Example #1
        public async Task <IActionResult> OnGet(string id, int?sprintId, DateTime?targetDate)
            // Validation
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id) &&
                userManager.GetUserId(User) != id &&
                !await AllowedToEditTimeTracksOfAnother())
                return(new ChallengeResult());

            var sprint = await sprintsService.GetTargetSprint(sprintId);

            TimeTrack = new TimeTrack();
            if (targetDate.HasValue)
                TimeTrack.TrackingDate = targetDate.Value;          // If log date is passed, set logging date
                TimeTrack.TrackingDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);  // Log time fow tomorrow by default

            // Set data for creation
            return(await PopulateDropdownsAndShowPage(id, sprintId));
Example #2
        public async Task <IActionResult> OnGetAsync(int timeTrackId)
            // Validation
            TimeTrack = await timeTrackQuery
                        .FirstOrDefaultAsync(t => t.ID == timeTrackId);

            if (TimeTrack == null)
                throw new ApplicationException($"There is no suitable time track with ID={timeTrackId} in database!");

            if (userManager.GetUserId(User) != TimeTrack.OwnerID)
                TargetUserId = TimeTrack.OwnerID;
                if (!await AllowedToEditTimeTracksOfAnother())
                    return(new ChallengeResult());

            // Set data for editing
            return(await PopulateDropdownsAndShowPage(TimeTrack.OwnerID, TimeTrack.Issue.Sprint?.ID, TimeTrack.IssueID));
Example #3
        public async Task <IActionResult> OnPostAsync(string id, int?sprintId)
            // Validation
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id) &&
                userManager.GetUserId(User) != id &&
                !await AllowedToEditTimeTracksOfAnother())
                return(new ChallengeResult());

            var sprint = await sprintsService.GetTargetSprint(sprintId);

            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                return(await PopulateDropdownsAndShowPage(id, sprintId, TimeTrack.IssueID));

            Issue targetIssue = await issueService.GetTargetIssue(TimeTrack.IssueID);

            if (targetIssue == null)
                throw new ApplicationException($"There is no suitable issue ID={TimeTrack.IssueID} in database!");

            var targetUserId = string.IsNullOrEmpty(id) ? userManager.GetUserId(User) : id;

            if (targetIssue.TimeTracks.Any(t => t.OwnerID == targetUserId && t.TrackingDate == TimeTrack.TrackingDate))
                ModelState.AddModelError("TimeTrack.TrackingDate", $"Time for task '{targetIssue.TaskNumber}' is already set for date '{TimeTrack.TrackingDate.ToShortDateString()}'");

                return(await PopulateDropdownsAndShowPage(id, sprintId, TimeTrack.IssueID));

            // Create new track
            var emptyTrack = new TimeTrack();

            emptyTrack.OwnerID = targetUserId;

            if (await TryUpdateModelAsync <TimeTrack>(
                    "TimeTrack", // Prefix for form value.
                    s => s.IssueID, s => s.SpentHours, s => s.TrackingDate, s => s.Description))
                await context.SaveChangesAsync();

                return(RedirectToPage("./Index", null, new { id = id, sprintId = sprintId }));

            ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, $"Can't set time for task '{targetIssue.TaskNumber}' for date '{TimeTrack.TrackingDate}'");

            return(await PopulateDropdownsAndShowPage(id, sprintId, TimeTrack.IssueID));
Example #4
        public void Update()
            DbSet <TimeTrack> timeTracksList = intimeDb.TimeTracks;

            TimeTrack record =
                (from TimeTrack in timeTracksList
                 where TimeTrack.Id == trackerId
                 select TimeTrack).First();

            record.WorkTime += stopwatch.Elapsed.Ticks;
Example #5
        public static string GetStartingTime(Assignment assignment)
            int projectId = assignment.ProjectId;
            int personId  = assignment.PersonId;

            DbSet <TimeTrack> timeTracksList = intimeDb.TimeTracks;

            DateTime?trackingDate =
                (from TimeTrack in timeTracksList
                 orderby TimeTrack.Id descending
                 where TimeTrack.ProjectId == projectId
                 where TimeTrack.PersonId == personId
                 select TimeTrack.WorkDate).FirstOrDefault();

            startingTime = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0);

            if (trackingDate != DateTime.Now.Date) // data non presente in database: nuova data, startingtime = 0
                DateTime newDate = DateTime.Now.Date;

                TimeTrack newRecord = new TimeTrack();
                newRecord.WorkDate  = newDate;
                newRecord.WorkTime  = startingTime.Ticks;
                newRecord.PersonId  = personId;
                newRecord.ProjectId = projectId;

                trackerId = newRecord.Id;
            else // data già presente: query sul tempo già tracciato
                TimeTrack record =
                    (from TimeTrack in timeTracksList
                     orderby TimeTrack.Id descending
                     where TimeTrack.ProjectId == projectId
                     where TimeTrack.PersonId == personId
                     where TimeTrack.WorkDate == trackingDate
                     select TimeTrack).First(); // tempo relativo alla data 'trackingDate'

                startingTime = new TimeSpan((long)record.WorkTime);
                trackerId    = record.Id;

        /// <summary>
        /// 初始化窗口
        /// </summary>
        void Initializtion()
            int min, sec;

            timerBind = new TimerBind();
            TimeTrack.Minimum = 0;
            TimeTrack.Maximum = info.Length;
            ConvertMin(out min, out sec, info.Length);
            stream         = Bass.BASS_StreamCreateFile(info.Path, 0L, 0L, BASSFlag.BASS_SAMPLE_FLOAT);
            LengthBox.Text = min + ":" + sec;
            if (Setting.Default.IsTryQuarter)
                PositionButton_OnClick(PositionButton, new RoutedEventArgs());
            Binding bind = new Binding();

            bind.Source = timerBind;
            bind.Path   = new PropertyPath("Nowtime");
            TimeTrack.SetBinding(Slider.ValueProperty, bind);
Example #7
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Issue[] issueList;
            var     query       = "Labels=RunGroup";
            int     argType     = 0;
            int     monthOffset = -1;
            bool    verbose     = false;

            foreach (var arg in args)
                if (arg == "-q" || arg == "/q")
                    argType = 1; // Specify query
                else if (arg == "-o" || arg == "/o")
                    argType = 2; // Month offset
                else if (arg == "-v" || arg == "/v")
                    verbose = true;
                else if (arg == "-h" || arg == "--help" || arg == "/h" || arg == "/help" || arg == "/?" || arg == "-?")
                    Console.WriteLine("JWorkLog [-q \"<JIRA query>\"] [-o <month offset>] [-h]\n"
                                      + "   -q   Specifies a JIRA query the same as JIRA's advanced view.\n"
                                      + "        The default query is Labels=RunGroups.\n"
                                      + "   -o   Specified month offset from current month. Default is -1.\n"
                                      + "   -h   Displays this help page.\n"
                                      + "   -v   Verbose includes query string and other info in output.\n\n"
                                      + "   Example: JWorkLog -q \"updated>=-8w AND project=HCM AND type=Bug AND component=\\\"GHR- Core HR\\\"\" -o -2 > output.csv");
                else if (argType == 1)
                    query = arg;
                else if (argType == 2)
                    monthOffset = int.Parse(arg);
            if (verbose)
            issueList = GetIssueList(query);
            if (verbose)
                Console.WriteLine($"{issueList.Length} issues queried.");
            var   startDate = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, 1).AddMonths(monthOffset);
            var   endDate   = startDate.AddMonths(1);
            var   hours     = new TimeTrack();
            Regex reworkexp = new Regex(@"^rework\s*\(\s*(\d+)\s*\)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

            foreach (var issue in issueList)
                if (issue.Fields.Worklog == null)
                foreach (var workEntry in issue.Fields.Worklog.Worklogs)
                    if (workEntry.Started < startDate || workEntry.Started >= endDate)
                    if (!hours.TryGetValue(workEntry.Author.DisplayName, out IssueEntries userIssues))
                                  userIssues = new IssueEntries());
                    if (!userIssues.TryGetValue(issue.Key, out IssueEntry issueTimes))
                                       issueTimes = new IssueEntry()
                            Key           = issue.Key,
                            Summary       = issue.Fields.Summary,
                            Remarks       = issue.Fields.Status.Name,
                            EstimatedTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(issue.Fields.Timetracking.OriginalEstimateSeconds.GetValueOrDefault())
                    var  reworkSpec  = reworkexp.Match(workEntry.Comment);
                    int  reworkCount = 0;
                    bool IsRework    = true;
                    if (reworkSpec.Success)
                        reworkCount = int.Parse(reworkSpec.Groups[1].Captures[0].Value);
                    else if (workEntry.Comment.StartsWith("rework", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        reworkCount = 1;
                    else if (workEntry.Comment.IndexOf("rework", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0)
                        IsRework = false;

                    issueTimes.Add(new TimeEntry()
                        AddReworks = reworkCount,
                        IsRework   = IsRework,
                        Start      = workEntry.Started,
                        Length     = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(workEntry.TimeSpentSeconds)

            Console.WriteLine("Sequence,Developer Name,Deliverable Name,Summary,No. of Peer Review Defects," +
                              "No. of Customer Review Defects,Planned Effort (Hrs.),Actual Effort (Hrs.) in {0}," +
                              "Rework Effort To Fix Peer Review Comments (Hrs.)," +
                              "Rework Effort To Fix Customer Review Comments (Hrs.),Remarks",

            int sequence = 0;

            foreach (var userIssue in hours)
                foreach (var issueTime in userIssue.Value)
                    TimeEntry normal = new TimeEntry(), rework = new TimeEntry();
                    int       reworkCount = 0;
                    foreach (var entry in issueTime.Value)
                        if (entry.IsRework)
                            rework.Length += entry.Length;
                            normal.Length += entry.Length;
                        reworkCount += entry.AddReworks;
Example #8
    public virtual void CreateFlyParticle()
        bool isCreate = false;

        foreach (SkillEffectData.SkillFlyParticleData flyParticleData in _mSkillDataSlot._skillEffectData._skillFlyParticleList)
            if (_mCurrentTrackTime >= flyParticleData._delayTime)
                // tzz added for null
                if (_mSkillUser.U3DGameObject == null)

                // Play fly sound
                if (null != flyParticleData._skillSound)
                    Debug.Log("_mSkillUser " + _mSkillUser.U3DGameObject.name + "Sound " + flyParticleData._skillSound._soundName);

                Vector3 startPosition = _mSkillUser.U3DGameObject.transform.position;

                // Create multiple missile effects
                foreach (SkillDataSlot.AttackTargetData attackTargetData in _mSkillDataSlot._attackTargetDataList.Values)
                    UnityEngine.Object obj = Resources.Load(flyParticleData._particleName);
                    if (null == obj)
                        isCreate = true;
                        Debug.Log("[Skill]: Cann't find the fly effect name " + flyParticleData._particleName);

                    // Calculate the Projectile ParticleEffect information
                    GameObject go = GameObject.Instantiate(obj, Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;

                    WarshipL target      = Globals.Instance.MPlayerManager.GetWarship(attackTargetData._targetID);
                    Vector3  endPosition = target.U3DGameObject.transform.position;

                    float missileHorzSpeed = flyParticleData.speed;
                    float targetHorzSpeed  = target.MoveSpeed;
                    if (attackTargetData._moveState == (int)GameData.BattleGameData.MoveState.STOP)
                        targetHorzSpeed = 0.0f;

                    MotionTrack motionTrack = null;
                    // Lihaojie 2012.09.26 Add a time track model, solve the problem which caused by the cure skill and damage skill order
                    if (_mSkillDataSlot.IsCureSkill())
                        motionTrack = new TimeTrack(GameDefines.BATTLE_STEP_TIME - flyParticleData._delayTime - 0.05f);
                        switch ((EWarshipType)_mSkillUser.Property.WarshipType)
                        case EWarshipType.CARRIER:
                            startPosition.y += 50.0f;
                            endPosition.y   += 50.0f;
                            // missileHorzSpeed = 150;
                            motionTrack = new AirCraftTrack(startPosition, endPosition, missileHorzSpeed, targetHorzSpeed);

                        case EWarshipType.SUBMARINE:
                            motionTrack = new  LineTrack(startPosition, endPosition, missileHorzSpeed, targetHorzSpeed);

                        case EWarshipType.SURFACE_SHIP:
                            // Assume the two speed is in x axis
                            float gravityAcceleration = -100.0f;

                            // MotionTrack motionTrack = new ParabolicTrack(startPosition, endPosition, horzSpeed);
                            motionTrack = new ParabolicTrack(startPosition, endPosition, missileHorzSpeed, targetHorzSpeed, gravityAcceleration);

                    MissileL missile = new MissileL(go, motionTrack);

                    isCreate     = true;
                    _mSkillState = SkillState.FLY;
                }                 // End foreach

        _mIsFlyParticleCreated = isCreate;
Example #9
 public TimeTrackErrorViewModel(TimeTrack timeTrack, string errorMessage)
     TimeTrack    = timeTrack;
     ErrorMessage = errorMessage;