public static void PlaceWalls() { BoundsInt Bounds = DungeonUtility.GetTilemap().cellBounds; TileBase[] allTiles = DungeonUtility.GetTilemap().GetTilesBlock(Bounds); List <CustomTile> tilesWithinRange = new List <CustomTile>(); TileHolder tileHolder = TileManager.GetTileHolder(TileType.Wall); for (int x = 0; x < Bounds.size.x; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < Bounds.size.y; y++) { float randomFreq = Random.Range(1, tileHolder.Tiles.OrderByDescending(t => t.PickChance).First().PickChance); tilesWithinRange = tileHolder.Tiles.Where(t => t.PickChance >= randomFreq).ToList(); TileBase tile = allTiles[x + y * Bounds.size.x]; int tempTileIndex; tempTileIndex = Random.Range(0, tilesWithinRange.Count); Vector3Int pos = new Vector3Int(x, y, 0); if (tile == null) { TileManager.PlaceTile(pos, tempTileIndex, null, m_walls, tilesWithinRange[tempTileIndex], DictionaryType.Walls); Tile tileT = m_walls.GetTile <Tile>(pos); if (tilesWithinRange[tempTileIndex].SpriteVariations.Length > 0) { Sprite sT = tilesWithinRange[tempTileIndex].SpriteVariations[Random.Range(0, tilesWithinRange[tempTileIndex].SpriteVariations.Length)]; if (sT != null) { tileT.sprite = sT; } } } } } }
void SetupTileHolders() { tileHolders = new TileHolder[numTiles]; for (int i = numTiles - 1; i >= 0; i--) { TileHolder th = ((GameObject)Instantiate(tileHolderPrefab)).GetComponent <TileHolder>(); = "Tile Holder " + i.ToString(); th.index = i; tileHolders[i] = th; } float puzzleWidthInPoints = puzzleWidth * tileMargin; float puzzleHeightInPoints = puzzleHeight * tileMargin; Vector2 origin = new Vector2(-puzzleWidthInPoints / 2f, puzzleHeightInPoints / 2f); for (int y = 0; y < puzzleHeight; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < puzzleWidth; x++) { tileHolders[x + y * puzzleWidth].transform.position = new Vector3(origin.x + (x + 0.5f) * tileMargin, origin.y - (y + 0.5f) * tileMargin, 0); } } }
// moves the commander to a certain position. fires events as usual public void MoveCommander(TileData tile) { if (_hasBeenLifted || _liftingPiece) { return; } TileHolder tileHolder = tile.TileObject.GetComponentInChildren <TileHolder>(); if (tileHolder != null) { _forceMove = true; //try get the commander position marker GameObject posMarker = getCommanderMarker(tileHolder); if (posMarker != null) { _destination = posMarker.transform.position; _destinationRotation = posMarker.transform.rotation; } else { _destination = tileHolder.transform.position; } _targetY = tileHolder._Tile.Height; _destinationTile = tileHolder; LiftPiece(); } }
void OnMouseUp() { _dragging = false; //if the tile hovered is not in the reachable set then back to original tile if (_destinationTile == null || !_reachableTiles.Contains(_destinationTile._Tile)) { //commander not moved _destinationTile = null; GameObject posMarker = getCommanderMarker(_Player.CommanderPosition.TileObject.GetComponentInChildren <TileHolder>()); _toGoTo = (posMarker != null) ? posMarker.transform.position: _Player.CommanderPosition.TileObject.transform.position; _targetY = _Player.CommanderPosition.Height; } else { //commander moved _toGoTo = _destination; OnCommanderDrop(new Vector3(_destination.x, _targetY, _destination.z)); // _destinationTile = null; } //drop the commander _toGoTo.y = _targetY; if (_destinationRotation != null) { // rotate to the new marker rotation _lerpRotation.LerpTo(_destinationRotation); } OnDropCommander(_Player.CommanderPosition); //raycast this.gameObject.layer = _defaultLayer; }
public void AddTile(TileHolder tile) { int id = 0; switch (TileSelection) { case TileSelectionType.None: return; case TileSelectionType.TowerBuy: { id = tile.Tile.Grid.BuildZone.Contains(tile.Tile) ? goodTargetId : badTargetId; break; } case TileSelectionType.TowerAction: { var action = SelectedTower.ActiveActions[SelectedTowerActionId] as TargetAction; if (action == null) { return; } id = action.CorrectTarget(tile.Tile) ? goodTargetId : badTargetId; break; } } outlineLayers[id].Add(tile.gameObject); }
GameObject getCommanderMarker(TileHolder tHolder) { if (tHolder == null) { return(null); } switch (_Player.Type) { case PlayerType.None: Debug.LogError("Cannot get marker for player type None"); break; case PlayerType.Battlebeard: return(tHolder._MarkerCommanderBB); case PlayerType.Stormshaper: return(tHolder._MarkerCommanderSS); default: Debug.LogError("Unhandled player type getting position marker"); break; } return(null); }
private void ReverseX(List <TileHolder.TileConfig> l, Area a, TileHolder g) { foreach (TileHolder.TileConfig t in l) { t.X(g.Max().x - t.pos.x); } }
public static void PlaceFloorTile(Vector2Int _buildPoint) { Vector3Int t = new Vector3Int(_buildPoint.x, _buildPoint.y, 0); if (!TileManager.GetTileDictionaryFloor().ContainsKey(t)) { TileHolder tileHolder = TileManager.GetTileHolder(TileType.Floor); float randomFreq = Random.Range(1, tileHolder.Tiles.OrderByDescending(t => t.PickChance).First().PickChance); List <CustomTile> tilesWithinRange = new List <CustomTile>(); tilesWithinRange = tileHolder.Tiles.Where(t => t.PickChance >= randomFreq).ToList(); int tempTileIndex; tempTileIndex = Random.Range(0, tilesWithinRange.Count); TileManager.PlaceTile(t, tempTileIndex, null, DungeonUtility.GetTilemap(), tilesWithinRange[tempTileIndex], DictionaryType.Floor); m_floorPositions.Add(t); Tile tileT = DungeonUtility.GetTilemap().GetTile <Tile>(t); if (tilesWithinRange[tempTileIndex].SpriteVariations.Length > 0) { Sprite sT = tilesWithinRange[tempTileIndex].SpriteVariations[Random.Range(0, tilesWithinRange[tempTileIndex].SpriteVariations.Length)]; if (sT != null) { tileT.sprite = sT; } } } }
private void UpdateSelectedTileHolder(TileHolder currentClickedTileHolder) { _currentSelectedTileHolderSetRepository.Set( currentClickedTileHolder ); _previousClickedTileHolder = currentClickedTileHolder; }
private void ReverseY(List <TileHolder.TileConfig> l, Area a, TileHolder g) { foreach (TileHolder.TileConfig t in l) { t.Y(g.Max().y - t.pos.y); } }
private void OnSelectedTileUpdated([CanBeNull] TileHolder tileHolder) { if (_viewModel.CurrentlyHoveredTileHolderLiveData.Value == tileHolder) { _hoveredTileIndicatorController.SetDisabled(); } }
void Awake() { instance = this; address.Clear(); while (address.Count < 1024) { address.Add(""); } try { sprites = Resources.LoadAll <Sprite>(; TextAsset ta = Resources.Load <TextAsset>( + "_data"); string vals = ta.text.Replace("\r", ""); // System.IO.File.ReadAllText("Assets/Resources/""_data.txt").Replace("\r",""); string[] data = vals.Split("\n"[0]); address.Clear(); address.AddRange(data); while (address.Count > 1024) { address.RemoveAt(1023); } } catch { } while (address.Count < 1024) { address.Add(""); } }
fieldSprite DrawSprite(bool pEvenOdd, OAM pOAM) { // сначала пытаемся найти тот же спрайт fieldSprite spr = sprites.Find(s => /*s.spriteNum == pOAM.spriteNum &&*/ s.EvenOdd != pEvenOdd &&; // пытаемся найти неактивный спрайт if (spr == null) { spr = sprites.Find(s => !; } // клонируем if (spr == null) { spr = Instantiate(defaultSprite) as fieldSprite; spr.transform.SetParent(transform); spr.transform.localScale = * 10; sprites.Add(spr); } spr.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0f + scale * pOAM.xTop, 0f - scale * pOAM.yTop, 0); spr.spriteNum = pOAM.spriteNum; spr.EvenOdd = pEvenOdd; = true; pOAM.isBackGround = false; spr.DrawSprite(TileHolder.GetSprite(pOAM)); return(spr); }
void FillEmptySpaces() { for (int x = 0; x < grid.GetLength(0); x++) { for (int y = 0; y < grid.GetLength(1); y++) { if (grid[x, y].tileType == TileType.Normal) { TileHolder tile = Instantiate(tilePrefab, transform).GetComponent <TileHolder>(); tile.x = x; tile.y = y; tiles[x, y] = tile; grid[x, y].X = x; grid[x, y].Y = y; tile.transform.position = new Vector3(x, y); } if (x == grid.GetLength(0) - 1) { if (grid[x, y].tileType != TileType.Impassable) { grid[x, y].tileType = TileType.Victory; } } } } if (onTilesReady != null) { onTilesReady(); } }
public void SetTile(TileHolder tile) { if (IsInsideGrid(tile.x, tile.y) && tile.tileType != TileType.Normal) { grid[tile.x, tile.y] = new GridTile(tile.x, tile.y, tile.tileType); tiles[tile.x, tile.y] = tile; if (tile.y == grid.GetLength(1) - 1) { tile.SetSprite(TopSide); if (Random.Range(0, 101) < stickSpawnChance) { Transform stick = SpawnStick(true); stick.SetParent(tile.transform); stick.localPosition = new Vector3(-0.25f, 0.9f); } } else if (tile.y == 0) { tile.SetSprite(BottomSide); if (Random.Range(0, 101) < stickSpawnChance) { Transform stick = SpawnStick(false); stick.SetParent(tile.transform); stick.localPosition = new Vector3(-0.25f, -0.9f); } } if (fillWaitCoroutine != null) { StopCoroutine(fillWaitCoroutine); } fillWaitCoroutine = StartCoroutine(WaitForTiles()); } }
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /********************************************************************************************************************/ /************************************************ Unity Behaviours **************************************************/ /********************************************************************************************************************/ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #region Unity Behaviours /// <summary> /// The Awake method. /// </summary> private void Awake() { if (Instance != this) { Instance = this; } CheckTiles(); }
public void SetTileHolder(TileHolder th) { Vector3 origPos = transform.position; transform.parent = th.transform; transform.position = origPos; th.tile = this; tileHolder = th; }
void OnMouseDrag() { //only if movement is allowed if (_allowMovement) { if (!_dragging) { OnStartDrag(); _dragging = true; } //if hovered a tile that is reachable then move have the player move there Collider tileParent; TileHolder tileHolder = null; if (BoardUI.GetTileHovered_Position(out tileParent)) { tileHolder = tileParent.GetComponentInChildren <TileHolder> (); } if (tileHolder != null) { //try get the commander position marker GameObject posMarker = getCommanderMarker(tileHolder); if (posMarker != null) { _toGoTo = posMarker.transform.position; _destination = _toGoTo; _destinationRotation = posMarker.transform.rotation; } else { _toGoTo = tileHolder.transform.position; _destination = _toGoTo; } _toGoTo.y = _LiftedHeight; _targetY = tileHolder._Tile.Height; _destinationTile = tileHolder; //dragging OnDraggingCommander(); } else { _destinationTile = null; } if (!_hasBeenLifted && !_liftingPiece) // && _destinationTile == null )//|| _prevHovered != hoveredCollider)) { LiftPiece(); } //block raycast this.gameObject.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("Ignore Raycast"); } }
public IEnumerator CreateSpawner(EnemyPreset preset, TileHolder tile, YieldInstruction wait = null) { var spawner = new EnemySpawner(preset, tile.Tile); var obj = Instantiate(spawnerPrefab); obj.SetVisual(preset.SpawnerVisualPrefab); obj.Init(spawner, tile); _currentSpawners.Add(obj); yield return(wait); }
private IEnumerator CreateEnemy(EnemyPreset preset, TileHolder tile, WaitForSeconds wait) { var enemy = new Enemy(preset, tile.Tile); var obj = Instantiate(enemyPrefab); obj.SetVisual(preset.VisualPrefab); obj.Init(enemy, tile); _currentEnemies.Add(obj); yield return(wait); }
public static TileHolder GetTileHolder(TileType _type) { foreach (TileHolder t in m_tileHolders) { if ( { m_tileHolderToReturn = t; } } return(m_tileHolderToReturn); }
public IEnumerator CreateTower(TowerPreset preset, TileHolder tile, YieldInstruction wait = null) { var tower = new Tower(preset, tile.Tile); var obj = Instantiate(TowerPrefab); obj.SetVisual(preset.VisualPrefab); obj.Init(tower, tile); _currentTowers.Add(obj); yield return(wait); }
static void BuildPathTile(Vector3Int _pos) { TileHolder tileHolder = TileManager.GetTileHolder(TileType.Path); float randomFreq = Random.Range(1, tileHolder.Tiles.OrderByDescending(t => t.PickChance).First().PickChance); List <CustomTile> tilesWithinRange = new List <CustomTile>(); tilesWithinRange = tileHolder.Tiles.Where(t => t.PickChance >= randomFreq).ToList(); int tempTileIndex; tempTileIndex = Random.Range(0, tilesWithinRange.Count); TileManager.PlaceTile(_pos, tempTileIndex, WallGen.GetTilemap(), DungeonUtility.GetTilemap(), tilesWithinRange[tempTileIndex], DictionaryType.Floor); }
void _lerpPosition_OnLerpFinished() { //if lifting piece then not doin it anymore if (_liftingPiece) { _liftingPiece = false; _hasBeenLifted = true; if (_forceMove) { // move over the destination tile _lerpPosition._LerpTime = _MoveTime; _toGoTo = _destination; _toGoTo.y = _LiftedHeight; _lerpPosition.LerpTo(_toGoTo); } } // if commander has been dropped else if (this.transform.position.y != _LiftedHeight) { OnCommanderGrounded(_Player.CommanderPosition); if (_destinationTile != null) { if (_forceMove && _forceMoveEvents) { OnCommanderForceMoved(_destinationTile._Tile); } else { OnCommanderMoved(_destinationTile._Tile); } } _destinationTile = null; _hasBeenLifted = false; if (_forceMove) { // force move has ended _forceMove = false; _forceMoveEvents = false; } } // if commander has been force moved over a tile else if (_forceMove && _hasBeenLifted) { _toGoTo.y = _targetY; if (_destinationRotation != null) { _lerpRotation.LerpTo(_destinationRotation); } } }
void Awake() { if (Instance == null) { Instance = this; DontDestroyOnLoad(this); } else if (Instance != this) { Destroy(gameObject); } }
void loadGrid(float x, float y) { gridX = (int)x; gridY = (int)y; clearGrid(); // foreach (GameObject g in linesArray) { // Destroy (g); // } gridsArray = new Tile[gridX, gridY]; linesArray = new ArrayList(); float minX = -x / 2.0f + 0.5f; float minY = y / 2.0f - 0.5f; float maxX = x / 2.0f - 0.5f; float maxY = -y / 2.0f + 0.5f; //Debug.Log("x: " + x + ", minX: " + minX); int xcur = 0; for (float n = minX; n <= maxX; n++) { int ycur = 0; for (float m = minY; m >= maxY; m--) { GameObject go = (GameObject)Instantiate(gridPrefab); Tile t = new Tile(go, xcur, ycur, 255.0f, 255.0f, 255.0f, 0.4f); TileHolder th = go.AddComponent <TileHolder>(); th.tile = t; gridsArray[xcur, ycur] = t; go.transform.position = new Vector3(n, m, 0); go.transform.parent = grids.transform; // SpriteRenderer sr = go.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>(); // sr.sprite.border = new Vector4(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,1.0f); // sr.color = new Color(,,,t.alpha); ycur++; } xcur++; } /* * int x1 = 1; * for (float n=minX;n<=minX;n++) { * GameObject go = new GameObject("LineX" + x1); * LineRenderer lr = go.AddComponent<LineRenderer>(); * go.transform.parent = lines.transform; * lr.SetVertexCount(2); * lr.SetPosition(0,new Vector3(n,minY,0)); * lr.SetPosition(1,new Vector3(n,maxY,0)); * lr.material = new Material(Shader.Find("Unlit/Texture")); * lr.SetColors(,; * lr.SetWidth(71.0f/70.0f,71.0f/70.0f); * } * xx++;*/ }
private void FlipXY(List <TileHolder.TileConfig> l, Area a, TileHolder g) { int tmp = g.Max().x; Vector2Int flipmax = new Vector2Int(g.Max().y, g.Max().y); g.Max(flipmax); foreach (TileHolder.TileConfig t in l) { tmp = t.pos.x; t.X(t.pos.y); t.Y(tmp); } }
public void ShowIndicator([CanBeNull] TileHolder tileHolder) { if (tileHolder == null) { SetDisabled(); return; } var indicatorPosition = tileHolder.transform.position; indicatorPosition.y += config.IndicatorOffsetFromMap; indicatorGameObject.transform.position = indicatorPosition; indicatorGameObject.SetActive(true); }
private void Start() { TileList.Init(); TileHolder.Init(); Rect camR = Utils.CameraRect(); Rect listR = TileList.CalculateWorldRect(); BoxCollider2D colldier = GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>(); float width = TileHolder.Width; float height = camR.height - TileHolder.Height; transform.position = new Vector3(listR.xMax + width / 2, listR.yMax - height / 2); colldier.size = new Vector2(width, height); }
void clearGrid() { if (gridsArray != null) { foreach (Tile t in gridsArray) { // foreach (Tile t in tA) { TileHolder th = t.tileGameObject.GetComponent <TileHolder>(); th.tile = null; Destroy(t.tileGameObject); // } } } gridsArray = null; }
GameObject getCommanderMarker(TileHolder tHolder) { if (tHolder == null) { return null; } switch (_Player.Type) { case PlayerType.None: Debug.LogError("Cannot get marker for player type None"); break; case PlayerType.Battlebeard: return tHolder._MarkerCommanderBB; case PlayerType.Stormshaper: return tHolder._MarkerCommanderSS; default: Debug.LogError("Unhandled player type getting position marker"); break; } return null; }
void _lerpPosition_OnLerpFinished() { //if lifting piece then not doin it anymore if (_liftingPiece) { _liftingPiece = false; _hasBeenLifted = true; if (_forceMove) { // move over the destination tile _lerpPosition._LerpTime = _MoveTime; _toGoTo = _destination; _toGoTo.y = _LiftedHeight; _lerpPosition.LerpTo(_toGoTo); } } // if commander has been dropped else if (this.transform.position.y != _LiftedHeight) { OnCommanderGrounded(_Player.CommanderPosition); if (_destinationTile != null){ if (_forceMove && _forceMoveEvents) { OnCommanderForceMoved(_destinationTile._Tile); } else { OnCommanderMoved(_destinationTile._Tile); } } _destinationTile = null; _hasBeenLifted = false; if (_forceMove) { // force move has ended _forceMove = false; _forceMoveEvents = false; } } // if commander has been force moved over a tile else if (_forceMove && _hasBeenLifted) { _toGoTo.y = _targetY; if (_destinationRotation != null) { _lerpRotation.LerpTo(_destinationRotation); } } }
void OnMouseDrag() { //only if movement is allowed if (_allowMovement) { if (!_dragging) { OnStartDrag (); _dragging = true; } //if hovered a tile that is reachable then move have the player move there Collider tileParent; TileHolder tileHolder = null; if (BoardUI.GetTileHovered_Position (out tileParent)){ tileHolder = tileParent.GetComponentInChildren<TileHolder> (); } if (tileHolder != null) { //try get the commander position marker GameObject posMarker = getCommanderMarker(tileHolder); if (posMarker != null) { _toGoTo = posMarker.transform.position; _destination = _toGoTo; _destinationRotation = posMarker.transform.rotation; } else { _toGoTo = tileHolder.transform.position; _destination = _toGoTo; } _toGoTo.y = _LiftedHeight; _targetY = tileHolder._Tile.Height; _destinationTile = tileHolder; //dragging OnDraggingCommander(); } else { _destinationTile = null; } if (!_hasBeenLifted && !_liftingPiece) {// && _destinationTile == null )//|| _prevHovered != hoveredCollider)) LiftPiece (); } //block raycast this.gameObject.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("Ignore Raycast"); } }
void OnMouseUp() { _dragging = false; //if the tile hovered is not in the reachable set then back to original tile if (_destinationTile == null || !_reachableTiles.Contains(_destinationTile._Tile)) { //commander not moved _destinationTile = null; GameObject posMarker = getCommanderMarker(_Player.CommanderPosition.TileObject.GetComponentInChildren<TileHolder>()); _toGoTo = (posMarker!=null) ? posMarker.transform.position: _Player.CommanderPosition.TileObject.transform.position; _targetY = _Player.CommanderPosition.Height; } else { //commander moved _toGoTo = _destination; OnCommanderDrop(new Vector3(_destination.x, _targetY, _destination.z)); // _destinationTile = null; } //drop the commander _toGoTo.y = _targetY; if (_destinationRotation != null) { // rotate to the new marker rotation _lerpRotation.LerpTo(_destinationRotation); } OnDropCommander(_Player.CommanderPosition); //raycast this.gameObject.layer = _defaultLayer; }
// moves the commander to a certain position. fires events as usual public void MoveCommander(TileData tile){ if (_hasBeenLifted || _liftingPiece) { return; } TileHolder tileHolder = tile.TileObject.GetComponentInChildren<TileHolder>(); if (tileHolder != null) { _forceMove = true; //try get the commander position marker GameObject posMarker = getCommanderMarker(tileHolder); if (posMarker != null) { _destination = posMarker.transform.position; _destinationRotation = posMarker.transform.rotation; } else { _destination = tileHolder.transform.position; } _targetY = tileHolder._Tile.Height; _destinationTile = tileHolder; LiftPiece(); } }