Example #1
    void Start()
        m_gameController  = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <GameController>().GetComponent <GameController>();
        m_touchController = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <TouchController>().GetComponent <TouchController>();

        if (m_dragDistanceSlider != null)
            m_dragDistanceSlider.value    = 50;
            m_dragDistanceSlider.minValue = 50;
            m_dragDistanceSlider.maxValue = 150;

        if (m_swipeDistanceSlider != null)
            m_swipeDistanceSlider.value    = 50;
            m_swipeDistanceSlider.minValue = 20;
            m_swipeDistanceSlider.maxValue = 250;

        if (m_dragSpeedSlider != null)
            m_dragSpeedSlider.value    = 0.15f;
            m_dragSpeedSlider.minValue = 0.05f;
            m_dragSpeedSlider.maxValue = 0.5f;

        if (m_toggleDiagnostic != null && m_touchController != null)
            m_touchController.m_useDiagnostic = m_toggleDiagnostic.isOn;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize all documents
        /// </summary>
        public async void Init(int width, int height)
            //Initialize controllers
            documentController        = new DocumentController(this);
            cardController            = new CardController(this);
            sortingBoxController      = new SortingBoxController(this);
            touchController           = new TouchController(this);
            gestureController         = new GestureController(this);
            listenerController        = new GestureListenerController(this);
            baseLayerController       = new BaseLayerController(this);
            cardLayerController       = new CardLayerController(this);
            sortingBoxLayerController = new SortingBoxLayerController(this);
            menuLayerController       = new MenuLayerController(this);
            //Initialize layers
            baseLayerController.Init(width, height);
            Coordination.Baselayer = baseLayerController.BaseLayer;//Set the base layer to the coordination helper
            cardLayerController.Init(width, height);
            sortingBoxLayerController.Init(width, height);
            menuLayerController.Init(width, height);
            //Load the documents, cards and add them to the card layer
            Document[] docs = await documentController.Init(FilePath.NewsArticle);//Load the document

            Card[] cards = await cardController.Init(docs);

            //Load the sorting box and add them to the sorting box layer
            //Start the gesture detection thread
Example #3
    public void TouchAction(TouchController.TouchActionType t)
        bool airJump = rb.velocity.z > 0;
        switch (t) {
        case TouchController.TouchActionType.left:
            Debug.Log ("ta left");
            rb.velocity = new Vector3(-1, 2, 1)*jump_speed;


        case TouchController.TouchActionType.right:
            Debug.Log ("ta right");
            rb.velocity = new Vector3(1, 2, 1)*jump_speed;


        case TouchController.TouchActionType.leftright:
            Debug.Log ("ta leftright");
            rb.velocity = new Vector3(0, 2, 1)*jump_speed;


        if (airJump) {
            rb.velocity = rb.velocity + new Vector3(0f,1f,0f)*jump_speed;
Example #4
 void Start()
     touchController = FindObjectOfType <TouchController>().GetComponent <TouchController>();
     gameManager     = FindObjectOfType <GameManager>().GetComponent <GameManager>();
     panelManager    = FindObjectOfType <PanelManager>().GetComponent <PanelManager>();
Example #5
 void Update()
     if (TouchController.IsPushedQuitKey())
    /// <summary>
    /// Rotates the camera a given amount given by a movement in a 2D space
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="rotateAmount">Amount to rotate camera on x and y axis</param>
    private void RotateCamera(Vector2 rotateAmount)
        if (target != null)
            //Check if we have a reasonable iputy to change camera pos
            if (Mathf.Abs(rotateAmount.x + rotateAmount.y) > 1)
                transform.RotateAround(target.transform.position, new Vector3(0f, rotateAmount.x, 0f), rotationSpeed * fingerMovementSensitivity * Time.deltaTime);

            //Caculate tartget pos for desired y pos if we aren't touching the screen
            Vector3 cameraBallDifference = Vector3.zero;

            //If the screen has been touched then allow the camera to move to the touched location
            //else settle at a given y postion
            if (TouchController.ScreenTouched())
                cameraBallDifference = (transform.position - target.transform.position).normalized;
                cameraBallDifference = (new Vector3(transform.position.x, cameraYset, transform.position.z) - new Vector3(target.transform.position.x, 0f, target.transform.position.z)).normalized;

            //Work out the postion that the camera should be at
            desiredPostion = cameraBallDifference * radius + target.transform.position;

            //Calculate the camera speed based on our current distance from the camera so that we have a smooth camera,
            //then move the camera
            float cameraSpeed = Time.deltaTime * (radiusSpeed + (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, target.transform.position) * radiusSpeed));
            transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, desiredPostion, cameraSpeed);

            transform.rotation = SmoothLookAt(transform, target.transform);
Example #7
 // Use this for initialization
 void Awake()
     anim       = GetComponentInChildren <Animator> ();
     source     = GetComponent <AudioSource> ();
     training   = GetComponent <Training>();
     controller = GetComponent <TouchController>();
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the local matrix.
        /// If <see cref="UseTRS"/> is true, <see cref="LocalMatrix"/> will be updated from <see cref="Position"/>, <see cref="Rotation"/> and <see cref="Scale"/>.
        /// </summary>
        public void UpdateLocalMatrix()
            // do we need to update with a VR hand?
            if (TrackVRHand != VirtualReality.TouchControllerHand.None && VRDeviceSystem.VRActive)
                TouchController vrController = VRDeviceSystem.GetSystem.GetController(TrackVRHand);

                if (vrController != null && vrController.State != DeviceState.Invalid)
                    Position = vrController.Position;
                    Rotation = vrController.Rotation;

                    if (TrackVRHand == TouchControllerHand.Left)
                        LastLeftHandTracked = this;
                        LastRightHandTracked = this;

            if (UseTRS)
                Matrix.Transformation(ref Scale, ref Rotation, ref Position, out LocalMatrix);
Example #9
    // Token: 0x060008CD RID: 2253 RVA: 0x00038F74 File Offset: 0x00037374
    public override void DrawGUI()
        if (this.disableGui || this.joy.GetAlpha() * this.animAlpha.cur < 0.001f)
        GUI.color = Color.white;
        bool      flag       = this.Pressed();
        Color     cur        = this.animHatColor.cur;
        Color     cur2       = this.animBaseColor.cur;
        Texture2D texture2D  = (!flag) ? this.releasedHatImg : this.pressedHatImg;
        Texture2D texture2D2 = (!flag) ? this.releasedBaseImg : this.pressedBaseImg;

        GUI.depth = this.joy.guiDepth + this.guiDepth + ((!this.Pressed()) ? 0 : this.joy.guiPressedOfs);
        if (texture2D2 != null)
            GUI.color = TouchController.ScaleAlpha(cur2, this.joy.GetAlpha() * this.animAlpha.cur);
            GUI.DrawTexture(this.GetBaseDisplayRect(true), texture2D2);
        if (texture2D != null)
            GUI.color = TouchController.ScaleAlpha(cur, this.joy.GetAlpha() * this.animAlpha.cur);
            GUI.DrawTexture(this.GetHatDisplayRect(true), texture2D);
Example #10
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     rjoystick = joystickdestro.GetComponent <Image>();
     player    = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player");
     touch     = player.GetComponent <TouchController>();
Example #11
    void Start()
        m_gameController  = FindObjectOfType <GameController>();
        m_touchController = FindObjectOfType <TouchController>();

        if (m_dragDistanceSlider != null)
            m_dragDistanceSlider.value    = 100;
            m_dragDistanceSlider.minValue = 50;
            m_dragDistanceSlider.maxValue = 150;

        if (m_swipeDistanceSlider != null)
            m_swipeDistanceSlider.value    = 50;
            m_swipeDistanceSlider.minValue = 20;
            m_swipeDistanceSlider.maxValue = 250;

        if (m_dragSpeedSlider != null)
            m_dragSpeedSlider.value    = 0.15f;
            m_dragSpeedSlider.minValue = 0.05f;
            m_dragSpeedSlider.maxValue = 0.5f;
Example #12
    void Start()
        animator = this.GetComponent <Animator>();
        speed    = Random.RandomRange(3f, 4f);

        touch = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent <TouchController>();
Example #13
 private void Start()
     tInput = GameManager.Instance.TouchController;
     // Get MatchController
     currentPosition = SetValidCurrentPosition(transform.position);
     currentSpace    = GetCurrentSpace();
Example #14
    public void onTouchEnded(TouchController con)
        if (!m_active)

        Vector3 diff = m_active.transform.position;

        diff.x = Mathf.Min(diff.x, 0);
        diff.y = Mathf.Min(diff.y, 0);
        m_active.SetPosition(m_active.GetPosition() - (Vector2)diff);

        diff   = m_active.transform.position;
        diff.x = Mathf.Max(diff.x - Screen.width, 0);
        diff.y = Mathf.Max(diff.y - Screen.height, 0);
        m_active.SetPosition(m_active.GetPosition() - (Vector2)diff);

        diff = m_active.GetPosition() - m_active.perfectPos;
        if (Mathf.Abs(diff.x) < 10 && Mathf.Abs(diff.y) < 10)

        m_active = null;
    void Start()
        rigidBody = GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
        GameObject mathControllerObject  = GameObject.FindWithTag("MathController");
        GameObject touchControllerObject = GameObject.FindWithTag("TouchController");
        GameObject quizControllerObject  = GameObject.FindWithTag("QuizController");

        if (mathControllerObject != null)
            mathController = mathControllerObject.GetComponent <MathController>();
        if (mathControllerObject == null)
            Debug.Log("Cannot find 'MathController' script");

        if (touchControllerObject != null)
            touchController = touchControllerObject.GetComponent <TouchController>();
        if (touchControllerObject == null)
            Debug.Log("Cannot find 'TouchController' script");

        if (quizControllerObject != null)
            quizController = quizControllerObject.GetComponent <QuizController>();
        if (quizControllerObject == null)
            Debug.Log("Cannot find 'QuizController' script");
Example #16
    private void Awake()
        if (!Instance)
            Instance = this;
            // DontDestroyOnLoad (this);

        mainCamera      = Camera.main;
        Raycaster       = mainCamera.GetComponent <Physics2DRaycaster> ();
        spells          = FindObjectOfType <Spells> ();
        field           = FindObjectOfType <Field> ();
        buildingManager = FindObjectOfType <BuildingManager> ();
        attackManager   = FindObjectOfType <AttackManager> ();
        castManager     = FindObjectOfType <CastManager> ();
        enemyController = FindObjectOfType <EnemyController> ();
        touchController = FindObjectOfType <TouchController>();
        wizard          = FindObjectOfType <Wizard> ();
        xpPoints        = wizard.GetComponent <XPpoints> ();
        GameController  = FindObjectOfType <GameController> ();
        uIManager       = FindObjectOfType <UIManager> ();
        firePoints      = FindObjectOfType <FirePoints> ();
Example #17
 // FIXME: 選択肢に対応していない
 // TODO: 選択肢に対応できる仕組みを作る
 void Update()
     if (TouchController.IsTouchBegan())
    public void Initialize()
        Debug.Log("UISettings Initialize");
        deltaSwitch = Screen.width / 8f;


        MusicValue.OnStateChanged += (value) =>
            Debug.Log("SoundController.runtime.MusicVolume " + SoundController.runtime.MusicVolume);
            SoundController.runtime.MusicVolume = value;
        EffectValue.OnStateChanged += (value) =>
            SoundController.runtime.EffectVolume = value;
            Debug.Log("SoundController.runtime.EffectVolume " + SoundController.runtime.EffectVolume);
        LocalizeValue.OnStateChanged += (value) =>
            LocalizationHelper.runtime.Localization = (LocalizationHelper.LocalizationType)value;

        TouchController = Camera.main.GetComponent <TouchController>();
        TouchController.TouchDownClicked += TouchBeganHandler;
        TouchController.TouchMoved       += TouchMovedHandler;
        TouchController.TouchUpClicked   += TouchEndedHandler;
Example #19
    void ClearGimmick()
        if (_isHit)
            // 画面をタッチした時
            if (TouchController.IsTouchBegan())
                // カメラからタッチ位置へのレイを生成
                Ray        ray_ = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(TouchController.GetTouchScreenPosition());
                RaycastHit hit_ = new RaycastHit();

                // レイが当たったオブジェクトのコライダーを取得
                if (Physics.Raycast(ray_, out hit_))
                    if (hit_.collider.gameObject.tag.Equals(ObjectTag.gimmick))
                        // クリアフラグをtrueにする
                        if (!_isClear)
                            _isClear = true;
Example #20
    void Start()
        InventoryController   = GameObject.Find("---InventoryController");
        TouchController       = GameObject.Find("---TouchController").GetComponent <TouchController>();
        AllMachines           = GameObject.Find("---ClothInMachineController").GetComponent <AllMachines>();
        FinalCameraController = GameObject.Find("Main Camera").GetComponent <FinalCameraController>();
        SubwayMovement        = GameObject.Find("---StationController").GetComponent <SubwayMovement>();
        LostAndFound          = GameObject.Find("Lost&Found_basket").GetComponent <LostAndFound>();
        SpriteLoader          = GameObject.Find("---SpriteLoader").GetComponent <SpriteLoader>();
        AdsController         = GameObject.Find("---AdsController").GetComponent <AdsController>();
        InventorySlotMgt      = GameObject.Find("---InventoryController").GetComponent <InventorySlotMgt>();
        //AudioManager = GameObject.Find("---AudioManager").GetComponent<AudioManager>();
        LevelManager = FinalCameraController.LevelManager;
        startPos     = transform.position;

//        selfButton.onClick.AddListener(AddClothToInventory);

        //currentSprite = GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().sprite;

        myImage = GetComponent <Image>();

        startSprite = GetComponent <Image>().sprite;

        if (!FinalCameraController.isTutorial)
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     thisCamera             = this.GetComponent <Camera>();
     lastFreeCameraOrtho    = thisCamera.orthographicSize;
     lastFreeCameraPosition = this.transform.position;
     TC = TouchController.Instance;
Example #22
    // TIPS: リザルト表示
    IEnumerator Result()
        _state = State.Result;

        var p1score = _device.player1.scoreBoard.count;
        var p2score = _device.player2.scoreBoard.count;

        _finish.ActivateImage(p1score, p2score);

        _menu.group.alpha       = 1f;
        _menu.start.image.color = Color.white * 0f;
        _menu.hint.image.color  = Color.white * 0f;
        _menu.back.interactable = true;

        RaycastHit hit;

        while (true)
            if (TouchController.IsTouchBegan())
                var isHit = TouchController.IsRaycastHitWithLayer(out hit, _refereeMask);
                if (isHit)
            yield return(null);

Example #23
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        InventoryController   = GameObject.Find("---InventoryController");
        TouchController       = GameObject.Find("---TouchController").GetComponent <TouchController>();
        AllMachines           = GameObject.Find("---ClothInMachineController").GetComponent <AllMachines>();
        FinalCameraController = GameObject.Find("Main Camera").GetComponent <FinalCameraController>();

        CalculateInventory = InventoryController.GetComponent <CalculateInventory>();
        startPos           = transform.position;

        inventoryButtonList = new List <Button>();

//        selfButton.onClick.AddListener(AddClothToInventory);

        //currentSprite = GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().sprite;

        myImage = GetComponent <Image>();

        startSprite = GetComponent <Image>().sprite;

        selfButton = GetComponent <Button>();

        for (var i = 0; i < CalculateInventory.inventory.Count; i++)
            inventoryButtonList.Add(CalculateInventory.inventory[i].GetComponent <Button>());
Example #24
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        // Инициализировать необходимые компоненты цветного круга
        ColorCircle = transform.GetChild(0) as RectTransform;

        // Инициализировать необходимые компоненты маркера
        PickerTransform = ColorCircle.GetChild(0) as RectTransform;
        Picker          = PickerTransform.GetComponent <Image>();

        // Создать регулировку яркости
        Brightness = new SliderControl(transform, "BrightnessSlider");

        // Создать регулировку насыщенности
        Saturation = new SliderControl(transform, "SaturationSlider");

        SelectedColor = transform.Find("SelectedColor").GetComponent <Image>();

        // Инициализировать радиусы цветного круга и маркера
        CircleRadius = 0.5f * ColorCircle.sizeDelta.x;
        PickerRadius = 0.5f * PickerTransform.sizeDelta.x;

        // Кватернион поворота на 120 градусов по часовой стрелке вокруг оси Z
        Quaternion rotateQuaternion = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, -120);

        // Инициализировать массив с координатами точек R, G и B
        RGBpoints[0] = new Vector2(0, CircleRadius);
        for (int p = 1; p < RGBpoints.Length; p++)
            RGBpoints[p] = rotateQuaternion * RGBpoints[p - 1];

        // Создать массив под угловые расстояния заданной точки до точек R, G и B
        Angles = new float[RGBpoints.Length];

        // Обновить текущий цвет маркера
        Picker.color = CalcColor(PickerTransform.anchoredPosition);

        // Обновить текущий цвет регулировки насыщенности
        Saturation.Color = Color.Lerp(Color.white, Picker.color, Saturation.Slider.value);

        // Обновить текущий цвет регулировки яркости
        Brightness.Color = SelectedColor.color = Color.Lerp(Color.black, Saturation.Color, Brightness.Slider.value);

        // При изменении насыщенности - обновлять цвет
        Saturation.Slider.onValueChanged.AddListener((float value) =>
            Saturation.Color = Color.Lerp(Color.white, Picker.color, Saturation.Slider.value);
            Brightness.Color = SelectedColor.color = Color.Lerp(Color.black, Saturation.Color, Brightness.Slider.value);

        // При изменении яркости - обновлять цвет
        Brightness.Slider.onValueChanged.AddListener((float value) =>
            Brightness.Color = SelectedColor.color = Color.Lerp(Color.black, Saturation.Color, Brightness.Slider.value);

        // Зарегистрироваться в TouchController-е, чтобы отслеживать перемещения пальцев или мыши по экрану
Example #25
 private void Awake()
     rectTransform = GetComponent <RectTransform>();
     dummy         = GetComponentInChildren <UnityEngine.UI.Image>(true);
     touchControl  = GetComponentInChildren <TouchController>(true);
     OutlinePrefab = Instantiate(OutlinePrefab);
 void Start()
     player      = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player");
     lifebar     = GameObject.Find("lifebar");
     touch       = player.GetComponent <TouchController>();
     slider      = lifebar.GetComponent <Slider>();
     audioSource = this.GetComponent <AudioSource>();
    void Awake()
        Instance = this;

        controller = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponentsInChildren <Controller>();

        StrafeArea = Screen.width / 3;
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        reference = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("TOUCHCONTROLLER");

        touchController = reference[0].GetComponent<TouchController>();
        originalRotation = this.transform.rotation;
        fingerList = new List<Vector2>();
Example #29
 private void Start()
     imagem.sprite      = card.imagem;
     nomeText.text      = card.nome;
     descricaoText.text = card.descricao;
     anim       = GetComponent <Animator>();
     controller = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Controller").GetComponent <TouchController>();
Example #30
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     if (tc != null)
         Debug.LogError("TouchController exist!");
     tc = this;
    void Start()
        _hudImages     = Images.GetComponentsInChildren <Image>();
        _hudItemCounts = Numbers.GetComponentsInChildren <Text>();

        for (int i = 0; i < _hudImages.Length; i++)
            _hudGameObjects[i] = _hudImages[i].gameObject;

        for (int i = 0; i < IngredientTyperOrders.Length; i++)
            IndexMappings[IngredientTyperOrders[i]] = i;

        CraftingManager.Instance.OnResourceCountChanged += CheckResourceNumbers;

        buttonStateSprites = new Dictionary <ButtonState, Sprite[]>(5);
        buttonStateSprites[ButtonState.Default] = DefaultSprites;
        buttonStateSprites[ButtonState.Craft]   = CraftSprites;
        buttonStateSprites[ButtonState.Light]   = LightSprites;
        buttonStateSprites[ButtonState.OutOf]   = OutOfSprites;

        Sprite[] arr = new Sprite[9];
        for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
            arr[i] = CombatSprite;
        buttonStateSprites[ButtonState.InCombat] = arr;

        current = ButtonState.InCombat;


        // SetAllCounts();


        Vector2[] pos = new Vector2[9];
        for (int i = 0; i < pos.Length; i++)
            Vector3 center = _hudImages[i].transform.position;
            pos[i] = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(center);
            // center.x += _hudImages[i].rectTransform.rect.width;
            // center.y += _hudImages[i].rectTransform.rect.height;

        var go = GameObject.FindWithTag("TouchController");

        _touchContoller = go.GetComponent <TouchController>();


        Initted = true;
Example #32
    public void Start()
        zoomTarget  = 3.4f;
        angleTarget = PositionToVector(CameraPosition.Center);
        TouchController tc = TouchController.GetController();

        tc.startTouch += StartTouch;
        tc.endTouch   += EndTouch;
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        //origin = new Vector3(1, -0.75f, 0);
        originalRotation = this.transform.rotation;

        reference = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("TOUCHCONTROLLER");

        touchController = reference[0].GetComponent<TouchController>();
        fingerList = new List<Vector2>();
        //touchType = TouchType.NONE;
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     originalRotation = this.transform.rotation;
     originalPosition = new Vector3(0,0,-1);
     reference = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("TOUCHCONTROLLER");
     reference2 = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("GLOBALVARIABLES");
     touchController = reference[0].GetComponent<TouchController>();
     fingerList = new List<Vector2>();
     stop = 0;
     prefab = this.transform;
    // -------------------
    //public TouchControllerConstGenerator(TouchController joy)
    public void InitAndShow(TouchController joy)
        this.joy = joy;

        this.buttonLabel 			= "BTN";
        this.stickLabel				= "STICK";
        this.zoneLabel 				= "ZONE";

        this.prefixMode 			= true;
        this.uppercaseMode 			= true;
        this.spacesToUnderscores	= true;

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        collisionReference = GameObject.Find ("Collision").GetComponent<BoxCollider>();
        originalRotation = this.transform.rotation;
        //originalPosition = new Vector3(0,0,-1);
        originalPosition = this.transform.position;
        touchController = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainObject").GetComponent<TouchController>();
        foldReference = GameObject.Find("backsidepivot").GetComponent<Fold>();

        fingerList = new List<Vector2>();
        tearPoints = new List<Vector3>();

        prefab = this.transform;

        zLayerTmp = GVariables.zFoldLayer;

        prevMousestate = false;
        currMouseState = false;
        firstTouch = false;
        isFolded = false;
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        // the following is now needed
        // due to the prefab of 'MainObject'
        GameObject mainObject = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("MainObject")[0];

        if (GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("MainObject").Length > 1)
            GameObject[] mainObjectList = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("MainObject");
            for (int i = 0; i < mainObjectList.Length; ++i)
                if (mainObjectList[i].GetComponent<GameStateManager>().objectSaved)
                    mainObject = mainObjectList[i];

        // Ensures all necessary scripts are added for the MainObject
        GameStateManager gameStateManagerRef = mainObject.GetComponent<GameStateManager>();

        collisionReference = GameObject.Find ("Collision").GetComponent<BoxCollider>();
        originalRotation = this.transform.rotation;
        //originalPosition = new Vector3(0,0,-1);
        originalPosition = this.transform.position;
        touchController = mainObject.GetComponent<TouchController>();
        foldReference = GameObject.Find("backsidepivot").GetComponent<Fold>();

        fingerList = new List<Vector2>();
        tearPoints = new List<Vector3>();

        prefab = this.transform;

        zLayerTmp = GVariables.zFoldLayer;

        prevMousestate = false;
        currMouseState = false;
        firstTouch = false;
        isFolded = false;
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        // NOTICE : DOM

        originalPosition = new Vector3(0,0,-3);
        originalRotation = this.transform.rotation;

        touchController = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainObject").GetComponent<TouchController>();
        foldCollide = GameObject.Find("Collision").GetComponent<FoldCollision>();
        foldReference = GameObject.Find("backsidepivot").GetComponent<Fold>();
        fingerList = new List<Vector2>();

        prefab = this.transform;

        zLayerTmp = GVariables.zCoverLayer;

        reference3 = this.transform.FindChild("coverup").gameObject;
        script = gameObject.GetComponent<ChangeMeshScript>();

        prevMouseState = false;
        currMouseState = false;
        firstTouch = false;
        isFolded = false;
 public void Dispose()
     m_Instance = null;
    /// <summary>
    /// Use this for initialization
    /// </summary>
    public void Start()
        screenManagerRef = gameObject.GetComponent<ScreenManager>();
        gameStateManagerRef = gameObject.GetComponent<GameStateManager>();
        screenManagerRef = gameObject.GetComponent<ScreenManager>();
        animationManagerRef = gameObject.GetComponent<AnimationManager>();
        touchController = gameObject.GetComponent<TouchController>();

        keyDownWatch = new Stopwatch();
        idleWatch = new Stopwatch();
        lastReleaseWatch = new Stopwatch();
        lastJustPressedWatch = new Stopwatch();
        moveRight = KeyCode.D;
        moveLeft = KeyCode.A;
        jump = KeyCode.Space;
Example #41
    // --------------------
    public void ControlByTouch(TouchController ctrl, DemoRpgGameCS game)
        stickWalk 	= ctrl.GetStick(DemoRpgGameCS.STICK_WALK);
        zoneScreen	= ctrl.GetZone(DemoRpgGameCS.ZONE_SCREEN),
        zoneAction	= ctrl.GetZone(DemoRpgGameCS.ZONE_ACTION),
        zoneFire	= ctrl.GetZone(DemoRpgGameCS.ZONE_FIRE);

        // Get stick's normalized direction in world space relative to camera's angle...

        Vector3 moveWorldDir	= stickWalk.GetVec3d(TouchStick.Vec3DMode.XZ, true, game.camOrbitalAngle);

        // Get stick's angle in world space by adding it to camera's angle..

        float	stickWorldAngle	= stickWalk.GetAngle() + game.camOrbitalAngle;

        // Get walking speed from stick's current tilt...

        float 	speed 			= stickWalk.GetTilt();

        // Get gun's trigger state by checking Fire zone's state (including mid-frame press)

        bool	gunTriggerState	= zoneFire.UniPressed(true, false);

        // Check if Action should be performed - either by pressing the Action button or
        // by tapping on the right side of the screen...

        bool	performAction	=
        zoneAction.JustUniPressed(true, true) ||

        if ((this.charaState == CharaState.IDLE) ||
        (this.charaState == CharaState.WALK) ||
        (this.charaState == CharaState.RUN))
        if (speed > this.walkStickThreshold)
            float moveSpeed = 0;

            // Walk...

            if (speed < this.runStickThreshold)
                moveSpeed = this.walkSpeed;

                if (this.charaState != CharaState.WALK)

                // Set animation speed...

                this.charaAnim[this.ANIM_WALK_F].speed = this.walkAnimSpeed;

            // Run!

                moveSpeed = this.runSpeed;

                if (this.charaState != CharaState.RUN)

                // Set animation speed...

                this.charaAnim[this.ANIM_RUN_F].speed = this.runAnimSpeed;

            // Update player's angle...

            this.angle = DampAngle(this.angle, stickWorldAngle, this.angleSmoothingTime, this.turnMaxSpeed, Time.deltaTime);

            // Move player's collider...

            this.charaCtrl.Move(moveWorldDir * moveSpeed * Time.deltaTime);

        else if ((this.charaState == CharaState.WALK) || (this.charaState == CharaState.RUN))
            // Stop...


        // Perform Action...

        if (performAction)


        // Every other state than USE...

        if (this.charaState != CharaState.USE)
        if (this.gun != null)

        if (performAction)

        // USE state updates...

        if (this.gun != null)

        this.useElapsed += Time.deltaTime;
        if (this.useElapsed > this.useAnimDuration)
Example #42
    /// \}
    // -----------------
    // Hide documentation
    ///	\cond 
    // ------------------
    // ---------------------
    public override void Init(TouchController joy)

        this.joy = joy;
        this.fingerA = new Finger(this);
        this.fingerB = new Finger(this);


        if (this.initiallyDisabled)
        if (this.initiallyHidden)
    /// <summary>
    /// Start this instance.
    /// </summary>
    private void Start()
        // Init manger refs
        touchController = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainObject").GetComponent<TouchController>();
        gameStateManagerRef = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainObject").GetComponent<GameStateManager>();
        gameStateManagerRef = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainObject").GetComponent<GameStateManager>();
        inputManagerRef = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainObject").GetComponent<InputManager>();
        soundManagerRef = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainObject").GetComponent<SoundManager>();

        PlayerObjectRef = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player");
        twCharController = PlayerObjectRef.GetComponent<TWCharacterController>();
        unfoldBorderObjectRef = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("unfoldborder");

        //Initialize the tornPlatform list which will be modified
        //during runtime when player triggeres tearing mechanic
        TornPlatforms = new List<GameObject>();

        //Initialize the centerPosition dictionary
        centerPositions = new Dictionary<GameObject, Vector3>();

        //Initialize the list storing the tearable objects which need
        //to be parented to the world cut piece
        objectsBelongingToCutPiece = new List<GameObject>();

        //Initialize decalObject dictionary storeing every decal object for proper updating and cleanup
        decalObjects = new Dictionary<GameObject, int>();

        //Create new dictionary for platforms original positions
        originalPlatformPositions = new Dictionary<GameObject, Vector3>();

        haveCheckedDecalCollision = new Dictionary<GameObject, bool>();

        GameObject[] platforms = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Platform");
        Platforms = new List<GameObject>();
        foreach(GameObject go in platforms)
        platforms = null;

        //Store original positions of paltforms
        foreach(GameObject go in Platforms)
            originalPlatformPositions.Add(go, go.transform.position);

        OriginalPlatformTopology = new Dictionary <GameObject, int[]>();
        foreach(GameObject go in Platforms)
            OriginalPlatformTopology.Add(go, go.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh.triangles);
        OriginalPlatformTopology.Add(MainStartingWorldPaper, MainStartingWorldPaper.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh.triangles);

        //init local ref
        TearLimitBounds = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("TearLimit");

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        originalRotation = this.transform.rotation;
        //originalPosition = new Vector3(0,0,-1);
        originalPosition = this.transform.position;
        touchController = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainObject").GetComponent<TouchController>();

        fingerList = new List<Vector2>();
        tearPoints = new List<Vector3>();

        //	stop = 0;

        prefab = this.transform;

        zLayerTmp = GVariables.zFoldLayer;

        backsideReference = this.transform.FindChild("backside").gameObject;
        foldCollide = GameObject.Find("Collision").GetComponent<FoldCollision>();
        backsideCollisionReference = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("FoldPlatform");
        cameraReference = GameObject.Find("Main Camera");

        script = gameObject.GetComponent<ChangeMeshScript>();

        prevMousestate = false;
        currMouseState = false;
        firstTouch = false;
        isFolded = false;
    // ------------------
    public virtual void Init(TouchController joy)
        this.joy = joy;

        this.visible	= true;
        this.enabled	= true;

    // -------------------
    //public TouchControllerConstGenerator(TouchController joy)
    public void InitAndShow(TouchController joy)
        this.joy = joy;

        this.stickLabel				= "STICK";
        this.zoneLabel 				= "ZONE";

        this.ctrlVarName			= "ctrl";

        this.prefixMode 			= true;
        this.uppercaseMode 			= true;
        this.spacesToUnderscores	= true;

        this.genCtrlVar				= true;
        this.genCustomGuiSection	= false;
        this.genLayoutSection		= false;



        this.title = "Control Freak Code Generator";
 public void AssignTouchController()
     touchControllerRef = gameObject.GetComponent<TouchController>();
    // Ensures game needed scripts are added to the overall 'MainObject'. Should only be called if you're referencing the MainObject!
    public void EnsureGameScriptsAdded()
        gameObject.GetComponent<AnimationManager>().enabled = true;
        gameObject.GetComponent<PlayerManager>().enabled = true;
        gameObject.GetComponent<TouchController>().enabled = true;
        gameObject.GetComponent<WorldCollision>().enabled = true;
        gameObject.GetComponent<InputManager>().enabled = true;

            animManagerRef = gameObject.GetComponent<AnimationManager>();
            touchControllerRef = gameObject.GetComponent<TouchController>();
            worldCollisionRef = gameObject.GetComponent<WorldCollision>();
        //			UnityEngine.Debug.Log("TRUE");
Example #49
	/// \}

	// -----------------
	// Hide documentation
	///	\cond 
	// ------------------

	// ---------------------
	override public void Init(TouchController joy)

		this.joy = joy;
		this.fingerA = new Finger(this);
		this.fingerB = new Finger(this);	

			(this.overrideScale ? this.releasedScale : this.joy.releasedZoneScale), 	
			(this.overrideColors ? this.releasedColor : this.joy.defaultReleasedZoneColor), 


		if (this.initiallyDisabled) 
		if (this.initiallyHidden) 

Example #50
    void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other)
        // If the player enters the trigger zone...
        if(!pegou && other.tag == "Player") {
            // ... play the pickup sound effect.
            AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(pickupClip, transform.position);

            pegou = true;

            touch = GameObject.Find("hero2").GetComponent<TouchController>();

            touch.enabled = false;

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        #region initialization
        // NOTICE : DOM
        // the following is now needed
        // due to the prefab of 'MainObject'
        GameObject mainObject = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("MainObject")[0];

        if (GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("MainObject").Length > 1)
            GameObject[] mainObjectList = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("MainObject");
            for (int i = 0; i < mainObjectList.Length; ++i)
                if (mainObjectList[i].GetComponent<GameStateManager>().objectSaved)
                    mainObject = mainObjectList[i];

        // Ensures all necessary scripts are added for the MainObject
        gameStateManagerRef = mainObject.GetComponent<GameStateManager>();
        soundManagerRef = mainObject.GetComponent<SoundManager>();
        screenManagerRef = mainObject.GetComponent<ScreenManager>();

        #region initialize references

        backsidePivotReference = GameObject.Find("backsidepivot");
        coverupPivotReference = GameObject.Find ("coveruppivot");
        tornBacksidePieceReference = GameObject.Find ("tornBacksidePiece");
        //sets the reference of the touchcontroller to the touchcontroller script.
        touchController = mainObject.GetComponent<TouchController>();
        //sets the reference of the backsidesideReference to the backside or "fold"
        backsideReference = backsidePivotReference.transform.FindChild("backside").gameObject;

        backSideInitialColor = backsideReference.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().material.color;

        //sets the reference of the backsideCollisionReference to the platforms on the back of the paper.
        backsideCollisionReference = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("FoldPlatform");
        //sets the camera reference to the main camera
        cameraReference = GameObject.Find("Main Camera");
        //sets the player reference to the player
        playerReference = GameObject.Find("Player_Prefab");
        //sets the backgroundTransform to the transform of the background paper.
        origBackground = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("background");
        backgroundTransform = origBackground.transform;
        //sets backgroundBounds to the bounds of the background paper
        backgroundBounds = backgroundTransform.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh.bounds;
        //sets changeMeshScript to the ChangeMeshScript which removes and restores triangles.
        changeMeshScript = this.GetComponent<ChangeMeshScript>();
        tearReference = GameObject.Find("Tear_Manager").GetComponent<TearManager>();
        coverupReference = coverupPivotReference.transform.FindChild("coverup").gameObject;
        tearPaperMesh = GameObject.Find("backside").GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh;
        unfoldCollisionReference = GameObject.Find("Player_Prefab").GetComponent<UnfoldCollision>();
        shadowReference = GameObject.Find("shadow");
        rayTraceBlockRef = GameObject.Find("rayTraceBlocker");
        paperBorderInsideRef = GameObject.Find("paper_border_inside");
        paperBorderOutsideRef = GameObject.Find("paper_border_outside");
        worldCollisionRef = mainObject.GetComponent<WorldCollision>();
        backsideTriangles = tearPaperMesh.triangles;

        //sets original position and rotation to its starting position and rotation
        foldOriginalRotation = backsidePivotReference.transform.rotation;
        foldOriginalPosition = backsidePivotReference.transform.position;

        //sets starting position coverup's starting position
        coverupStartingPosition = coverupPivotReference.transform.position;
        //sets coverup's original position to the vector required for the tranforms to work properly
        coverupOriginalPosition = new Vector3(0,0,-3);
        //sets coverup's original rotation to its starting rotation
        coverupOriginalRotation = coverupPivotReference.transform.rotation;

        coverupPrefab = coverupPivotReference.transform;
        foldPrefab = backsidePivotReference.transform;

        //initializes variables to defaults.
        fingerList = new List<Vector2>();
        backgroundObjMax = new Vector2();
        backgroundObjMin = new Vector2();
        posModifier = new Vector3();
        posModLastValid = new Vector3();
        unfoldPosModifier = new Vector3();
        foldTmpZLayer = GVariables.zFoldLayer - 1;
        coverupTmpZLayer = GVariables.zCoverLayer -1;
        prevMousestate = false;
        currMouseState = false;
        firstTouch = false;
        isFolded = false;
        overPlayer = false;
        needsToUnfold = false;
        isOffPaper = true;
        backsideIsInstantiated = false;
        currentlyFolding = false;
        missingTriangles = new List<Vector3>();
        deletedTri = new int[0];
        startingQuadrant = Quadrant.NONE;
        currentQuadrant = Quadrant.NONE;
        foldEdge = Edge.BuildManifoldEdges(backsideReference.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh);
        guiEnable = false;
        blah = false;

        foldInput = false;
        prevFoldInput = false;
    /// <summary>
    /// Use this for initialization
    /// </summary>
    private void Start()
        // assign touch controller for android
        touchController = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainObject").GetComponent<TouchController>();
        gameStateManagerRef = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainObject").GetComponent<GameStateManager>();
        gameStateManagerRef = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainObject").GetComponent<GameStateManager>();
        inputManagerRef = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainObject").GetComponent<InputManager>();

        originalColor = new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);

        paperPlatforms = new List<GameObject>();
        paperPlatforms.Add (Platform1);
        paperPlatforms.Add (Platform2);
        paperPlatforms.Add (Platform3);
        paperPlatforms.Add (Platform4);
        //Update platofrms attacked to sutt piece
        if(paperPlatforms.Count() > 0 && NeedToUpdatePlatforms)
            foreach(GameObject go in paperPlatforms)
                    go.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(0, 0, go.GetComponent<Demo_PlatformMovement>().AngleOffset));
                    go.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(0, 0, go.GetComponent<Demo_PlatformMovement>().AngleOffset));

        newPiece = newPaper;

        if(GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh.vertices[0].x != GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh.vertices[1].x)
            MESH_VERT_OFFSET = this.transform.TransformPoint(GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh.vertices[0]).x - this.transform.TransformPoint(GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh.vertices[1]).x;
            MESH_VERT_OFFSET = this.transform.TransformPoint(GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh.vertices[0]).y - this.transform.TransformPoint(GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh.vertices[1]).y;
        if(MESH_VERT_OFFSET < 0) MESH_VERT_OFFSET *= -1;

        //Initially, we set the paper's screen position to be zero
        screenPoint = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

        //Initialize the newMesh to be the same length of the previous
        newMesh = new Vector3[mesh.vertices.Length];

        //Create a clone world mesh for deformation, we do not change the original world gameobject mesh
        //if (!CloneObject) CreateNewPaperWorld();

        //Make sure the offset is positive
        if(MESH_VERT_OFFSET < 0)
            MESH_VERT_OFFSET *= -1;
        //Testing, output the offset
        //Debug.LogWarning("Mesh vertice offset = " + MESH_VERT_OFFSET.ToString());

        //Initialize the max and min world values of mesh mertex coordinates
        WIDTH_MAX = -100;
         	WIDTH_MIN = 100;
        HEIGHT_MAX = -100;
        HEIGHT_MIN = 100;


        //init the dictionary storing the vertices along the tear line and their associated index
        //into the the mesh.vertice array
        tearLine = new Dictionary<Vector3, int>();
        tearLineTime = new Dictionary<Vector3, float>();
        tearLinePositionTime = new Dictionary<float, Vector3>();
        decalDictionary = new Dictionary<GameObject, int>();

        //edgeVertsForcedTorn = new List<Vector3>();

        //Set the tearLineTimer to zero initially as the starting tear line 'time'
        tearLineTimer = 0;


        int testListCount = 1;
        foreach(List<Vector3> list in paperGrid.Values)
            //Debug.LogError("list #" + testListCount.ToString());

            int testPosCount = 1;
            //foreach(Vector3 pos in list)
                //Debug.LogError("Adding new vert #" + testPosCount + " to newPaperGrid = " + pos.ToString());
        //Create a clone world mesh for deformation, we do not change the original world gameobject mesh
        if (!CloneObject) CreateNewPaperWorld();

        //Find the distance between any two adjacent points on mesh
        //(assumming mesh has even distribution of vertices)
        // This is used to know where neighbor vertices are located

        //MESH_VERT_OFFSET = paperGrid.Values.ElementAt(0).ElementAt(0).x - paperGrid.Values.ElementAt(0).ElementAt(1).x;

        //Debug.Log("MESH_VERT_OFFSET = " + MESH_VERT_OFFSET.ToString());
Example #53
	// -------------------
	public void SetTouchController(TouchController joy)
		this.touchCtrl = joy;
    // Use this for initialization.
    public void Start()
        // Keeping GameObject component grabbing consistent among classes. - J.T.
        GameObject mainObject = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("MainObject")[0];

        if(GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("MainObject").Length > 1){
            GameObject[] mainObjectList = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("MainObject");
            for(int i = 0; i < mainObjectList.Length; ++i){
                    mainObject = mainObjectList[i];

        gameStateManagerRef = mainObject.GetComponent <GameStateManager>();
        screenManagerRef = mainObject.GetComponent<ScreenManager>();
        animManagerRef = mainObject.GetComponent<AnimationManager>();
        worldCollisionRef = mainObject.GetComponent<WorldCollision>();
        touchController = gameObject.GetComponent<TouchController>();
        soundManagerRef = gameStateManagerRef.GetSoundManager();
        paperObject = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("background");
        tearBorder = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("DeadSpace");
        foldBorder = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("foldborder");
        unfoldBorder = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("unfoldborder");
        unfoldBlocker = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("RayTraceBlocker");
        moveBorder = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("insideBorder");
        menuButton = GameObject.Find("MenuButton_Prefab");
        restartButton = GameObject.Find("RestartButton_Prefab");
        moveMode = true;
        tearMode = false;
        foldMode = false;
        //Keeping old code here in case something gets broken. - J.T.
        // Ensures all necessary scripts are added for the MainObject.
        gameStateManagerRef = gameObject.GetComponent<GameStateManager>();
        screenManagerRef = gameObject.GetComponent<ScreenManager>();
        animManagerRef = gameObject.GetComponent<AnimationManager>();
        worldCollisionRef = gameObject.GetComponent<WorldCollision>();
        touchController = gameObject.GetComponent<TouchController>();
        idleTriggerLimit = Random.Range (1000, 3000);
        keyDownWatch = new Stopwatch();
        idleKeyWatch = new Stopwatch();
        releaseWatch = new Stopwatch();
        justPressedWatch = new Stopwatch();
        playerBottomCollisionWatch = new Stopwatch();
        idlePlayerWatch = new Stopwatch();


        wasdRight = KeyCode.D;
        wasdLeft = KeyCode.A;
        arrowRight = KeyCode.RightArrow;
        arrowLeft = KeyCode.LeftArrow;
        keyJump = KeyCode.Space;

        hasHorizontalCollision = false;
        currentDirection = ScreenSide.NONE;
        tornPieceInitiated = false;
        movingTornPiece = false;