Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds the UI object in UIMap file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="uiMapFile">The UI map file.</param>
        /// <param name="path">The path to UI element, e.g. "NotepadUIMap1.UIUntitledNotepadWindow.UIApplicationMenuBar.UIEditMenuItem" (i.e. including root).</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public UIObject FindUIObject(string path)
            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(path))

            string[] pathElements = path.Split('.');

            // first two elements are UIMap and top-level window, which are handled especially
            UIMap uiMap = this.UITest.Maps.Where(map => map.Id == pathElements[0]).FirstOrDefault();

            if (uiMap == null)

            TopLevelElement topLevelWindow = uiMap.TopLevelWindows.Where(e => e.Id == pathElements[1]).FirstOrDefault();

            if (topLevelWindow == null)

            UIObject currentObject            = topLevelWindow;
            Collection <UIObject> descendants = topLevelWindow.Descendants;

            // now recursively find element
            for (int i = 2; i < pathElements.Length; i++)
                string pathElement = pathElements[i];
                if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pathElement))

                currentObject = descendants.Where(e => e.Id == pathElement).FirstOrDefault();
                if (currentObject == null)

                descendants = currentObject.Descendants;

Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Move UI object from other UIMap into current UIMap
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="srcUIMapFile">The source UIMap file.</param>
        /// <param name="srcElementPath">The source element path.</param>
        /// <param name="destParentPath">Path of destination parent.</param>
        public void MoveUIObject(UIMapFile srcUIMapFile, string srcElementPath, string destParentPath)
            // source element
            UIObject srcElement = srcUIMapFile.FindUIObject(srcElementPath);

            if (srcElement == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException(String.Format("Could not find source UIObject with path '{0}'", srcElementPath));

            // source element parent
            string srcParentPath = srcElementPath.Substring(0, srcElementPath.LastIndexOf('.'));

            // not supported to move actions between different files
            if (srcUIMapFile != this)
                // find references in actions
                foreach (UITestAction action in srcUIMapFile.UITest.ExecuteActions.Actions)
                    if ((action.UIObjectName != null) && (action.UIObjectName.StartsWith(srcElementPath)))
                        throw new NotSupportedException("Your source UIMap file contains actions referencing elements that are moved. This is not supported");

            if (srcElement is TopLevelElement)
                // can only be moved to root
                if (destParentPath.Contains('.'))
                    throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("A top level element ({0}) can only be moved to UIMap root", srcElementPath));

                TopLevelElement srcTopLevelElement = (TopLevelElement)srcElement;
                UIMap           destUIMap          = this.UITest.Maps.Where(m => m.Id == destParentPath).FirstOrDefault();
                if (destUIMap == null)
                    throw new NullReferenceException(String.Format("Could not find UIMap '{0}' in destination UIMap file", destParentPath));

                UIMap srcUIMap = srcUIMapFile.UITest.Maps.Where(m => m.Id == srcParentPath).FirstOrDefault();
                if (srcUIMap == null)
                    throw new NullReferenceException(String.Format("Could not find UIMap '{0}' in source UIMap file", srcParentPath));

                TopLevelElement destTopLevelElement = destUIMap.TopLevelWindows.Where(t => t.Id == srcTopLevelElement.Id).FirstOrDefault();
                if (destTopLevelElement == null)
                    // doesn't exist in destination, so simply move it
                    // a top level element with same id already exists in destination, so we need to merge
                    RecursivelyMergeElements(srcTopLevelElement, destTopLevelElement);


                this.IsModified         = true;
                srcUIMapFile.IsModified = true;
                // just a "normal" UIObject (not top-level)

                UIObject srcParent = srcUIMapFile.FindUIObject(srcParentPath);
                if (srcParent == null)
                    throw new NullReferenceException(String.Format("Could not find source parent UIObject with path '{0}'", srcParentPath));

                // destination element parent
                UIObject destParent = this.FindUIObject(destParentPath);
                if (destParent == null)
                    throw new NullReferenceException(String.Format("Could not find destination parent UIObject with path '{0}'", destParentPath));

                // find references in actions and move them
                string destElementPath = String.Format("{0}.{1}", destParentPath, srcElement.Id);
                foreach (UITestAction action in this.UITest.ExecuteActions.Actions)
                    if ((action.UIObjectName != null) && (action.UIObjectName.StartsWith(srcElementPath)))
                        action.UIObjectName = action.UIObjectName.Replace(srcElementPath, destElementPath);

                // see if element already exists in destination (if so, we need to merge)
                UIObject destObject = destParent.Descendants.Where(d => d.Id == srcElement.Id).FirstOrDefault();
                if (destObject == null)
                    // just move it
                    // we need to recursively move elements
                    RecursivelyMergeElements(srcElement, destObject);

                this.IsModified         = true;
                srcUIMapFile.IsModified = true;