Example #1
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (Pausegame == true)
            Time.timeScale    = 0.0001f;
            Screen.showCursor = true;
            Time.timeScale    = 1;
            Screen.showCursor = false;

        if (Input.GetKeyDown("e") && nodeinrange != false)
            NODE = nodeinrange.GetComponent <TowerNode_Script>();
        if (Input.GetKeyDown("e") && Pausegame == true)
            NODE      = null;
            Pausegame = false;
Example #2
    //will need to edit size calculation when UI is finalized
    //also edit naming system once towers are finalized, if needed
    void OnGUI()
        GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - 37.5f, Screen.height / 2 - 37.5f, 75, 75), crosshair);              // draws the crosshair

        if (nodeinrange != false)
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(120, 0, 40, 40), EIcon);

        if (NODE == true)
            Pausegame = true;
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(Screen.width / 4, Screen.height / 4, Screen.width / 2, Screen.height / 2), MenuBackground);
            if (NODE.IsOccupied == false)
                GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(Screen.width / 3, Screen.height / 3, Screen.width / 6, Screen.height / 3), Tower1Icon);
                GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect((Screen.width / 3) * 2, Screen.height / 3, Screen.width / 6, Screen.height / 3), Tower2Icon);
                if (Event.current.keyCode == MenuButton1)
                    NODE      = null;
                    Pausegame = false;
                if (Event.current.keyCode == MenuButton2)
                    NODE      = null;
                    Pausegame = false;

            if (NODE.IsOccupied == true)
                GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(Screen.width / 3, Screen.height / 3, Screen.width / 6, Screen.height / 3), UpgradeIcon);
                GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect((Screen.width / 3) * 2, Screen.height / 3, Screen.width / 6, Screen.height / 3), SellIcon);
                if (Event.current.keyCode == MenuButton1)
                    NODE = null;                        // here it upgrades the tower.

                    Pausegame = false;
                if (Event.current.keyCode == MenuButton2)
                    NODE      = null;
                    Pausegame = false;

            //creates a menu based on size of buttons and number of towers in the list

            /*GUI.Box(new Rect(MenuPositionX,MenuPositionY, 160, (NODE.StartTowers.Count+3)*30), "TNode_TESTMENU");
             * if(NODE.StartTowers.Count>0){
             *      for(int i = 1; i<=NODE.StartTowers.Count; i++){
             *              if(player.MoneyHeld<=10 || NODE.IsOccupied==true){
             *                      GUI.enabled = false;
             *              }
             *              else{
             *                      GUI.enabled = true;
             *              }
             *              if (NODE.StartTowers[i-1] == true){
             *                      if (GUI.Button (new Rect (MenuPositionX+10, MenuPositionY+(i*30), 130, 20), "Tower" +i)) {
             *                              NODE.CreateTower (i-1);
             *                              player.MoneyHeld-=10;
             *                      }
             *              }
             *              else{
             *                      if (GUI.Button (new Rect (MenuPositionX+10, MenuPositionY+(i*30), 130, 20), "EMPTYARRAYSLOT")) {
             *                      }
             *              }
             *      }
             * }
             * if(NODE.IsOccupied==false){
             *      GUI.enabled = false;
             * }
             * else{
             *      GUI.enabled = true;
             *      int tempS = NODE.CurrentTower.GetComponent<TowerLevels>().CurrentSpeedLevel;
             *      int tempP = NODE.CurrentTower.GetComponent<TowerLevels>().CurrentPowerLevel;
             *      int tempR = NODE.CurrentTower.GetComponent<TowerLevels>().CurrentRangeLevel;
             *      GUI.enabled = false;
             *      if (NODE.CurrentTower.GetComponent<TowerLevels>().SpeedList[tempS].cost<player.MoneyHeld){
             *              GUI.enabled =true;
             *      }
             *      if (GUI.Button(new Rect(MenuPositionX, MenuPositionY+((NODE.StartTowers.Count+1)*30), 50, 20), "Speed")){
             *              player.MoneyHeld-=NODE.CurrentTower.GetComponent<TowerLevels>().SpeedList[tempS].cost;
             *              NODE.CurrentTower.GetComponent<TowerLevels>().CurrentSpeedLevel+=1;
             *      }
             *      GUI.enabled = false;
             *      if (NODE.CurrentTower.GetComponent<TowerLevels>().RangeList[tempR].cost<player.MoneyHeld){
             *              GUI.enabled =true;
             *      }
             *      if (GUI.Button(new Rect(MenuPositionX+50, MenuPositionY+((NODE.StartTowers.Count+1)*30), 50, 20), "Range")){
             *              player.MoneyHeld-=NODE.CurrentTower.GetComponent<TowerLevels>().RangeList[tempR].cost;
             *              NODE.CurrentTower.GetComponent<TowerLevels>().CurrentRangeLevel+=1;
             *      }
             *      GUI.enabled = false;
             *      if (NODE.CurrentTower.GetComponent<TowerLevels>().PowerList[tempP].cost<player.MoneyHeld){
             *              GUI.enabled =true;
             *      }
             *      if (GUI.Button(new Rect(MenuPositionX+100, MenuPositionY+((NODE.StartTowers.Count+1)*30), 50, 20), "Power")){
             *              player.MoneyHeld-=NODE.CurrentTower.GetComponent<TowerLevels>().PowerList[tempP].cost;
             *              NODE.CurrentTower.GetComponent<TowerLevels>().CurrentPowerLevel+=1;
             *      }
             * }
             * if(NODE.IsOccupied==false){
             *      GUI.enabled = false;
             * }
             * else{
             *      GUI.enabled = true;
             * }
             * if (GUI.Button (new Rect (MenuPositionX+10, MenuPositionY+((NODE.StartTowers.Count+2)*30), 130, 20), "SellTower")) {
             *      NODE.RemoveTower ();
             *      player.MoneyHeld+=5;
             * }*/