protected void OnEnable()
            // State machine behaviour
            smb = target as ToryCustomSceneSMB;

            // Serialzed properties
            next = serializedObject.FindProperty("next");
            forcedStayTimeSinceStarted = serializedObject.FindProperty("forcedStayTimeSinceStarted");
            interactionCheckTime       = serializedObject.FindProperty("interactionCheckTime");
            autoLoadOnPlayerLeft       = serializedObject.FindProperty("autoLoadOnPlayerLeft");
            transitionTime             = serializedObject.FindProperty("transitionTime");
            autoProceedOnTransition    = serializedObject.FindProperty("autoProceedOnTransition");
            stepCount = serializedObject.FindProperty("stepCount");

            // Access to the selected state or state machine in animator controller.
            // Ref.:
            // Ref.:
            s  = Selection.activeObject as AnimatorState;
            sm = Selection.activeObject as AnimatorStateMachine;

            // Find the animator controller of this state machine behavior belongs.
            // Ref.:
            //EditorWindow w = EditorWindow.focusedWindow;
            //System.Type type = w.GetType();
            //PropertyInfo prop = type.GetProperty("animatorController", (BindingFlags.NonPublic |
            //                                                            BindingFlags.Public |
            //                                                            BindingFlags.Instance));
            //if (prop != null)
            //	ac = prop.GetValue(w, null) as AnimatorController;
        protected void Init(ToryCustomSceneSMB smb)
            if (smb == null)
                this.smb = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <ToryNullSceneSMB>();
                this.smb = smb;

            // Set the Next.
            SetNext();             // Declared in the partial class.

            // Tory events.
            ToryScene.Instance.Loaded += OnSceneLoaded;