Example #1
        private int FormatRichText(ref RichTextBox targetObject, string Text, bool IndividualLines)
            int    ret = 0;
            string Raw;
            int    CountSinceLastPair = 0;
            bool   StartCounting      = false;

            targetObject.Font = new Font(targetObject.Font.FontFamily, FontSize);

            //ensure we only got single spaces
            Raw = Text.Replace("  ", " ");
            List <string> Tokens = new List <string>();

            //split tokens
            Tokens.AddRange(Raw.Split(' ').ToList());

            int Max = Tokens.Count();
            int cnt = 0;

            //TODO apply formatting
            foreach (string Tok in Tokens)
                //Check VS ling
                bool Bold = false;
                System.Drawing.Color DaColor = Color.Black;
                string TokCopy = Tok;

                if (StartCounting)

                //we replace incoming \r\ns anyway...
                TokCopy = Tok.Replace("\r\n", "");
                TokCopy = TokCopy.Replace("\r", "");
                TokCopy = TokCopy.Replace("\n", "");

                //global keywork replacements
                DaColor = ApplyFormatting(ref TokCopy, DockerSyntax, IndividualLines);

                //Check if uppercase :

                //CHeck for substring ,in token sply by an equall

                List <string> SubTokens = new List <string>();
                List <string> splitters = new List <string>();
                char[]        spearator = { '=', ',' };
                string        workCopy  = TokCopy;
                int           dk        = 0;
                SubTokens = TokCopy.Split(spearator).ToList();

                // SubTokens.AddRange(Tok.Split('=').ToList());

                //append to the box
                if (SubTokens.Count > 1)
                    int daC = -1;

                    foreach (string s in SubTokens)
                        if (dk == SubTokens.Count)
                            break; // last one no separator

                        workCopy = workCopy.Substring(s.Length, workCopy.Length - s.Length);
                        string sep = workCopy.Substring(0, 1);

                        //remove the separator
                        workCopy = workCopy.Substring(1, workCopy.Length - 1);

                    //we have all the sub tokens and we have the separators
                    foreach (string s in SubTokens)
                        string s_copy = s;
                        DaColor = ApplyFormatting(ref s_copy, DockerSyntax, IndividualLines);
                        targetObject.AppendText(s_copy, DaColor);
                        if (daC < splitters.Count) // LAst case
                            targetObject.AppendText(splitters[daC], System.Drawing.Color.Brown);
                    //jsut the one token
                    targetObject.AppendText(TokCopy, DaColor);

                //Carraige returns
                if (IndividualLines)
                    if (TokCopy.Length > 2)
                        if (TokCopy.Substring(0, 2) == "--")
                            StartCounting = true;

                if (cnt != Max)
                    targetObject.AppendText(" ");

                    if (IndividualLines)
                        if (CountSinceLastPair == 1)
                            CountSinceLastPair = 0;
                            StartCounting      = false;
