\n        =================================================");
     while (true)
         if (TrQ.size() > 0)
             if (isHarnessAvailable)
                 string request = TrQ.deQ();
                 int    index   = request.IndexOf(' ');
                 if (index != -1)
                     string      portno = request.Substring(0, index);
                     string      files  = request.Substring(index + 1);
                     CommMessage sndMsg = new CommMessage(CommMessage.MessageType.request);
                     sndMsg.command = "dllrequest";
                     sndMsg.author  = "Dinesh Dhamotharan";
                     sndMsg.to      = "http://localhost:" + portno + "/IPluggableComm";
                     sndMsg.from    = "http://localhost:8077/IMessagePassingComm";
                     sndMsg.body    = files;
                     sndMsg.port    = 8077;
                     Console.WriteLine("\n reached here");
                     Console.WriteLine("\n sending message:" + files + "to child:" + portno);