Example #1
        private void AddValueEvent(TimeLineStatisticCollection collection, DateTime dt)
            if (!_configuring)
                //find the indices
                int boatIndex = _replay.Boats.IndexOf(collection.ReplayBoat);
                int?legIndex  = collection.legIndex;
                int?tackIndex = collection.tackIndex;

                //now find the index in our selections list
                int selectionIndex = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < _statistics.Count; i++)
                    if (_statistics[i].BoatIndex == boatIndex && _statistics[i].LegIndex == legIndex && _statistics[i].TackIndex == tackIndex)
                        selectionIndex = i;
                lock (_curves)
                    AddPoint(_curves[selectionIndex], dt, collection.GetValue(_statisticName, _unitType, dt));
                //_needsRepaint = true;
Example #2
        public DataSet GetFullStatistics(StatisticUnitType unittype)
            DataSet ds = new DataSet("Statistics");

            lock (_boats)
                DataTable boats = new DataTable("Boats");
                boats.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("id", typeof(int)));
                boats.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("name", typeof(string)));
                boats.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("number", typeof(string)));
                boats.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("color", typeof(System.Drawing.Color)));

                foreach (ReplayBoat b in _boats)
                    object[] row = new object[4];
                    row[0] = b.Id;
                    row[1] = b.Name;
                    row[2] = b.Number;
                    row[3] = b.Color;

                DataTable  legs = new DataTable("Legs");
                DataColumn dc   = legs.Columns.Add("index", typeof(int));
                legs.Columns.Add("description", typeof(string));

                for (int i = 0; i <= _race.Course.Route.Count; i++)
                    string description = "";
                    if (i == 0)
                        description = "Pre-Start";
                    else if (i > 0 && i < _race.Course.Route.Count)
                        description = i + " " + _race.Course.Route[i - 1].Name + " to " + _race.Course.Route[i].Name;
                    else if (i == _race.Course.Route.Count)
                        description = "Post-Finish";
                        throw new Exception("Invalid Course Leg Reached");
                    object[] row = { i, description };

                object[] row2 = { DBNull.Value, "Overall" };


                DataTable  tacks     = new DataTable("Tacks");
                DataColumn boatId    = tacks.Columns.Add("boat_id", typeof(int));
                DataColumn legIndex  = tacks.Columns.Add("leg_index", typeof(int));
                DataColumn tackIndex = tacks.Columns.Add("tack_index", typeof(int));
                DataColumn tackname  = tacks.Columns.Add("name", typeof(string));

                DataTable stats = new DataTable("Statistics");
                stats.Columns.Add("boat_id", typeof(int));
                DataColumn dc2 = stats.Columns.Add("leg_index", typeof(int));
                dc2.AllowDBNull = true;
                DataColumn dc3 = stats.Columns.Add("tack_index", typeof(int));
                dc3.AllowDBNull = true;

                DataTable statinfo = new DataTable("StatisticInfo");
                statinfo.Columns.Add("name", typeof(string));
                statinfo.Columns.Add("type", typeof(string));
                statinfo.Columns.Add("unit", typeof(string));
                statinfo.Columns.Add("description", typeof(string));

                TimeLineStatisticCollection example = _boats[0].TotalStatistics;
                foreach (Type statType in example.StatisticDirectory.Keys)
                    foreach (string name in example.StatisticDirectory[statType])
                        if (!stats.Columns.Contains(name))
                            stats.Columns.Add(name, statType /*example[name].GetValue(unittype, _simTime).GetType()*/);

                            object[] info = null;

                            if (unittype == StatisticUnitType.metric)
                                object[] t = { name, statType.ToString(), example.GetStatisticMetricUnit(statType, name).ToString(), "" };
                                info = t;
                            else if (unittype == StatisticUnitType.standard)
                                object[] t = { name, statType.ToString(), example.GetStatisticStandardUnit(statType, name).ToString(), "" };
                                info = t;


                foreach (ReplayBoat b in _boats)
                    DataRow dr = stats.NewRow();
                    dr["boat_id"]    = b.Id;
                    dr["leg_index"]  = System.DBNull.Value;
                    dr["tack_index"] = System.DBNull.Value;
                    TimeLineStatisticCollection fullstats = b.TotalStatistics;
                    foreach (Type t in fullstats.StatisticDirectory.Keys)
                        foreach (string s in fullstats.StatisticDirectory[t])
                            dr[s] = fullstats.GetValue(t, s, _simTime, unittype);

                    List <TimeLineStatisticCollection> legstats = b.LegStatistics;
                    for (int i = 0; i < legstats.Count && i <= b.GetCurrentLeg(_simTime); i++)
                        DataRow d = stats.NewRow();
                        d["boat_id"]    = b.Id;
                        d["leg_index"]  = i;
                        d["tack_index"] = DBNull.Value;
                        foreach (Type t in legstats[i].StatisticDirectory.Keys)
                            foreach (string s in legstats[i].StatisticDirectory[t])
                                d[s] = legstats[i].GetValue(t, s, _simTime, unittype);

                    lock (b.Tacks)
                        for (int i = 0; i < b.Tacks.Count && i <= b.GetCurrentTack(_simTime); i++)
                            DataRow d = tacks.NewRow();
                            d["boat_id"]    = b.Id;
                            d["leg_index"]  = b.Tacks[i].LegIndex;
                            d["tack_index"] = b.Tacks[i].Index;
                            d["name"]       = (b.Tacks[i].IndexOnLeg + 1) + " " + b.Tacks[i].Direction.ToString();

                            TimeLineStatisticCollection tackstats = b.TackStatistics[b.Tacks[i].Index];

                            DataRow td = stats.NewRow();
                            td["boat_id"]    = b.Id;
                            td["leg_index"]  = b.Tacks[i].LegIndex;
                            td["tack_index"] = b.Tacks[i].Index;
                            foreach (Type tt in tackstats.StatisticDirectory.Keys)
                                foreach (string s in tackstats.StatisticDirectory[tt])
                                    td[s] = tackstats.GetValue(tt, s, _simTime, unittype);
Example #3
        private void AddValueEvent(TimeLineStatisticCollection collection, DateTime dt)
            if (!_configuring)
                //find the indices
                int boatIndex = _replay.Boats.IndexOf(collection.ReplayBoat);
                int? legIndex = collection.legIndex;
                int? tackIndex = collection.tackIndex;

                //now find the index in our selections list
                int selectionIndex = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < _statistics.Count; i++)
                    if (_statistics[i].BoatIndex == boatIndex && _statistics[i].LegIndex == legIndex && _statistics[i].TackIndex == tackIndex)
                        selectionIndex = i;
                lock (_curves)
                    AddPoint(_curves[selectionIndex], dt, collection.GetValue(_statisticName,_unitType,dt));
                //_needsRepaint = true;
Example #4
        private void UpdateStatisticGroup(TimeLineStatisticCollection stats, DateTime now,double distance, bool isCurrent)
            stats.AddValue<int>("Current Leg",now, _currentMarkIndex.GetValue(now));
            stats.AddValue<int>("Current Tack",now, _currentTackIndex.GetValue(now));
            stats.AddValue<float>("Speed", now, speed);
            //stats.AddValue<float>("Speed (10 Second Average)",now, speed);
            stats.AddValue<float>("VMG to Wind",now, VelocityAgainstWind);
            stats.AddValue<float>("VMG to Mark",now, VelocityToMark);
            stats.AddValue<float>("VMG to Course", now, VelocityOnCourse);
            stats.AddValue<float>("Average VMG to Wind", now, VelocityAgainstWind);
            stats.AddValue<float>("Average VMG to Mark", now, VelocityToMark);
            stats.AddValue<float>("Average VMG to Course", now, VelocityOnCourse);
            stats.AddValue<float>("Distance to Mark",now, DistanceToMark);
            stats.AddValue<float>("Distance to Course",now, DistanceToStraightCourse);
            stats.AddValue<float>("Angle to Mark", now, MathHelper.ToDegrees((float)Math.Abs(RelativeAngleToMark)));
            stats.AddValue<float>("Angle to Wind",now, MathHelper.ToDegrees((float)Math.Abs(RelativeAngleToWind)));
            stats.AddValue<float>("Angle to Course", now, MathHelper.ToDegrees((float)Math.Abs(RelativeAngleToCourse)));
            stats.AddValue<float>("Average Speed",now, speed);
            stats.AddValue<float>("Minimum Speed",now, speed);
            stats.AddValue<float>("Maximum Speed",now, speed);
            stats.AddValue<float>("Start Distance to Mark",now, DistanceToMark);
            stats.AddValue<float>("End Distance to Mark",now, DistanceToMark);
            stats.AddValue<float>("Average Angle to Wind",now, MathHelper.ToDegrees((float)Math.Abs(RelativeAngleToWind)));
            stats.AddValue<float>("Average Angle to Course", now, MathHelper.ToDegrees((float)Math.Abs(RelativeAngleToCourse)));
            stats.AddValue<float>("Distance Covered", now, (float)distance);
            stats.AddValue<DateTime>("Start Time", now, now);
            stats.AddValue<DateTime>("End Time", now, now);

            DateTime start = stats.GetValue<DateTime>("Start Time", now);
            DateTime end = stats.GetValue<DateTime>("End Time", now);
            stats.AddValue<TimeSpan>("Elapsed", now, new TimeSpan(end.Ticks - start.Ticks));