Example #1
 /// <summary>
 ///		Sets the value of all properties on this <see cref="Response{TModel}"/> that have the given attribute applied to them. If no such properties exist, no action will occur.
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name="TAttribute">The attribute to match on the properties to set</typeparam>
 /// <param name="value">The value to assign to that property</param>
 public void Set <TAttribute>(object value) where TAttribute : Attribute
     PropertyInfo[] Matching = this.Properties.Where(p => p.GetCustomAttribute <TAttribute>(false) != null).ToArray();
     foreach (PropertyInfo ToSet in Matching)
         ToSet.GetSetMethod()?.Invoke(this, new[] { value });
Example #2
 /// <summary>
 ///		Sets the value of all properties on this <see cref="Response{TModel}"/> that have the given attribute applied to them. If no such properties exist, no action will occur.
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name="TAttribute">The attribute to match on the properties to set</typeparam>
 /// <param name="value">The string value to assign to that property</param>
 /// <remarks>
 ///		This method will attempt to convert the string value to a supported type if the type of the matching property is not string.
 /// </remarks>
 public void SetString <TAttribute>(string value) where TAttribute : Attribute
     PropertyInfo[] Matching = this.Properties.Where(p => p.GetCustomAttribute <TAttribute>(false) != null).ToArray();
     foreach (PropertyInfo ToSet in Matching)
             new[] { ParameterResolver.ParseParameter(value, ToSet.PropertyType) });
Example #3
 /// <summary>
 ///		Sets the value of all properties on this <see cref="Response{TModel}"/> that have the <see cref="ResponseValueAttribute"/> with the given name applied to them. If no such properties exist, no action will occur.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">The name given to the <see cref="ResponseValueAttribute"/> on the properties to set</param>
 /// <param name="value">The value to assign to that property</param>
 public void Set(string name, object value)
     if (name == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(name));
     PropertyInfo[] Matching = this.Properties.Where(p => p.GetCustomAttribute <ResponseValueAttribute>()?.Name == name).ToArray();
     foreach (PropertyInfo ToSet in Matching)
         ToSet.GetSetMethod()?.Invoke(this, new[] { value });
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets parameters from a data form in an object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">IQ Event Arguments describing the request.</param>
        /// <param name="EditableObject">Object whose parameters will be set.</param>
        /// <param name="Form">Data Form.</param>
        /// <param name="OnlySetChanged">If only changed parameters are to be set.</param>
        /// <returns>Any errors encountered, or null if parameters was set properly.</returns>
        public static async Task <SetEditableFormResult> SetEditableForm(IqEventArgs e, object EditableObject, DataForm Form, bool OnlySetChanged)
            Type   T = EditableObject.GetType();
            string DefaultLanguageCode = GetDefaultLanguageCode(T);
            List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > Errors = null;
            PropertyInfo PropertyInfo;
            FieldInfo    FieldInfo;
            Language     Language = await ConcentratorServer.GetLanguage(e.Query, DefaultLanguageCode);

            Namespace Namespace             = null;
            Namespace ConcentratorNamespace = await Language.GetNamespaceAsync(typeof(ConcentratorServer).Namespace);

            LinkedList <Tuple <PropertyInfo, FieldInfo, object> > ToSet = null;
            ValidationMethod           ValidationMethod;
            OptionAttribute            OptionAttribute;
            RegularExpressionAttribute RegularExpressionAttribute;
            RangeAttribute             RangeAttribute;
            DataType DataType;
            Type     PropertyType;
            string   NamespaceStr;
            string   LastNamespaceStr = null;
            object   ValueToSet;
            object   ValueToSet2;

            object[] Parsed;
            bool     ReadOnly;
            bool     Alpha;
            bool     DateOnly;
            bool     HasHeader;
            bool     HasOptions;
            bool     ValidOption;
            bool     Nullable;

            if (Namespace is null)
                Namespace = await Language.CreateNamespaceAsync(T.Namespace);

            if (ConcentratorNamespace is null)
                ConcentratorNamespace = await Language.CreateNamespaceAsync(typeof(ConcentratorServer).Namespace);

            foreach (Field Field in Form.Fields)
                PropertyInfo = T.GetRuntimeProperty(Field.Var);
                FieldInfo    = PropertyInfo is null?T.GetRuntimeField(Field.Var) : null;

                if (PropertyInfo is null && FieldInfo is null)
                    AddError(ref Errors, Field.Var, await ConcentratorNamespace.GetStringAsync(1, "Property not found."));

                if (PropertyInfo != null && (!PropertyInfo.CanRead || !PropertyInfo.CanWrite))
                    AddError(ref Errors, Field.Var, await ConcentratorNamespace.GetStringAsync(2, "Property not editable."));

                NamespaceStr = (PropertyInfo?.DeclaringType ?? FieldInfo.DeclaringType).Namespace;
                if (Namespace is null || NamespaceStr != LastNamespaceStr)
                    Namespace = await Language.GetNamespaceAsync(NamespaceStr);

                    LastNamespaceStr = NamespaceStr;

                ValidationMethod = null;
                ReadOnly         = Alpha = DateOnly = HasHeader = HasOptions = ValidOption = false;

                foreach (Attribute Attr in (PropertyInfo?.GetCustomAttributes() ?? FieldInfo.GetCustomAttributes()))
                    if (Attr is HeaderAttribute)
                        HasHeader = true;
                    else if ((OptionAttribute = Attr as OptionAttribute) != null)
                        HasOptions = true;
                        if (Field.ValueString == OptionAttribute.Option.ToString())
                            ValidOption = true;
                    else if ((RegularExpressionAttribute = Attr as RegularExpressionAttribute) != null)
                        ValidationMethod = new RegexValidation(RegularExpressionAttribute.Pattern);
                    else if ((RangeAttribute = Attr as RangeAttribute) != null)
                        ValidationMethod = new RangeValidation(RangeAttribute.Min, RangeAttribute.Max);
                    else if (Attr is OpenAttribute)
                        ValidationMethod = new OpenValidation();
                    else if (Attr is ReadOnlyAttribute)
                        ReadOnly = true;
                    else if (Attr is AlphaChannelAttribute)
                        Alpha = true;
                    else if (Attr is DateOnlyAttribute)
                        DateOnly = true;

                if (!HasHeader)
                    AddError(ref Errors, Field.Var, await ConcentratorNamespace.GetStringAsync(2, "Property not editable."));

                if (ReadOnly)
                    if (Field.ValueString != (PropertyInfo?.GetValue(EditableObject) ?? FieldInfo?.GetValue(EditableObject))?.ToString())
                        AddError(ref Errors, Field.Var, await ConcentratorNamespace.GetStringAsync(3, "Property is read-only."));


                if (HasOptions && !ValidOption)
                    AddError(ref Errors, Field.Var, await ConcentratorNamespace.GetStringAsync(4, "Select a valid option."));

                PropertyType = PropertyInfo?.PropertyType ?? FieldInfo.FieldType;
                ValueToSet   = null;
                ValueToSet2  = null;
                Parsed       = null;
                DataType     = null;
                Nullable     = false;

                if (PropertyType.GetTypeInfo().IsGenericType)
                    Type GT = PropertyType.GetGenericTypeDefinition();
                    if (GT == typeof(Nullable <>))
                        Nullable     = true;
                        PropertyType = PropertyType.GenericTypeArguments[0];

                if (Nullable && string.IsNullOrEmpty(Field.ValueString))
                    ValueToSet2 = null;
                    if (PropertyType == typeof(string[]))
                        if (ValidationMethod is null)
                            ValidationMethod = new BasicValidation();

                        ValueToSet = ValueToSet2 = Parsed = Field.ValueStrings;
                        DataType   = StringDataType.Instance;
                    else if (PropertyType.GetTypeInfo().IsEnum)
                        if (ValidationMethod is null)
                            ValidationMethod = new BasicValidation();

                            ValueToSet = ValueToSet2 = Enum.Parse(PropertyType, Field.ValueString);
                        catch (Exception)
                            AddError(ref Errors, Field.Var, await ConcentratorNamespace.GetStringAsync(4, "Select a valid option."));
                    else if (PropertyType == typeof(bool))
                        if (ValidationMethod is null)
                            ValidationMethod = new BasicValidation();

                        if (!CommonTypes.TryParse(Field.ValueString, out bool b))
                            AddError(ref Errors, Field.Var, await ConcentratorNamespace.GetStringAsync(5, "Invalid boolean value."));

                        DataType   = BooleanDataType.Instance;
                        ValueToSet = ValueToSet2 = b;
                        if (PropertyType == typeof(string))
                            DataType = StringDataType.Instance;
                        else if (PropertyType == typeof(sbyte))
                            DataType = ByteDataType.Instance;
                        else if (PropertyType == typeof(short))
                            DataType = ShortDataType.Instance;
                        else if (PropertyType == typeof(int))
                            DataType = IntDataType.Instance;
                        else if (PropertyType == typeof(long))
                            DataType = LongDataType.Instance;
                        else if (PropertyType == typeof(byte))
                            DataType = ShortDataType.Instance;

                            if (ValidationMethod is null)
                                ValidationMethod = new RangeValidation(byte.MinValue.ToString(), byte.MaxValue.ToString());
                        else if (PropertyType == typeof(ushort))
                            DataType = IntDataType.Instance;

                            if (ValidationMethod is null)
                                ValidationMethod = new RangeValidation(ushort.MinValue.ToString(), ushort.MaxValue.ToString());
                        else if (PropertyType == typeof(uint))
                            DataType = LongDataType.Instance;

                            if (ValidationMethod is null)
                                ValidationMethod = new RangeValidation(uint.MinValue.ToString(), uint.MaxValue.ToString());
                        else if (PropertyType == typeof(ulong))
                            DataType = IntegerDataType.Instance;

                            if (ValidationMethod is null)
                                ValidationMethod = new RangeValidation(ulong.MinValue.ToString(), ulong.MaxValue.ToString());
                        else if (PropertyType == typeof(DateTime))
                            if (DateOnly)
                                DataType = DateDataType.Instance;
                                DataType = DateTimeDataType.Instance;
                        else if (PropertyType == typeof(decimal))
                            DataType = DecimalDataType.Instance;
                        else if (PropertyType == typeof(double))
                            DataType = DoubleDataType.Instance;
                        else if (PropertyType == typeof(float))
                            DataType = DoubleDataType.Instance;                                // Use xs:double anyway
                        else if (PropertyType == typeof(TimeSpan))
                            DataType = TimeDataType.Instance;
                        else if (PropertyType == typeof(Uri))
                            DataType = AnyUriDataType.Instance;
                        else if (PropertyType == typeof(SKColor))
                            if (Alpha)
                                DataType = ColorAlphaDataType.Instance;
                                DataType = ColorDataType.Instance;
                            DataType = null;

                        if (ValidationMethod is null)
                            ValidationMethod = new BasicValidation();

                            if (DataType is null)
                                ValueToSet  = Field.ValueString;
                                ValueToSet2 = Activator.CreateInstance(PropertyType, ValueToSet);
                                ValueToSet = DataType.Parse(Field.ValueString);

                                if (ValueToSet.GetType() == PropertyType)
                                    ValueToSet2 = ValueToSet;
                                    ValueToSet2 = Convert.ChangeType(ValueToSet, PropertyType);
                        catch (Exception)
                            AddError(ref Errors, Field.Var, await ConcentratorNamespace.GetStringAsync(6, "Invalid value."));

                    if (Parsed is null)
                        Parsed = new object[] { ValueToSet }

                    ValidationMethod.Validate(Field, DataType, Parsed, Field.ValueStrings);
                    if (Field.HasError)
                        AddError(ref Errors, Field.Var, Field.Error);

                if (ToSet is null)
                    ToSet = new LinkedList <Tuple <PropertyInfo, FieldInfo, object> >();

                ToSet.AddLast(new Tuple <PropertyInfo, FieldInfo, object>(PropertyInfo, FieldInfo, ValueToSet2));

            if (Errors is null)
                SetEditableFormResult Result = new SetEditableFormResult()
                    Errors = null,
                    Tags   = new List <KeyValuePair <string, object> >()

                foreach (Tuple <PropertyInfo, FieldInfo, object> P in ToSet)
                        if (OnlySetChanged)
                            object Current = P.Item1?.GetValue(EditableObject) ?? P.Item2?.GetValue(EditableObject);

                            if (Current is null)
                                if (P.Item3 is null)
                            else if (P.Item3 != null && Current.Equals(P.Item3))

                        if (P.Item1 != null)
                            P.Item1.SetValue(EditableObject, P.Item3);
                            Result.Tags.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, object>(P.Item1.Name, P.Item3));
                            P.Item2.SetValue(EditableObject, P.Item3);
                            Result.Tags.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, object>(P.Item2.Name, P.Item3));
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        AddError(ref Errors, P.Item1?.Name ?? P.Item2.Name, ex.Message);

                return(new SetEditableFormResult()
                    Errors = Errors.ToArray(),
                    Tags = null
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets parameters from a data form in an object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">IQ Event Arguments describing the request.</param>
        /// <param name="EditableObject">Object whose parameters will be set.</param>
        /// <param name="Form">Data Form.</param>
        /// <returns>Any errors encountered, or null if parameters was set properly.</returns>
        public static async Task <KeyValuePair <string, string>[]> SetEditableForm(IqEventArgs e, object EditableObject, DataForm Form)
            Type   T = EditableObject.GetType();
            string DefaultLanguageCode = GetDefaultLanguageCode(T);
            List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > Errors = null;
            PropertyInfo PI;
            Language     Language = await ConcentratorServer.GetLanguage(e.Query, DefaultLanguageCode);

            Namespace Namespace = await Language.GetNamespaceAsync(T.Namespace);

            Namespace ConcentratorNamespace = await Language.GetNamespaceAsync(typeof(ConcentratorServer).Namespace);

            LinkedList <KeyValuePair <PropertyInfo, object> > ToSet = null;
            ValidationMethod           ValidationMethod;
            OptionAttribute            OptionAttribute;
            RegularExpressionAttribute RegularExpressionAttribute;
            RangeAttribute             RangeAttribute;
            DataType DataType;
            Type     PropertyType;
            string   Header;
            object   ValueToSet;

            object[] Parsed;
            bool     ReadOnly;
            bool     Alpha;
            bool     DateOnly;
            bool     HasHeader;
            bool     HasOptions;
            bool     ValidOption;

            if (Namespace == null)
                Namespace = await Language.CreateNamespaceAsync(T.Namespace);

            if (ConcentratorNamespace == null)
                ConcentratorNamespace = await Language.CreateNamespaceAsync(typeof(ConcentratorServer).Namespace);

            foreach (Field Field in Form.Fields)
                PI = T.GetRuntimeProperty(Field.Var);
                if (PI == null)
                    AddError(ref Errors, Field.Var, await ConcentratorNamespace.GetStringAsync(1, "Property not found."));

                if (!PI.CanRead || !PI.CanWrite)
                    AddError(ref Errors, Field.Var, await ConcentratorNamespace.GetStringAsync(2, "Property not editable."));

                Header           = null;
                ValidationMethod = null;
                ReadOnly         = Alpha = DateOnly = HasHeader = HasOptions = ValidOption = false;

                foreach (Attribute Attr in PI.GetCustomAttributes())
                    if (Attr is HeaderAttribute)
                        HasHeader = true;
                    else if ((OptionAttribute = Attr as OptionAttribute) != null)
                        HasOptions = true;
                        if (Field.ValueString == OptionAttribute.Option.ToString())
                            ValidOption = true;
                    else if ((RegularExpressionAttribute = Attr as RegularExpressionAttribute) != null)
                        ValidationMethod = new RegexValidation(RegularExpressionAttribute.Pattern);
                    else if ((RangeAttribute = Attr as RangeAttribute) != null)
                        ValidationMethod = new RangeValidation(RangeAttribute.Min, RangeAttribute.Max);
                    else if (Attr is OpenAttribute)
                        ValidationMethod = new OpenValidation();
                    else if (Attr is ReadOnlyAttribute)
                        ReadOnly = true;
                    else if (Attr is AlphaChannelAttribute)
                        Alpha = true;
                    else if (Attr is DateOnlyAttribute)
                        DateOnly = true;

                if (Header == null)
                    AddError(ref Errors, Field.Var, await ConcentratorNamespace.GetStringAsync(2, "Property not editable."));

                if (ReadOnly)
                    if (Field.ValueString != PI.GetValue(EditableObject).ToString())
                        AddError(ref Errors, Field.Var, await ConcentratorNamespace.GetStringAsync(3, "Property is read-only."));


                if (HasOptions && !ValidOption)
                    AddError(ref Errors, Field.Var, await ConcentratorNamespace.GetStringAsync(4, "Select a valid option."));

                PropertyType = PI.PropertyType;
                ValueToSet   = null;
                Parsed       = null;
                DataType     = null;

                if (PropertyType == typeof(string[]))
                    if (ValidationMethod == null)
                        ValidationMethod = new BasicValidation();

                    ValueToSet = Parsed = Field.ValueStrings;
                    DataType   = StringDataType.Instance;
                else if (PropertyType == typeof(Enum))
                    if (ValidationMethod == null)
                        ValidationMethod = new BasicValidation();

                        ValueToSet = Enum.Parse(PropertyType, Field.ValueString);
                    catch (Exception)
                        AddError(ref Errors, Field.Var, await ConcentratorNamespace.GetStringAsync(4, "Select a valid option."));
                else if (PropertyType == typeof(bool))
                    if (ValidationMethod == null)
                        ValidationMethod = new BasicValidation();

                    if (!CommonTypes.TryParse(Field.ValueString, out bool b))
                        AddError(ref Errors, Field.Var, await ConcentratorNamespace.GetStringAsync(5, "Invalid boolean value."));

                    DataType = BooleanDataType.Instance;
                    if (PropertyType == typeof(string))
                        DataType = StringDataType.Instance;
                    else if (PropertyType == typeof(byte))
                        DataType = ByteDataType.Instance;
                    else if (PropertyType == typeof(short))
                        DataType = ShortDataType.Instance;
                    else if (PropertyType == typeof(int))
                        DataType = IntDataType.Instance;
                    else if (PropertyType == typeof(long))
                        DataType = LongDataType.Instance;
                    else if (PropertyType == typeof(sbyte))
                        DataType = ShortDataType.Instance;

                        if (ValidationMethod == null)
                            ValidationMethod = new RangeValidation(sbyte.MinValue.ToString(), sbyte.MaxValue.ToString());
                    else if (PropertyType == typeof(ushort))
                        DataType = IntDataType.Instance;

                        if (ValidationMethod == null)
                            ValidationMethod = new RangeValidation(ushort.MinValue.ToString(), ushort.MaxValue.ToString());
                    else if (PropertyType == typeof(uint))
                        DataType = LongDataType.Instance;

                        if (ValidationMethod == null)
                            ValidationMethod = new RangeValidation(uint.MinValue.ToString(), uint.MaxValue.ToString());
                    else if (PropertyType == typeof(ulong))
                        DataType = IntegerDataType.Instance;

                        if (ValidationMethod == null)
                            ValidationMethod = new RangeValidation(ulong.MinValue.ToString(), ulong.MaxValue.ToString());
                    else if (PropertyType == typeof(DateTime))
                        if (DateOnly)
                            DataType = DateDataType.Instance;
                            DataType = DateTimeDataType.Instance;
                    else if (PropertyType == typeof(decimal))
                        DataType = DecimalDataType.Instance;
                    else if (PropertyType == typeof(double))
                        DataType = DoubleDataType.Instance;
                    else if (PropertyType == typeof(float))
                        DataType = DoubleDataType.Instance;                            // Use xs:double anyway
                    else if (PropertyType == typeof(TimeSpan))
                        DataType = TimeDataType.Instance;
                    else if (PropertyType == typeof(Uri))
                        DataType = AnyUriDataType.Instance;
                    else if (PropertyType == typeof(SKColor))
                        if (Alpha)
                            DataType = ColorAlphaDataType.Instance;
                            DataType = ColorDataType.Instance;
                        DataType = null;

                    if (ValidationMethod == null)
                        ValidationMethod = new BasicValidation();

                        ValueToSet = DataType.Parse(Field.ValueString);
                    catch (Exception)
                        AddError(ref Errors, Field.Var, await ConcentratorNamespace.GetStringAsync(6, "Invalid value."));

                if (Parsed == null)
                    Parsed = new object[] { ValueToSet }

                ValidationMethod.Validate(Field, DataType, Parsed, Field.ValueStrings);
                if (Field.HasError)
                    AddError(ref Errors, Field.Var, Field.Error);

                if (ToSet == null)
                    ToSet = new LinkedList <KeyValuePair <PropertyInfo, object> >();

                ToSet.AddLast(new KeyValuePair <PropertyInfo, object>(PI, ValueToSet));

            if (Errors == null)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <PropertyInfo, object> P in ToSet)
                        P.Key.SetValue(EditableObject, P.Value);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        AddError(ref Errors, P.Key.Name, ex.Message);

            if (Errors == null)