Example #1
        public ManiaRulesetContainer(Ruleset ruleset, WorkingBeatmap beatmap)
            : base(ruleset, beatmap)
            // Generate the bar lines
            double lastObjectTime = (Objects.LastOrDefault() as IHasEndTime)?.EndTime ?? Objects.LastOrDefault()?.StartTime ?? double.MaxValue;

            var timingPoints = Beatmap.ControlPointInfo.TimingPoints;
            var barLines     = new List <BarLine>();

            for (int i = 0; i < timingPoints.Count; i++)
                TimingControlPoint point = timingPoints[i];

                // Stop on the beat before the next timing point, or if there is no next timing point stop slightly past the last object
                double endTime = i < timingPoints.Count - 1 ? timingPoints[i + 1].Time - point.BeatLength : lastObjectTime + point.BeatLength * (int)point.TimeSignature;

                int index = 0;
                for (double t = timingPoints[i].Time; Precision.DefinitelyBigger(endTime, t); t += point.BeatLength, index++)
                    barLines.Add(new BarLine
                        StartTime    = t,
                        ControlPoint = point,
                        BeatIndex    = index

            BarLines = barLines;
Example #2
        protected override void OnNewBeat(int beatIndex, TimingControlPoint timingPoint, EffectControlPoint effectPoint, ChannelAmplitudes amplitudes)
            float livesPercentage = LivesLeft.Value / (float)LivesLeft.MaxValue;

            int panicLevel = 0;

            if (livesPercentage <= 0.1f)
                panicLevel = 3;
            else if (livesPercentage <= 0.25f)
                panicLevel = 2;
            else if (livesPercentage <= 0.5f)
                panicLevel = 1;

            // Heart Rate increases when panicking (lives <= 20% MaxLives)
            // It also beats harder
            float panicDurationMultiplier = 1 * MathF.Pow(0.75f, panicLevel);
            float beatMagnitude           = 0.1f + (0.05f * panicLevel);

            if (beatIndex % (int)((int)timingPoint.TimeSignature * Math.Max(panicDurationMultiplier, 0.5f)) == 0)
                this.ScaleTo(1 + beatMagnitude, 200 * panicDurationMultiplier)
                .Then().ScaleTo(1, 120 * panicDurationMultiplier)
                .Then().ScaleTo(1 + beatMagnitude, 160 * panicDurationMultiplier)
                .Then().ScaleTo(1, 320 * panicDurationMultiplier);
Example #3
        private void load(IBindable <WorkingBeatmap> beatmap)

            defaultTiming = new TimingControlPoint
                BeatLength    = default_beat_length,
                AutoGenerated = true,
                Time          = 0

            defaultEffect = new EffectControlPoint
                Time             = 0,
                AutoGenerated    = true,
                KiaiMode         = false,
                OmitFirstBarLine = false

            defaultAmplitudes = new TrackAmplitudes
                FrequencyAmplitudes = new float[256],
                LeftChannel         = 0,
                RightChannel        = 0
Example #4
 protected override void OnNewBeat(int beatIndex, TimingControlPoint timingPoint, EffectControlPoint effectPoint, ChannelAmplitudes amplitudes)
     if (!drawableRepeat.IsHit)
         Child.ScaleTo(1.3f).ScaleTo(1f, timingPoint.BeatLength, Easing.Out);
Example #5
                public TimingPointTimeline(TimingControlPoint timingPoint, double endTime, double fullDuration)
                    RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X;
                    AutoSizeAxes     = Axes.Y;

                    Box createMainTick(double time) => new Box
                        Anchor = Anchor.BottomLeft,
                        Origin = Anchor.BottomCentre,
                        RelativePositionAxes = Axes.X,
                        X      = (float)(time / fullDuration),
                        Height = 10,
                        Width  = 2

                    Box createBeatTick(double time) => new Box
                        Anchor = Anchor.BottomLeft,
                        Origin = Anchor.BottomCentre,
                        RelativePositionAxes = Axes.X,
                        X      = (float)(time / fullDuration),
                        Height = 5,
                        Width  = 2,
                        Colour = time > endTime ? Color4.Gray : Color4.Yellow


                    for (double t = timingPoint.Time + timingPoint.BeatLength / 4; t < fullDuration; t += timingPoint.BeatLength / 4)
Example #6
        public DistanceObjectPatternGenerator(FastRandom random, HitObject hitObject, ManiaBeatmap beatmap, Pattern previousPattern, IBeatmap originalBeatmap)
            : base(random, hitObject, beatmap, previousPattern, originalBeatmap)
            convertType = PatternType.None;
            if (!Beatmap.ControlPointInfo.EffectPointAt(hitObject.StartTime).KiaiMode)
                convertType = PatternType.LowProbability;

            var distanceData = hitObject as IHasDistance;
            var repeatsData  = hitObject as IHasRepeats;

            spanCount = repeatsData?.SpanCount() ?? 1;

            TimingControlPoint     timingPoint     = beatmap.ControlPointInfo.TimingPointAt(hitObject.StartTime);
            DifficultyControlPoint difficultyPoint = beatmap.ControlPointInfo.DifficultyPointAt(hitObject.StartTime);

            // The true distance, accounting for any repeats
            double distance = (distanceData?.Distance ?? 0) * spanCount;
            // The velocity of the osu! hit object - calculated as the velocity of a slider
            double osuVelocity = osu_base_scoring_distance * beatmap.BeatmapInfo.BaseDifficulty.SliderMultiplier * difficultyPoint.SpeedMultiplier / timingPoint.BeatLength;
            // The duration of the osu! hit object
            double osuDuration = distance / osuVelocity;

            EndTime         = hitObject.StartTime + osuDuration;
            SegmentDuration = (EndTime - HitObject.StartTime) / spanCount;
Example #7
            protected override void OnNewBeat(int beatIndex, TimingControlPoint timingPoint, EffectControlPoint effectPoint, ChannelAmplitudes amplitudes)
                if (effectPoint.KiaiMode)
                    kiaiBeatIndex += 1;

                    if (firstKiaiBeat)
                        visualisation.FlashColour(Color4.White, timingPoint.BeatLength * 4, Easing.In);
                        firstKiaiBeat = false;


                    if (kiaiBeatIndex >= 5)
                        visualisation.FlashColour(Color4.White.Opacity(0.15f), timingPoint.BeatLength, Easing.In);
                    firstKiaiBeat = true;
                    kiaiBeatIndex = 0;
Example #8
        protected override void OnNewBeat(int beatIndex, TimingControlPoint timingPoint, EffectControlPoint effectPoint, TrackAmplitudes amplitudes)
            base.OnNewBeat(beatIndex, timingPoint, effectPoint, amplitudes);

            lastBeatIndex = beatIndex;

            var beatLength = timingPoint.BeatLength;

            float amplitudeAdjust = Math.Min(1, 0.4f + amplitudes.Maximum);

            if (beatIndex < 0) return;

            logoBeatContainer.ScaleTo(1 - 0.02f * amplitudeAdjust, beat_in_time, EasingTypes.Out);
            using (logoBeatContainer.BeginDelayedSequence(beat_in_time))
                logoBeatContainer.ScaleTo(1, beatLength * 2, EasingTypes.OutQuint);


            ripple.Alpha = 0.15f * amplitudeAdjust;

            ripple.ScaleTo(logoAmplitudeContainer.Scale * (1 + 0.04f * amplitudeAdjust), beatLength, EasingTypes.OutQuint);
            ripple.FadeOut(beatLength, EasingTypes.OutQuint);

            if (effectPoint.KiaiMode && flashLayer.Alpha < 0.4f)

                flashLayer.FadeTo(0.2f * amplitudeAdjust, beat_in_time, EasingTypes.Out);
                using (flashLayer.BeginDelayedSequence(beat_in_time))
Example #9
 protected override void OnNewBeat(int beatIndex, TimingControlPoint timingPoint, EffectControlPoint effectPoint, TrackAmplitudes amplitudes)
     if (effectPoint.KiaiMode)
         fill.FlashColour(colours.PinkLight, 800, Easing.In);
        public void TestDisallowMistimedEventFiring(bool allowMistimed)
            int?               lastBeatIndex     = null;
            double?            lastActuationTime = null;
            TimingControlPoint lastTimingPoint   = null;

            AddStep($"set mistimed to {(allowMistimed ? "allowed" : "disallowed")}", () => beatContainer.AllowMistimedEventFiring = allowMistimed);

            AddStep("Set time before zero", () =>
                beatContainer.NewBeat = (i, timingControlPoint, effectControlPoint, channelAmplitudes) =>
                    lastActuationTime     = gameplayClockContainer.CurrentTime;
                    lastTimingPoint       = timingControlPoint;
                    lastBeatIndex         = i;
                    beatContainer.NewBeat = null;


            AddUntilStep("wait for trigger", () => lastBeatIndex != null);

            if (!allowMistimed)
                AddAssert("trigger is near beat length", () => lastActuationTime != null && lastBeatIndex != null && Precision.AlmostEquals(lastTimingPoint.Time + lastBeatIndex.Value * lastTimingPoint.BeatLength, lastActuationTime.Value, BeatSyncedContainer.MISTIMED_ALLOWANCE));
                AddAssert("trigger is not near beat length", () => lastActuationTime != null && lastBeatIndex != null && !Precision.AlmostEquals(lastTimingPoint.Time + lastBeatIndex.Value * lastTimingPoint.BeatLength, lastActuationTime.Value, BeatSyncedContainer.MISTIMED_ALLOWANCE));
Example #11
 protected override void OnNewBeat(int beatIndex, TimingControlPoint timingPoint, EffectControlPoint effectPoint, ChannelAmplitudes amplitudes)
     if (!hasSelection)
         this.FadeTo(0.7f).FadeTo(0.4f, timingPoint.BeatLength, Easing.InOutSine);
Example #12
        private void load()
            var maniaPlayfield = (ManiaPlayfield)Playfield;

            double lastObjectTime = (Objects.LastOrDefault() as IHasEndTime)?.EndTime ?? Objects.LastOrDefault()?.StartTime ?? double.MaxValue;

            SortedList <TimingControlPoint> timingPoints = Beatmap.ControlPointInfo.TimingPoints;

            for (int i = 0; i < timingPoints.Count; i++)
                TimingControlPoint point = timingPoints[i];

                // Stop on the beat before the next timing point, or if there is no next timing point stop slightly past the last object
                double endTime = i < timingPoints.Count - 1 ? timingPoints[i + 1].Time - point.BeatLength : lastObjectTime + point.BeatLength * (int)point.TimeSignature;

                int index = 0;
                for (double t = timingPoints[i].Time; Precision.DefinitelyBigger(endTime, t); t += point.BeatLength, index++)
                    maniaPlayfield.Add(new DrawableBarLine(new BarLine
                        StartTime    = t,
                        ControlPoint = point,
                        BeatIndex    = index
Example #13
        protected override void OnNewBeat(int beatIndex, TimingControlPoint timingPoint, EffectControlPoint effectPoint, ChannelAmplitudes amplitudes)
            float maximumDankness = 15 * amplitudes.Average;

            rContainer.MoveToOffset(new Vector2(RNG.NextSingle(-maximumDankness, maximumDankness), RNG.NextSingle(-maximumDankness, maximumDankness)), 50).Then().MoveTo(new Vector2(0), 100);
            gContainer.MoveToOffset(new Vector2(RNG.NextSingle(-maximumDankness, maximumDankness), RNG.NextSingle(-maximumDankness, maximumDankness)), 50).Then().MoveTo(new Vector2(0), 100);
            bContainer.MoveToOffset(new Vector2(RNG.NextSingle(-maximumDankness, maximumDankness), RNG.NextSingle(-maximumDankness, maximumDankness)), 50).Then().MoveTo(new Vector2(0), 100);
Example #14
        protected override void ApplyDefaultsToSelf(ControlPointInfo controlPointInfo, BeatmapDifficulty difficulty)
            base.ApplyDefaultsToSelf(controlPointInfo, difficulty);

            TimingControlPoint timingPoint = controlPointInfo.TimingPointAt(StartTime);

            tickSpacing = timingPoint.BeatLength / difficulty.SliderTickRate;
Example #15
        protected override void OnNewBeat(int beatIndex, TimingControlPoint timingPoint, EffectControlPoint effectPoint, TrackAmplitudes amplitudes)
            base.OnNewBeat(beatIndex, timingPoint, effectPoint, amplitudes);

            .ScaleTo(1f, timingPoint.BeatLength, Easing.Out);
Example #16
        protected override void OnNewBeat(int beatIndex, TimingControlPoint timingPoint, EffectControlPoint effectPoint, ChannelAmplitudes amplitudes)
            kiaiBindable.Value = effectPoint.KiaiMode;
            float expandSize = 5 * amplitudes.Average * (effectPoint.KiaiMode ? 2 : 1);

            FinishTransforms(false, nameof(Size));
            this.ResizeTo(450 + expandSize, 100).Then().ResizeTo(450, 50);
Example #17
            private int calculateBeatCount(TimingControlPoint current)
                if (timingPoints[timingPoints.Count - 1] == current)
                    return((int)Math.Ceiling((Beatmap.Value.Track.Length - current.Time) / current.BeatLength));

                return((int)Math.Ceiling((getNextTimingPoint(current).Time - current.Time) / current.BeatLength));
Example #18
            private TimingControlPoint getNextTimingPoint(TimingControlPoint current)
                if (timingPoints[timingPoints.Count - 1] == current)

                return(timingPoints[timingPoints.IndexOf(current) + 1]);
Example #19
        protected override void ApplyDefaultsToSelf(ControlPointInfo controlPointInfo, IBeatmapDifficultyInfo difficulty)
            base.ApplyDefaultsToSelf(controlPointInfo, difficulty);

            TimingControlPoint timingPoint = controlPointInfo.TimingPointAt(StartTime);

            velocityFactor     = base_scoring_distance * difficulty.SliderMultiplier / timingPoint.BeatLength;
            tickDistanceFactor = base_scoring_distance * difficulty.SliderMultiplier / difficulty.SliderTickRate;
Example #20
        protected override float GetVelocity(double time, ControlPointInfo controlPointInfo, BeatmapDifficulty difficulty)
            TimingControlPoint     timingPoint     = controlPointInfo.TimingPointAt(time);
            DifficultyControlPoint difficultyPoint = controlPointInfo.DifficultyPointAt(time);

            double scoringDistance = OsuHitObject.BASE_SCORING_DISTANCE * difficulty.SliderMultiplier * difficultyPoint.SpeedMultiplier;

            return((float)(scoringDistance / timingPoint.BeatLength));
Example #21
            public TimingPointVisualiser(Beatmap beatmap, double length)
                this.length = length;

                Anchor = Anchor.Centre;
                Origin = Anchor.Centre;

                RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X;
                AutoSizeAxes     = Axes.Y;

                Width = 0.75f;

                FillFlowContainer timelineContainer;

                InternalChildren = new Drawable[]
                    new Box
                        Name             = "Background",
                        RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both,
                        Colour           = Color4.Black.Opacity(85f)
                    new Container
                        Name             = "Tracks",
                        RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X,
                        AutoSizeAxes     = Axes.Y,
                        Padding          = new MarginPadding(15),
                        Children         = new[]
                            tracker = new Box
                                Anchor               = Anchor.CentreLeft,
                                Origin               = Anchor.Centre,
                                RelativeSizeAxes     = Axes.Y,
                                RelativePositionAxes = Axes.X,
                                Width  = 2,
                                Colour = Color4.Red,
                            timelineContainer = new FillFlowContainer
                                RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X,
                                AutoSizeAxes     = Axes.Y,
                                Spacing          = new Vector2(0, 5)

                var timingPoints = beatmap.ControlPointInfo.TimingPoints;

                for (int i = 0; i < timingPoints.Count; i++)
                    TimingControlPoint next = i == timingPoints.Count - 1 ? null : timingPoints[i + 1];
                    timelineContainer.Add(new TimingPointTimeline(timingPoints[i], next?.Time ?? length, length));
Example #22
        public HitObjectPatternGenerator(FastRandom random, HitObject hitObject, Beatmap beatmap, Pattern previousPattern, double previousTime, Vector2 previousPosition, double density, PatternType lastStair)
            : base(random, hitObject, beatmap, previousPattern)
            StairType = lastStair;

            TimingControlPoint timingPoint = beatmap.ControlPointInfo.TimingPointAt(hitObject.StartTime);
            EffectControlPoint effectPoint = beatmap.ControlPointInfo.EffectPointAt(hitObject.StartTime);

            var positionData = hitObject as IHasPosition;

            float  positionSeparation = ((positionData?.Position ?? Vector2.Zero) - previousPosition).Length;
            double timeSeparation     = hitObject.StartTime - previousTime;

            if (timeSeparation <= 80)
                // More than 187 BPM
                convertType |= PatternType.ForceNotStack | PatternType.KeepSingle;
            else if (timeSeparation <= 95)
                // More than 157 BPM
                convertType |= PatternType.ForceNotStack | PatternType.KeepSingle | lastStair;
            else if (timeSeparation <= 105)
                // More than 140 BPM
                convertType |= PatternType.ForceNotStack | PatternType.LowProbability;
            else if (timeSeparation <= 125)
                // More than 120 BPM
                convertType |= PatternType.ForceNotStack;
            else if (timeSeparation <= 135 && positionSeparation < 20)
                // More than 111 BPM stream
                convertType |= PatternType.Cycle | PatternType.KeepSingle;
            else if (timeSeparation <= 150 && positionSeparation < 20)
                // More than 100 BPM stream
                convertType |= PatternType.ForceStack | PatternType.LowProbability;
            else if (positionSeparation < 20 && density >= timingPoint.BeatLength / 2.5)
                // Low density stream
                convertType |= PatternType.Reverse | PatternType.LowProbability;
            else if (density < timingPoint.BeatLength / 2.5 || effectPoint.KiaiMode)
                // High density
                convertType |= PatternType.LowProbability;
Example #23
        private void load()
            // Calculate default multiplier control points
            var lastTimingPoint     = new TimingControlPoint();
            var lastDifficultyPoint = new DifficultyControlPoint();

            // Merge timing + difficulty points
            var allPoints = new SortedList <ControlPoint>(Comparer <ControlPoint> .Default);


            // Generate the timing points, making non-timing changes use the previous timing change
            var timingChanges = allPoints.Select(c =>
                var timingPoint     = c as TimingControlPoint;
                var difficultyPoint = c as DifficultyControlPoint;

                if (timingPoint != null)
                    lastTimingPoint = timingPoint;

                if (difficultyPoint != null)
                    lastDifficultyPoint = difficultyPoint;

                return(new MultiplierControlPoint(c.Time)
                    Velocity = Beatmap.BeatmapInfo.BaseDifficulty.SliderMultiplier,
                    TimingPoint = lastTimingPoint,
                    DifficultyPoint = lastDifficultyPoint

            double lastObjectTime = (Objects.LastOrDefault() as IHasEndTime)?.EndTime ?? Objects.LastOrDefault()?.StartTime ?? double.MaxValue;

            // Perform some post processing of the timing changes
            timingChanges = timingChanges
                            // Collapse sections after the last hit object
                            .Where(s => s.StartTime <= lastObjectTime)
                            // Collapse sections with the same start time
                            .GroupBy(s => s.StartTime).Select(g => g.Last()).OrderBy(s => s.StartTime);


            // If we have no control points, add a default one
            if (DefaultControlPoints.Count == 0)
                DefaultControlPoints.Add(new MultiplierControlPoint {
                    Velocity = Beatmap.BeatmapInfo.BaseDifficulty.SliderMultiplier

            DefaultControlPoints.ForEach(c => applySpeedAdjustment(c, Playfield));
Example #24
        public ManiaHitRenderer(WorkingBeatmap beatmap, bool isForCurrentRuleset)
            : base(beatmap, isForCurrentRuleset)
            // Generate the speed adjustment container lists
            hitObjectSpeedAdjustments = new List <SpeedAdjustmentContainer> [PreferredColumns];
            for (int i = 0; i < PreferredColumns; i++)
                hitObjectSpeedAdjustments[i] = new List <SpeedAdjustmentContainer>();

            // Generate the bar lines
            double lastObjectTime = (Objects.LastOrDefault() as IHasEndTime)?.EndTime ?? Objects.LastOrDefault()?.StartTime ?? double.MaxValue;

            SortedList <TimingControlPoint> timingPoints = Beatmap.ControlPointInfo.TimingPoints;
            var barLines = new List <DrawableBarLine>();

            for (int i = 0; i < timingPoints.Count; i++)
                TimingControlPoint point = timingPoints[i];

                // Stop on the beat before the next timing point, or if there is no next timing point stop slightly past the last object
                double endTime = i < timingPoints.Count - 1 ? timingPoints[i + 1].Time - point.BeatLength : lastObjectTime + point.BeatLength * (int)point.TimeSignature;

                int index = 0;
                for (double t = timingPoints[i].Time; Precision.DefinitelyBigger(endTime, t); t += point.BeatLength, index++)
                    barLines.Add(new DrawableBarLine(new BarLine
                        StartTime    = t,
                        ControlPoint = point,
                        BeatIndex    = index

            BarLines = barLines;

            // Generate speed adjustments from mods first
            bool useDefaultSpeedAdjustments = true;

            if (Mods != null)
                foreach (var speedAdjustmentMod in Mods.OfType <IGenerateSpeedAdjustments>())
                    useDefaultSpeedAdjustments = false;
                    speedAdjustmentMod.ApplyToHitRenderer(this, ref hitObjectSpeedAdjustments, ref barLineSpeedAdjustments);

            // Generate the default speed adjustments
            if (useDefaultSpeedAdjustments)
Example #25
        protected override void OnNewBeat(int beatIndex, TimingControlPoint timingPoint, EffectControlPoint effectPoint, TrackAmplitudes amplitudes)
            // assume that if the animation is playing on its own, it's independent from the beat and doesn't need to be touched.
            if (textureAnimation.FrameCount == 0 || textureAnimation.IsPlaying)

            currentFrame = (currentFrame + 1) % textureAnimation.FrameCount;
Example #26
        protected override void ApplyDefaultsToSelf(ControlPointInfo controlPointInfo, BeatmapDifficulty difficulty)
            base.ApplyDefaultsToSelf(controlPointInfo, difficulty);

            TimingControlPoint     timingPoint     = controlPointInfo.TimingPointAt(StartTime);
            DifficultyControlPoint difficultyPoint = controlPointInfo.DifficultyPointAt(StartTime);

            double scoringDistance = base_scoring_distance * difficulty.SliderMultiplier * difficultyPoint.SpeedMultiplier;

            Velocity = scoringDistance / timingPoint.BeatLength;
Example #27
 protected override void OnNewBeat(int beatIndex, TimingControlPoint timingPoint, EffectControlPoint effectPoint, TrackAmplitudes amplitudes)
     if (effectPoint.KiaiMode && kiaiEffect.Value)
            private TimingControlPoint getNextTimingPoint(TimingControlPoint current)
                if (timingPoints[timingPoints.Count - 1] == current)

                int index = timingPoints.IndexOf(current); // -1 means that this is a "default beat"

                return(index == -1 ? current : timingPoints[index + 1]);
Example #29
        protected override void ApplyDefaultsToSelf(ControlPointInfo controlPointInfo, BeatmapDifficulty difficulty)
            base.ApplyDefaultsToSelf(controlPointInfo, difficulty);

            TimingControlPoint timingPoint = controlPointInfo.TimingPointAt(StartTime);

            tickSpacing = timingPoint.BeatLength / TickRate;

            RequiredGoodHits  = NestedHitObjects.Count * Math.Min(0.15, 0.05 + 0.10 / 6 * difficulty.OverallDifficulty);
            RequiredGreatHits = NestedHitObjects.Count * Math.Min(0.30, 0.10 + 0.20 / 6 * difficulty.OverallDifficulty);
Example #30
        public override void ApplyDefaults(ControlPointInfo controlPointInfo, BeatmapDifficulty difficulty)
            base.ApplyDefaults(controlPointInfo, difficulty);

            TimingControlPoint timingPoint = controlPointInfo.TimingPointAt(StartTime);

            tickSpacing = timingPoint.BeatLength / TickRate;

            RequiredGoodHits  = TotalTicks * Math.Min(0.15, 0.05 + 0.10 / 6 * difficulty.OverallDifficulty);
            RequiredGreatHits = TotalTicks * Math.Min(0.30, 0.10 + 0.20 / 6 * difficulty.OverallDifficulty);