public void SetFlags(TileFlags type, params int[] ids) { foreach (var id in ids) { this[id] = type; } }
private void FindPosition(TileFlags tileToFind) { var player = _context.GetPlayer(_currentPlayerId); var map = _context.GetMap(player.CurrentMap); var mapArea = CreateMapArea(map); _console2.DrawArea(CreatePlayerArea(player), mapArea.Width, 0); var found = map.AllPositions .Select(p => new { Position = p, Flags = (TileFlags)map.GetPositionValue(p) }) .FirstOrDefault(x => (x.Flags & tileToFind) > 0); if (found == null) { return; } _context.SetGoalForPlayer(player.Id, found.Position); var path = PathFinder.CalculatePath(player.Position, found.Position, map.IsWalkable); foreach (var pathPos in path) { var tile = GetTile(map.GetPositionValue(pathPos)); mapArea.Write(tile.Character, pathPos.X, pathPos.Y, ConsoleColor.Green, ConsoleColor.DarkGreen); } mapArea.CenterOffset(found.Position.X, found.Position.Y); _console2.DrawArea(mapArea, 0, 0); Console.ReadKey(true); }
public override void Paint(GridLayout gridLayout, GameObject brushTarget, Vector3Int position) { if (brushTarget.layer == 31) { return; } Tilemap tilemap = brushTarget.GetComponent <Tilemap>(); if (tilemap != null) { TileBase tile = tilemap.GetTile(position); if (tile != null) { //Undo.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo(tilemap, "TintChange Color"); TileFlags tileFlag = tilemap.GetTileFlags(position); if ((tileFlag & TileFlags.LockColor) != 0) { tilemap.SetTileFlags(position, (tileFlag & ~TileFlags.LockColor)); } tilemap.SetColor(position, tint); //EditorUtility.SetDirty(tile); } } }
private void SetAllTileFlags(TileFlags flag = TileFlags.None) { foreach (Vector2Int tile in GetAllTiles()) { grid.SetTileFlags((Vector3Int)tile, flag); } }
public void setTile(String tileType) { switch (tileType.ToLower()) { case "plain": { flag = TileFlags.plain; break; } case "unwalkable": { flag = TileFlags.unwalkable; break; } case "dialog": { flag = TileFlags.dialog; break; } default: { flag = TileFlags.plain; break; } } }
public void ChangeTileType(ITileType tiletype, bool rewriteflags) { _TTileType = tiletype; if (rewriteflags) { _TTileFlags = tiletype.Flags; // They're value types... right??? :ohdear: } }
public Tile(ITileType tileType) { _TTileType = tileType; _TTileFlags = tileType.Flags; _TTileEntityList = new List <IEntity>(); _TTileFeatureList = new List <ITileFeature>(); _TileHeight = 1; _Render = new TilerIsADummy.PrototypeMapGen.PrototypeComponents.P_TileRenderComponent(this); }
private static void SetTile(Tilemap tilemap, Vector3Int cellPos, TileBase tileBase, Hashtable tileDetailDict) { tilemap.SetTile(cellPos, tileBase); TileFlags tileFlags = tileDetailDict.Get <int>(StringConst.String_tileFlags).ToEnum <TileFlags>(); tilemap.SetTileFlags(cellPos, tileFlags); tilemap.SetTransformMatrix(cellPos, tileDetailDict.Get <string>(StringConst.String_transformMatrix).ToMatrix4x4OrDefault(null, Matrix4x4.identity)); }
public static void UnlockFlag(Tilemap map, Vector3Int pos, TileFlags flag) { //var f = (int)map.GetTileFlags(pos); //if ((f & (int)flag) != 0) //{ // f = f & (~(int)flag); // map.SetTileFlags(pos, (TileFlags)f); //} map.RemoveTileFlags(pos, flag); }
public void SetSeethru(bool seethru) { if (seethru) { _TTileFlags |= TileFlags.SeeThru; } else { _TTileFlags &= ~TileFlags.SeeThru; } }
internal void SetFlag(TileFlags f, bool value) { if (value) { flags |= f; } else { flags &= ~f; } }
public void SetFlags(TileFlags flagsToSet, bool enabled) { if (enabled) { flags |= flagsToSet; } else { flags &= ~flagsToSet; } }
public void SetPassable(bool passable) { if (passable) { _TTileFlags |= TileFlags.Passable; } else { _TTileFlags &= ~TileFlags.Passable; } }
/// <summary> /// Checks navgrid tile flags. /// Returns false is outside navgrid area. /// </summary> /// <param name="x">X position inside navgrid.</param> /// <param name="y">Y position inside navgrid.</param> /// <param name="flag">Flags to check.</param> /// <returns>True if flags set, otherwise false.</returns> public bool HasFlags(int x, int y, TileFlags flags) { // False if accessing outside of array if (x < 0 || x >= NavGridWidth || y < 0 || y >= NavGridHeight) { return(false); } byte bits = (byte)flags; return((navGrid[x, y] & bits) == bits); }
public static Hashtable GetSerializeHashtable(this Tilemap self, Hashtable ref_id_hashtable = null) { Hashtable hashtable = new Hashtable { [StringConst.String_animationFrameRate] = self.animationFrameRate, [StringConst.String_color] = self.color.ToHtmlStringRGBAOrDefault(), [StringConst.String_tileAnchor] = self.tileAnchor.ToStringOrDefault(null, new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0)), [StringConst.String_orientation] = (int)self.orientation }; Hashtable tileHashtable = new Hashtable(); Vector3Int size = self.size; Vector3Int origin = self.origin; hashtable[StringConst.String_size] = size.ToStringOrDefault(); hashtable[StringConst.String_origin] = origin.ToStringOrDefault(); int checkCount = size.x * size.y * size.z; for (int i = 0; i < checkCount; i++) { int offsetZ = i / (size.x * size.y); int offsetY = (i - offsetZ * (size.x * size.y)) / size.x; int offsetX = i - offsetZ * (size.x * size.y) - offsetY * size.x; Vector3Int current = origin + new Vector3Int(offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ); if (self.HasTile(current)) { Hashtable tile_detail_hashtable = new Hashtable(); TileBase tileBase = self.GetTile(current); string assetPath = tileBase.GetAssetPath(); string guid = AssetDatabase.AssetPathToGUID(assetPath); long refId = AssetPathRefManager.instance.GetRefIdByGuid(guid); tile_detail_hashtable[StringConst.String_tileBase_ref_id] = refId; if (ref_id_hashtable != null) { ref_id_hashtable[refId] = true; } TileFlags tileFlags = self.GetTileFlags(current); tile_detail_hashtable[StringConst.String_tileFlags] = (int)tileFlags; tile_detail_hashtable[StringConst.String_transformMatrix] = self.GetTransformMatrix(current).ToStringOrDefault(null, Matrix4x4.identity); tileHashtable[current.ToString()] = tile_detail_hashtable; } } hashtable[StringConst.String_tile_hashtable] = tileHashtable; hashtable.Trim(); return(hashtable); }
public Tile(Coordinate position, TileFlags flags, bool belongsToHouse, List <Item> items) { if (items == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(items)); } Position = position; Flags = flags; BelongsToHouse = belongsToHouse; Items = items; }
/// <summary> /// Clears navgrid tile flags. /// Does nothing if outside navgrid area. /// </summary> /// <param name="x">X position inside navgrid.</param> /// <param name="y">Y position inside navgrid.</param> /// <param name="flags">Flags to unset.</param> public void ClearFlags(int x, int y, TileFlags flags) { // Exit if accessing outside of array if (x < 0 || x >= NavGridWidth || y < 0 || y >= NavGridHeight) { return; } byte bits = (byte)flags; navGrid[x, y] &= (byte)~bits; }
private TileDataInstance tileData; // The tile data used to create this tile. #endregion Fields #region Constructors //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constructors //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Use CreateTile() instead of this constructor. protected Tile() { location = Point2I.Zero; layer = 0; offset = Point2I.Zero; size = Point2I.One; flags = TileFlags.Default; customSprite = new SpriteAnimation(); spriteAsObject = new SpriteAnimation(); isMoving = false; pushDelay = 20; properties = new Properties(); properties.PropertyObject = this; tileData = null; }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constructors //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- public TileData() { type = null; size = Point2I.One; flags = TileFlags.Default; spriteList = new SpriteAnimation[0]; spriteAsObject = new SpriteAnimation(); breakAnimation = null; collisionModel = null; sheetLocation = Point2I.Zero; tileset = null; properties = new Properties(); properties.Set("id", "") .SetDocumentation("ID", "", "", "The id used to refer to this tile.", true, false); properties.Set("sprite_index", 0) .SetDocumentation("Sprite Index", "sprite_index", "", "The current sprite in the sprite list to draw.", true, true); }
public TileData(TileData copy) : this() { type = copy.type; size = copy.size; flags = copy.flags; spriteList = new SpriteAnimation[copy.spriteList.Length]; spriteAsObject = new SpriteAnimation(copy.spriteAsObject); breakAnimation = copy.breakAnimation; collisionModel = copy.collisionModel; sheetLocation = copy.sheetLocation; tileset = copy.tileset; properties = new Properties(); properties.Merge(, true); for (int i = 0; i < spriteList.Length; i++) spriteList[i] = new SpriteAnimation(copy.spriteList[i]); }
void SetTileFlags(IntVector3 l, TileFlags flags, bool value) { Debug.Assert(this.IsInitialized); Debug.Assert(this.World.IsWritable); this.Version += 1; if (value) { m_tileGrid[l.Z, l.Y, l.X].Flags |= flags; } else { m_tileGrid[l.Z, l.Y, l.X].Flags &= ~flags; } var d = GetTileData(l); MapChanged(l, d); }
private float zVelocity; // Z-Velocity in pixels per frame. #endregion Fields #region Constructors //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constructors //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // By default, physics are disabled. public PhysicsComponent(Entity entity) { this.isEnabled = false; this.flags = PhysicsFlags.None; this.entity = entity; this.velocity = Vector2F.Zero; this.zVelocity = 0.0f; this.gravity = GameSettings.DEFAULT_GRAVITY; this.maxFallSpeed = GameSettings.DEFAULT_MAX_FALL_SPEED; this.collisionBox = new Rectangle2F(-4, -10, 8, 9); // TEMPORARY: this is the player collision box. this.softCollisionBox = new Rectangle2F(-6, -14, 12, 13); // TEMPORARY: this is the player collision box. this.topTileFlags = TileFlags.None; this.allTileFlags = TileFlags.None; this.isColliding = false; this.autoDodgeDistance = 6; this.hasLanded = false; this.collisionInfo = new CollisionInfo[Directions.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < Directions.Count; i++) collisionInfo[i].Clear(); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="name">Base name of the spriteset (png/txt pair)</param> /// <param name="index">Sprite index</param> /// <param name="x">Initial x coordinate in world space</param> /// <param name="y">Initial y coordinate in world space</param> public Player(string name, int index, int x, int y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; flags = TileFlags.None; spriteset = Spriteset.FromFile(name); sprite = Graphics.Engine.Sprites[index]; sprite.Setup(spriteset, flags); orientation = Orientation.Right; jumping = false; floor = true; x_fix = Fixed.Set(x); y_fix = Fixed.Set(y); state = State.Stand; SpriteInfo info; spriteset.GetInfo(0, out info); width = info.W; height = info.H; }
void InitFlags() { Parallel.ForEach(this.Size.Plane.Range(), p => { int d = GetSurfaceLevel(p); bool support = true; bool wall = true; for (int z = 0; z < this.Size.Depth; ++z) { // TerrainGen should not set any flags Debug.Assert(m_tileGrid[z, p.Y, p.X].Flags == 0 || m_tileGrid[z, p.Y, p.X].Flags == TileFlags.Error); TileFlags flags = 0; if (z < d) { flags |= TileFlags.Subterranean; } if (support) { flags |= TileFlags.HasSupport; } if (wall) { flags |= TileFlags.HasWallBelow; } m_tileGrid[z, p.Y, p.X].Flags = flags; support = m_tileGrid[z, p.Y, p.X].IsSupporting; wall = m_tileGrid[z, p.Y, p.X].IsWall; } }); }
private static TileFlags ParseTileAttributes(ref ParsingTree parsingTree, ref ParsingStream stream, ref Tile tile, ParsingNode tileNode) { var tileFlags = new TileFlags(); NodeAttribute nodeAttribute; while (!stream.IsOver) { nodeAttribute = (NodeAttribute)stream.ReadByte(); switch (nodeAttribute) { case NodeAttribute.TileFlags: tileFlags = ParseTileFlags(ref stream); break; case NodeAttribute.Item: ParseTileItem(ref stream, ref tile, tileNode.Type == NodeType.HouseTile); break; default: throw new MalformedTileNodeException("Unknow node attribute " + nameof(nodeAttribute) + " of type " + nodeAttribute); } } foreach (var itemNode in tileNode.Children) { if (itemNode.Type != NodeType.Item) { throw new MalformedItemNodeException(); } var itemStream = new ParsingStream(parsingTree, itemNode); ParseTileItem(ref itemStream, ref tile, tileNode.Type == NodeType.HouseTile); } return(tileFlags); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="spriteset"></param> /// <param name="flags"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool Setup(Spriteset spriteset, TileFlags flags) { return TLN_ConfigSprite(index, spriteset.ptr, flags); }
public void Clone(TileData copy) { type = copy.type; size = copy.size; flags = copy.flags; breakAnimation = copy.breakAnimation; collisionModel = copy.collisionModel; properties = new Properties(); properties.Merge(, true); }
public static TileFlags AddFlags(this TileFlags currentFlags, TileFlags flagsToSet) { return(currentFlags |= flagsToSet); }
public bool GetTileFlags(IntVector3 p, TileFlags flags) { return (GetTileData(p).Flags & flags) != 0; }
void SetTileFlags(IntVector3 l, TileFlags flags, bool value) { Debug.Assert(this.IsInitialized); Debug.Assert(this.World.IsWritable); this.Version += 1; if (value) m_tileGrid[l.Z, l.Y, l.X].Flags |= flags; else m_tileGrid[l.Z, l.Y, l.X].Flags &= ~flags; var d = GetTileData(l); MapChanged(l, d); }
private void FindPosition(TileFlags tileToFind) { var player = _context.GetPlayer(_currentPlayerId); var map = _context.GetMap(player.CurrentMap); var mapArea = CreateMapArea(map); _console2.DrawArea(CreatePlayerArea(player), mapArea.Width, 0); var found = map.AllPositions .Select(p => new {Position = p, Flags = (TileFlags) map.GetPositionValue(p)}) .FirstOrDefault(x => (x.Flags & tileToFind) > 0); if (found == null) return; _context.SetGoalForPlayer(player.Id, found.Position); var path = PathFinder.CalculatePath(player.Position, found.Position, map.IsWalkable); foreach (var pathPos in path) { var tile = GetTile(map.GetPositionValue(pathPos)); mapArea.Write(tile.Character, pathPos.X, pathPos.Y, ConsoleColor.Green, ConsoleColor.DarkGreen); } mapArea.CenterOffset(found.Position.X, found.Position.Y); _console2.DrawArea(mapArea, 0, 0); Console.ReadKey(true); }
public static extern bool ConfigSprite(int nsprite, IntPtr spriteset, TileFlags flags);
private static extern bool TLN_ConfigSprite(int nsprite, IntPtr spriteset, TileFlags flags);
private static extern bool TLN_SetSpriteFlags(int nsprite, TileFlags flags);
public TilesetBuilder AddFlags(TileFlags flags) { tileData.Flags |= flags; return this; }
private extern void RemoveTileFlags_Injected(ref Vector3Int position, TileFlags flags);
public void AddTileFlags(Vector3Int position, TileFlags flags) { this.AddTileFlags_Injected(ref position, flags); }
public static extern bool SetSpriteFlags(int nsprite, TileFlags flags);
/// <summary> /// Clear navgrid tile flags. /// Does nothing if outside navgrid area. /// </summary> /// <param name="localPosition">Local navgrid position.</param> /// <param name="flags">Flags to unset.</param> public void ClearFlags(DFPosition localPosition, TileFlags flags) { ClearFlags(localPosition.X, localPosition.Y, flags); }
public TileData(Type type, TileFlags flags) : this() { this.type = type; this.Flags = flags; }
/// <summary> /// Checks navgrid tile flags. /// Returns false is outside navgrid area. /// </summary> /// <param name="localPosition">Local navgrid position.</param> /// <param name="flags">Flags to check.</param> /// <returns>True if flags set, otherwise false.</returns> public bool HasFlags(DFPosition localPosition, TileFlags flags) { return(HasFlags(localPosition.X, localPosition.Y, flags)); }
public TileData(TileFlags flags) : this() { this.Flags = flags; }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Flags //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns true if the tile has the normal flags. public bool HasFlag(TileFlags flags) { return Flags.HasFlag(flags); }
/// <summary> /// Check if this TileType has the specified flag /// </summary> /// <param name="tileFlag">TileFlag to check</param> /// <returns>True if TileType has flag</returns> public bool HasFlag(TileFlags tileFlag) { return _tileFlags.HasFlag(tileFlag); }
protected override void RecreateChunk(int cx, int cy) { var level = Level; var body = BodyFactory.CreateBody(Physics.World, Vector2.Zero); body.FixedRotation = true; body.UserData = this; var i = cx + cy * cw; var c = chunks[i]; if (c != null) { Physics.RemoveBody(c); } chunks[i] = body; var list = new List <Vector2>(); for (int y = cy * ChunkSize; y < (cy + 1) * ChunkSize; y++) { for (int x = cx * ChunkSize; x < (cx + 1) * ChunkSize; x++) { if (!level.IsInside(x, y)) { continue; } var index = level.ToIndex(x, y); var tile = level.Liquid[index]; var side = x == 0 || y == 0 || x == level.Width - 1 || y == level.Height - 1; if (side || TileFlags.Matches(tile, TileFlags.Solid)) { var sum = 0; if (!side) { foreach (var dir in PathFinder.Neighbours8) { var n = dir + index; if (level.IsInside(n) && (TileFlags.Matches(level.Tiles[n], TileFlags.Solid))) { sum++; } } } if (sum == 8) { continue; } var xx = (x) * 16; var yy = (y) * 16 - 8; list.Clear(); const int v = 3; list.Add(new Vector2(xx, yy + (Check(level, x, y - 1) ? 0 : 7 + v))); list.Add(new Vector2(xx + 16, yy + (Check(level, x, y - 1) ? 0 : 7 + v))); list.Add(new Vector2(xx + 16, yy + (Check(level, x, y + 1) ? 16 : 8 + v))); list.Add(new Vector2(xx, yy + (Check(level, x, y + 1) ? 16 : 8 + v))); try { FixtureFactory.AttachPolygon(new Vertices(list), 1f, body); } catch (Exception e) { foreach (var p in list) { Log.Info($"{p.X - xx}:{p.Y - yy}"); } Log.Error(e); } } } } }
/// <summary> /// Common constructor code /// </summary> private void Construct(byte tileFlags) { _tileFlags = (TileFlags)tileFlags; }
public static bool FlagsAreSet(this TileFlags currentFlags, TileFlags flagsToCheck) { return((currentFlags & flagsToCheck) != 0); }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Flags //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void SetFlags(TileFlags flagsToSet, bool enabled) { TileFlags flags = Flags; if (enabled) flags |= flagsToSet; else flags &= ~flagsToSet; Flags = flags; }
public static TileFlags RemoveFlags(this TileFlags currentFlags, TileFlags flagsToRemove) { return(currentFlags &= ~flagsToRemove); }
// Check the flags of the tiles the entity is located on top of (if it is on the ground). private void CheckGroundTiles() { topTileFlags = TileFlags.None; allTileFlags = TileFlags.None; Point2I location = entity.RoomControl.GetTileLocation(entity.Origin); if (entity.RoomControl.IsTileInBounds(location)) { for (int i = entity.RoomControl.Room.LayerCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Tile tile = entity.RoomControl.GetTile(location, i); if (tile != null) { topTileFlags |= tile.Flags; allTileFlags |= tile.Flags; break; } } } }
public void RemoveTileFlags(Vector3Int position, TileFlags flags) { this.RemoveTileFlags_Injected(ref position, flags); }
public bool GetTileFlags(IntPoint3 l, TileFlags flags) { return (m_tileGrid.GetFlags(l) & flags) != 0; }
internal void SetFlag(TileFlags f, bool value) { if (value) flags |= f; else flags &= ~f; }
public TilesetBuilder SetFlags(TileFlags flags) { tileData.Flags = flags; return this; }