Example #1
        public void Export(TileModel model, TilePropagator tilePropagator, string filename, DeBroglieConfig config, ExportOptions exportOptions)
            var array = tilePropagator.ToArray(new Tile("?"), new Tile("!"));

            using (var s = File.OpenWrite(filename))
                using (var tw = new StreamWriter(s))
                    for (var z = 0; z < array.Topology.Depth; z++)
                        if (z != 0)
                        for (var y = 0; y < array.Topology.Height; y++)
                            for (var x = 0; x < array.Topology.Width; x++)
                                if (x != 0)
                                tw.Write(array.Get(x, y, z).Value?.ToString());
        public void Export(TileModel model, TilePropagator tilePropagator, string filename, DeBroglieConfig config, ExportOptions exportOptions)
            Vox vox;
            ITopoArray <byte> array;

            if (exportOptions is VoxExportOptions veo)
                vox   = veo.Template;
                array = tilePropagator.ToValueArray <byte>();
            else if (exportOptions is VoxSetExportOptions vseo)
                vox = vseo.Template;
                var tileArray = tilePropagator.ToArray();
                var subTiles  = vseo.SubTiles.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => VoxUtils.ToTopoArray(x.Value));
                array = MoreTopoArrayUtils.ExplodeTiles(tileArray, subTiles, vseo.TileWidth, vseo.TileHeight, vseo.TileDepth);
                throw new System.Exception($"Cannot export from {exportOptions.TypeDescription} to .vox");

            VoxUtils.Save(vox, array);

            using (var stream = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create))
                var br = new BinaryWriter(stream);
                VoxSerializer.Write(br, vox);
Example #3
        public void TestLargeSeparationConstraint()
            var model = new AdjacentModel(DirectionSet.Cartesian2d);
            var tile1 = new Tile(1);
            var tile2 = new Tile(2);
            var tiles = new[] { tile1, tile2 };

            model.AddAdjacency(tiles, tiles, Direction.XPlus);
            model.AddAdjacency(tiles, tiles, Direction.YPlus);

            var separationConstraint = new SeparationConstraint
                Tiles = new[] { tile1 }.ToHashSet(),
                MinDistance = 10,

            var topology = new GridTopology(100, 100, false);

            var options = new TilePropagatorOptions
                Constraints   = new ITileConstraint[] { separationConstraint },
                BacktrackType = BacktrackType.Backtrack,
            var propagator = new TilePropagator(model, topology, options);


            Assert.AreEqual(Resolution.Decided, propagator.Status);

            var r = propagator.ToArray();

            for (var x = 0; x < 100; x++)
                for (var y = 0; y < 100; y++)
                    if (r.Get(x, y) != tile1)
                    for (var dx = -1; dx <= 1; dx += 2)
                        for (var dy = -1; dy <= 1; dy += 2)
                            var x2 = x + dx;
                            var y2 = y + dy;
                            if (x2 >= 0 && x2 < 100 && y2 >= 0 && y2 < 100)
                                Assert.AreNotEqual(r.Get(x2, y2), tile1);
        public void Export(TileModel model, TilePropagator propagator, string filename, DeBroglieConfig config, ExportOptions exportOptions)
            if (config.Animate)
                if (exportOptions is BitmapExportOptions)
                    var topoArray = propagator.ToWeightedArraySets().Map(WeightedColorAverage);
                    var bitmap    = BitmapUtils.ToBitmap(topoArray.ToArray2d());
                else if (exportOptions is BitmapSetExportOptions bseo)
                    var topoArray    = propagator.ToWeightedArraySets();
                    var tileTopology = topoArray.Topology.AsGridTopology().WithSize(bseo.TileWidth, bseo.TileHeight, 1);
                    var subTiles     = bseo.Bitmaps.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => TopoArray.Create(BitmapUtils.ToColorArray(x.Value), tileTopology).Map(c => new Tile(c)));
                    var exploded     = MoreTopoArrayUtils.ExplodeWeightedTiles(topoArray, subTiles, bseo.TileWidth, bseo.TileHeight, 1).Map(WeightedColorAverage);
                    var bitmap       = BitmapUtils.ToBitmap(exploded.ToArray2d());
                    throw new System.Exception($"Cannot export from {exportOptions.TypeDescription} to bitmap.");
                if (exportOptions is BitmapExportOptions)
                    var topoArray = propagator.ToValueArray(Rgba32.Gray, Rgba32.Magenta);
                    var bitmap    = BitmapUtils.ToBitmap(topoArray.ToArray2d());
                else if (exportOptions is BitmapSetExportOptions bseo)
                    var undecided     = new Tile(new object());
                    var contradiction = new Tile(new object());
                    var topoArray     = propagator.ToArray(undecided, contradiction);

                    var tileTopology = topoArray.Topology.AsGridTopology().WithSize(bseo.TileWidth, bseo.TileHeight, 1);
                    var subTiles     = bseo.Bitmaps.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => TopoArray.Create(BitmapUtils.ToColorArray(x.Value), tileTopology));
                    subTiles[undecided]     = TopoArray.FromConstant(Rgba32.Gray, tileTopology);
                    subTiles[contradiction] = TopoArray.FromConstant(Rgba32.Magenta, tileTopology);

                    var exploded = MoreTopoArrayUtils.ExplodeTiles(topoArray, subTiles, bseo.TileWidth, bseo.TileHeight, 1);
                    var bitmap   = BitmapUtils.ToBitmap(exploded.ToArray2d());
                    throw new System.Exception($"Cannot export from {exportOptions.TypeDescription} to bitmap.");
Example #5
        public void Export(TileModel model, TilePropagator tilePropagator, string filename, DeBroglieConfig config, ExportOptions exportOptions)
            var tiledExportOptions = exportOptions as TiledExportOptions;

            if (tiledExportOptions == null)
                throw new System.Exception($"Cannot export from {exportOptions.TypeDescription} to .tmx");

            var map         = tiledExportOptions.Template;
            var srcFilename = tiledExportOptions.SrcFileName;

            var layerArray = tilePropagator.ToArray();

            map.Layers = new BaseLayer[layerArray.Topology.Depth];
            for (var z = 0; z < layerArray.Topology.Depth; z++)
                map.Layers[z] = TiledUtil.MakeTileLayer(map, layerArray, z);
            map.Width  = map.Layers[0].Width;
            map.Height = map.Layers[0].Height;
            TiledUtil.Save(filename, map);

            // Check for any external files that may also need copying
            foreach (var tileset in map.Tilesets)
                if (tileset is ExternalTileset e)
                    var srcPath  = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(srcFilename), e.source);
                    var destPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(filename), e.source);
                    if (File.Exists(srcPath) && !File.Exists(destPath))
                        File.Copy(srcPath, destPath);
                if (tileset.ImagePath != null)
                    var srcImagePath  = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(srcFilename), tileset.ImagePath);
                    var destImagePath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(filename), tileset.ImagePath);
                    if (File.Exists(srcImagePath) && !File.Exists(destImagePath))
                        File.Copy(srcImagePath, destImagePath);
Example #6
        public void TestSeparationConstraint()
            var model = new AdjacentModel(DirectionSet.Cartesian2d);
            var tile1 = new Tile(1);
            var tile2 = new Tile(2);
            var tiles = new[] { tile1, tile2 };

            model.AddAdjacency(tiles, tiles, Direction.XPlus);
            model.AddAdjacency(tiles, tiles, Direction.YPlus);

            var separationConstraint = new SeparationConstraint
                Tiles = new[] { tile1 }.ToHashSet(),
                MinDistance = 3,

            var countConstraint = new CountConstraint
                Tiles = new[] { tile1 }.ToHashSet(),
                Count      = 2,
                Comparison = CountComparison.Exactly,

            var topology = new GridTopology(4, 1, false);

            var options = new TilePropagatorOptions
                Constraints   = new ITileConstraint[] { separationConstraint, countConstraint },
                BacktrackType = BacktrackType.Backtrack,
            var propagator = new TilePropagator(model, topology, options);


            Assert.AreEqual(Resolution.Decided, propagator.Status);

            var r = propagator.ToArray();

            // Only possible solution given the constraints
            Assert.AreEqual(tile1, r.Get(0));
            Assert.AreEqual(tile2, r.Get(1));
            Assert.AreEqual(tile2, r.Get(2));
            Assert.AreEqual(tile1, r.Get(3));
        public void TestMirrorConstraint()
            var trb = new TileRotationBuilder(4, true, TileRotationTreatment.Missing);

            var tile1 = new Tile(1);
            var tile2 = new Tile(2);
            var tile3 = new Tile(3);
            var tile4 = new Tile(4);
            var tile5 = new Tile(5);

            var tiles = new[] { tile1, tile2, tile3, tile4 };

            var reflectX = new Rotation(0, true);

            trb.Add(tile1, reflectX, tile2);
            trb.Add(tile3, reflectX, tile3);
            trb.Add(tile5, reflectX, tile5);

            var model = new AdjacentModel(DirectionSet.Cartesian2d);

            model.AddAdjacency(tiles, tiles, Direction.XPlus);
            model.AddAdjacency(new[] { tile5 }, tiles, Direction.XPlus);
            model.AddAdjacency(new[] { tile5 }, tiles, Direction.XMinus);

            model.SetFrequency(tile5, 0.0);

            var tr = trb.Build();

            var constraints = new[] { new MirrorXConstraint {
                                          TileRotation = tr
                                      } };

            // tile1 reflects to tile 2
                var t2 = new GridTopology(2, 1, false);
                var p2 = new TilePropagator(model, t2, constraints: constraints);
                p2.Select(0, 0, 0, tile1);
                var status = p2.Run();
                Assert.AreEqual(Resolution.Decided, status);
                Assert.AreEqual(tile2, p2.ToArray().Get(1, 0));

            // tile3 reflects to tile3
                var t2 = new GridTopology(2, 1, false);
                var p2 = new TilePropagator(model, t2, constraints: constraints);
                p2.Select(0, 0, 0, tile3);
                var status = p2.Run();
                Assert.AreEqual(Resolution.Decided, status);
                Assert.AreEqual(tile3, p2.ToArray().Get(1, 0));

            // tile3 only tile that can go in a central space
            // (tile5 can go, but has zero frequency)
            // So tile3 should be selected reliably
                var t2     = new GridTopology(3, 1, false);
                var p2     = new TilePropagator(model, t2, constraints: constraints);
                var status = p2.Run();
                Assert.AreEqual(Resolution.Decided, status);
                Assert.AreEqual(tile3, p2.ToArray().Get(1, 0));

            // tile5 can be reflected, but cannot
            // be placed adjacent to it's own reflection
                var t2 = new GridTopology(2, 1, false);
                var p2 = new TilePropagator(model, t2, constraints: constraints);
                p2.Select(0, 0, 0, tile5);
                var status = p2.Run();
                Assert.AreEqual(Resolution.Contradiction, status);

                var t2 = new GridTopology(4, 1, false);
                var p2 = new TilePropagator(model, t2, constraints: constraints);
                p2.Select(0, 0, 0, tile5);
                var status = p2.Run();
                Assert.AreEqual(Resolution.Decided, status);
Example #8
        public void Export(TileModel model, TilePropagator tilePropagator, string filename, DeBroglieConfig config, ExportOptions exportOptions)
            var topoArray = tilePropagator.ToArray(new Tile("?"), new Tile("!"));
            var topology  = topoArray.Topology;

            using (var s = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Create))
                using (var tw = new StreamWriter(s))
                    tw.WriteLine("%YAML 1.1");
                    tw.WriteLine("%TAG !u! tag:unity3d.com,2011:");
                    int id = 1;
                    foreach (var index in topology.GetIndices())
                        var objectId    = id++;
                        var transformId = id++;
                        topology.GetCoord(index, out var x, out var y, out var z);
                        var str = @"
--- !u!1 &objectId
  m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
  m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0}
  m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0}
  m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0}
  serializedVersion: 6
  - component: {fileID: transformId}
  m_Layer: 0
  m_Name: objectName
  m_TagString: Untagged
  m_Icon: {fileID: 0}
  m_NavMeshLayer: 0
  m_StaticEditorFlags: 0
  m_IsActive: 1
--- !u!4 &transformId
  m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
  m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0}
  m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0}
  m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0}
  m_GameObject: {fileID: objectId}
  m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1}
  m_LocalPosition: {x: transformX, y: transformY, z: transformZ}
  m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
  m_Children: []
  m_Father: {fileID: 0}
  m_RootOrder: 0
  m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
                        str = str
                              .Replace("objectId", objectId.ToString())
                              .Replace("transformId", transformId.ToString())
                              .Replace("transformX", x.ToString())
                              .Replace("transformY", y.ToString())
                              .Replace("transformZ", z.ToString())
                              .Replace("objectName", topoArray.Get(index).Value?.ToString())
Example #9
        public void Export(TileModel model, TilePropagator propagator, string filename, DeBroglieConfig config, ExportOptions exportOptions)
            if (config.Animate)
                if (exportOptions is BitmapExportOptions)
                    var topoArray = propagator.ToValueSets <Rgba32>().Map(BitmapUtils.ColorAverage);
                    var bitmap    = BitmapUtils.ToBitmap(topoArray.ToArray2d());
                else if (exportOptions is BitmapSetExportOptions bseo)
                    var topoArray    = propagator.ToArraySets();
                    var tileTopology = topoArray.Topology.AsGridTopology().WithSize(bseo.TileWidth, bseo.TileHeight, 1);
                    var subTiles     = bseo.Bitmaps.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => TopoArray.Create(BitmapUtils.ToColorArray(x.Value), tileTopology));
                    var exploded     = MoreTopoArrayUtils.ExplodeTileSets(topoArray, subTiles, bseo.TileWidth, bseo.TileHeight, 1).Map(BitmapUtils.ColorAverage);
                    var bitmap       = BitmapUtils.ToBitmap(exploded.ToArray2d());
                    throw new System.Exception($"Cannot export from {exportOptions.TypeDescription} to bitmap.");
                if (exportOptions is BitmapExportOptions)
                    var topoArray = propagator.ToValueArray(Rgba32.Gray, Rgba32.Magenta);
                    var bitmap    = BitmapUtils.ToBitmap(topoArray.ToArray2d());

                    var index         = 0;
                    var noExtension   = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename);
                    var justExtension = Path.GetExtension(filename);
                    var pathNoFile    = Path.GetDirectoryName(filename);

                    var seqFilename = "";
                        seqFilename = pathNoFile + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + noExtension + (index == 0 ? "" : index.ToString()) + justExtension;
                    } while (File.Exists(seqFilename));

                else if (exportOptions is BitmapSetExportOptions bseo)
                    var undecided     = new Tile(new object());
                    var contradiction = new Tile(new object());
                    var topoArray     = propagator.ToArray(undecided, contradiction);

                    var tileTopology = topoArray.Topology.AsGridTopology().WithSize(bseo.TileWidth, bseo.TileHeight, 1);
                    var subTiles     = bseo.Bitmaps.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => TopoArray.Create(BitmapUtils.ToColorArray(x.Value), tileTopology));
                    subTiles[undecided]     = TopoArray.FromConstant(Rgba32.Gray, tileTopology);
                    subTiles[contradiction] = TopoArray.FromConstant(Rgba32.Magenta, tileTopology);

                    var exploded = MoreTopoArrayUtils.ExplodeTiles(topoArray, subTiles, bseo.TileWidth, bseo.TileHeight, 1);
                    var bitmap   = BitmapUtils.ToBitmap(exploded.ToArray2d());
                    throw new System.Exception($"Cannot export from {exportOptions.TypeDescription} to bitmap.");