Example #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
 /// the contents of this method with the code editor.
 /// </summary>
 private void InitializeComponent()
     System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager resources = new System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager(typeof(ChmTocTab));
     this.tocTree = new Netron.Neon.HtmlHelp.UIComponents.TocTree();
     // tocTree
     this.tocTree.Dock         = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill;
     this.tocTree.Location     = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0);
     this.tocTree.Name         = "tocTree";
     this.tocTree.Padding      = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(2);
     this.tocTree.Size         = new System.Drawing.Size(292, 273);
     this.tocTree.TabIndex     = 0;
     this.tocTree.TocSelected += new Netron.Neon.HtmlHelp.UIComponents.TocSelectedEventHandler(this.tocTree_TocSelected);
     // ChmTocTab
     this.AutoScaleBaseSize = new System.Drawing.Size(6, 14);
     this.ClientSize        = new System.Drawing.Size(292, 273);
     this.Icon = ((System.Drawing.Icon)(resources.GetObject("$this.Icon")));
     this.Name = "ChmTocTab";
     this.Text = "ChmTocTab";
        public void LoadCHM(string filePath)

                //make sure the TOC is ready
                if (TocTree == null)

                // clear current items
                //					helpIndex1.ClearContents();
                //					helpSearch2.ClearContents();

                // open the chm-file selected in the OpenFileDialog
                _reader.OpenFile(filePath, _dmpInfo);
                // Enable the toc-tree pane if the opened file has a table of contents
                TocTree.Enabled = _reader.HasTableOfContents;
                // Enable the index pane if the opened file has an index
                //					helpIndex1.Enabled = _reader.HasIndex;
                // Enable the full-text search pane if the opened file supports full-text searching
                //					helpSearch2.Enabled = _reader.FullTextSearch;

                //					btnContents.Enabled = _reader.HasTableOfContents;
                //					btnIndex.Enabled = _reader.HasIndex;
                //					btnSearch.Enabled = _reader.FullTextSearch;
                //					miContents.Enabled = _reader.HasTableOfContents;
                //					miContents1.Enabled = _reader.HasTableOfContents;
                //					miIndex.Enabled = _reader.HasIndex;
                //					miIndex1.Enabled = _reader.HasIndex;
                //					miSearch.Enabled = _reader.FullTextSearch;
                //					miSearch1.Enabled = _reader.FullTextSearch;
                //					btnSynch.Enabled = _reader.HasTableOfContents;
                //					tabControl1.SelectedIndex = 0;
                //					btnRefresh.Enabled = true;
                //					if( _reader.DefaultTopic.Length > 0)
                //					{
                //						btnHome.Enabled = true;
                //						miHome.Enabled = true;
                //					}

                // Build the table of contents tree view in the classlibrary control
                TocTree.BuildTOC(_reader.TableOfContents, _filter);

                // Build the index entries in the classlibrary control
                //					if( _reader.HasKLinks )
                //						helpIndex1.BuildIndex( _reader.Index, IndexType.KeywordLinks, _filter );
                //					else if( _reader.HasALinks )
                //						helpIndex1.BuildIndex( _reader.Index, IndexType.AssiciativeLinks, _filter );

                // Navigate the embedded browser to the default help topic
                //					NavigateBrowser( _reader.DefaultTopic );

                //					miMerge.Enabled = true;
                //					miCloseFile.Enabled = true;
                //					this.Text = _reader.FileList[0].FileInfo.HelpWindowTitle + " - HtmlHelp - Viewer";
                //					miCustomize.Enabled = ( _reader.HasInformationTypes || _reader.HasCategories);

                // Force garbage collection to free memory