void ATTile_OnOccupantRemoved(TileMovement occ, ATTile destination)
            if (IsDifficultTerrain)
                occ.ActorComponent.CharSheet.OnAboutToAttack     -= CursedWillPerform;
                occ.ActorComponent.CharSheet.OnAboutToBeAttacked -= CursedWillBeAttacked;
//				Debug.LogError ("bla bla");

            //have actors that can see this tile unsee the actor that was removed if they can't see the destination tile and can see enemy.
            foreach (Actor act in actorsThatSeeThisTile)
                Vision eyes = act.GetComponent <Vision> ();
                if (eyes.CanSee(occ.ActorComponent) && act != occ.ActorComponent)
                    if (destination == null)                       //the actor probably died.
                        Debug.Log("actor: " + eyes.Actor.GetType());
                    else if (act.EnemiesWith(occ.ActorComponent))
                        if (!destination.actorsThatSeeThisTile.Contains(act))
Example #2
        public override List <IActionOptionChoice> GetChoicesUnfiltered(Actor actor, Action pickup)
            if (actor.CharSheet.inventory.NoRoomLeft)
                lastReasonForNoChoices = "No room left for any items.";
                return(new List <IActionOptionChoice> ());

            TileMovement tm = actor.GetComponent <TileMovement> ();
            List <IActionOptionChoice> ret = null;

            if (tm.occupying == null)
                ret = new List <IActionOptionChoice> ();
                //Debug.LogError (tm.occupying.onTheGround.Count);
                ret = tm.occupying.OnTheGround.Select((item) => new InventoryItemChoice(item) as IActionOptionChoice).ToList();

            if (ret.Count == 0)
                lastReasonForNoChoices = "No items on the ground.";

Example #3
            public override void Perform()

                ItemsOnPersonOption opt = ActionOptions [0] as ItemsOnPersonOption;

                InventoryItemChoice choice = opt.chosenChoice as InventoryItemChoice;

                if (actor.CharSheet.inventory.ListOfItems().Contains(choice.item))
                else if (actor.CharSheet.PaperDoll.slots.ContainsValue(choice.item as Equipment))
                    actor.CharSheet.PaperDoll.Unequip(choice.item as Equipment, actor.CharSheet);

                TileMovement tm = actor.GetComponent <TileMovement> ();


Example #4
 // 작업 중
 // 이름 변경 후보: TrySwapAdjacentTile
 public void ReqMoveTile(Tile tile, TileMovement move)
     if (gp.TrySwapTile(tile, move) == SwapTileResult.NoTile)
         TileInput.blockInput = false;
    void Awake()
        animationTransform   = GetComponent <AnimationTransform> ();
        tileMovement         = GetComponent <TileMovement> ();
        characterAudioSource = GetComponent <AudioSource>();

        animationTransform.OnAnimationEvent += HandleAnimationEvent;
 public void RemoveOccupant(TileMovement occ, ATTile desitination)
     occ.ActorComponent.OnActorKilled -= OnDeathOccupantCleanup;
     if (OnOccupantRemoved != null)
         OnOccupantRemoved(occ, desitination);
        public void AddOccupant(TileMovement occ, ATTile previous)
            occ.ActorComponent.OnActorKilled += OnDeathOccupantCleanup;

            if (OnOccupantAdded != null)
                OnOccupantAdded(occ, previous);
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a gliding tile
        /// </summary>
        private Tile LoadGlidingTile(int x, int y, string name, FaceDirection faceDirection,
                                     float moveSpeed, float waitTime, TileMovement movement)
            Vector2 position = RectangleExtensions.GetBottomCenter(GetBounds(x, y));

            glidingPlatforms.Add(new GlidingPlatform(this, position, faceDirection, moveSpeed, waitTime, movement, name));

            // Just like an enemy, we want the fixed tile behind it to be passable and invisible.
            return(new Tile(null, TileCollision.Passable, movement));
Example #9
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        PlayerSongs ps = FindObjectOfType <PlayerSongs>();

        ps.AddPowerListener(activationPower, Activate);
        currentTargetPosition = position2;
        _rigidBody            = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
        _tileMovement         = GetComponent <TileMovement>();
        _animator             = GetComponent <Animator>();
    void Start()
        // Starts in the starting position of the current board
        boardScript        = board.GetComponent <BoardState>();
        transform.position = boardScript.startLocation;

        // Uses the start tile to find the first tile that the player can move to
        GameObject   start       = GameObject.FindWithTag("Start");
        TileMovement startScript = start.GetComponent <TileMovement>();

        tile = startScript.nextTile;

        // Resets coins, as the Unity player keeps them from game to game. Need to look into
        coins = 0;
Example #11
        /// <summary>      
        /// Constructor      
        /// </summary>      
        /// <param name="level">The level this platform belongs to.</param>      
        /// <param name="position">Where the platform is in the level.</param>      
        /// <param name="faceDirection">The direction it is moving.</param>      
        /// <param name="moveSpeed">How fast it is moving.</param>      
        /// <param name="maxWaitTime">How long it will wait before turning around.</param>      
        public GlidingPlatform(Level level, Vector2 position, FaceDirection faceDirection,
            float moveSpeed, float maxWaitTime, TileMovement glidermovement, string name)
            this.level = level;                 //We need to know what level the platform is in.
            Position = position;                //We need to know its position in that level.
            this.direction = faceDirection;     //We need to know what direction it will be moving.
            this.moveSpeed = moveSpeed;         //We need to know how fast it moves.
            this.maxWaitTime = maxWaitTime;     //We need to know how long it waits before changing directions.
            this.glidermovement = glidermovement;
            this.name = name;
            //Equiped with these different fields, we can create a variety of glidingPlatforms with minimal effort.
            //We can create slow platforms, fast platforms, and platforms moving different directions.

Example #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="level">The level this platform belongs to.</param>
        /// <param name="position">Where the platform is in the level.</param>
        /// <param name="faceDirection">The direction it is moving.</param>
        /// <param name="moveSpeed">How fast it is moving.</param>
        /// <param name="maxWaitTime">How long it will wait before turning around.</param>
        public GlidingPlatform(Level level, Vector2 position, FaceDirection faceDirection,
                               float moveSpeed, float maxWaitTime, TileMovement glidermovement, string name)
            this.level          = level;         //We need to know what level the platform is in.
            Position            = position;      //We need to know its position in that level.
            this.direction      = faceDirection; //We need to know what direction it will be moving.
            this.moveSpeed      = moveSpeed;     //We need to know how fast it moves.
            this.maxWaitTime    = maxWaitTime;   //We need to know how long it waits before changing directions.
            this.glidermovement = glidermovement;
            this.name           = name;
            //Equiped with these different fields, we can create a variety of glidingPlatforms with minimal effort.
            //We can create slow platforms, fast platforms, and platforms moving different directions.

Example #13
            public override void Perform()

                ItemPickupOption opt = ActionOptions [0] as ItemPickupOption;

                InventoryItemChoice choice = opt.chosenChoice as InventoryItemChoice;


                TileMovement tm = actor.GetComponent <TileMovement> ();


        public static List <ATTile> OccupyableTilesAdjacentTo(Actor act)
            TileMovement  tm  = act.GetComponent <TileMovement> ();
            List <ATTile> ret = new List <ATTile> ();

            foreach (ATTile n in tm.occupying.Neighbors())
                if (n.Occupyable())

Example #15
    void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collider)
        Vector3 targetPosition = transform.position;

        GameObject   obj          = collider.gameObject;
        TileMovement tileMovement = obj.GetComponent <TileMovement>();


        if (obj.tag == "player")
            switch (direction)
            case Direction.North:
                targetPosition = targetPosition.North();

            case Direction.South:
                targetPosition = targetPosition.South();

            case Direction.East:
                targetPosition = targetPosition.East();

            case Direction.West:
                targetPosition = targetPosition.West();

            if (isDown)
                targetPosition = targetPosition.FloorDown();
                targetPosition = targetPosition.FloorUp();

            obj.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("Floor " + targetPosition.z.ToString());

            obj.transform.position = targetPosition;

Example #16
    // 상태 초기화 메서드
    public void ResetState()
        State            = TILE_STATE.STOP; // 멈춤
        isMatched        = false;           // 매치되지 않음
        IsFalling        = false;           // 떨어지지 않음
        IsNewFallingTile = false;           // 새로 떨어지는 타일 아님
        SwapTarget       = null;            // 스왑 대상 없음

        if (Tm == null)                     // 객체 없으면 생성
            Tm = new TileMovement(transform);
        if (Tff == null) // 객체 없으면 생성
            Tff = new TileFreeFall(transform);
Example #17
        public SwapTileResult TrySwapTile(Tile tile, TileMovement move)
            SwapTileResult result;
            Tile           adjTile = GetAdjacentTile(tile, move);

            if (adjTile != null)
                result = SwapTile(tile, adjTile) ? SwapTileResult.Success : SwapTileResult.Failure;

            // 리턴 false: 인접 없는 경우, 매치가 발생되지 않는 경우
Example #18
            private void AnimatedMovePerform(List <ATTile> thePath)
                TileMovement tm = actor.GetComponent <TileMovement> ();

                List <string> path = DirectionsFrom(cachedPath);

                if (path.Count == 0)

                    actor.GetComponent <CharacterWalker> ().OnEndedWalking += FinishedMove;
Example #19
    public void SetSelectedUnit(TileMovement unit)
        if (selectedUnit != null && selectedUnit != unit)
            selectedUnit.GetComponent <BoxCollider>().enabled = true;

        if (unit != null)
            unit.GetComponent <BoxCollider>().enabled = false;

        if (unit == null && selectedUnit != null)
            selectedUnit.GetComponent <BoxCollider>().enabled = true;

        selectedUnit = unit;

        if (selectedUnit == null)
            startX = 0;
            startZ = 0;

            endX = 0;
            endZ = 0;
            var translatedPosition = grid.GetArrayValueFromTransform(selectedUnit.gameObject.transform);

            startX = (int)translatedPosition.x;
            startZ = (int)translatedPosition.z;

            endX = startX;
            endZ = startZ;

Example #20
    void Awake()
        if (avatar == null)
            avatar = transform;

        if (avatar == null)
            throw new UnityException("Tile inhabitant needs an avatar!  If this is a doodad, avatar should be a tile, if it's an entity, it should be a character");

        GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sortingLayerName = "TileInhabitant";

        TileMovement tm = GetComponent <TileMovement> ();

        if (tm != null)
            tm.OnWalkedOutOfTile += AvatarMovedInto;
Example #21
        public Tile GetAdjacentTile(Tile tile, TileMovement move)
            var  location = tile.GetLocation();
            Tile adjTile  = null;

            if (move == TileMovement.Up && location.row > 0)
                adjTile = tiles[location.row - 1, location.col];
            else if (move == TileMovement.Down && location.row < GetLastIndexRow())
                adjTile = tiles[location.row + 1, location.col];
            else if (move == TileMovement.Left && location.col > 0)
                adjTile = tiles[location.row, location.col - 1];
            else if (move == TileMovement.Right && location.col < GetLastIndexCol())
                adjTile = tiles[location.row, location.col + 1];
 // Moves the player an amount of tiles equal to their dice roll
 void Movement()
     transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position, tile.position + new Vector3(0, 0.67f, 0), speed);
     // Grabs the pointer to the next tile every two seconds, so that movement isn't instant
     if (Time.time - timeCheck >= 2)
         tileScript = tile.GetComponent <TileMovement>();
         tile       = tileScript.nextTile;
         timeCheck  = Time.time;
         int remainingDice = diceRoll - tilesMoved;
         Debug.Log(remainingDice + "(" + diceRoll + ")");
         // Stops movement once the player has moved the given number of tiles
         if (tilesMoved == diceRoll)
             moving = false;
             tilesMoved = 0;
             diceRoll   = 0;
             timeCheck  = 0;
        void ATTile_OnOccupantAdded(TileMovement occ, ATTile previous)
            if (IsDifficultTerrain)
                occ.ActorComponent.CharSheet.OnAboutToAttack     += CursedWillPerform;
                occ.ActorComponent.CharSheet.OnAboutToBeAttacked += CursedWillBeAttacked;

            //have actors that can see this tile discover the actor that was added if they don't already see it.
            foreach (Actor act in actorsThatSeeThisTile)
                if (occ.ActorComponent == act)
                Vision eyes = act.GetComponent <Vision> ();
                if (act.EnemiesWith(occ.ActorComponent) && !eyes.CanSee(occ.ActorComponent))
        void GoInvisibleForUndiscovery(Actor a)
            if (a.IsOnPlayerSide)
                TileMovement tm = GetComponent <TileMovement> ();
                ATTile       tile;
                if (tm != null)
                    tile = tm.occupying;
                    //the visible thing is a weapon or ground effect.
                    tile = MapManager.instance.TileAt(transform.position);

//				Debug.LogError ("undiscovered by an enemy player.  checking if I should go invisible");
//				bool goingInvis = true;
                if (!tile.SeenByAlliesOf(a))
Example #25
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     worldMap = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("GameController").GetComponent<WorldMap> ();
     actor = gameObject.GetComponent<Actor>();
     player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Player").GetComponent<Player> ();
     move = gameObject.GetComponent<TileMovement>();
     attack = gameObject.GetComponent<TileAttack>();
     ui = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("UIMain").GetComponent<UIMain> ();
Example #26
 void Start()
     tileMovement = gameObject.GetComponent <TileMovement>();
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        movementInputTimer = Time.fixedTime;

        options = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("GameController").GetComponent<GameOptions> ();
        worldMap = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("GameController").GetComponent<WorldMap> ();
        worldSound = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("GameController").GetComponent<WorldSound> ();

        move = gameObject.GetComponent<TileMovement>();
        attack = gameObject.GetComponent<TileAttack>();

        camera = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("MainCamera").GetComponent<Camera> ();
        actorManager = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("GameController").GetComponent<ActorManager> ();

        player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Player").GetComponent<Player> ();
        ui = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("UIMain").GetComponent<UIMain> ();
Example #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a tile with a random appearance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="baseName">
        /// The content name prefix for this group of tile variations. Tile groups are
        /// name LikeThis0.png and LikeThis1.png and LikeThis2.png.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="variationCount">
        /// The number of variations in this group.
        /// </param>
        private Tile LoadVarietyTile(string baseName, int variationCount, TileCollision collision, TileMovement movement)
            int index = random.Next(variationCount);

            return(LoadTile(baseName + index, collision, movement));
Example #29
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new tile. The other tile loading methods typically chain to this
 /// method after performing their special logic.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">
 /// Path to a tile texture relative to the Content/Tiles directory.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="collision">
 /// The tile collision type for the new tile.
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>The new tile.</returns>
 private Tile LoadTile(string name, TileCollision collision, TileMovement movement)
     return new Tile(Content.Load<Texture2D>("Tiles/" + name), collision, movement);
Example #30
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new tile. The other tile loading methods typically chain to this
 /// method after performing their special logic.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">
 /// Path to a tile texture relative to the Content/Tiles directory.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="collision">
 /// The tile collision type for the new tile.
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>The new tile.</returns>
 private Tile LoadTile(string name, TileCollision collision, TileMovement movement)
     return(new Tile(Content.Load <Texture2D>("Tiles/" + name), collision, movement));
Example #31
 void Awake()
     animator     = GetComponent <Animator> ();
     tileMovement = GetComponent <TileMovement> ();
Example #32
        /// <summary>   
        /// Loads a gliding tile  
        /// </summary>   
        private Tile LoadGlidingTile(int x, int y, string name, FaceDirection faceDirection,
            float moveSpeed, float waitTime, TileMovement movement)
            Vector2 position = RectangleExtensions.GetBottomCenter(GetBounds(x, y));
            glidingPlatforms.Add(new GlidingPlatform(this, position, faceDirection, moveSpeed, waitTime, movement, name));

            // Just like an enemy, we want the fixed tile behind it to be passable and invisible.
            return new Tile(null, TileCollision.Passable, movement);
Example #33
 public TileMovementSignal(Tile tile, TileMovement move)
     this.tile = tile;
     movement  = move;
Example #34
    // Setup
    public void SetupObjectReferences()
        move = gameObject.GetComponent<TileMovement>();
        attack = gameObject.GetComponent<TileAttack>();

        worldMap = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("GameController").GetComponent<WorldMap> ();
        worldSound = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("GameController").GetComponent<WorldSound> ();
        ui = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("UIMain").GetComponent<UIMain> ();
        actorManager = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("GameController").GetComponent<ActorManager> ();
        player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Player").GetComponent<Player> ();
        options = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("GameController").GetComponent<GameOptions> ();

        animationPosition = new Vector2(tileX*worldMap.mapTileSize,tileY*worldMap.mapTileSize);
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     _rigidbody    = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
     _tileMovement = GetComponent <TileMovement>();
     slideVector   = Vector2.zero;
Example #36
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new tile.
 /// </summary>
 public Tile(Texture2D texture, TileCollision collision, TileMovement movement)
     Texture = texture;
     Collision = collision;
     Movement = movement;
Example #37
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new tile.
 /// </summary>
 public Tile(Texture2D texture, TileCollision collision, TileMovement movement)
     Texture   = texture;
     Collision = collision;
     Movement  = movement;
Example #38
 /// <summary>
 /// Loads a tile with a random appearance.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="baseName">
 /// The content name prefix for this group of tile variations. Tile groups are
 /// name LikeThis0.png and LikeThis1.png and LikeThis2.png.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="variationCount">
 /// The number of variations in this group.
 /// </param>
 private Tile LoadVarietyTile(string baseName, int variationCount, TileCollision collision, TileMovement movement)
     int index = random.Next(variationCount);
     return LoadTile(baseName + index, collision, movement);