Example #1
        // This method is executed by the ThreadPoolTimer, it performs the evaluation on a copy of the VideoFrame
        private async void EvaluateVideoFrame(ThreadPoolTimer timer)
            // If a lock is being held, or WinML isn't fully initialized, return
            if (!semaphore.Wait(0) || !modelBindingComplete)

                using (evaluatableVideoFrame)
                    // ************ WinML Evaluate Frame ************ //

                    Debug.WriteLine($"RelativeTime in Seconds: {evaluatableVideoFrame.RelativeTime?.Seconds}");

                    await model.EvaluateAsync(binding, "TinyYOLO");

                    // Remove overlapping and low confidence bounding boxes
                    filteredBoxes = parser.NonMaxSuppress(parser.ParseOutputs(outputArray.ToArray()), 5, .5F);

                    Debug.WriteLine(filteredBoxes.Count <= 0 ? $"No Valid Bounding Boxes" : $"Valid Bounding Boxes: {filteredBoxes.Count}");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Debug.WriteLine($"EvaluateFrameException: {ex}");
        private async Task EvaluateVideoFrameWithYoloAsync(VideoFrame inputFrame)
            if (inputFrame != null)
                    // Create bindings for the input and output buffer
                    var binding = new LearningModelBindingPreview(model);

                    // R4 WinML does needs the output pre-allocated for multi-dimensional tensors
                    var outputArray = new List <float>();
                    outputArray.AddRange(new float[21125]);  // Total size of TinyYOLO output

                    binding.Bind(inputImageDescription.Name, inputFrame);
                    binding.Bind(outputTensorDescription.Name, outputArray);

                    // Process the frame with the model
                    var stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

                    //var results = await model.EvaluateAsync(binding, "TinyYOLO");

                    var results = await model.EvaluateAsync(binding, "TinyYOLOv2");


                    var resultProbabilities = results.Outputs[outputTensorDescription.Name] as List <float>;

                    // Use out helper to parse to the YOLO outputs into bounding boxes with labels
                    boxes = parser.ParseOutputs(resultProbabilities.ToArray(), .3F);

                    await Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
                        Duration.Text    = $"{1000f / stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds,4:f1} fps";
                        StatusBlock.Text = "TinyYoloModel Evaluation Completed";
                catch (Exception ex)
                    await Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () => StatusBlock.Text = $"EvaluateVideoFrameWithYoloAsync Error: {ex.Message}");

                await Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () => EvaluateImageButton.IsEnabled = true);
        // This method is executed by the ThreadPoolTimer, it performs the evaluation on a copy of the VideoFrame
        private async void EvaluateVideoFrame(ThreadPoolTimer timer)
            if (semaphore == null)

            if (!modelCreated)
                Debug.WriteLine($"EvaluateVideoFrame Skipped - LearningModel Not Ready.");

            // If a lock is being held, or WinML isn't fully initialized, return
            if (!semaphore.Wait(0))
                Debug.WriteLine($"EvaluateVideoFrame Skipped - Waiting Semaphore Access");

            if (session == null)
                    Debug.WriteLine($"Attempting to create LearningModelSession using DeviceKind: {detectedDeviceKind}");

                    session = new LearningModelSession(model, new LearningModelDevice(detectedDeviceKind));

                    Debug.WriteLine($"LearningModelSession successfully created.");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Debug.WriteLine($"Error Creating Session: {ex.Message}");
                    model = null;

            Debug.WriteLine($"*************** Evaluating Video Frame [START] ***************");

                using (videoFrameToProcess)
                    // ************ WinML Evaluate Frame ************ //

                    Debug.WriteLine($"VideoFrame RelativeTime: {videoFrameToProcess.RelativeTime?.Seconds}s");

                    // Create a binding object from the session
                    binding = new LearningModelBinding(session);

                    // Create an image tensor from a video frame
                    var image = ImageFeatureValue.CreateFromVideoFrame(videoFrameToProcess);

                    // The YOLO model's input name is "image" and output name is "grid"
                    var inputName  = "image";
                    var outputName = "grid";

                    // Bind the image to the input
                    binding.Bind(inputName, image);

                    // Process the frame with the model
                    var results = await session.EvaluateAsync(binding, $"YoloRun {++runCount}");

                    Debug.WriteLine($"Evaluation Result Success? {results.Succeeded} ");

                    if (!results.Succeeded)

                    Debug.WriteLine($" **** {results.Outputs.Count} Outputs Available ***** ");

                    foreach (var output in results.Outputs)
                        Debug.WriteLine($" - {output.Key}");

                    // Retrieve the results of evaluation
                    var resultTensor = results.Outputs[outputName] as TensorFloat;

                    Debug.WriteLine($"Result Feature Kind: {resultTensor?.Kind.ToString()} ");

                    var resultVector = resultTensor?.GetAsVectorView();

                    // Remove overlapping and low confidence bounding boxes
                    filteredBoxes = parser.NonMaxSuppress(parser.ParseOutputs(resultVector?.ToArray()), 5, .5F);

                    Debug.WriteLine(filteredBoxes.Count <= 0 ? $"No Valid Bounding Boxes" : $"Valid Bounding Boxes: {filteredBoxes.Count}");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Debug.WriteLine($"Error: EvaluateFrameException: {ex}");

                Debug.WriteLine($"*************** Evaluating Video Frame [END] ***************");