/// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="src"></param>
 /// <param name="args"></param>
 protected void OnTouchContactDownHandler(object src, TouchContactEventArgs args)
     //We use Reflection to access the private method "HandleMouseButtonDown" and invoke it
     MethodInfo startTimerMethod = this.GetType().GetMethod("HandleMouseButtonDown", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
     startTimerMethod.Invoke(this, new object[]{ MouseButton.Left });
        private void Stash_TouchDown(object sender, TouchContactEventArgs e)
            //ids associated with shit.
            IDProperties idProperties = this.GetID(e.TouchContact.ID);

            if (!players.ContainsKey(idProperties.ID))
                switch (idProperties.ID)
                    case 0: this.players.Add(idProperties.ID, player1); break;
                    case 1: this.players.Add(idProperties.ID, player2); break;
                    case 2: this.players.Add(idProperties.ID, player1); break;
                    case 3: this.players.Add(idProperties.ID, player2); break;

            Pie pie = new Pie(this.canvas, this.players, idProperties.ID, players[idProperties.ID], e.TouchContact.Position);
            pie.SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty, e.TouchContact.Position.X);
            pie.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, e.TouchContact.Position.Y);

            //its already known, so create a different pie for that user..
            if (!contactPies.ContainsKey(idProperties.ID))
                this.contactPies.Add(idProperties.ID, pie);
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="src"></param>
 /// <param name="args"></param>
 protected void OnTouchContactUpHandler(object src, TouchContactEventArgs args)
     if (args.TouchContact.CapturedElement == this)
         //no reflection needed
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="src"></param>
 /// <param name="args"></param>
 protected void OnTouchContactDownHandler(object src, TouchContactEventArgs args)
     base.IsPressed = true;
     //We use Reflection to access the private method "StartTimer" and invoke it
     MethodInfo startTimerMethod = this.GetType().GetMethod("StartTimer", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
     startTimerMethod.Invoke(this, System.Type.EmptyTypes);
Example #5
        protected override void OnTouchContactDownHandler(object src, TouchContactEventArgs args)
            base.IsPressed = true;

            if (ClickMode == ClickMode.Press)
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="src"></param>
 /// <param name="args"></param>
 protected void OnTouchContactUpHandler(object src, TouchContactEventArgs args)
     if (args.TouchContact.CapturedElement == this)
         base.IsPressed = false;
         //We use Reflection to access the private method "StopTimer" and invoke it
         MethodInfo stopTimerMethod = this.GetType().GetMethod("StopTimer", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
         stopTimerMethod.Invoke(this, System.Type.EmptyTypes);
Example #7
 protected override void OnTouchContactUpHandler(object src, TouchContactEventArgs args)
     if (args.TouchContact.CapturedElement == this )
         base.IsPressed = false;
         if (ClickMode == ClickMode.Release)
Example #8
        void AssociatedObject_TouchDown(object sender, TouchContactEventArgs e)
            //we can only lock if there is 1 Finger on the object.
            if (touchID != int.MinValue)
                LockTimer.Dispose(); //stop the timer!


            touchX = e.TouchContact.Position.X;
            touchY = e.TouchContact.Position.Y;
            touchID = e.TouchContact.ID;

            //Console.Out.WriteLine("Touch Down: "+touchID+" ("+touchX + ", "+touchY+")");

        public void UpdateActiveTouchPoints(TouchAction2 action, TouchContactEventArgs e)
            Point position = e.TouchContact.GetPosition(GestureFramework.LayoutRoot);

            TouchInfo info = new TouchInfo();

            info.ActionType = action;

            info.Position = position;

            info.TouchDeviceId = e.TouchContact.ID;

            TouchPoint2 touchPoint = null;

            //If it is contact down, we want to add the point, otherwise we want to update that particular point
            if (action == TouchAction2.Down)
                //add the new touch point to the base
                touchPoint = base.AddNewTouchPoint(info, e.OriginalSource as UIElement);
                touchPoint = base.UpdateActiveTouchPoint(info);

            // Update local cache
            if (_activeTouchPoints.ContainsKey(info.TouchDeviceId))
                _activeTouchPoints[info.TouchDeviceId] = touchPoint;
                _activeTouchInfos[info.TouchDeviceId] = info;
                _activeTouchPoints.Add(info.TouchDeviceId, touchPoint);
                _activeTouchInfos.Add(info.TouchDeviceId, info);
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender"></param>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 private void FrameworkElement_TouchContactUp(object sender, TouchContactEventArgs e)
     if (this._elementTouchContacts.ContainsKey(e.TouchContact.ID))
     if (e.TouchContact == this._keyTouchContact)
         if (this._elementTouchContacts.Count > 0)
             this._keyTouchContact = this._elementTouchContacts.Last<KeyValuePair<int, TouchContact>>().Value;
             this._keyTouchContact = null;
     _previousKeyPosition = null;
     _previousPosition = null;
     _previousObjectParent = null;
        private void card_TouchDown(object sender, TouchContactEventArgs e)
            if(OnContentCardTouchDown != null)
                OnContentCardTouchDown((ContentCardBase)sender, e.TouchContact);

            if (!cardsHeldDown.Contains((ContentCardBase)sender))

                if (cardsHeldDown.Count == 1 && OnContentCardsHeldDown != null)

 public void Kill_Building_Popup(Object sender, TouchContactEventArgs e)
     object c = ((InteractiveBorder)sender).Parent;
 public void singleClick(object sender, TouchContactEventArgs e)
     Console.WriteLine("This only happends when the single click event is satisfied");
     Point point = new Point();
     point = ((TouchContactEventArgs)e).TouchContact.GetPosition((InteractiveBorder)sender);
 private void TouchContactDown(object sender, TouchContactEventArgs e)
     UpdateActiveTouchPoints(TouchAction2.Down, e);
 private void TouchMove(object sender, TouchContactEventArgs e)
     UpdateActiveTouchPoints(TouchAction2.Move, e);
Example #16
        void AssociatedObject_TouchUp(object sender, TouchContactEventArgs e)

            double tX = e.TouchContact.Position.X;
            double tY = e.TouchContact.Position.Y;
            int tID = e.TouchContact.ID;

            //Console.Out.WriteLine("Touch Up: "+tID+" ("+tX + ", "+tY+")");
            //if (touchID == e.TouchContact.ID)
                touchID = int.MinValue;
Example #17
        void AssociatedObject_TouchMove(object sender, TouchContactEventArgs e)
            ReadOnlyCollection<TouchContact> roc = TouchInputManager.GetTouchContactsCaptured(AssociatedObject);
            if (roc.Count > 1)
                return; //only works if there is 1 contact only

            //check to see if the threshold has been reached, and that it has not gone over the distance threshold

            double dx = e.TouchContact.Position.X - touchX;
            double dy = e.TouchContact.Position.Y - touchY;
            double r2pow = dx * dx + dy * dy;

            if (r2pow > MAXRADIUS)
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void FrameworkElement_TouchContactMove(object sender, TouchContactEventArgs e)
            if (!this._elementTouchContacts.ContainsKey(e.TouchContact.ID))
                if (e.TouchContact.CapturedElement != this.AssociatedObject)
                if (!this._elementTouchContacts.ContainsKey(e.TouchContact.ID))
                    this._elementTouchContacts.Add(e.TouchContact.ID, e.TouchContact);
                this._keyTouchContact = e.TouchContact;
                this._previousKeyPosition = null;
                this._previousPosition = null;
                this._previousObjectParent = null;
            else if (e.TouchContact == this._keyTouchContact)
                UIElement parent = AssociatedObject.Parent as UIElement;
                if ((this._previousObjectParent != null) && (parent != this._previousObjectParent))
                    this._previousObjectParent = parent;
                    parent = null;
                if (parent != null)
                    Point point = new Point(0.0, 0.0);
                    foreach (TouchContact contact in this._elementTouchContacts.Values)
                        Point point2 = contact.GetPosition(parent);
                        point.X += point2.X;
                        point.Y += point2.Y;
                    point.X /= (double)this._elementTouchContacts.Count;
                    point.Y /= (double)this._elementTouchContacts.Count;
                    Point position = this._keyTouchContact.GetPosition(parent);

                    if ((this._previousPosition.HasValue) && (this._previousKeyPosition.HasValue))
                        double num;
                        double num2;
                        double num3;
                        double num4;
                        if (this._elementTouchContacts.Count == 1)
                            Point point4 = new Point();
                            if (AssociatedObject is ICentroid)
                                point4 = ((ICentroid)AssociatedObject).getCentroid();
                                point4.X = this.AssociatedObject.ActualWidth / 2.0;
                                point4.Y = this.AssociatedObject.ActualHeight / 2.0;
                            point4 = this.AssociatedObject.TranslatePoint(point4, parent);
                            num = this._previousPosition.Value.X - point4.X;
                            num2 = _previousPosition.Value.Y - point4.Y;
                            num3 = point.X - point4.X;
                            num4 = point.Y - point4.Y;
                            num = this._previousPosition.Value.X - this._previousKeyPosition.Value.X;
                            num2 = this._previousPosition.Value.Y - this._previousKeyPosition.Value.Y;
                            num3 = point.X - position.X;
                            num4 = point.Y - position.Y;
                        double num5 = Math.Sqrt((num * num) + (num2 * num2));
                        double num6 = Math.Sqrt((num3 * num3) + (num4 * num4));
                        num /= num5;
                        num2 /= num5;
                        num3 /= num6;
                        num4 /= num6;
                        double d = (num * num3) + (num2 * num4);
                        double num8 = (num * num4) - (num3 * num2);
                        double num9 = (Math.Acos(d) * 180.0) / Math.PI;

                        if ((_isRotateEnabled && (num9 > 0.0)) && (num9 <= 180.0))
                            if (num8 > 0.0)
                                this._rotateTransform.Angle += num9;
                                this._rotateTransform.Angle -= num9;
                            if (AssociatedObject is ICentroid)
                                Point centroid = ((ICentroid)AssociatedObject).getCentroid();
                                _rotateTransform.CenterX = centroid.X;
                                _rotateTransform.CenterY = centroid.Y;
                                _rotateTransform.CenterX = this.AssociatedObject.ActualWidth / 2.0;
                                _rotateTransform.CenterY = this.AssociatedObject.ActualHeight / 2.0;
                            AssociatedObject.RenderTransform = _rotateTransform;
                    this._previousKeyPosition = new Point(position.X, position.Y);
                    this._previousPosition = new Point(point.X, point.Y);
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="src"></param>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        private void AssociatedObject_TouchContactDown(object src, TouchContactEventArgs args)
            if (!_touchContacts.ContainsKey(args.TouchContact.ID))
                _touchContacts.Add(args.TouchContact.ID, args.TouchContact);

                _keyTouchContact = args.TouchContact;
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="src"></param>
 /// <param name="args"></param>
 private void AssociatedObject_TouchContactUp(object src, TouchContactEventArgs args)
     if (args.TouchContact.CapturedElement == AssociatedObject)
     if (args.TouchContact == this._keyTouchContact)
         if (_touchContacts.Count > 0)
             //use the last touch contact as the new key.
             _keyTouchContact = _touchContacts.Last<KeyValuePair<int, TouchContact>>().Value;
             _keyTouchContact = null;
     _previousDistance = 0;
     _previousObjectParent = null;
     _previousPosition = null;
     _previousKeyPosition = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="src"></param>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        private void AssociatedObject_TouchContactMoved(object src, TouchContactEventArgs args)
            //make sure that we have the key
            if (!this._touchContacts.ContainsKey(args.TouchContact.ID))
                if (args.TouchContact.CapturedElement != this.AssociatedObject)
                    this._touchContacts.Add(args.TouchContact.ID, args.TouchContact);

                this._keyTouchContact = args.TouchContact;
                this._previousKeyPosition = null;
                this._previousPosition = null;
                this._previousDistance = 0.0;
                this._previousObjectParent = null;
            else if ((this._touchContacts.Count >= 2))
                if (args.TouchContact != this._keyTouchContact)
                    return; //dont waste my time

                UIElement parent = AssociatedObject.Parent as UIElement;
                if ((this._previousObjectParent != null) && (parent != _previousObjectParent))
                    this._previousObjectParent = parent;
                    parent = null;
                if (parent != null)
                    Point point = new Point(0.0, 0.0);
                    foreach (TouchContact contact in this._touchContacts.Values)
                        Point point2 = contact.GetPosition(this.AssociatedObject);
                        point.X += point2.X;
                        point.Y += point2.Y;
                    point.X /= (double)this._touchContacts.Count;
                    point.Y /= (double)this._touchContacts.Count;
                    Point point3 = this.AssociatedObject.TranslatePoint(point, parent);
                    double num = 0.0;

                    foreach (TouchContact contact2 in this._touchContacts.Values)
                        Point point4 = contact2.GetPosition(parent);
                        num += Math.Sqrt(((point4.X - point3.X) * (point4.X - point3.X)) + ((point4.Y - point3.Y) * (point4.Y - point3.Y)));

                    num /= (double)this._touchContacts.Count;
                    Point position = this._keyTouchContact.GetPosition(parent);
                    if ((this._previousKeyPosition.HasValue && _previousPosition.HasValue) && (this._touchContacts.Count >= 1))
                        double num2 = this._previousPosition.Value.X - this._previousKeyPosition.Value.X;
                        double num3 = this._previousPosition.Value.Y - this._previousKeyPosition.Value.Y;
                        double num4 = point3.X - position.X;
                        double num5 = point3.Y - position.Y;
                        double num6 = Math.Sqrt((num2 * num2) + (num3 * num3));
                        double num7 = Math.Sqrt((num4 * num4) + (num5 * num5));
                        num2 /= num6;
                        num3 /= num6;
                        num4 /= num7;
                        num5 /= num7;
                        double d = (num2 * num4) + (num3 * num5);
                        double num9 = (num2 * num5) - (num4 * num3);
                        double num10 = (Math.Acos(d) * 180.0) / 3.1415926535897931;
                        if ((this._rotateEnabled && (num10 > 0.0)) && (num10 <= 180.0))
                            if (num9 > 0.0)
                                this.AssociatedObject.RotateTransform.Angle += num10;
                                this.AssociatedObject.RotateTransform.Angle -= num10;
                    this._previousKeyPosition = new Point(position.X, position.Y);

                    #region SCALECODE
                    //SCALE CODE REMOVED
                    /*if (this.m_bIsScaleEnabled && this.m_dPreviousDistance.HasValue)

                        double num11 = num / this.m_dPreviousDistance.Value;
                        if ((((this.m_scaleTransform.ScaleX * num11) < base.AssociatedObject.MinScale) || ((this.m_scaleTransform.ScaleY * num11) < base.AssociatedObject.MinScale)) && (num11 < 1.0))
                            this.m_scaleTransform.ScaleX = base.AssociatedObject.MinScale;
                            this.m_scaleTransform.ScaleY = base.AssociatedObject.MinScale;
                        else if ((((this.m_scaleTransform.ScaleX * num11) > base.AssociatedObject.MaxScale) || ((this.m_scaleTransform.ScaleX * num11) > base.AssociatedObject.MaxScale)) && (num11 > 1.0))
                            this.m_scaleTransform.ScaleX = base.AssociatedObject.MaxScale;
                                this.m_scaleTransform.ScaleY = base.AssociatedObject.MaxScale;
                            this.m_scaleTransform.ScaleX *= num11;
                            this.m_scaleTransform.ScaleY *= num11;
                        Point point6 = this.m_element.TranslatePoint(point, parent);
                        this.m_translateTransform.X += point3.X - point6.X;
                        this.m_translateTransform.Y += point3.Y - point6.Y;

                    this._previousDistance = num;
                    if (this._translateEnabled && this._previousPosition.HasValue)
                        this.AssociatedObject.TranslateTransform.X += point3.X - this._previousPosition.Value.X;
                        this.AssociatedObject.TranslateTransform.Y += point3.Y - this._previousPosition.Value.Y;
                        //Console.WriteLine("Moving " + (point3.X - this._previousPosition.Value.X));
                    this._previousPosition = point3;
            else if (this._touchContacts.Count == 1) //specific version for rotation around a point
                if (args.TouchContact != this._keyTouchContact)
                    return; //dont waste my time

                UIElement parent = AssociatedObject.Parent as UIElement;
                if ((this._previousObjectParent != null) && (parent != _previousObjectParent))
                    this._previousObjectParent = parent;
                    parent = null;

 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender"></param>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 private void FrameworkElement_TouchContactDown(object sender, TouchContactEventArgs e)
     _elementTouchContacts.Add(e.TouchContact.ID, e.TouchContact);
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void FrameworkElement_TouchContactMove(object sender, TouchContactEventArgs e)

                if (!IsRotateEnabled)

                if (!this._elementTouchContacts.ContainsKey(e.TouchContact.ID))
                    if (e.TouchContact.CapturedElement != this.AssociatedObject)
                    if (!this._elementTouchContacts.ContainsKey(e.TouchContact.ID))
                        this._elementTouchContacts.Add(e.TouchContact.ID, e.TouchContact);
                    this._keyTouchContact = e.TouchContact;
                    this._previousKeyPosition = null;
                    this._previousPosition = null;
                    this._previousObjectParent = null;
                else if (e.TouchContact == this._keyTouchContact)
                    UIElement parent = AssociatedObject.Parent as UIElement;
                    if ((this._previousObjectParent != null) && (parent != this._previousObjectParent))
                        this._previousObjectParent = parent;
                        parent = null;
                    if (parent != null)
                        Point point = new Point(0.0, 0.0);
                        foreach (TouchContact contact in this._elementTouchContacts.Values)
                            Point point2 = contact.GetPosition(parent);
                            point.X += point2.X;
                            point.Y += point2.Y;
                        point.X /= (double)this._elementTouchContacts.Count;
                        point.Y /= (double)this._elementTouchContacts.Count;
                        Point position = this._keyTouchContact.GetPosition(parent);

                        if ((this._previousPosition.HasValue) && (this._previousKeyPosition.HasValue))
                            double num;
                            double num2;
                            double num3;
                            double num4;
                            if (this._elementTouchContacts.Count == 1)
                                Point point4 = AssociatedObject.getCentroid();
                                point4 = this.AssociatedObject.TranslatePoint(point4, parent);
                                num = this._previousPosition.Value.X - point4.X;
                                num2 = _previousPosition.Value.Y - point4.Y;
                                num3 = point.X - point4.X;
                                num4 = point.Y - point4.Y;
                                num = this._previousPosition.Value.X - this._previousKeyPosition.Value.X;
                                num2 = this._previousPosition.Value.Y - this._previousKeyPosition.Value.Y;
                                num3 = point.X - position.X;
                                num4 = point.Y - position.Y;
                            double num5 = Math.Sqrt((num * num) + (num2 * num2));
                            double num6 = Math.Sqrt((num3 * num3) + (num4 * num4));
                            num /= num5;
                            num2 /= num5;
                            num3 /= num6;
                            num4 /= num6;
                            double d = (num * num3) + (num2 * num4);
                            double num8 = (num * num4) - (num3 * num2);
                            double num9 = (Math.Acos(d) * 180.0) / Math.PI;

                            if ((_isRotateEnabled && (num9 > 0.0)) && (num9 <= 180.0))
                                if (num8 > 0.0)
                                    AssociatedObject.StartAngle -= num9;
                                    AssociatedObject.EndAngle -= num9;
                                    AssociatedObject.StartAngle += num9;
                                    AssociatedObject.EndAngle += num9;
                        this._previousKeyPosition = new Point(position.X, position.Y);
                        this._previousPosition = new Point(point.X, point.Y);
            catch (Exception exc)
        private void card_TouchUp(object sender, TouchContactEventArgs e)
            if (OnContentCardTouchUp != null)
                OnContentCardTouchUp((ContentCardBase)sender, e.TouchContact);

            if (cardsHeldDown.Contains((ContentCardBase)sender))
                if (cardsHeldDown.Count == 0 && OnContentCardsReleased != null)
Example #25
        void AssociatedObject_TouchDown(object sender, TouchContactEventArgs e)
            ReadOnlyCollection<TouchContact> roc = TouchInputManager.GetTouchContactsCaptured(AssociatedObject);
            if (roc.Count > 1)
                return; //only works if there is 1 contact only

            touchX = e.TouchContact.Position.X;
            touchY = e.TouchContact.Position.Y;

 private void m_onLockableUntouched(object src, TouchContactEventArgs args)
     if (IsLocked())
         //Console.Out.WriteLine("lock effect");
         Effect = lockEffect;
         //Console.Out.WriteLine("unlock effect");
         Effect = unlockEffect;
Example #27
 void AssociatedObject_TouchUp(object sender, TouchContactEventArgs e)
     touchX = double.MaxValue;
     touchY = double.MinValue;
 protected virtual void OnTouchContactUpHandler(object src, TouchContactEventArgs args)
Example #29
        void AssociatedObject_TouchMove(object sender, TouchContactEventArgs e)
            if (e.TouchContact.ID != touchID)
                return; //not going to waste time with silly calculations

            double dx = e.TouchContact.Position.X - touchX;
            double dy = e.TouchContact.Position.Y - touchY;
            double r2pow = dx * dx + dy * dy;

            if (r2pow > MAXRADIUS)
                touchID = int.MinValue;
                //Console.Out.WriteLine("Reset: " + r2pow); //debug
 private void card_TouchMove(object sender, TouchContactEventArgs e)
     if (OnContentCardTouchMove != null)
         OnContentCardTouchMove((ContentCardBase)sender, e.TouchContact);