Example #1
 public double[] GetTotalIonCurrent()
     if (ChromatogramList == null)
         return null;
     using (var chromatogram = ChromatogramList.chromatogram(0, true))
         if (chromatogram == null)
             return null;
         TimeIntensityPairList timeIntensityPairList = new TimeIntensityPairList();
         chromatogram.getTimeIntensityPairs(ref timeIntensityPairList);
         double[] intensities = new double[timeIntensityPairList.Count];
         for (int i = 0; i < intensities.Length; i++)
             intensities[i] = timeIntensityPairList[i].intensity;
         return intensities;
Example #2
        private void TestPWiz(string strFilePath)
            const bool RUN_BENCHMARKS = false;

                var objPWiz2 = new MSDataFile(strFilePath);

                Console.WriteLine("Spectrum count: " + objPWiz2.run.spectrumList.size());

                if (objPWiz2.run.spectrumList.size() > 0)
                    var intSpectrumIndex = 0;

                        var oSpectrum = objPWiz2.run.spectrumList.spectrum(intSpectrumIndex, getBinaryData: true);

                        pwiz.CLI.data.CVParam param;
                        if (oSpectrum.scanList.scans.Count > 0)
                            if (clsProteowizardDataParser.TryGetCVParam(oSpectrum.scanList.scans[0].cvParams, pwiz.CLI.cv.CVID.MS_scan_start_time, out param))
                                var intScanNum          = intSpectrumIndex + 1;
                                var dblStartTimeMinutes = param.timeInSeconds() / 60.0;

                                Console.WriteLine("ScanIndex " + intSpectrumIndex + ", Scan " + intScanNum + ", Elution Time " + dblStartTimeMinutes + " minutes");

                        // Use the following to determine info on this spectrum
                        if (clsProteowizardDataParser.TryGetCVParam(oSpectrum.cvParams, pwiz.CLI.cv.CVID.MS_ms_level, out param))
                            int.TryParse(param.value, out _);

                        // Use the following to get the MZs and Intensities
                        var oMZs = oSpectrum.getMZArray();

                        if (oMZs.data.Count > 0)
                            Console.WriteLine("  Data count: " + oMZs.data.Count);

                            // ReSharper disable once ConditionIsAlwaysTrueOrFalse
                            if (RUN_BENCHMARKS)
                                double    dblTIC1           = 0;
                                double    dblTIC2           = 0;
                                var       dtStartTime       = default(DateTime);
                                var       dtEndTime         = default(DateTime);
                                double    dtRunTimeSeconds1 = 0;
                                double    dtRunTimeSeconds2 = 0;
                                const int LOOP_ITERATIONS   = 2000;

                                // Note from Matt Chambers (matt.chambers42 at gmail)
                                // Repeatedly accessing items directly via oMZs.data() can be very slow
                                // With 700 points and 2000 iterations, it takes anywhere from 0.6 to 1.1 seconds to run from dtStartTime to dtEndTime
                                dtStartTime = DateTime.Now;
                                for (var j = 1; j <= LOOP_ITERATIONS; j++)
                                    for (var intIndex = 0; intIndex <= oMZs.data.Count - 1; intIndex++)
                                        dblTIC1 += oMZs.data[intIndex];
                                dtEndTime         = DateTime.Now;
                                dtRunTimeSeconds1 = dtEndTime.Subtract(dtStartTime).TotalSeconds;

                                // The preferred method is to copy the data from .data to a locally-stored mzArray var
                                // With 700 points and 2000 iterations, it takes 0.016 seconds to run from dtStartTime to dtEndTime
                                dtStartTime = DateTime.Now;
                                for (var j = 1; j <= LOOP_ITERATIONS; j++)
                                    var oMzArray = oMZs.data;
                                    for (var intIndex = 0; intIndex <= oMzArray.Count - 1; intIndex++)
                                        dblTIC2 += oMzArray[intIndex];
                                dtEndTime         = DateTime.Now;
                                dtRunTimeSeconds2 = dtEndTime.Subtract(dtStartTime).TotalSeconds;

                                Console.WriteLine("  " + oMZs.data.Count + " points with " + LOOP_ITERATIONS + " iterations gives Runtime1=" + dtRunTimeSeconds1.ToString("0.0##") + " sec. vs. Runtime2=" + dtRunTimeSeconds2.ToString("0.0##") + " sec.");

                                if (Math.Abs(dblTIC1 - dblTIC2) > float.Epsilon)
                                    Console.WriteLine("  TIC values don't agree; this is unexpected");

                        if (intSpectrumIndex < 25)
                            intSpectrumIndex += 1;
                            intSpectrumIndex += 50;
                    } while (intSpectrumIndex < objPWiz2.run.spectrumList.size());

                if (objPWiz2.run.chromatogramList.size() > 0)
                    var intChromIndex = 0;

                        var oTimeIntensityPairList = new TimeIntensityPairList();

                        // Note that even for a small .Wiff file (1.5 MB), obtaining the Chromatogram list will take some time (20 to 60 seconds)
                        // The chromatogram at index 0 should be the TIC
                        // The chromatogram at index >=1 will be each SRM

                        var oChromatogram = objPWiz2.run.chromatogramList.chromatogram(intChromIndex, getBinaryData: true);

                        // Determine the chromatogram type

                        if (clsProteowizardDataParser.TryGetCVParam(oChromatogram.cvParams, pwiz.CLI.cv.CVID.MS_TIC_chromatogram, out var param))
                            // Obtain the data
                            oChromatogram.getTimeIntensityPairs(ref oTimeIntensityPairList);

                        if (clsProteowizardDataParser.TryGetCVParam(oChromatogram.cvParams, pwiz.CLI.cv.CVID.MS_selected_reaction_monitoring_chromatogram, out param))
                            // Obtain the SRM scan
                            oChromatogram.getTimeIntensityPairs(ref oTimeIntensityPairList);

                        intChromIndex += 1;
                    } while (intChromIndex < 50 && intChromIndex < objPWiz2.run.chromatogramList.size());
            catch (Exception ex)
                OnErrorEvent("Error using ProteoWizard reader: " + ex.Message, ex);
Example #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the retention times from the first chromatogram in the data file.
 /// Returns null if there are no chromatograms in the file.
 /// </summary>
 public double[] GetScanTimes()
     using (_perf.CreateTimer("GetScanTimes"))   // Not L10N
         if (ChromatogramList == null || ChromatogramList.empty())
             return null;
         using (var chromatogram = ChromatogramList.chromatogram(0, true))
             if (chromatogram == null)
                 return null;
             TimeIntensityPairList timeIntensityPairList = new TimeIntensityPairList();
             chromatogram.getTimeIntensityPairs(ref timeIntensityPairList);
             double[] times = new double[timeIntensityPairList.Count];
             for (int i = 0; i < times.Length; i++)
                 times[i] = timeIntensityPairList[i].time;
             return times;