/// <summary> /// Creates the AddRequestForm Window and Initializes DB Param. /// </summary> public ConfirmDeleteTimeSlotWindow(TimeSlots sender, string timeslot_id) { tid = timeslot_id; timeslots = sender; pmsutil = new PMSUtil(); InitializeComponent(); }
//this method is called when the user posts the appointment online. It takes in the data and creates a new instance of an appointment that is then added and saved to the DB public IActionResult OnPost(string Time, string Name, int Size, string Email, string PhoneNum) //saves to DB { var appt = new Appointment { ApptTime = DateTime.Parse(Time), Name = Name, Size = Size, Email = Email, PhoneNum = PhoneNum }; Apptcontext.appointments.Add(appt); Apptcontext.SaveChanges(); //this then gets the time that the user successfully signed up for and changes it to not available so that 2 users can't sign up for the same time. TimeSlots time = Timecontext.TimeSlots .FirstOrDefault(x => x.AvailableTime == appt.ApptTime); time.IsAvailable = false; Timecontext.SaveChanges(); //foreach (var i in time) //{ // i.IsAvailable = false; //} //takes the user back to the home when they submit return(RedirectToPage("Index")); }
private void AddTimeSlot() { PracticeRoutineTimeSlot timeSlot = new PracticeRoutineTimeSlot("New Time Slot", 300, new List <TimeSlotExercise>()); practiceRoutine.Add(timeSlot); TimeSlots.Add(new TimeSlotViewModel(timeSlot)); }
public Dictionary <Course, Dictionary <TimeSlot, Dictionary <Room, double> > > ReadSolution(string path) { var result = new Dictionary <Course, Dictionary <TimeSlot, Dictionary <Room, double> > >(); foreach (var course in Courses) { result.Add(course, new Dictionary <TimeSlot, Dictionary <Room, double> >()); foreach (var timeslot in TimeSlots) { result[course].Add(timeslot, new Dictionary <Room, double>()); foreach (var room in Rooms) { result[course][timeslot].Add(room, 0.0); } } } foreach (var line in File.ReadLines(path)) { var elements = line.Split(new char[] { ' ', '\t' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (elements.Length != 4) { continue; } var course = Courses.First(c => c.ID.CompareTo(elements[0]) == 0); var room = Rooms.First(r => r.ID.CompareTo(elements[1]) == 0); var timeslot = TimeSlots.First(t => t.Day == int.Parse(elements[2]) && t.Period == int.Parse(elements[3])); result[course][timeslot][room] += 1; } return(result); }
public BookRessourceViewModel() { proxy = AutofacHelper.Container.Resolve <ApiClientProxy>(); drawBookning = new DrawResourcer(); Date = DateTime.Now; StartTime = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay; SlutTime = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay; _hubConnectionRerservation = new HubConnectionBuilder() .WithUrl($"{Resources.SignalRBaseAddress}ReservationHub").Build(); _hubConnectionRerservation.StartAsync(); _hubConnectionResource = new HubConnectionBuilder().WithUrl($"{Resources.SignalRBaseAddress}ResourceHub").Build(); _hubConnectionResource.StartAsync(); //SignalR Client methods for Reservation _hubConnectionRerservation.On <Reservation>("CreateReservation", reservation => { Reservations.Add(reservation); reftesh(reservation.Timeslot.FromDate.DayOfWeek); }); _hubConnectionRerservation.On <Reservation>("UpdateReservation", reservation => { Reservations[Reservations.FindIndex(r => r.Id == reservation.Id)] = reservation; reftesh(); }); _hubConnectionRerservation.On <Reservation>("DeleteReservation", reservation => { Reservations.RemoveAt(Reservations.FindIndex(re => reservation.Id == re.Id)); reftesh(reservation.Timeslot.FromDate.DayOfWeek); }); //SignalR Client methods for Resource _hubConnectionResource.On <Resource>("UpdateResource", resource => { if (resource.Id == Id) { if (resource.TimeSlots == null) { TimeSlots = new List <AvailableTime>(); reftesh(); } foreach (var timeslot in resource.TimeSlots) { if (TimeSlots.Find(r => r.Id == timeslot.Id) != null) { TimeSlots[TimeSlots.FindIndex(r => r.Id == timeslot.Id)] = timeslot; reftesh(); } else { TimeSlots.Add(timeslot); reftesh(); } } } }); }
public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int id) { TimeSlots timeSlots = db.TimeSlots.Find(id); db.TimeSlots.Remove(timeSlots); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public static string GetDisplayName(this TimeSlots enumValue) { return(enumValue.GetType() .GetMember(enumValue.ToString()) .First() .GetCustomAttribute <DisplayAttribute>() .GetName()); }
public ActionResult Edit(int id, TimeSlots timeSlots) { HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient(); httpClient.BaseAddress = new Uri("https://localhost:44362/"); HttpResponseMessage tokenResponse = httpClient.PutAsJsonAsync <TimeSlots>("http://localhost:8081/Dari/servlet/Asset/RDVTS/" + id + "/Modify", timeSlots).Result; return(RedirectToAction("Index2/" + id)); }
public IActionResult SignUp(int TimeSlotId) { //creating a variable to pass through the ViewBag, this will allow us to pass the Time Slot information directly into the form. TimeSlots appointment = context.TimeSlots.Where(t => t.TimeSlotId == TimeSlotId).FirstOrDefault(); ViewBag.TimeSlot = appointment; //directs the page to the Form view. return(View("Form")); }
public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "TimeSlotId,SlotTime")] TimeSlots timeSlots) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.Entry(timeSlots).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(timeSlots)); }
public static bool CheckITimeSlot(TimeSlots timeSlots) { bool result = false; var dbRecord = _db.TimeSlots.Where(x => x.SlotTime == timeSlots.SlotTime).FirstOrDefault(); if (dbRecord != null) { result = true; } return(result); }
public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "TimeID,SlotTime")] TimeSlots timeSlots) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.TimeSlots.Add(timeSlots); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(timeSlots)); }
public async Task <JsonResult> GetTimeSlots(int guests, string date) { DateTime dt = DateTime.ParseExact(date, "MM/dd/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); TimeSlots timeslots = new TimeSlots(dt); foreach (TimeSlot slot in timeslots.slots) { slot.isAvailable = ReservationLogic.isAvailable(_context, guests, ReservationLogic.getTableCount(_context), slot); } return(Json(timeslots.slots)); }
public static TimeSlots GetTime(string datetime) { var time = Convert.ToDateTime(datetime); var timeSlots = new TimeSlots(); timeSlots.Hour = time.Hour; timeSlots.Minute = time.Minute; timeSlots.Second = time.Second; return(timeSlots); }
public TableReservation(Table table, Account account, DateTime date, TimeSlots timeSlot) { Table = table; Account = account; Date = date; TimeSlot = timeSlot; if (!Reservations.ContainsKey(date)) { Reservations[date] = new List <TableReservation>(); } Reservations[date].Add(this); }
private void GenerateTimeSlots() { // Generate a time slot for each time interval based on duration length this.TimeSlots = new List <TimeSlot>(); int totalHours = StartingHour; for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfSlots; i++) { var slot = new TimeSlot(Date.AddHours(totalHours)); totalHours += int.Parse(SlotDurationInHours.ToString()); TimeSlots.Add(slot); } }
private void GetWebSchedTimeSlotsWorker(ODThread o) { WebSchedTimeSlotArgs w = (WebSchedTimeSlotArgs)o.Parameters[0]; List <TimeSlot> listTimeSlots = new List <TimeSlot>(); try { //Get the next 30 days of open time schedules with the current settings listTimeSlots = TimeSlots.GetAvailableWebSchedTimeSlots(w.RecallTypeCur, w.ListProviders, w.ClinicCur, w.DateStart, w.DateEnd); } catch (Exception) { //The user might not have Web Sched ops set up correctly. Don't warn them here because it is just annoying. They'll figure it out. } o.Tag = listTimeSlots; }
public async Task <ApiResult <List <TimeSlotViewModel> > > GetAvailableSlots() { List <TimeSlotViewModel> TimeSlot = new List <TimeSlotViewModel>(); TimeSlotViewModel timeSlotViewModel; List <TimeSlots> slots; TimeSlots timeSlots; SqlParameter NoOfDays = new SqlParameter("@NoOfDays", System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar) { Value = 10 }; var data = _context.ExecuteStoreProcedure("usp_GetAvailableSlots", NoOfDays); string Date = ""; for (int i = 0; i < data.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { if (Date != data.Tables[0].Rows[i]["FullDate"].ToString()) { Date = data.Tables[0].Rows[i]["FullDate"].ToString(); timeSlotViewModel = new TimeSlotViewModel(); timeSlotViewModel.Key = i; timeSlotViewModel.FullDate = data.Tables[0].Rows[i]["FullDate"].ToString(); timeSlotViewModel.Date = data.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Date"].ToString(); timeSlotViewModel.Day = data.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Day"].ToString(); timeSlotViewModel.Month = data.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Month"].ToString(); timeSlotViewModel.ShortMonth = data.Tables[0].Rows[i]["ShortMonth"].ToString(); slots = new List <TimeSlots>(); for (int j = 0; j < data.Tables[0].Rows.Count; j++) { if (Date == data.Tables[0].Rows[j]["FullDate"].ToString()) { timeSlots = new TimeSlots(); timeSlots.SlotId = Convert.ToInt32(data.Tables[0].Rows[j]["SlotId"].ToString()); timeSlots.Label = data.Tables[0].Rows[j]["Label"].ToString(); timeSlots.Icon = data.Tables[0].Rows[j]["Icon"].ToString(); timeSlots.SlotRange = data.Tables[0].Rows[j]["SlotRange"].ToString(); timeSlots.IsSlotAvailable = true; slots.Add(timeSlots); } } timeSlotViewModel.timeSlots = slots; TimeSlot.Add(timeSlotViewModel); } } return(TimeSlot == null ? new ApiResult <List <TimeSlotViewModel> >(new ApiResultCode(ApiResultType.Error, 1, "No data in given request")) : new ApiResult <List <TimeSlotViewModel> >(new ApiResultCode(ApiResultType.Success), TimeSlot)); }
// GET: TimeSlots/Edit/5 public ActionResult Edit(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } TimeSlots timeSlots = db.TimeSlots.Find(id); if (timeSlots == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } return(View(timeSlots)); }
public TimeSlots ParseTimeSlots() { var ts = new TimeSlots(); ts.TimeSlotLockDays = GetNullInt(); if (curr.indent == 0) { return(ts); } var startindent = curr.indent; while (curr.indent == startindent) { var slot = new TimeSlots.TimeSlot(); if (curr.kw != Parser.RegKeywords.None) { throw GetException("unexpected line in TimeSlots"); } slot.Description = GetLine(); if (curr.indent <= startindent) { ts.list.Add(slot); continue; } var ind = curr.indent; while (curr.indent == ind) { switch (curr.kw) { case Parser.RegKeywords.Time: slot.Time = GetTime(); break; case Parser.RegKeywords.DayOfWeek: slot.DayOfWeek = GetInt(); break; case Parser.RegKeywords.Limit: slot.Limit = GetInt(); break; default: throw GetException("unexpected line in TimeSlot"); } } ts.list.Add(slot); } return(ts); }
public async Task <TimeSlots> GetAppointmentSlots() { var appointments = await _appointmentRepository.GetAppointmentsCurrentDay(); var freeSlots = new List <TimeBlock>(); var orderedAppointments = appointments.OrderBy(a => a.StartTime).ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < orderedAppointments.Length - 1; i++) { freeSlots.Add(new TimeBlock() { StartTime = orderedAppointments[i].EndTime, EndTime = orderedAppointments[i + 1].StartTime }); } var firstAppointment = orderedAppointments.First(); var lastAppointment = orderedAppointments.Last(); if (firstAppointment.StartTime.Hour > 8) { freeSlots.Add(new TimeBlock() { StartTime = firstAppointment.Today.AddHours(8), EndTime = firstAppointment.StartTime }); } if (lastAppointment.EndTime.Hour < 18) { freeSlots.Add(new TimeBlock() { StartTime = lastAppointment.EndTime, EndTime = lastAppointment.Today.AddHours(18) }); } var appointmentSlots = new TimeSlots(); foreach (var item in appointments.OrderBy(x => x.StartTime)) { appointmentSlots.UsedSlots.Add($"{item.StartTime.ToShortTimeString()} - {item.EndTime.ToShortTimeString()}"); } foreach (var item in freeSlots.OrderBy(x => x.StartTime)) { appointmentSlots.AvailableSlots.Add($"{item.StartTime.ToShortTimeString()} - {item.EndTime.ToShortTimeString()}"); } return(appointmentSlots); }
public void Output(StringBuilder sb, TimeSlots ts) { if (ts.list.Count == 0) { return; } AddValueCk(0, sb, "TimeSlotLockDays", ts.TimeSlotLockDays); AddValueNoCk(0, sb, "TimeSlots", ""); foreach (var c in ts.list) { AddValueCk(1, sb, c.Description); AddValueCk(2, sb, "Time", c.Time.ToString2("t")); AddValueCk(2, sb, "DayOfWeek", c.DayOfWeek); AddValueCk(2, sb, "Limit", c.Limit); } sb.AppendLine(); }
public bool CreateTimeSlot(TimeSlot timeSlot) { bool isError = false; try { db.addTimeSlot(timeSlot); } catch (Exception ex) { isError = true; Console.WriteLine(ex); Console.WriteLine("Failed to update the Database --- check error ABOVE"); } TimeSlots.Add(timeSlot); return(isError); }
public bool DeleteItem() { bool isError = false; try { db.deleteTimeSlot(this.SelectedTimeslot); } catch (Exception ex) { isError = true; Console.WriteLine(ex); Console.WriteLine("Failed to update the Database --- check error ABOVE"); } TimeSlots.Remove(this.SelectedTimeslot); return(isError); }
public static Settings SetFakeSettings(int?regType, int orgId) { if (regType == RegistrationTypeCode.ChooseVolunteerTimes) { var m = new Settings(); var timeSlots = new TimeSlots(); var ts1 = new TimeSlots.TimeSlot() { DayOfWeek = 0, Name = "MockTimeSlot", Time = System.DateTime.Now }; timeSlots.list.Add(ts1); m.TimeSlots = timeSlots; m.OrgId = orgId; return(m); } return(null); }
public ActionResult Create(DateTime date, TimeSlots time, int Id, int time1) { string currentUserId = User.Identity.GetUserId(); var c = db.Appointments.Where(x => x.PatientState.PatientId == currentUserId && x.ClinicId == Id && x.DayofApp == date).ToList(); if (c.Count >= 1) { return(RedirectToAction("Details", "Home", new { ClinicId = Id, be = 1 })); } ViewBag.ClinicId = Id; ViewBag.Clinic = db.Clinics.Find(Id).ClinicName; ViewBag.date = date.ToString("dddd, dd MMMM yyyy"); ViewBag.time = time.GetDisplayName(); ViewBag.timeid = time1; return(View()); }
public void StartEdit(PracticeRoutine practiceRoutine) { this.practiceRoutine = practiceRoutine ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("PracticeRoutine must be provided."); LifeCycleState = practiceRoutine.Id > 0 ? EntityLifeCycleState.AsExistingEntity : EntityLifeCycleState.AsNewEntity; if (TimeSlots != null) { TimeSlots.ListChanged -= (s, e) => RaisePropertyChanged(() => TotalTimeDisplay); TimeSlots.Clear(); } foreach (var timeSlot in practiceRoutine) { TimeSlotViewModel timeSlotViewModel = new TimeSlotViewModel(timeSlot); TimeSlots.Add(timeSlotViewModel); } TimeSlots.ListChanged += (s, e) => RaisePropertyChanged(() => TotalTimeDisplay); }
private void add_timeslot_btn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { TimeSlots ts = new TimeSlots(); ts.starting = timeslots_txtbx1.Text; ts.ending = timeslots_txtbx2.Text; String startTime = timeslots_txtbx1.Text; String endTime = timeslots_txtbx2.Text; String fullTime = startTime + " - " + endTime; timeSlots_grid.Items.Add(ts); getstartTimes.Add(startTime + ","); getendTimes.Add(endTime + ","); getfullTimes.Add(fullTime); timeslots_txtbx1.Clear(); timeslots_txtbx2.Clear(); }
public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "TimeSlotId,SlotTime")] TimeSlots timeSlots) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { if (BookingLogic.CheckITimeSlot(timeSlots) == false) { // TODO Check if time slot exists db.TimeSlots.Add(timeSlots); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } else { ModelState.AddModelError("", "You can not add the same slot more than once"); return(View(timeSlots)); } } return(View(timeSlots)); }
private void Delete() { if (SelectedItem is TimeSlotViewModel) { if (dialogService.YesNoPrompt("Delete Timeslot", "Sure you want to delete this time slot and all of its contents?")) { practiceRoutine.Remove((SelectedItem as TimeSlotViewModel).TimeSlot); TimeSlots.Remove(SelectedItem as TimeSlotViewModel); } } else { if (dialogService.YesNoPrompt("Remove Exercise", "Sure you want to remove this exercise from the timeslot?")) { var exerciseViewModel = SelectedItem as TimeSlotExerciseViewModel; var timeSlotViewModel = exerciseViewModel.TimeSlotViewModel; timeSlotViewModel.TimeSlot.Remove(exerciseViewModel.TimeSlotExercise); timeSlotViewModel.Remove(exerciseViewModel); } } }