public void Execute(ArchetypeChunk chunk, int chunkIndex, int firstEntityInIndex) { NativeArray <Entity> linkingTilesArray = chunk.GetNativeArray(entityTypeHandle); NativeArray <TileComponent> tileComponentArray = chunk.GetNativeArray(tileComponentTypeHandle); for (var i = 0; i < chunk.Count; ++i) { Entity tile = linkingTilesArray[i]; TileComponent tileComponent = tileComponentArray[i]; for (var j = 0; j < 6; ++j) { Entity adjTile = tileComponent.AdjacentTiles[j]; if (adjTile != Entity.Null) { var tileLink = new TileLink { tile = adjTile, index = (j + 3) % 6, adjTile = tile }; centerNodesMapWriter.Add(adjTile, tileLink); } } } }
public bool AddComponent(TileComponent tc, int index, bool sendMessage = true) { bool canAdd = CanAddComponent(tc, index); if (!canAdd) { Debug.Error($"Cannot add component {tc} to tile {this} at index {index}!"); CanAddComponent(tc, index, out string code); Debug.Error($"Error: {code}"); return(false); } // Tell the component that we are it's parent (also 'assigns' position). tc.Tile = this; tc.Index = index; // Write it to the array. components[index] = tc; // Tell the component that it was just added. if (sendMessage) { tc.UponAdded(this); } return(true); }
public async UniTask <TileComponent> PlayAnim(TileComponent tileComponent) { currTileComponent = tileComponent; var willReachLocalPos = tileComponent.transform.localPosition; //放在地块左边 var finalPos = willReachLocalPos + new Vector3(-3.73f, -0.46f); var deltaVecor = finalPos - transform.localPosition; if (Mathf.Abs(deltaVecor.y) < float.Epsilon && Mathf.Abs(deltaVecor.x) < float.Epsilon) { return(currTileComponent); } currDirection = Vector3.Normalize(deltaVecor); totalDistance = Vector3.Distance(finalPos, transform.localPosition); if (totalDistance >= QuickReachCount * tileLength) { //瞬移 isBeginMove = false;//之前走的就不继续了 transform.localPosition = finalPos; anim.Play(StateMove.Idle.ToString(), 0); return(currTileComponent); } currWalkDistance = 0f; isBeginMove = true; this.finalPos = finalPos; PlayAnimStateByDirection(deltaVecor); ctsWaitTileReach = new CancellationTokenSource(); await UniTask.WaitUntil(() => isBeginMove == false, cancellationToken : ctsWaitTileReach.Token); return(currTileComponent); }
//删除第一次施肥 public void DestroyFirstStageFertilizer(TileComponent tileComponent) { ItemFirstStageFertilizerComponent willGetItemFirstStageFertilizerComponent = null; ItemFirstStageFertilizerComponent[] itemFirstStageFertilizers = TransGoFirstStageRoot.GetComponentsInChildren <ItemFirstStageFertilizerComponent>(); bool isFind = false; for (int i = 0; i < itemFirstStageFertilizers.Length; i++) { if (itemFirstStageFertilizers[i].seedGrowComponent == null) { continue; } if (itemFirstStageFertilizers[i].seedGrowComponent.tileComponent.SoilId == tileComponent.SoilId) { isFind = true; willGetItemFirstStageFertilizerComponent = itemFirstStageFertilizers[i]; break; } } if (isFind) { Destroy(willGetItemFirstStageFertilizerComponent.gameObject); } }
private async System.Threading.Tasks.Task ResetToOldDecorate(bool isAutoPlayCloseDecorate = true) { if (isAutoPlayCloseDecorate) { isRotatingDecorate = false; //关闭界面 goRebackAndRotate.SetActive(false); } //关闭提示 TipsTileComponent._instance.CloseAll(); //旋转 //删除现在的装饰物 Destroy(currClickDecorateComponent.gameObject); //生成老的装饰物 var goDecorate = await Root2dSceneManager._instance.GenerateDecorate(BeforeRotateInfo.modelName, BeforeRotateInfo.CropGoodId); goDecorate.GetComponent <TileComponent>().SetDecorateInfo(BeforeRotateInfo.idxDecorateRotate, BeforeRotateInfo.SoilId, BeforeRotateInfo.CropGoodId, BeforeRotateInfo.regionId); goDecorate.transform.localPosition = BeforeRotateInfo.localPos; //重新设置当前的组件 currClickDecorateComponent = goDecorate.GetComponent <TileComponent>(); //重置旋转后的信息 AfterRotateInfo = new RotateInfo(); //排序 Root2dSceneManager._instance.UpdateSortLayer(true); }
public bool CanAddComponent(TileComponent tc, int index, out string error) { if (tc == null) { // Null component! error = "Null component."; return(false); } if (index < 0 || index >= components.Length) { // Index out of bounds! error = $"Index out of bounds: got {index}, expected between 0 and {components.Length - 1} inclusive."; return(false); } if (tc.Tile != null) { // Component already has parent! error = $"Component {tc} already has a parent tile."; return(false); } if (components[index] != null) { // Component slot is not empty! (slot is already occupied) error = $"There is already a component in slot {index}."; return(false); } error = null; return(true); }
public void Execute(ArchetypeChunk chunk, int chunkIndex, int firstEntityIndex) { NativeArray <TileComponent> tileComponentArray = chunk.GetNativeArray(tileComponentTypeHandle); NativeArray <Entity> tileEntityArray = chunk.GetNativeArray(entityTypeHandle); for (var i = 0; i < chunk.Count; ++i) { Entity tile = tileEntityArray[i]; TileComponent tileComponent = tileComponentArray[i]; for (var j = 0; j < 6; ++j) { if (tileComponent.AdjacentTiles[j] != Entity.Null) { continue; } float3 gridPos = tileComponent.Position + hexTileOffsets[j]; mapWriter.Add(gridPos, new TileLink { tile = tile, index = j }); } } }
private static void GenerateServerInfo(List <TileComponent> listChildActive) { List <Generate.SCManorStruct> listManorTree = new List <SCManorStruct>(); for (int i = 0; i < listChildActive.Count; i++) { if (listChildActive[i].typeTile == Company.Cfg.TypeManorDecorate.Tile || listChildActive[i].typeTile == Company.Cfg.TypeManorDecorate.Decorate /*|| listChildActive[i].typeTile == Company.Cfg.TypeManorDecorate.GiftBox*/ || listChildActive[i].typeTile == Company.Cfg.TypeManorDecorate.DogHouse) { SCManorStruct csManorStruct = new SCManorStruct(); csManorStruct.SoilType = (Game.Protocal.ManorScene)listChildActive[i].typeTile; csManorStruct.CropGoodId = listChildActive[i].CropGoodId; csManorStruct.Xaxle = listChildActive[i].transform.localPosition.x; csManorStruct.Yaxle = listChildActive[i].transform.localPosition.y; csManorStruct.ParcelDivision = listChildActive[i].regionId; listManorTree.Add(csManorStruct); listChildActive[i].gameObject.SetActive(false); } } //增加NPC TileComponent TileNpc = GameObject.Find("Root2DScene/FemaleManor").GetComponent <TileComponent>(); SCManorStruct csManorStructNpc = new SCManorStruct(); csManorStructNpc.SoilType = Game.Protocal.ManorScene.Npc; csManorStructNpc.Xaxle = TileNpc.transform.localPosition.x; csManorStructNpc.Yaxle = TileNpc.transform.localPosition.y; listManorTree.Add(csManorStructNpc); string jsonInitTreesInScenes = LitJson.JsonMapper.ToJson(listManorTree); StaticData.isShowSelfLog = true; StaticData.DebugGreen($"====jsonInitTreesInScenes:{jsonInitTreesInScenes}===="); }
void Update() { if (!isSetup) { return; } Movement(); Zoom(); if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { RaycastHit2D hit = Physics2D.Raycast(Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition),; if (hit.collider != null) { Popup.SetActive(true); Selected = hit.collider.gameObject; Popup.transform.position = new Vector3(Selected.transform.position.x, Selected.transform.position.y, 1); TileComponent tComp = Selected.GetComponent <TileComponent>(); InfoText.text = tComp.GetText(); if (tComp.TileData.Level > 0) { DestroyBuilding.SetActive(true); } else { DestroyBuilding.SetActive(false); } //Debug.Log("Target Position: " + go.transform.position); } } }
public void PlayWateringAnim(TileComponent tile) { var goWatering = ResourcesHelper.InstantiatePrefabFromABSetDefaultNotStretch(prefabUiWatering, TransWateringParent); //设置位置 goWatering.GetComponent <RectTransform>().anchoredPosition = StaticData.ManorWorldPointToUICameraAnchorPos(tile.transform.position); goWatering.SetActive(true); }
public void PlayExpAnim(TileComponent tile, int addCount) { var goExp = ResourcesHelper.InstantiatePrefabFromABSetDefaultNotStretch(goPrefabItemExp, tranParentExp); //设置位置 goExp.GetComponent <RectTransform>().anchoredPosition = StaticData.ManorWorldPointToUICameraAnchorPos(tile.transform.position) + new Vector2(-50f, 50f); goExp.GetComponent <UIItemExpEffect>().ShowInfo(addCount); }
public void SetCanPlace(Transform transParent, bool isCanPlace, TileComponent tileComponent) { transform.parent = transParent; transform.localPosition =; transform.localEulerAngles =; goCanPlace.SetActive(isCanPlace); goNotAllow.SetActive(!isCanPlace); }
public static bool IsMoveComponentUp( TileComponent component ) { Tile tile = component.tile; TileComponent[] components = tile.GetComponents<TileComponent>(); int index = System.Array.IndexOf( components,component ); return index > 0; }
private async void RotateDecorate(bool isLeft) { var listModel = StaticData.configExcel.GetDecorateByDecorateId(currClickDecorateComponent.CropGoodId).Model; int idxPreRotate = currClickDecorateComponent.idxDecorateRotate; int idxCurrRotate = 0; if (isLeft) {//左旋 idxCurrRotate = idxPreRotate - 1; if (idxCurrRotate < 0) { idxCurrRotate = listModel.Count - 1; } } else {//右旋 idxCurrRotate = idxPreRotate + 1; if (idxCurrRotate > listModel.Count - 1) { idxCurrRotate = 0; } } //记录旋转之后的信息 if (currClickDecorateComponent != null) { AfterRotateInfo.idxDecorateRotate = idxCurrRotate; AfterRotateInfo.SoilId = currClickDecorateComponent.SoilId; AfterRotateInfo.CropGoodId = currClickDecorateComponent.CropGoodId; AfterRotateInfo.regionId = currClickDecorateComponent.regionId; AfterRotateInfo.modelName = listModel[idxCurrRotate]; AfterRotateInfo.localPos = currClickDecorateComponent.transform.localPosition; //删除原来的装饰物 Destroy(currClickDecorateComponent.gameObject); } //旋转 //生成新的装饰物 var goDecorate = await Root2dSceneManager._instance.GenerateDecorate(AfterRotateInfo.modelName, AfterRotateInfo.CropGoodId); goDecorate.GetComponent <TileComponent>().SetDecorateInfo(AfterRotateInfo.idxDecorateRotate, AfterRotateInfo.SoilId, AfterRotateInfo.CropGoodId, AfterRotateInfo.regionId); goDecorate.transform.localPosition = AfterRotateInfo.localPos; //重新设置当前的组件 currClickDecorateComponent = goDecorate.GetComponent <TileComponent>(); currClickDecorateComponent.CheckIsCanPlace(() => { AfterRotateInfo.isCanPlace = false; //显示红色箭头 TipsTileComponent._instance.SetCanPlace(currClickDecorateComponent.transform, false, currClickDecorateComponent); }, () => { AfterRotateInfo.isCanPlace = true; //显示蓝色箭头 TipsTileComponent._instance.SetCanPlace(currClickDecorateComponent.transform, true, currClickDecorateComponent); }); }
private void AfterPlantCropSetInfo(TileComponent tileComponent) { //设置庄稼 var seedGrowCom = goPlant.GetComponent <SeedGrowComponent>(); seedGrowCom.SetCropId(CropGoodId, tileComponent); seedGrowCom.GenerateTimer(); seedGrowCom.SetPeriod(SeedGrowComponent.PeriodGrow.Seed); Root2dSceneManager._instance.AddListSeedGrow(seedGrowCom); }
public NodeComponent GetNeighbour(Vector3 _direction) { TileComponent tile = TileComponent.GetTileAt(transform.position + _direction); if (tile == null) { return(null); } return(tile.GetComponent <NodeComponent>()); }
//public void PlayCameraToUnLockRegionOld() //{ // DOTween.To(() => cameraWorld.orthographicSize, (size) => { cameraWorld.orthographicSize = size; }, 1.08f, 1f); //} public void PlayUIExceedReback(Vector3 deltaVecScreen, GameObject goUI, TileComponent tileComponent, UIWorldHandleManager.TypePointUI typePointUI) { float zoomRadio = Root2dSceneManager._instance.zoomRadio; deltaVecScreen = deltaVecScreen / radioUIToScene / zoomRadio * 1.2f; DOTween.To(() => cameraWorld.transform.localPosition, (pos) => { SetCameraLocalPos(pos); StaticData.GetUIWorldHandleComponent().SetWorldPos(tileComponent, goUI, typePointUI); }, cameraWorld.transform.localPosition + deltaVecScreen, 1f); }
public async void PlayItemHarvestEffect(TileComponent tile, int addCount) { var goPlant = ResourcesHelper.InstantiatePrefabFromABSetDefaultNotStretch(goPrefabItemPlant, transParentOneKey); //设置位置 goPlant.GetComponent <RectTransform>().anchoredPosition = StaticData.ManorWorldPointToUICameraAnchorPos(tile.transform.position); //设置图片个数 int cropId = tile.CropGoodId; int gameDefineId = StaticData.configExcel.GetManorCropByCropId(cropId).IdGainGameItem; string iconName = StaticData.configExcel.GetGameItemByID(gameDefineId).Icon; goPlant.GetComponent <UIItemPlantEffect>().ShowInfo(iconName, addCount); }
public static void CopyComponent( TileComponent component ) { if( _CopiedComponent != null ) { Object.DestroyImmediate( _CopiedComponent ); _CopiedComponent = null; } System.Type classType = component.GetType(); _CopiedComponent = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance( classType ) as TileComponent; _CopiedComponent.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave; EditorUtility.CopySerialized( component,_CopiedComponent ); }
public void Execute(int i) { Entity tile = tileBufferMapKeys[i]; TileBuffer updatedTileBuffer = tileBufferMap[tile]; TileComponent curTileComponent = tileComponentLookup[tile]; var updatedTileComponent = new TileComponent { Position = curTileComponent.Position, State = curTileComponent.State, AdjacentTiles = updatedTileBuffer }; ecbWriter.SetComponent(i, tile, updatedTileComponent); }
public void Convert(Entity entity, EntityManager entityManager, GameObjectConversionSystem conversionSystem) { Vector3 pos = transform.position; var gridPos = new float3(pos.x, pos.y - .3f, pos.z); var tileComponent = new TileComponent { Position = gridPos, State = 0, AdjacentTiles = TileBuffer.Empty }; entityManager.AddComponentData(entity, tileComponent); entityManager.AddSharedComponentData(entity, GridGenerationComponent.ExpansionPhase); entityManager.AddBuffer <StatefulTriggerEvent>(entity); }
public void DestroyAllTiles() { for (int i = 0; i < tiles.Length; i++) { if (tiles[i]) { TileComponent tile = tiles[i].GetComponent <TileComponent>(); if (tile) { tile.CombineAndDestroyTile(); } } tiles[i] = null; } }
// on collision with tiles, add them to list void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { TileComponent tile = other.gameObject.GetComponent <TileComponent>(); if (tile) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_TILE_COUNT; ++i) { if (tiles[i] == null) { tiles[i] = other.gameObject; break; } } } }
private void GetMergedComponent(TileComponent neighbourComponent, TileComponent component, out BoardComponent merged) { var bcComponent = _boardComponentRepository.Get(component.BoardComponentId) ?? component.BoardComponent; var bcNeighbour = _boardComponentRepository.Get(neighbourComponent.BoardComponentId) ?? neighbourComponent.BoardComponent; merged = bcNeighbour; // join new component to existing bc if (bcComponent != null) { merged = MergeBoardComponents(bcComponent, bcNeighbour); } merged.Components.Add(component); component.BoardComponent = merged; component.BoardComponentId = merged.BoardComponentId; }
public int getNumEnergyTiles() { int numEnergy = 0; for (int j = 0; j < tiles.Length; j++) { if (tiles[j] != null) { TileComponent tc = tiles[j].GetComponent <TileComponent>(); if (tc != null && tc.type == TileType.Energy) { numEnergy++; } } } return(numEnergy); }
public List <TileType> getAllValidTiles() { var tiles = new List <TileType>(); for (int j = 0; j < this.tiles.Length; j++) { if (this.tiles[j] != null) { TileComponent tc = this.tiles[j].GetComponent <TileComponent>(); if (tc != null && tc.type != TileType.Invalid) { tiles.Add(tc.type); } } } return(tiles); }
public void OpenRootPlant(TileComponent tileComponent) { //打开种植的时候情况列表 Root2dSceneManager._instance.PlantData.PlantInfo.Clear(); currClickComponent = tileComponent; SetWorldPos(tileComponent, goPlant, TypePointUI.Plant); goPlant.SetActive(true); var listSeed = StaticData.GetPlantSeeds(); loopHorizontalScrollRect.ClearCells(); loopHorizontalScrollRect.totalCount = listSeed.Count; //计算适配器初始值 loopHorizontalScrollRect.GetComponent <UIPlantScrollViewAdapter>().CalcAdapterSizeByCount(listSeed.Count); //只有是显示状态刷新才有效 loopHorizontalScrollRect.RefillCells(); scrollCameraWhenBoundsOutScreenPlant.PlayCameraAnimWhenOutScreen(goPlant, tileComponent, TypePointUI.Plant); }
//点击地块直接施肥 public void ClickTileToFirstFertilizer(TileComponent tileComponent) { ItemFirstStageFertilizerComponent willSetItemFirstStageFertilizerComponent = null; ItemFirstStageFertilizerComponent[] itemFirstStageFertilizers = TransGoFirstStageRoot.GetComponentsInChildren <ItemFirstStageFertilizerComponent>(); bool isFind = false; for (int i = 0; i < itemFirstStageFertilizers.Length; i++) { if (itemFirstStageFertilizers[i].seedGrowComponent.tileComponent.SoilId == tileComponent.SoilId) { isFind = true; willSetItemFirstStageFertilizerComponent = itemFirstStageFertilizers[i]; break; } } if (isFind) { willSetItemFirstStageFertilizerComponent.OnButtonFertilizerClick(); } }
void GenerateEndObject(Vector3 _position) { Vector3 raisedPosition = new Vector3(_position.x, _position.y, 1); RaycastHit2D mouseRaycast = Physics2D.Raycast(raisedPosition, Vector3.forward, 2); if (mouseRaycast.collider != null && mouseRaycast.collider.tag == "Tile") { TileComponent tile = mouseRaycast.collider.GetComponent <TileComponent>(); if (!tile.HasStartObject() && !tile.HasEndObject()) { if (EndObject != null) { Destroy(EndObject); } EndObject = Instantiate(EndPrototype); EndObject.transform.position = new Vector3(Mathf.RoundToInt(_position.x), Mathf.RoundToInt(_position.y), 0); } } }
void SpawnObjects() { for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { tileGrid.Add(new List <TileComponent>()); // tileGrid.append([]) for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { int randomIndex = Random.Range(0, tilePrefabList.Count); GameObject randomTilePrefab = tilePrefabList[randomIndex]; Vector3 spawnPosition = new Vector3(x, y, 0); //Instantiate(randomTilePrefab, spawnPosition, Quaternion.identity, this.transform); //GameObject newTileObject = Instantiate(randomTilePrefab, spawnPosition, Quaternion.identity); //newTileObject.transform.SetParent(this.transform); GameObject newTileObject = Instantiate(randomTilePrefab, this.transform); newTileObject.transform.localPosition = spawnPosition; TileComponent newTileComponent = newTileObject.GetComponent <TileComponent>(); newTileComponent.Init(x, y); newTileComponent.OnClickedEvent.AddListener(FlipTilesAdjacentTo); tileGrid[x].Add(newTileComponent); } } for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { bool coinFlip = Random.value <= 0.5f; if (coinFlip) { //newTileComponent.ToggleMaterial(); FlipTilesAdjacentTo(x, y); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Called when the tile has been send from the server to this client. /// Here the data needs to be read and immediately applied. /// Default implementation reads the <see cref="BaseSpriteTint"/>, and all components. /// </summary> /// <param name="msg">The message to read data from.</param> /// <param name="forSpawn">If <see langword="true"/>, then all required data should be read, since this client knows nothing about this tile. If <see langword="false"/>, then only data that might have changed since spawned needs to be read.</param> public virtual void ReadData(NetBuffer msg, bool forSpawn) { this.BaseSpriteTint = msg.ReadColor(); byte compCount = msg.ReadByte(); for (int i = 0; i < compCount; i++) { byte index = msg.ReadByte(); if (forSpawn) { ushort id = msg.ReadUInt16(); var newComp = TileComponent.Create(id); RemoveComponent(index, false); AddComponent(newComp, index, false); } var current = components[index]; current.ReadData(msg, forSpawn); } }
internal void SetGrowUpInfo(TileComponent tileComponent, SeedGrowComponent seedGrowComponent) { this.seedGrowComponent = seedGrowComponent; currClickComponent = tileComponent; var cropDefine = StaticData.configExcel.GetManorCropByCropId(tileComponent.CropGoodId); seedName = StaticData.GetMultiLanguageByGameItemId(cropDefine.IdGainGameItem); if (Root2dSceneManager._instance.isFriendManor) { isShowGrowUpUIFriendManor = true; SetWorldPos(tileComponent, goGrowUpFriendManor, TypePointUI.GrowUp); } else { if (!isFertiliezeringAnimPlay) { SetWorldPos(tileComponent, SelfGrowUpComponent.gameObject, TypePointUI.GrowUp); SelfGrowUpComponent.seedGrowComponent = seedGrowComponent; isShowGrowUpUI = true; } } }
/// <summary> /// LoadContent will be called once per game and is the place to load /// all of your content. /// </summary> protected override void LoadContent() { // Create a new SpriteBatch, which can be used to draw textures. spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); camera = new Camera2D(new Vector2(0f, 0f), new Vector2(1f), new Vector2(3f)); this.Services.AddService(typeof(SpriteBatch), spriteBatch); this.Services.AddService(typeof(Camera2D), camera); texture1 = this.Content.Load<Texture2D>("tex"); TileCatalog cat1 = new TileCatalog(texture1, 15, 15); Random rand = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond); TileMap map1 = new TileMap(100, 100); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++) { map1.SetTile(i, j, new Tile(rand.Next(1, cat1.TilePositions.Count))); } } TileLayer layer1 = new TileLayer(cat1, map1, 0.5f, false, new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(1f, 1f), new Vector2(3f), false, LayerMovementDirection.None); texture2 = this.Content.Load<Texture2D>("tiles2"); TileCatalog cat2 = new TileCatalog(texture2, 48, 48); TileMap map2 = new TileMap(10, 500); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 500; j++) { map2.SetTile(i, j, new Tile(rand.Next(1, cat2.TilePositions.Count))); } } TileLayer layer2 = new TileLayer(cat2, map2, 1.0f, false, new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(1f, 1f), new Vector2(3f), true, LayerMovementDirection.Up); scene = new TileScene(); scene.AddLayer(layer2); scene.AddLayer(layer1); TileComponent component = new TileComponent(this, scene, baseScreenSize, resultionIndependent); this.Components.Add(component); TextureLayer tLayer1 = new TextureLayer(this.texture1, 1f, false, new Vector2(20f), Vector2.One, new Vector2(1.5f,1.5f), true, Anchor.LowerRight); TextureLayer tLayer2 = new TextureLayer(this.texture2, 0.5f, false, new Vector2(10f), Vector2.One, new Vector2(5f), true, Anchor.LowerLeft); TextureScene tScene = new TextureScene(); tScene.AddLayer(tLayer1); tScene.AddLayer(tLayer2); TextureComponent tComponent = new TextureComponent(this, tScene, baseScreenSize, resultionIndependent); this.Components.Add(tComponent); texture1 = this.Content.Load<Texture2D>("megax"); SpriteCatalog scatalog = new SpriteCatalog(texture1, 36, 42); SpriteSequence[] spriteSecuences = new SpriteSequence[2]; SpriteSequence spriteSecuence1 = new SpriteSequence(7, 0); spriteSecuence1.StepTime = 400; spriteSecuence1.SetFrame(0,new SpriteFrame(1)); spriteSecuence1.SetFrame(1, new SpriteFrame(1)); spriteSecuence1.SetFrame(2, new SpriteFrame(1)); spriteSecuence1.SetFrame(3, new SpriteFrame(1)); spriteSecuence1.SetFrame(4, new SpriteFrame(2)); spriteSecuence1.SetFrame(5, new SpriteFrame(3)); spriteSecuence1.SetFrame(6, new SpriteFrame(1)); spriteSecuences[0] = spriteSecuence1; SpriteSequence spriteSecuence2 = new SpriteSequence(10, 0); spriteSecuence2.StepTime = 90; spriteSecuence2.SetFrame(0, new SpriteFrame(5)); spriteSecuence2.SetFrame(1, new SpriteFrame(6)); spriteSecuence2.SetFrame(2, new SpriteFrame(7)); spriteSecuence2.SetFrame(3, new SpriteFrame(8)); spriteSecuence2.SetFrame(4, new SpriteFrame(9)); spriteSecuence2.SetFrame(5, new SpriteFrame(10)); spriteSecuence2.SetFrame(6, new SpriteFrame(11)); spriteSecuence2.SetFrame(7, new SpriteFrame(12)); spriteSecuence2.SetFrame(8, new SpriteFrame(13)); spriteSecuence2.SetFrame(9, new SpriteFrame(14)); spriteSecuences[1] = spriteSecuence2; SpriteLayer spLayer = new SpriteLayer(scatalog, spriteSecuences, 1.0f, true, new Vector2(10f), Vector2.One, Vector2.Zero, SpriteEffects.None, true, Anchor.None); spLayer.CurrentSequence = 2; SpriteScene spScene = new SpriteScene(); spScene.AddLayer(spLayer); SpriteComponent spComponent = new SpriteComponent(this, spScene, baseScreenSize, resultionIndependent); this.Components.Add(spComponent); }
public static void MoveComponentDown( TileComponent component ) { Tile tile = component.tile; TileComponent[] components = tile.GetComponents<TileComponent>(); int index = System.Array.IndexOf( components,component ); Undo.RecordObject( tile,"Move Down" ); tile.MoveComponent( index,index+1 ); }
public static bool IsPasteComponent( TileComponent component ) { return _CopiedComponent != null && component.GetType () == _CopiedComponent.GetType(); }
public static void Reset( TileComponent component ) { Tile tile = component.tile; System.Type classType = component.GetType(); Undo.RecordObject( component,"Reset " + classType.Name ); TileComponent initializeComponent = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance( classType ) as TileComponent; EditorUtility.CopySerialized( initializeComponent,component ); tileField.SetValue( component,tile ); MethodInfo resetMethod = classType.GetMethod( "Reset",BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic ); if( resetMethod != null ) { resetMethod.Invoke( component,null ); } }
public static void PasteComponentValues( TileComponent component ) { if( !IsPasteComponent( component ) ) { Debug.LogError( "Not copied component." ); return; } Tile tile = component.tile; System.Type classType = _CopiedComponent.GetType(); Undo.RecordObject( component,"Paste " + classType.Name + " Values" ); EditorUtility.CopySerialized( _CopiedComponent,component ); tileField.SetValue( component,tile ); }