public void NonThreeBinaryDigitsNotScoredForBonus()
            TossupBonusPhaseState phaseState = CreatePhaseInBonusStage();

            Assert.IsFalse(phaseState.TryScoreBonus("11"), "Scoring the bonus should've failed for 2 splits");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, phaseState.BonusScores.Count, "No bonus should've been scored for 2 digits");

            Assert.IsFalse(phaseState.TryScoreBonus("1011"), "Scoring the bonus should've failed for 4 splits");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, phaseState.BonusScores.Count, "No bonus should've been scored for 4 digits");
        public void TenAndTwentyNotScoredForBonus()
            TossupBonusPhaseState phaseState = CreatePhaseInBonusStage();

            Assert.IsFalse(phaseState.TryScoreBonus("10"), "Scoring the bonus should've failed for 2 splits");
                0, phaseState.BonusScores.Count, "No bonus should've been scored for 10, since we don't know the splits");

            Assert.IsFalse(phaseState.TryScoreBonus("20"), "Scoring the bonus should've failed for 4 splits");
                0, phaseState.BonusScores.Count, "No bonus should've been scored for 20, since we don't know the splits");
        public void ThirtyStringScoredForBonus()
            TossupBonusPhaseState phaseState = CreatePhaseInBonusStage();

            Assert.IsTrue(phaseState.TryScoreBonus("30"), "Scoring the bonus should succeed");
                TossupBonusPhaseState.DefaultBonusLength, phaseState.BonusScores.Count, "We should have three parts scored");
                phaseState.BonusScores.All(score => score == 10),
                $"Not all parts were scored a 0: {string.Join('/', phaseState.BonusScores)}");
        public void ThreeBinaryDigitsScoredForBonus()
            TossupBonusPhaseState phaseState = CreatePhaseInBonusStage();

            Assert.IsTrue(phaseState.TryScoreBonus("011"), "Scoring the bonus should succeed");
                TossupBonusPhaseState.DefaultBonusLength, phaseState.BonusScores.Count, "We should have three parts scored");
                new int[] { 0, 10, 10 },
                $"Not all parts were scored correctly. Expected 0/10/10, got {string.Join('/', phaseState.BonusScores)}");
        public void TestStagesForCorrectBuzz()
            TossupBonusPhaseState phaseState = new TossupBonusPhaseState();

            Assert.IsFalse(phaseState.HasBonus, "We should have a bonus on a correct buzz");
            Assert.AreEqual(PhaseStage.Tossup, phaseState.CurrentStage, "We should be in the tossup phase");

            Assert.IsTrue(phaseState.TryScoreBuzz(10), "Scoring the buzz should succeed");

            Assert.IsTrue(phaseState.HasBonus, "We should have a bonus on a correct buzz");
            Assert.AreEqual(PhaseStage.Bonus, phaseState.CurrentStage, "We should be in the bonus phase");

            Assert.IsTrue(phaseState.TryScoreBonus("0"), "Scoring the bonus should succeed");
            Assert.AreEqual(PhaseStage.Complete, phaseState.CurrentStage, "We should be done with this phase");
        public void UndoBonusAfterScoringIt()
            TossupBonusPhaseState phaseState = CreatePhaseInBonusStage();

            Assert.IsTrue(phaseState.TryScoreBonus("0"), "Scoring the bonus should've succeeded");
                TossupBonusPhaseState.DefaultBonusLength, phaseState.BonusScores.Count, "We should have three parts scored");

            phaseState.Undo(out ulong?userId);
            Assert.IsNull(userId, "userId should be null (scoring a bonus)");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, phaseState.BonusScores.Count, "Bonus scores should be cleared, but not gone");
            Assert.AreEqual(PhaseStage.Bonus, phaseState.CurrentStage, "Unexpected stage after first undo");
                "Default player not in the list of already scored teams after the second undo");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, phaseState.Actions.Count, "Unexpected number of buzzes recorded after the second undo");

            phaseState.Undo(out userId);
            Assert.AreEqual(DefaultBuzz.UserId, userId, "userId should not be null after undoing the bonus score");
            Assert.IsNull(phaseState.BonusScores, "Bonus scores should be gone");
            Assert.AreEqual(PhaseStage.Tossup, phaseState.CurrentStage, "Unexpected stage after second undo");