Example #1
 public override string ToString()
     return($"{Term} months (effective {AnnualPercentageRate}, nominal {NominalRate}): monthly {MonthlyPayment.ToString()}, total {TotalCost.ToString()}, interest {TotalInterest.ToString()}");
Example #2
        private void calculateBTN_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                //declaring variables
                double PurchasePrice, DownPymt, Rate, MonthlyPymt, LoanAmt, Percent, TotalInterest;

                int Term;

                //parsing text
                PurchasePrice = double.Parse(inPurchasePriceTB.Text);

                DownPymt = double.Parse(inDownPymtTB.Text);

                Rate = double.Parse(rateTB.Text) / 100;

                Term = int.Parse(termTB.Text);

                Percent = double.Parse(inDownPymtTB.Text) / 100;

                //Checking Percent of purchase price or dollar value
                if (percentRB.Checked)
                    DownPymt = PurchasePrice * Percent;
                else if (dollarsRB.Checked)
                    DownPymt = double.Parse(inDownPymtTB.Text);

                // checking Years or Months
                if (yearsRB.Checked)
                    Term = Term * 12;
                else if (monthRB.Checked)
                    Term = int.Parse(termTB.Text);

                // assigning formula variables

                double interest = Rate / 12;
                LoanAmt = PurchasePrice - DownPymt;

                MonthlyPymt = LoanAmt * ((interest * (Math.Pow(1 + interest, Term))) /
                                         (Math.Pow(1 + interest, Term) - 1));

                TotalInterest = (MonthlyPymt * Term) - LoanAmt;

                double totalAmtPaid = MonthlyPymt * Term;

                // Display the answers
                loanAmtTB.Text = LoanAmt.ToString();

                monthlyPymtTB.Text = MonthlyPymt.ToString("n2");

                totalInterestPaidTB.Text = TotalInterest.ToString("n2");

                totalAmtPaidTB.Text = totalAmtPaid.ToString("n2");
            catch (Exception)
                MessageBox.Show("Something is WRONG with your figures");