Example #1
        internal Timer(TimerQueue queue, TimerMode mode, TimerExecutionContext context, bool isLongRunning, uint dueTime, uint period, TimerCallback callback)
            Debug.Assert(queue != null);
            Debug.Assert(callback != null);

            Queue            = queue;
            Mode             = mode;
            ExecutionContext = context;
            IsLongRunning    = isLongRunning;
            Period           = period;
            DueTime          = dueTime;
            Callback         = callback;
Example #2
        private Timer InternalCreateTimer( TimerMode mode, TimerExecutionContext context, TimerCallback callback, uint dueTime, uint period, bool isLongRunning )
            Debug.Assert( _hQueue != IntPtr.Zero );
            if( _hQueue == IntPtr.Zero )
                throw new InvalidOperationException( "The timer queue has already been disposed." );

            Debug.Assert( callback != null );
            if( callback == null )
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "callback" );
            switch( mode )
                case TimerMode.OneShot:
                    Debug.Assert( dueTime > 0 );
                    Debug.Assert( period == 0 );
                    if( dueTime <= 0 )
                        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException( "dueTime", dueTime, "One-shot timers require a due time of 1ms or more." );
                case TimerMode.Periodic:
                    Debug.Assert( period > 0 );
                    if( period <= 0 )
                        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException( "period", period, "Periodic timers require a period of 1ms or more." );

            NativeMethods.TimerQueueFlags flags = ( NativeMethods.TimerQueueFlags )( ( uint )mode | ( uint )context );
            if( isLongRunning == true )
                flags |= NativeMethods.TimerQueueFlags.WT_EXECUTELONGFUNCTION;

            Timer timer = new Timer( this, mode, context, isLongRunning, dueTime, period, callback );
            lock( _syncRoot )
                timer.Entry = _timers.Enqueue( timer );
                timer.ID = _timerId++;

            IntPtr handle = IntPtr.Zero;
            bool result = NativeMethods.CreateTimerQueueTimer(
                ref handle, _hQueue,
                _delegate, new IntPtr( timer.ID ),
                dueTime, period, flags );
            Debug.Assert( result == true );
            if( result == false )
                lock( _syncRoot )
                    _timers.Remove( timer.Entry );
                int error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
                throw new Win32Exception( error, "Unable to create timer instance." );

            timer.Handle = handle;
            return timer;
Example #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new periodic timer that will fire at the given interval after the <paramref name="dueTime"/> has passed.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="callback">The method that will handle the timer execution.</param>
 /// <param name="dueTime">The time that will elapse before the timer is first executed, in milliseconds.</param>
 /// <param name="period">The time that will elapse between timer executions, in milliseconds.</param>
 /// <param name="executionContext">The thread that the callback will execute in.</param>
 /// <param name="isLongRunning"><c>true</c> if the callback execution is expected to take a long time.</param>
 /// <returns>A new <see cref="Timer"/> instance with the given parameters.</returns>
 public Timer CreatePeriodicTimer( TimerCallback callback, uint dueTime, uint period, TimerExecutionContext executionContext, bool isLongRunning )
     return this.InternalCreateTimer( TimerMode.Periodic, executionContext, callback, dueTime, period, isLongRunning );
Example #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new one-shot timer that will fire at the given time.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="callback">The method that will handle the timer execution.</param>
 /// <param name="dueTime">The time that will elapse before the timer is executed, in milliseconds.</param>
 /// <param name="executionContext">The thread that the callback will execute in.</param>
 /// <param name="isLongRunning"><c>true</c> if the callback execution is expected to take a long time.</param>
 /// <returns>A new <see cref="Timer"/> instance with the given parameters.</returns>
 public Timer CreateOneShotTimer( TimerCallback callback, uint dueTime, TimerExecutionContext executionContext, bool isLongRunning )
     return this.InternalCreateTimer( TimerMode.OneShot, executionContext, callback, dueTime, 0, isLongRunning );
Example #5
        internal Timer( TimerQueue queue, TimerMode mode, TimerExecutionContext context, bool isLongRunning, uint dueTime, uint period, TimerCallback callback )
            Debug.Assert( queue != null );
            Debug.Assert( callback != null );

            Queue = queue;
            Mode = mode;
            ExecutionContext = context;
            IsLongRunning = isLongRunning;
            Period = period;
            DueTime = dueTime;
            Callback = callback;
Example #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new periodic timer that will fire at the given interval after the <paramref name="dueTime"/> has passed.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="callback">The method that will handle the timer execution.</param>
 /// <param name="dueTime">The time that will elapse before the timer is first executed, in milliseconds.</param>
 /// <param name="period">The time that will elapse between timer executions, in milliseconds.</param>
 /// <param name="executionContext">The thread that the callback will execute in.</param>
 /// <param name="isLongRunning"><c>true</c> if the callback execution is expected to take a long time.</param>
 /// <returns>A new <see cref="Timer"/> instance with the given parameters.</returns>
 public Timer CreatePeriodicTimer(TimerCallback callback, uint dueTime, uint period, TimerExecutionContext executionContext, bool isLongRunning)
     return(this.InternalCreateTimer(TimerMode.Periodic, executionContext, callback, dueTime, period, isLongRunning));
Example #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new one-shot timer that will fire at the given time.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="callback">The method that will handle the timer execution.</param>
 /// <param name="dueTime">The time that will elapse before the timer is executed, in milliseconds.</param>
 /// <param name="executionContext">The thread that the callback will execute in.</param>
 /// <param name="isLongRunning"><c>true</c> if the callback execution is expected to take a long time.</param>
 /// <returns>A new <see cref="Timer"/> instance with the given parameters.</returns>
 public Timer CreateOneShotTimer(TimerCallback callback, uint dueTime, TimerExecutionContext executionContext, bool isLongRunning)
     return(this.InternalCreateTimer(TimerMode.OneShot, executionContext, callback, dueTime, 0, isLongRunning));
Example #8
        private Timer InternalCreateTimer(TimerMode mode, TimerExecutionContext context, TimerCallback callback, uint dueTime, uint period, bool isLongRunning)
            Debug.Assert(_hQueue != IntPtr.Zero);
            if (_hQueue == IntPtr.Zero)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("The timer queue has already been disposed.");

            Debug.Assert(callback != null);
            if (callback == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("callback");
            switch (mode)
            case TimerMode.OneShot:
                Debug.Assert(dueTime > 0);
                Debug.Assert(period == 0);
                if (dueTime <= 0)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("dueTime", dueTime, "One-shot timers require a due time of 1ms or more.");

            case TimerMode.Periodic:
                Debug.Assert(period > 0);
                if (period <= 0)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("period", period, "Periodic timers require a period of 1ms or more.");

            NativeMethods.TimerQueueFlags flags = (NativeMethods.TimerQueueFlags)(( uint )mode | ( uint )context);
            if (isLongRunning == true)
                flags |= NativeMethods.TimerQueueFlags.WT_EXECUTELONGFUNCTION;

            Timer timer = new Timer(this, mode, context, isLongRunning, dueTime, period, callback);

            lock ( _syncRoot )
                timer.Entry = _timers.Enqueue(timer);
                timer.ID    = _timerId++;

            IntPtr handle = IntPtr.Zero;
            bool   result = NativeMethods.CreateTimerQueueTimer(
                ref handle, _hQueue,
                _delegate, new IntPtr(timer.ID),
                dueTime, period, flags);

            Debug.Assert(result == true);
            if (result == false)
                lock (_syncRoot)
                int error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
                throw new Win32Exception(error, "Unable to create timer instance.");

            timer.Handle = handle;