// GET: TellerManagement public ActionResult Index() { List <UserTill> allInfo = tellerMgtLogic.ExtractAllTellerInfo(); List <TillToUserViewModel> models = new List <TillToUserViewModel>(); foreach (var info in allInfo) { TillToUserViewModel entry; if (info.GlAccountID == 0) { entry = new TillToUserViewModel { Username = db.Userrs.Find(info.UserId).UserName, GLAccountName = "NIL", AccountBalance = "NIL", HasDetails = false, IsDeletable = false }; } else { var applicationUser = db.Userrs.Find(info.UserId); // we want to be able to delete association if an associated user is no longer authorized to do teller postings. entry = new TillToUserViewModel(); entry.Id = info.ID; entry.Username = db.Userrs.Find(info.UserId).UserName; var getAcct = db.GlAccounts.Find(info.GlAccountID); entry.GLAccountName = getAcct.AccountName; entry.AccountBalance = info.GlAccount.AccountBalance.ToString(); //entry.IsDeletable = db.Userrs.Find(info.UserId).Role.RoleClaims.Any(rc => rc.Name.Equals("TellerPosting")); //{ Id = info.ID, Username = applicationUser.UserName, GLAccountName = info.GlAccount.AccountName, AccountBalance = info.GlAccount.AccountBalance.ToString(), HasDetails = true, IsDeletable = applicationUser.Role.RoleClaims.Any(rc => rc.Name.Equals("TellerPosting")) }; } models.Add(entry); } return(View(models)); }
// GET: TellerManagement/Details/5 public ActionResult Details(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } UserTill tillToUser = db.TillUsers.Find(id); if (tillToUser == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } TillToUserViewModel model = new TillToUserViewModel { GLAccountName = tillToUser.GlAccount.AccountName, AccountBalance = tillToUser.GlAccount.AccountBalance.ToString(), Username = db.Users.Find(tillToUser.UserId).UserName }; return(View(model)); }
// GET: TellerManagement/Delete/5 public ActionResult Delete(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } TillToUser tillToUser = db.TillToUsers.Find(id); if (tillToUser == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } TillToUserViewModel model = new TillToUserViewModel { GLAccountName = tillToUser.GlAccount.AccountName, Username = appdb.Users.Find(tillToUser.UserId).UserName }; return(View(model)); }