public void FindAllTest() { //Arrange TodoSequencer.ResetID(); ToDoItems toDo = new ToDoItems(); toDo.AddNewToDo(1, "Win the lotto"); toDo.AddNewToDo(2, "Learn to code"); //Act ToDo[] result = toDo.FindAll(); //Assert Assert.True(result.Length == 2); }
public void RemoveToDoObjectTest() { //Arrange ToDoItems toDo = new ToDoItems(); TodoSequencer.ResetID(); int result = 1; int idToDoRemove = 2; ToDo toDo1 = toDo.AddNewToDo(1, "Learn to code"); ToDo toDo2 = toDo.AddNewToDo(2, "Get a job"); //Act toDo.RemoveToDoObject(idToDoRemove); int size = toDo.Size(); ToDo[] remaining = toDo.FindAll(); //Assert Assert.Equal(result, size); Assert.Contains(toDo1, remaining); Assert.DoesNotContain(toDo2, remaining); }
public void AddNewItemToArrayTest() { //Arrange ToDoItems toDoItems = new ToDoItems(); string description = "Learn to code"; int toDoId = 1; //Act toDoItems.ClearToDo(); TodoSequencer.ResetID(); ToDo result = toDoItems.AddNewToDo(toDoId, description); //Assert Assert.NotNull(result); Assert.Contains(toDoId.ToString(), result.ToDoInformation()); Assert.Contains(description, result.ToDoInformation()); }
public void FindSizeTest() { //Arrange ToDoItems toDoItems = new ToDoItems(); int size = 1; int toDoId = 1; PersonSequencer.Reset(); string toDo = "Learn to code"; toDoItems.AddNewToDo(toDoId, toDo); //Act int result = toDoItems.Size(); //Assert Assert.Equal(size, result); }
public void FindByIDTest() //Test to find if it finds the ID { //Arrange ToDoItems toDoItems = new ToDoItems(); int toDoId = 1; string description = "Learn to code"; PersonSequencer.Reset(); toDoItems.AddNewToDo(toDoId, description); //Act ToDo result = toDoItems.FindToDoById(toDoId); //Assert Assert.Contains(toDoId.ToString(), result.ToDoInformation()); Assert.Contains(description, result.ToDoInformation()); }