/// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Params">The current param string</param>
        public ClientParamsForm(string Params)
            ParamString = Params;

            // Set resolution to defaults
            HeightText.Text = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height.ToString();
            WidthText.Text  = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width.ToString();

            // Parse params screen

            // Set tooltips
            Tipsy.SetToolTip(WindowedMode, "If checked, Battlfield 2 will be started in windowed mode");
            Tipsy.SetToolTip(CustomRes, "If checked, Battlefield 2 will be forced to use the custom resolution below");
            Tipsy.SetToolTip(AutoLogin, "If checked, the account name below will automatically login");
            Tipsy.SetToolTip(AccountPass, "Password is Case-Sensitive!");
            Tipsy.SetToolTip(JoinServerIp, "To auto join a server, make sure to enable Auto Login!");
            Tipsy.SetToolTip(PlayNow, "If checked, BF2 will automatically uses the 'Play Now' functionality");
            Tipsy.SetToolTip(Restart, "Used by BF2 to restart the game without showing video for example when mod switching."
                             + Environment.NewLine + "Can also be used to start BF 2 without showing videos");
            Tipsy.SetToolTip(DisableSwiff, "Disables the swiff player. Basically this disables the flash that is used at the main menu area.");
            Tipsy.SetToolTip(NoSound, "If checked, Battlefield 2 will start with sound disabled.");
            Tipsy.SetToolTip(LowPriority, "If checked,  Battlefield 2 will start with a lower process priority(less CPU intensive, lower performance)");
Example #2
        public XpackMedalsConfigForm()
            int controlsAdded = 0;

            // Add each valid mod found in the servers Mods directory
            for (int i = 0; i < BF2Server.Mods.Count; i++)
                // Get our current working mod
                BF2Mod Mod = BF2Server.Mods[i];

                // Bf2 is predefined
                if (Mod.Name.Equals("bf2", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    checkBox1.Tag     = Mod.Name;
                    checkBox1.Checked = StatsPython.Config.XpackMedalMods.Contains(Mod.Name.ToLowerInvariant());

                // Xpack is predefined
                if (Mod.Name.Equals("xpack", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    checkBox2.Tag     = Mod.Name;
                    checkBox2.Checked = StatsPython.Config.XpackMedalMods.Contains(Mod.Name.ToLowerInvariant());

                // Stop if over 10 added mods. I chose to use continue here instead of break
                // So that Xpack can get ticked if it may be at the bottom of the list
                if (controlsAdded >= 10)

                    // Fetch our checkbox
                    int      index  = controlsAdded + 3;
                    CheckBox ChkBox = panel2.Controls["checkBox" + index] as CheckBox;

                    // Configure the Checkbox
                    string title = (Mod.Title.Length > 32) ? Mod.Title.CutTolength(29) + "..." : Mod.Title;
                    ChkBox.Text    = String.Format("{0} [{1}]", title, Mod.Name);
                    ChkBox.Checked = StatsPython.Config.XpackMedalMods.Contains(Mod.Name.ToLowerInvariant());
                    ChkBox.Tag     = Mod.Name;

                    // Add tooltip to checkbox with the full title
                    Tipsy.SetToolTip(ChkBox, Mod.Title);

                // Increment
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// This method sets the address, image, and image balloon text for the services
        /// listed in this form by service index.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="i">The service index</param>
        /// <param name="address">The text to display in the IP address box</param>
        /// <param name="Img">The image to display in the image box for this service</param>
        /// <param name="ImgText">The mouse over balloon text to display</param>
        private void SetStatus(int i, string address, Bitmap Img, string ImgText = "")
            // Prevent exception
            if (!IsHandleCreated)

            // Invoke this in the thread that created the handle
            Invoke((Action) delegate
                switch (i)
                case 0:
                    Address1.Text = address;
                    Status1.Image = Img;
                    Tipsy.SetToolTip(Status1, ImgText);

                case 1:
                    Address2.Text = address;
                    Status2.Image = Img;
                    Tipsy.SetToolTip(Status2, ImgText);

                case 2:
                    Address3.Text = address;
                    Status3.Image = Img;
                    Tipsy.SetToolTip(Status3, ImgText);

                case 3:
                    Address4.Text = address;
                    Status4.Image = Img;
                    Tipsy.SetToolTip(Status4, ImgText);

                case 4:
                    Address5.Text = address;
                    Status5.Image = Img;
                    Tipsy.SetToolTip(Status5, ImgText);

            // Let Gui Update
        /// <summary>
        /// Fills in the details of a Hosts(Ics) tab progress step on the GUI
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="i">The picturebox id</param>
        /// <param name="ImgText">The tooltip message for this step image</param>
        /// <param name="Img">The image to set</param>
        private void SetHostStatus(int i, string ImgText, Bitmap Img)
            // Prevent exception
            if (!IsHandleCreated)

            // Fetch the picture box for this step
            Control[]  cons = this.Controls.Find("pictureBox" + i, true);
            PictureBox pic  = cons[0] as PictureBox;

            // Set the new image
            pic.Image = Img;

            // Set the tooltip for the image control if we have one
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ImgText))
                Tipsy.SetToolTip(pic, ImgText);
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the players stats from the database, and fills out the forms
        /// labels with the current information
        /// </summary>
        private void LoadPlayer()
            StatsDatabase Driver;

            // Establish DB connection
                Driver = new StatsDatabase();
            catch (DbConnectException Ex)
                Load += (s, e) => Close(); // Close form

            // Fetch Player from database
            SelectQueryBuilder Builder = new SelectQueryBuilder(Driver);

                "name", "score", "cmdscore", "skillscore", "teamscore", "joined",
                "country", "rank", "wins", "losses", "permban", "clantag", "isbot");
            Builder.AddWhere("id", Comparison.Equals, Pid);
            List <Dictionary <string, object> > Rows = Driver.ExecuteReader(Builder.BuildCommand());

            Player = Rows[0];

            // Set window title
            this.Text = String.Concat(Player["name"].ToString().Trim(), " (", Pid, ")");

            // Set country flag
                string Country = String.IsNullOrEmpty(Player["country"].ToString()) ? "XX" : Player["country"].ToString();
                CountryPicture.Image = Image.FromStream(Program.GetResource("BF2Statistics.Resources." + Country.ToUpper() + ".png"));
            catch { }

            // Joined Label
            int      Joind = Int32.Parse(Player["joined"].ToString());
            DateTime D     = DateTime.UtcNow.FromUnixTimestamp(Joind);

            LabelJoined.Text = String.Concat(D.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"), " GMT");
            Tipsy.SetToolTip(LabelJoined, String.Concat(D.ToLocalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"), " Local Time."));

            // Fill out the rest of the labels
            LabelNick.Text              = Player["name"].ToString().Trim();
            ClanTagBox.Text             = Player["clantag"].ToString();
            RankSelect.SelectedIndex    = Int32.Parse(Player["rank"].ToString());
            PermBanSelect.SelectedIndex = Int32.Parse(Player["permban"].ToString());
            LabelGlobalScore.Text       = Player["score"].ToString();
            LabelWinLoss.Text           = String.Concat(Player["wins"], " / ", Player["losses"]);
            LabelTeamScore.Text         = Player["teamscore"].ToString();
            LabelCombatScore.Text       = Player["skillscore"].ToString();
            LabelCommandScore.Text      = Player["cmdscore"].ToString();

            // Get Leaderboard Position
            Rows = Driver.Query("SELECT COUNT(id) as count FROM player WHERE score > @P0", Int32.Parse(Player["score"].ToString()));
            int Position = Int32.Parse(Rows[0]["count"].ToString()) + 1;

            LabelPosition.Text = Position.ToString();
            SaveBtn.Enabled    = false;

            // Lock unlocks button if player is Bot
            if (Int32.Parse(Player["isbot"].ToString()) > 0)
                ResetUnlocksBtn.Enabled = false;

            // Close Connection