        // SortGridData methods sorts the TimeEntryGrid based on which
        // sort field is being selected.  Also does reverse sorting based on the boolean.

        private void SortGridData(TimeEntriesCollection list, string sortField, bool asc)
            TimeEntriesCollection.TimeEntryFields sortCol = TimeEntriesCollection.TimeEntryFields.InitValue;

            switch (sortField)
            case "EntryDate":
                sortCol = TimeEntriesCollection.TimeEntryFields.Day;

            case "ProjectName":
                sortCol = TimeEntriesCollection.TimeEntryFields.Project;

            case "CategoryName":
                sortCol = TimeEntriesCollection.TimeEntryFields.Category;

            case "Duration":
                sortCol = TimeEntriesCollection.TimeEntryFields.Hours;

            case "Description":
                sortCol = TimeEntriesCollection.TimeEntryFields.Description;


            list.Sort(sortCol, asc);
        private static TimeEntriesCollection <T> CreateTimeEntriesCollection <T> (
            TestFeed feed, int bufferMilliseconds, params TimeEntryData[] timeEntries)
            where T : ITimeEntryHolder
            // First create a collection with no time buffer to add the firs items
            var col1 = new TimeEntriesCollection <T> (feed, 0, false, false);

            foreach (var entry in timeEntries)
                // Create a new entry to protect the reference;
                // This will run synchronous as we're not querying data from the database
                feed.Push(new TimeEntryData(entry), DataAction.Put);

            // Create a new collection with the desired buffer
            if (bufferMilliseconds > 0)
                var col2 = new TimeEntriesCollection <T> (feed, bufferMilliseconds, false, false);
        // DrawTimeGraph method creates the bar graph on the fly.
        // Binds accordingly to number hours in each day of the week.

        private void DrawTimeGraph(TimeEntriesCollection chartData, DataTable dtWeek)
            // Assume dtWeek is already in the correct order according to FirstDayOfWeek Setting.
            Hashtable htWeekSummary = new Hashtable(7);                 //7 days of data - key: EntryDate | value: Duration.

            // x & y values holder
            StringBuilder xValues = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder yValues = new StringBuilder();

            //Initialize htWeekSummary to start with first day of week setting.
            foreach (DataRow row in dtWeek.Rows)
                htWeekSummary.Add(Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date"]).ToShortDateString(), 0m);

            // Summarize data from grid Group By Days of Week.
            foreach (BusinessLogicLayer.TimeEntry time in chartData)
                string  key         = time.EntryDate.ToShortDateString();
                Decimal dayDuration = Convert.ToDecimal(htWeekSummary[key]);
                dayDuration       += time.Duration;
                htWeekSummary[key] = dayDuration;

            //Build x & y values for graph.
            int         index     = 1;
            CultureInfo cultureRo = new CultureInfo("ro-RO");

            foreach (DataRow row in dtWeek.Rows)
                string key         = Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date"]).ToShortDateString();
                string currentDay  = Convert.ToDateTime(key).ToString("dddd", cultureRo);
                string currentHour = Convert.ToString(htWeekSummary[key]);


                //Don't append separator if this is the last item.
                if (index != dtWeek.Rows.Count)

            //Attach image generator to image.
            TimeGraph.ImageUrl = "TimeEntryBarChart.aspx?" +
                                 "xValues=" + xValues.ToString() +
                                 "&yValues=" + yValues.ToString();
        // BindTimeSheet method databinds the TimeEntryGrid based on the user
        // currently logged in and user which is being queried.

        private void BindTimeSheet(int queryUserID, int userID, DateTime start, DateTime end)
            TimeEntriesCollection entryList = BusinessLogicLayer.TimeEntry.GetEntries(queryUserID, userID, start, end);

            // Sort datagrid if it is not empty.
            if (entryList != null)
                SortGridData(entryList, SortField, SortAscending);
            // Draw time graph with new dataset.
            DrawTimeGraph(entryList, _dayListTable);

            TimeEntryGrid.DataSource = entryList;
        private void SyncCollectionView ()
            DisposeCollection ();
            IsGroupedMode = ServiceContainer.Resolve<ISettingsStore> ().GroupedTimeEntries;

            collectionFeed = new TimeEntriesFeed ();
            var col = new TimeEntriesCollection (collectionFeed, IsGroupedMode);
            Collection = col;