// using a time series to construct a Timeseries class
        public TSTypeDetector(List<DataPoint> sourceList, TimeSeriesType timeSerieType = TimeSeriesType.UNKNOWN)
            this.timeSerieType = timeSerieType;

            // pre-assign the period list

            if (sourceList == null) return;

            // transfer it to the list
            List<double> timeseries = this.dataPointToList(sourceList);

            // calculate the time interval
            this.interval = this.calculateInterval(this.dataPointToData(sourceList));

            switch (timeSerieType)
                case TimeSeriesType.LINEAR:
                    this.timeSerieType = TimeSeriesType.LINEAR;
                case TimeSeriesType.PERIODICAL:

                    int period = this.periodList[0] ;
                    int index = 0 ;
                    while (this.TypeDetection(this.smoothing(timeseries, period)) == TimeSeriesType.PERIODICAL)
                        period *= this.periodList[index];

                    this.timeSerieType = TimeSeriesType.PERIODICAL;
                    TimeSeriesType type = this.TypeDetection(timeseries);
                    this.timeSerieType = type ;

                    if (type == TimeSeriesType.PERIODICAL)
                        period = this.periodList[0] ;
                        index = 0 ;
                        while (this.TypeDetection(this.smoothing(timeseries,period)) == TimeSeriesType.PERIODICAL)
                            index ++ ;
                            period *= this.periodList[index] ;

Example #2
        public HttpResponseMessage PutType(TimeSeriesType type)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(type.Type) || type.Fields == null || type.Fields.Length < 1)

            using (var writer = TimeSeries.CreateWriter())
                writer.CreateType(type.Type, type.Fields);


            return(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Created));
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Function: Convert a value from the Sell currency denomination to the Buy currency denomination on a given date.
        /// The conversion is dependent on the definition of the FX Instrument.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value">Value to be converted.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="date">Reference date.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="type">Time series type of time series point.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="provider">Provider of reference time series object (Standard is AQI).
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="timeSeriesRoll">Roll type of reference time series object.
        /// </param>
        public double Convert(double value, DateTime date, TimeSeriesType type, DataProvider provider, TimeSeriesRollType timeSeriesRoll)
            double fxi = FXInstrument[date, type, provider, timeSeriesRoll];

            if (double.IsNaN(fxi))
                CurrencyPair pair_inv = CurrencyPair.FindCurrencyPair(CurrencySell, CurrencyBuy);

                if (pair_inv != null)
                    return(pair_inv.ConvertInverse(value, date, type, provider, timeSeriesRoll));


            return(value * fxi);
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// gather and save Original Agency data from webservice to database
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="variable">object from the database that contains all the details of the series we are trying to gather data for</param>
        /// <param name="start">date at the beginning of the interval</param>
        /// <param name="end">date at end of interval</param>1
        public void AgencyDataFill(L1HarvestList variable, string start, string end, int count)
            DBLogging.WriteLog(Properties.Settings.Default.projectName, "Log", "Level1Data1_0" + "." + (new StackTrace(true)).GetFrame(0).GetMethod().Name + "()", String.Format("{0} {1} {2}-{3} {4}\t{5}-{6} {7}/{8}", "Level1", variable.SiteName, start.Replace('-', '/'), end.Replace('-', '/'), variable.SiteCode, variable.VariableCode, "Level1", count, db.SummaryDB.Count));

            TimeSeriesType dataVals = this.GetData(variable, start, end);

            if (dataVals != null)
                if (Convert.ToInt32(dataVals.values.count) >= 1)
                    int siteID = this.SiteData(variable);
                    if (variable.SiteID == 0)
                        this.db.SummaryDB.UpdateHarvestSite(variable, siteID);
                    this.noDataValue = Convert.ToDouble(dataVals.variable.NoDataValue);
                    TsValuesSingleVariableType vals = dataVals.values;
                    DateTime startDate = (from n in vals.value select Convert.ToDateTime(n.dateTime)).Min();
                    DateTime endDate   = (from n in vals.value select Convert.ToDateTime(n.dateTime)).Max();

                    var data = from n in vals.value select n;

                    foreach (ValueSingleVariable member in data)
                        TimeSpan utcoffset = member.dateTime - member.dateTime.ToUniversalTime();

                        // site, Method, variable, Source
                        this.values.Rows.Add(SqlInt32.Null, Convert.ToDouble(member.Value), (member.accuracyStdDev == 0 ? SqlDouble.Null : member.accuracyStdDev), member.dateTime, utcoffset.Hours /*utcoffset*/, member.dateTime.ToUniversalTime(), siteID, variable.VariableID, (member.offsetValue == 0 ? SqlDouble.Null : member.offsetValue), (Convert.ToInt32(member.offsetTypeID) == 0 ? SqlInt32.Null : Convert.ToInt32(member.offsetTypeID)), this.CensorCodeToString(member), SqlInt32.Null, variable.MethodID, variable.SourceID, (Convert.ToInt32(member.sampleID) == 0 ? SqlInt32.Null : Convert.ToInt32(member.sampleID)), SqlInt32.Null, variable.QualityControlLevelID);

                    DBLogging.WriteLog(Properties.Settings.Default.projectName, "Log", "Level1Data1_0" + "." + (new StackTrace(true)).GetFrame(0).GetMethod().Name + "()", values.Rows.Count + " Rows Saved. " + "Level1" + " " + variable.SiteName + " " + variable.SiteCode + "\t" + variable.VariableCode + "-" + "Level1");
                    this.db.TooDB.SaveSeries(siteID, variable);
                    //DBLogging.WriteLog(Properties.Settings.Default.projectName, "Log", "Level1Data1_0" + "." + (new StackTrace(true)).GetFrame(0).GetMethod().Name + "()", "No Values Found. " + variable.DataTimePeriod + " " + variable.SiteName + " " + variable.SiteCode + "\t" + variable.VariableCode + "-" + variable.DataTimePeriod);
                DBLogging.WriteLog(Properties.Settings.Default.projectName, "Log", "Level1Data1_0" + "." + (new StackTrace(true)).GetFrame(0).GetMethod().Name + "()", 0 + " Rows Saved. " + "Level1" + " " + variable.SiteName + " " + variable.SiteCode + "\t" + variable.VariableCode + "-" + "Level1");
Example #5
        public void VarianceRatioTest(double[] data, int lag = 1, TimeSeriesType cor = TimeSeriesType.HOM)
            DenseVector x = new DenseVector(data);

            double mu = x.Mean();

            //Variance for 1st Order Difference
            double s1 = (x.SubVector(lag, x.Count - lag) - x.SubVector(0, x.Count - 2)).Variance();

            double dLag   = lag;
            double varvrt = double.NaN;

            switch (cor)
            case TimeSeriesType.HOM:
                varvrt = 2 * (2 * dLag - 1) * (dLag - 1) / (3 * dLag * x.Count);

            case TimeSeriesType.HET:
                varvrt = 0;
                double sum2 = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < lag; j++)
                    double sum1a = 0;     //(x(j+2:n)-x(j+1:n-1)-mu).^2
                    double sum1b = 0;     //(x(2:n-j)-x(1:n-j-1)-mu).^2;
                    double sum1  = sum1a * sum1b;
                    double delta = sum1 / (Math.Pow(sum2, 2));
                    varvrt += 0;      //(2*(q(i)-j)/q(i))^2)*delta;

            ZScore = (VRatio - 1) / Math.Sqrt(varvrt);
            PValue = NormCDF(ZScore);
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Function: Weighted average of contract value * liquidity for a given number of days. Liquidity type is usually volume.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="date">reference date</param>
        /// <param name="days">number of days in weighted average</param>
        /// <param name="liquidityType">type of liquidity. (Volume usually)</param>
        public double AverageDailyLiquidity(DateTime date, int days, TimeSeriesType liquidityType)
            TimeSeries ts_close       = this.GetTimeSeries(TimeSeriesType.Close);
            int        idx_date_close = ts_close.GetClosestDateIndex(date, TimeSeries.DateSearchType.Previous);

            ts_close = ts_close.GetRange(Math.Max(0, idx_date_close - (days - 1)), idx_date_close);

            TimeSeries ts_liquidity       = this.GetTimeSeries(liquidityType);
            int        idx_date_liquidity = ts_liquidity.GetClosestDateIndex(date, TimeSeries.DateSearchType.Previous);

            ts_liquidity = ts_liquidity.GetRange(Math.Max(0, idx_date_liquidity - (days - 1)), idx_date_liquidity);

            if (ts_liquidity != null && ts_liquidity.Count != 0)
                TimeSeries ts_dollar_liquidity = ts_close * ts_liquidity * this.ContractSize;
                double     adl = ts_dollar_liquidity.Average();

Example #7
        public void VarianceRatioTest(double[] data, int lag = 1, TimeSeriesType cor = TimeSeriesType.HOM)
            DenseVector x = new DenseVector(data);

            double mu = x.Mean();

            //Variance for 1st Order Difference
            double s1 = (x.SubVector(lag, x.Count - lag) - x.SubVector(0, x.Count - 2)).Variance();

            double dLag = lag;
            double varvrt = double.NaN;
            switch (cor)
                case TimeSeriesType.HOM:
                    varvrt = 2*(2*dLag - 1)*(dLag - 1)/(3*dLag*x.Count);
                case TimeSeriesType.HET:
                    varvrt = 0;
                    double sum2 = 0;
                    for (int j = 0; j < lag; j++)
                        double sum1a = 0; //(x(j+2:n)-x(j+1:n-1)-mu).^2
                        double sum1b = 0; //(x(2:n-j)-x(1:n-j-1)-mu).^2;
                        double sum1 = sum1a*sum1b;
                        double delta = sum1/(Math.Pow(sum2, 2));
                        varvrt += 0;  //(2*(q(i)-j)/q(i))^2)*delta;

            ZScore = (VRatio - 1)/Math.Sqrt(varvrt);
            PValue = NormCDF(ZScore);

Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates modsim TimeSeries and sets VariesByYear
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tstype"></param>
        /// <param name="n"></param>
        public static void CreateModsimTimeSeries(TimeSeriesType tstype, Node n, bool variesByYear)
            var ts = new Csu.Modsim.ModsimModel.TimeSeries(tstype);

            switch (tstype)
            case TimeSeriesType.Demand:
                ts.units        = n.m.adaDemandsM.units;
                n.m.adaDemandsM = ts;

            case TimeSeriesType.NonStorage:
                ts.units        = n.m.adaInflowsM.units;
                n.m.adaInflowsM = ts;

            case TimeSeriesType.Targets:
                ts.units        = n.m.adaTargetsM.units;
                n.m.adaTargetsM = ts;

            case TimeSeriesType.Evaporation:
                ts.units             = n.m.adaEvaporationsM.units;
                n.m.adaEvaporationsM = ts;

            case TimeSeriesType.Forecast:
                ts.units          = n.m.adaForecastsM.units;
                n.m.adaForecastsM = ts;

                throw new Exception("Only NonStorage, Demand, Targets, Forecast, and Evaporation supported");

            ts.VariesByYear = variesByYear;
            ts.MultiColumn  = !variesByYear;
        private static void PrintResponse(TimeSeriesType type)
            Console.WriteLine("Type ID: {0}", type.Id);
            Console.WriteLine("  Name: {0}", type.Name);
            Console.WriteLine("  Description: {0}", type.Description);
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Variable> variable in type.Variables)
                Console.WriteLine("  Variable: {0}", variable.Key);
                Console.WriteLine("    Filter: {0}", variable.Value.Filter?.TsxProperty);
                var numericVariable = variable.Value as NumericVariable;
                if (numericVariable != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("    Value: {0}", numericVariable.Value?.TsxProperty);
                    Console.WriteLine("    Aggregation: {0}", numericVariable.Aggregation?.TsxProperty);

                var aggregateVariable = variable.Value as AggregateVariable;
                if (aggregateVariable != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("    Aggregation: {0}", aggregateVariable.Aggregation?.TsxProperty);
Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Function: Convert a value from the Sell currency denomination to the Buy currency denomination on a given date.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value">Value to be converted.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="date">Reference date.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="type">Time series type of time series point.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="provider">Provider of reference time series object (Standard is AQI).
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="timeSeriesRoll">Roll type of reference time series object.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="buy">Target currency in the conversion.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="sell">Initial currency in the conversion.
        /// </param>
        public static double Convert(double value, DateTime date, TimeSeriesType type, DataProvider provider, TimeSeriesRollType timeSeriesRoll, Currency buy, Currency sell)
            if (buy == sell)

            CurrencyPair pair = CurrencyPair.FindCurrencyPair(buy, sell);

            if (pair != null)
                return(pair.Convert(value, date, type, provider, timeSeriesRoll));

            CurrencyPair pair_inv = CurrencyPair.FindCurrencyPair(sell, buy);

            if (pair_inv != null)
                return(pair_inv.ConvertInverse(value, date, type, provider, timeSeriesRoll));

        private async Task IndexDocumentsAsync(IReadOnlyCollection <T> documents)
            if (HasMultipleIndexes)
                foreach (var documentGroup in documents.GroupBy(TimeSeriesType.GetDocumentIndex))
                    await TimeSeriesType.EnsureIndexAsync(documentGroup.First()).AnyContext();

            if (documents.Count == 1)
                var document = documents.Single();
                var response = await _client.IndexAsync(document, i => {

                    if (GetParentIdFunc != null)

                    if (GetDocumentIndexFunc != null)

                    if (HasVersion)
                        var versionDoc = (IVersioned)document;


                _logger.Trace(() => response.GetRequest());
                if (!response.IsValid)
                    string message = response.GetErrorMessage();
                    _logger.Error().Exception(response.ConnectionStatus.OriginalException).Message(message).Property("request", response.GetRequest()).Write();
                    throw new ApplicationException(message, response.ConnectionStatus.OriginalException);

                if (HasVersion)
                    var versionDoc = (IVersioned)document;
                    versionDoc.Version = response.Version != null?Int64.Parse(response.Version) : -1;
                var response = await _client.IndexManyAsync(documents, GetParentIdFunc, GetDocumentIndexFunc, ElasticType.Name).AnyContext();

                _logger.Trace(() => response.GetRequest());
                if (HasVersion)
                    foreach (var hit in response.Items)
                        var document = documents.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Id == hit.Id);
                        if (document == null)

                        var versionDoc = (IVersioned)document;
                        if (hit.Version != null)
                            versionDoc.Version = Int64.Parse(hit.Version);

                if (!response.IsValid)
                    string message = response.GetErrorMessage();
                    _logger.Error().Exception(response.ConnectionStatus.OriginalException).Message(message).Property("request", response.GetRequest()).Write();
                    throw new ApplicationException(message, response.ConnectionStatus.OriginalException);
        public async Task RemoveAsync(IEnumerable <T> documents, bool sendNotification = true)
            var docs = documents?.ToList();

            if (docs == null || docs.Any(d => d == null))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(documents));

            if (docs.Count == 0)

            if (HasMultipleIndexes)
                foreach (var documentGroup in docs.GroupBy(TimeSeriesType.GetDocumentIndex))
                    await TimeSeriesType.EnsureIndexAsync(documentGroup.First()).AnyContext();

            await OnDocumentsRemovingAsync(docs).AnyContext();

            // TODO: support Parent and child docs.
            if (docs.Count == 1)
                var document = docs.First();
                var response = await _client.DeleteAsync(document, descriptor => descriptor.Index(GetDocumentIndexFunc?.Invoke(document)).Type(ElasticType.Name)).AnyContext();

                _logger.Trace(() => response.GetRequest());

                if (!response.IsValid)
                    string message = response.GetErrorMessage();
                    _logger.Error().Exception(response.ConnectionStatus.OriginalException).Message(message).Property("request", response.GetRequest()).Write();
                    throw new ApplicationException(message, response.ConnectionStatus.OriginalException);
                var documentsByIndex = docs.GroupBy(d => GetDocumentIndexFunc?.Invoke(d));
                var response         = await _client.BulkAsync(bulk => {
                    foreach (var group in documentsByIndex)
                        bulk.DeleteMany <T>(group.Select(g => g.Id), (b, id) => b.Index(group.Key).Type(ElasticType.Name));


                _logger.Trace(() => response.GetRequest());

                if (!response.IsValid)
                    string message = response.GetErrorMessage();
                    _logger.Error().Exception(response.ConnectionStatus.OriginalException).Message(message).Property("request", response.GetRequest()).Write();
                    throw new ApplicationException(message, response.ConnectionStatus.OriginalException);

            await OnDocumentsRemovedAsync(docs, sendNotification).AnyContext();
        static void InsertOneSource(OD_1_1_1DataSet.SourcesDataTable srcTable,
                                    SiteInfoType stinfo, seriesCatalogTypeSeries scts, TimeSeriesType tst,
                                    int metadataID, SqlConnection sqlConn)
            OD_1_1_1DataSet.SourcesRow row = srcTable.NewSourcesRow();

            row.SourceID          = scts.source.sourceID;
            row.Organization      = scts.source.organization;
            row.SourceDescription = scts.source.sourceDescription;

            row.MetadataID = metadataID;

            string tbd = "TBD";

            row.SourceLink = tbd;
            if (scts.source.sourceLink != null)
                row.SourceLink = scts.source.sourceLink[0];

            row.ContactName     = row.Phone = row.Email =
                row.Address     = row.City = row.State =
                    row.ZipCode = row.Citation = tbd;

            for (int i = 0; (stinfo.note != null) && (i < stinfo.note.Count()); i++)
                NoteType note = stinfo.note[i];
                switch (note.title)
                case "ContactName":
                    row.ContactName = note.Value;

                case "Phone":
                    row.Phone = note.Value;

                case "Email":
                    row.Email = note.Value;

                case "Address":
                    row.Address = note.Value;

                case "City":
                    row.City = note.Value;

                case "State":
                    row.State = note.Value;

                case "ZipCode":
                    row.ZipCode = note.Value;

                case "Citation":
                    row.Citation = note.Value;

            string sql = string.Format(@"SET IDENTITY_INSERT [Sources] ON;
INSERT INTO [Sources] 
([SourceID], [Organization], [SourceDescription], [SourceLink],
[ContactName], [Phone], [Email], [Address], [City], [State], [ZipCode],
[Citation], [MetadataID])
VALUES ({0}, '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}', '{5}', '{6}', '{7}', '{8}', '{9}', '{10}', '{11}', {12});
                                       row.SourceID, row.Organization, row.SourceDescription, row.SourceLink,
                                       row.ContactName, row.Phone, row.Email, row.Address, row.City, row.State, row.ZipCode,
                                       row.Citation, row.MetadataID);

            OD_Utils.RunNonQuery(sql, sqlConn);
Example #14
            public IEnumerable<TimeSeriesType> GetTimesSeriesTypeForSiteVariable(string SiteNumber, string StartDate, string EndDate)
                W3CDateTime? BeginDateTime;
                W3CDateTime? EndDateTime;
                int? variableId = null;
                int? siteID;

                VariableInfoType varInfoType = null;
                SiteInfoType siteType = null;

                BeginDateTime = GetBeginDateTime(StartDate);

                EndDateTime = GetEndDateTime(EndDate);

                locationParam sq = GetLocationParameter(SiteNumber);

                siteInfoDataSet sitDs = ODSiteInfo.GetSiteInfoDataSet(sq);
                if (sitDs != null && sitDs.sites.Count > 0)
                    siteID = sitDs.sites[0].SiteID;
                    ValuesDataSet valuesDs = getValuesDataset(siteID, null, BeginDateTime, EndDateTime);
                    DataTable variableTable = DataSetHelper.SelectDistinct("variableIds", valuesDs.DataValues, "VariableID");

                    if (variableTable.Rows.Count == 0)
                        throw new WaterOneFlowException("No Data Available for Time Period.");

                    foreach (DataRow dataRow in variableTable.Rows)
                        TimeSeriesType timeSeries = new TimeSeriesType();

                        timeSeries.sourceInfo = ODSiteInfo.row2SiteInfoElement(sitDs.sites[0], sitDs);

                        int id = (int)dataRow[0];
                        VariableInfoType vit = ODvariables.GetVariableByID(id, variableDs);
                        timeSeries.variable = vit;

                        // DataView view = new DataView(valuesDs.DataValues, "VariableId = " + id, " DateTime ASC", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows);

                        timeSeries.values = getValues(valuesDs, null, id);

                        yield return timeSeries;

        /// <summary>
        /// This sample demonstrates getting Time Series model settings, updating model settings and changing the default type Id for a model.
        /// </summary>
        public async Task RunSamplesAsync(TimeSeriesInsightsClient client)

            #region Snippet:TimeSeriesInsightsSampleGetModelSettings
            TimeSeriesInsightsModelSettings    modelSettingsClient      = client.GetModelSettingsClient();
            TimeSeriesInsightsTypes            typesClient              = client.GetTypesClient();
            Response <TimeSeriesModelSettings> getModelSettingsResponse = await modelSettingsClient.GetAsync();

            Console.WriteLine($"Retrieved Time Series Insights model settings \nname : '{getModelSettingsResponse.Value.Name}', " +
                              $"default type Id: {getModelSettingsResponse.Value.DefaultTypeId}'");
            IReadOnlyList <TimeSeriesIdProperty> timeSeriesIdProperties = getModelSettingsResponse.Value.TimeSeriesIdProperties;
            foreach (TimeSeriesIdProperty property in timeSeriesIdProperties)
                Console.WriteLine($"Time Series Id property name : '{property.Name}', type : '{property.PropertyType}'.");
            #endregion Snippet:TimeSeriesInsightsSampleGetModelSettings

            // Store the default type Id so it can be used during clean up
            string defaultTypeId = getModelSettingsResponse.Value.DefaultTypeId;

            #region Snippet:TimeSeriesInsightsSampleUpdateModelSettingsName
            Response <TimeSeriesModelSettings> updateModelSettingsNameResponse = await modelSettingsClient.UpdateNameAsync("NewModelSettingsName");

            Console.WriteLine($"Updated Time Series Insights model settings name: " +
            #endregion Snippet:TimeSeriesInsightsSampleUpdateModelSettingsName

            // For every Time Series Insights environment, there is a default type that any newly created Time Series instance will be associated with.
            // You can change the default type for a TSI environment by creating a new type and calling the API to update the default type Id.

            // Create a Time Series type.
            var aggregateVariable = new AggregateVariable(new TimeSeriesExpression("count()"));
            var variables         = new Dictionary <string, TimeSeriesVariable>
                { "aggregateVariableName", aggregateVariable },
            var type            = new TimeSeriesType("tsiTypeName", variables);
            var timeSeriesTypes = new List <TimeSeriesType> {
            string tsiTypeId = null;
            Response <TimeSeriesTypeOperationResult[]> createTsiTypeResponse = await typesClient

            // Ensure no error was reported as part of the response
            if (createTsiTypeResponse.Value[0].Error == null)
                // Store the Time Series type id to use it for updating default type in model settings
                tsiTypeId = createTsiTypeResponse.Value[0].TimeSeriesType.Id;

                #region Snippet:TimeSeriesInsightsSampleUpdateModelSettingsDefaultType
                Response <TimeSeriesModelSettings> updateDefaultTypeIdResponse = await modelSettingsClient

                Console.WriteLine($"Updated Time Series Insights model settings default type Id: " +
                #endregion Snippet:TimeSeriesInsightsSampleUpdateModelSettingsDefaultType
            // Clean up
                // Revert back to the original default type Id
                await modelSettingsClient

                // Delete the type created
                if (tsiTypeId != null)
                    await typesClient
                    .DeleteByIdAsync(new List <string> {
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine($"Failed at one of the clean up steps: {ex.Message}");
 protected string[] GetIndexesByQuery(IRepositoryQuery query, ICommandOptions options = null)
     return(HasMultipleIndexes ? TimeSeriesType.GetIndexesByQuery(query) : new[] { ElasticIndex.Name });
 internal TimeSeriesTypeOrError(TimeSeriesType timeSeriesType, TsiErrorBody error)
     TimeSeriesType = timeSeriesType;
     Error          = error;
Example #18
 /// <summary>
 /// Function: Convert a value from the Sell currency denomination to the Buy currency denomination on a given date.
 /// The conversion is dependent on the definition of the inverse of the FX Instrument.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="value">Value to be converted.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="date">Reference date.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="type">Time series type of time series point.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="provider">Provider of reference time series object (Standard is AQI).
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="timeSeriesRoll">Roll type of reference time series object.
 /// </param>
 public double ConvertInverse(double value, DateTime date, TimeSeriesType type, DataProvider provider, TimeSeriesRollType timeSeriesRoll)
     return(value / FXInstrument[date, type, provider, timeSeriesRoll]);
 // we will need to add some features.
 public static TimeSeriesType TimeSeriesObjectSingleValue()
     TimeSeriesType tst = new TimeSeriesType();
     tst.values =  new TsValuesSingleVariableType();
     return tst;
 protected string GetIndexById(Id id)
     return(HasMultipleIndexes ? TimeSeriesType.GetIndexById(id) : ElasticIndex.Name);
Example #21
 internal TimeSeriesTypeOrError(TimeSeriesType timeSeriesType, InstancesOperationError error)
     TimeSeriesType = timeSeriesType;
     Error          = error;
Example #22
        public async Task TimeSeriesInsightsTypes_Lifecycle()
            // Arrange
            TimeSeriesInsightsClient client = GetClient();
            var timeSeriesTypes             = new List <TimeSeriesType>();
            var tsiTypeNamePrefix           = "type";
            int numOfTypesCreated           = 0;
            var timeSeriesTypesProperties   = new Dictionary <string, string>
                { Recording.GenerateAlphaNumericId(tsiTypeNamePrefix), Recording.GenerateId() },
                { Recording.GenerateAlphaNumericId(tsiTypeNamePrefix), Recording.GenerateId() }

            // Build aggregate variable
            var countExpression    = new TimeSeriesExpression("count()");
            var aggregateVariable  = new AggregateVariable(countExpression);
            var variables          = new Dictionary <string, TimeSeriesVariable>();
            var variableNamePrefix = "aggregateVariable";

            variables.Add(Recording.GenerateAlphaNumericId(variableNamePrefix), aggregateVariable);

            foreach (var property in timeSeriesTypesProperties)
                var type = new TimeSeriesType(property.Key, variables);
                type.Id = property.Value;

            // Act and assert
                // Get all Time Series types in the environment
                AsyncPageable <TimeSeriesType> getAllTypesResponse = client.GetTimeSeriesTypesAsync();

                await foreach (TimeSeriesType tsiType in getAllTypesResponse)

                // Create Time Series types
                Response <TimeSeriesOperationError[]> createTypesResult = await client

                // Assert that the result error array does not contain any object that is set
                createTypesResult.Value.Should().OnlyContain((errorResult) => errorResult == null);
                Response <TimeSeriesTypeOperationResult[]> getTypesByNamesResult;

                // This retry logic was added as the TSI types are not immediately available after creation
                await TestRetryHelper.RetryAsync <Response <TimeSeriesTypeOperationResult[]> >(async() =>
                    // Get the created types by names
                    getTypesByNamesResult = await client

                    getTypesByNamesResult.Value.Should().OnlyContain((errorResult) => errorResult.Error == null);
                    foreach (TimeSeriesTypeOperationResult typesResult in getTypesByNamesResult.Value)
                }, MaxNumberOfRetries, s_retryDelay);

                // Update variables with adding a new variable
                foreach (var type in timeSeriesTypes)
                    type.Description = "Description";

                Response <TimeSeriesOperationError[]> updateTypesResult = await client

                updateTypesResult.Value.Should().OnlyContain((errorResult) => errorResult == null);

                // This retry logic was added as the TSI types are not immediately available after creation
                await TestRetryHelper.RetryAsync <Response <TimeSeriesTypeOperationResult[]> >(async() =>
                    // Get type by Id
                    Response <TimeSeriesTypeOperationResult[]> getTypeByIdResult = await client

                    foreach (TimeSeriesTypeOperationResult typeOperationResult in getTypeByIdResult.Value)

                }, MaxNumberOfRetries, s_retryDelay);
                // clean up
                    Response <TimeSeriesOperationError[]> deleteTypesResponse = await client

                    // Assert that the response array does not have any error object set
                    deleteTypesResponse.Value.Should().OnlyContain((errorResult) => errorResult == null);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Test clean up failed: {ex.Message}");
Example #23
 protected string[] GetIndexesByQuery(object query)
     return(HasMultipleIndexes ? TimeSeriesType.GetIndexesByQuery(query) : new[] { ElasticIndex.Name });
 internal TimeSeriesTypeOperationResult(TimeSeriesType timeSeriesType, TimeSeriesOperationError error)
     TimeSeriesType = timeSeriesType;
     Error          = error;
        // No one single data source provides enough data for Sources table,
        // so try all resources to put them together.
        public static void HandleSourceInfo(SqlConnection sqlConn,
                                            SiteInfoType stinfo, seriesCatalogTypeSeries scts, TimeSeriesType tst)
            string cond = "SourceID = " + scts.source.sourceID;

            if (OD_Utils.Exists("Sources", cond, sqlConn))

            SourcesTableAdapter srcAdapter = new SourcesTableAdapter();

            srcAdapter.Connection = sqlConn;
            int    metadataID = 0;
            string title      = "Unknown";

            OD_1_1_1DataSet.SourcesDataTable tblSources = new OD_1_1_1DataSet.SourcesDataTable();

            // We currently don't have any information about ISOMetaDataTable. Just create
            // an unkown entry to resolve foreign key dependency.
            if (scts.source.metadata != null)
                title = scts.source.metadata.title;
            cond       = string.Format("Title = '{0}'", title);
            metadataID = OD_Utils.GetPrimaryKey("ISOMetadata", "MetadataID", cond, sqlConn);
            if (metadataID < 0)
                InsertOneMetadata(scts.source.metadata, sqlConn);
                metadataID = OD_Utils.GetPrimaryKey("ISOMetadata", "MetadataID", cond, sqlConn);

            Console.WriteLine(">>>Parsing and inserting SOURCES");
            InsertOneSource(tblSources, stinfo, scts, tst, metadataID, sqlConn);


            //PrintTable(srcAdapter, tblSites);