Example #1
        public async Task HandleTimerEvent_HandlesExceptions()
            // force an exception to occur outside of the function invocation path
            var ex = new Exception("Kaboom!");

            _mockScheduleMonitor.Setup(p => p.UpdateStatusAsync(_testTimerName, It.IsAny <ScheduleStatus>())).ThrowsAsync(ex);

            var listener = new TimerListener(_attribute, _schedule, _testTimerName, _options, _mockTriggerExecutor.Object, _logger, _mockScheduleMonitor.Object, _functionShortName);


            await listener.HandleTimerEvent();

            // verify the timer was started

            var logs = _logger.GetLogMessages();
            var log  = logs[0];

            Assert.Equal(LogLevel.Error, log.Level);
            Assert.Equal("Error occurred during scheduled invocation for 'TimerFunctionShortName'.", log.FormattedMessage);
            Assert.Same(ex, log.Exception);
            log = logs[1];
            Assert.Equal(LogLevel.Debug, log.Level);
            Assert.True(log.FormattedMessage.StartsWith("Timer for 'TimerFunctionShortName' started with interval"));

Example #2
    public void Start()

        timerListener = new TimerListener(this, 1, 5, false);



        GamePanel gamePanel = UIManager.getInstance().getPanel(PanelConfig.GAMEPANEL) as GamePanel;

        if (gamePanel != null)
            timeText = gamePanel.timeText;

        GameObject mainCamera = Game.GameEntry.Instance.Cameras.mainCamera.gameObject;

        iTween.MoveTo(mainCamera, new Vector3(mainCamera.transform.position.x, mainCamera.transform.position.y, mainCamera.transform.position.z + 44), 5f);

        // 这样调节场景坐标,不管用
        // GameObject sceneObject = GameObject.Find("GameObject");
        // sceneObject.transform.position = new Vector3(sceneObject.transform.position.x, sceneObject.transform.position.y + 10f, sceneObject.transform.position.z);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Timer timer = new Timer();
            TimerListener listener = new TimerListener();

        public void GetNextInterval_NegativeInterval_ReturnsOneTick()
            var now  = DateTime.Now;
            var next = now.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));

            var interval = TimerListener.GetNextTimerInterval(next, now);

            Assert.Equal(1, interval.Ticks);
Example #5
 private void OnTimedEvent(object source, ElapsedEventArgs e)
     //Debug.Log(this + " -> " + this.listeners.Count);
     for (int i = 0; i < listeners.Count; i++)
         TimerListener timerListener = listeners[i];
Example #6
    public Action <float> AddUpdate(Action <float> fun)
        TimerListener tl = new TimerListener();

        tl.onTime = fun;

        updates [fun] = tl;

Example #7
 private void ExtendCallbacksList()
     if (_updateCallbacks == null)
         _updateCallbacks = new TimerListener[10];
         TimerListener[] newCallbacks = new TimerListener[_updateCallbacks.Length + 10];
         Array.Copy(_updateCallbacks, newCallbacks, _updateCallbacks.Length);
         _updateCallbacks = newCallbacks;
Example #8
    public void AddListener(int timeLeft, Action callback)
        for (int i = 0; i < _updateCallbacks.Length; i++)
            if (_updateCallbacks[i] == null)
                _updateCallbacks[i] = new TimerListener(timeLeft, callback);

        AddListener(timeLeft, callback);
Example #9
    public Action <float> Add(float interval, int repeat, Action <float> fun)
        TimerListener tl = new TimerListener();

        tl.interval = interval;
        tl.repeat   = repeat;
        tl.onTime   = fun;
        tl.isDelete = false;

        if (times.ContainsKey(fun))
            times [fun].isDelete = false;
        times [fun] = tl;
        private void CreateTestListener(string expression, bool useMonitor = true)
            _attribute            = new TimerTriggerAttribute(expression);
            _attribute.UseMonitor = useMonitor;
            _config = new TimersConfiguration();
            _mockScheduleMonitor    = new Mock <ScheduleMonitor>(MockBehavior.Strict);
            _config.ScheduleMonitor = _mockScheduleMonitor.Object;
            _mockTriggerExecutor    = new Mock <ITriggeredFunctionExecutor>(MockBehavior.Strict);
            FunctionResult result = new FunctionResult(true);

            _mockTriggerExecutor.Setup(p => p.TryExecuteAsync(It.IsAny <TriggeredFunctionData>(), It.IsAny <CancellationToken>()))
            .Callback <TriggeredFunctionData, CancellationToken>((mockFunctionData, mockToken) =>
                _triggeredFunctionData = mockFunctionData;
            _listener = new TimerListener(_attribute, _testTimerName, _config, _mockTriggerExecutor.Object);
        public void GetNextInterval_NextAfterDST_ReturnsExpectedValue()
            // Running on the Friday before the DST switch at 2 AM on 3/11 (Pacific Standard Time)
            // Note: this test uses Local time, so if you're running in a timezone where
            // DST doesn't transition the test might not be valid.
            var now = new DateTime(2018, 3, 9, 18, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Local);

            // Configure schedule to run again on the next Friday (3/16) at 6 PM (Pacific Daylight Time)
            var schedule = CrontabSchedule.Parse("0 0 18 * * 5", new CrontabSchedule.ParseOptions()
                IncludingSeconds = true

            var next     = schedule.GetNextOccurrence(now);
            var interval = TimerListener.GetNextTimerInterval(next, now);

            // One week is normally 168 hours, but it's 167 hours across DST
            Assert.Equal(167, interval.TotalHours);
        public void GetNextInterval_NextWithinDST_ReturnsExpectedValue(TimerSchedule schedule, TimeSpan expectedInterval)
            // This only works with a DST-supported time zone, so throw a nice exception
            if (!TimeZoneInfo.Local.SupportsDaylightSavingTime)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("This test will only pass if the time zone supports DST.");

            // Running at 1:59 AM, i.e. one minute before the DST switch at 2 AM on 3/11 (Pacific Standard Time)
            // Note: this test uses Local time, so if you're running in a timezone where
            // DST doesn't transition the test might not be valid.
            var now = new DateTime(2018, 3, 11, 1, 59, 0, DateTimeKind.Local);

            var next = schedule.GetNextOccurrence(now);

            var interval = TimerListener.GetNextTimerInterval(next, now, schedule.AdjustForDST);

            Assert.Equal(expectedInterval, interval);
        private void CreateTestListener(string expression, bool useMonitor = true, Action functionAction = null)
            _attribute            = new TimerTriggerAttribute(expression);
            _schedule             = TimerSchedule.Create(_attribute, new TestNameResolver());
            _attribute.UseMonitor = useMonitor;
            _options             = new TimersOptions();
            _mockScheduleMonitor = new Mock <ScheduleMonitor>(MockBehavior.Strict);
            _mockTriggerExecutor = new Mock <ITriggeredFunctionExecutor>(MockBehavior.Strict);
            FunctionResult result = new FunctionResult(true);

            _mockTriggerExecutor.Setup(p => p.TryExecuteAsync(It.IsAny <TriggeredFunctionData>(), It.IsAny <CancellationToken>()))
            .Callback <TriggeredFunctionData, CancellationToken>((mockFunctionData, mockToken) =>
                _triggeredFunctionData = mockFunctionData;
            _logger   = new TestLogger(null);
            _listener = new TimerListener(_attribute, _schedule, _testTimerName, _options, _mockTriggerExecutor.Object, _logger, _mockScheduleMonitor.Object);
        public void GetNextInterval_NextWithinDST_ReturnsExpectedValue()
            // Running at 1:59 AM, i.e. one minute before the DST switch at 2 AM on 3/11 (Pacific Standard Time)
            // Note: this test uses Local time, so if you're running in a timezone where
            // DST doesn't transition the test might not be valid.
            var now = new DateTime(2018, 3, 11, 1, 59, 0, DateTimeKind.Local);

            // Configure schedule to run on the 59th minute of every hour
            var schedule = CrontabSchedule.Parse("0 59 * * * *", new CrontabSchedule.ParseOptions()
                IncludingSeconds = true

            // Note: NCronTab actually gives us an invalid next occurrence of 2:59 AM, which doesn't actually
            // exist because the DST switch skips from 2 to 3
            var next = schedule.GetNextOccurrence(now);

            var interval = TimerListener.GetNextTimerInterval(next, now);

            Assert.Equal(1, interval.TotalHours);
        public void GetNextInterval_NextAfterDST_ReturnsExpectedValue(TimerSchedule schedule, TimeSpan expectedInterval)
            // This only works with a DST-supported time zone, so throw a nice exception
            if (!TimeZoneInfo.Local.SupportsDaylightSavingTime)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("This test will only pass if the time zone supports DST.");

            // Running on the Friday before the DST switch at 2 AM on 3/11 (Pacific Standard Time)
            // Note: this test uses Local time, so if you're running in a timezone where
            // DST doesn't transition the test might not be valid.
            // The input schedules will run after DST changes. For some (Cron), they will subtract
            // an hour to account for the shift. For others (Constant), they will not.
            var now = new DateTime(2018, 3, 9, 18, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Local);

            var next     = schedule.GetNextOccurrence(now);
            var interval = TimerListener.GetNextTimerInterval(next, now, schedule.AdjustForDST);

            // One week is normally 168 hours, but it's 167 hours across DST
            Assert.Equal(interval, expectedInterval);
Example #16
 public void RemoveListener(TimerListener newListener)
Example #17
 public void AddListener(TimerListener newListener)
     //Debug.Log("AddListener" + this + " -> " + this.listeners.Count);