public async Task <TicketStatusDTO> GetById(int id) { var ticketStatusDTO = new TicketStatusDTO(); await Task.Run(() => { var ticketStatus = _ctx.TicketStatuses.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == id); if (ticketStatus == null) { return; } var mappedTicketStatus = new TicketStatusDTO() { CreatedBy = ticketStatus.CreatedBy, CreatedDate = ticketStatus.CreatedDate, Description = ticketStatus.Description, Id = ticketStatus.Id, Name = ticketStatus.Name, UpdatedBy = ticketStatus.UpdatedBy, UpdatedDate = ticketStatus.UpdatedDate }; ticketStatusDTO = mappedTicketStatus; }); return(ticketStatusDTO); }
public async Task <ActionResult <TicketStatus> > CreateStatus(TicketStatusDTO statusDTO) { if (statusDTO.Color.Length > 7 || !statusDTO.Color.StartsWith("#")) { ModelState.AddModelError("ColorError", "Color should be in hexadecimal format and contain 7 characters including '#'. Ex: #00cdef."); return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } var status = _mapper.Map <TicketStatus>(statusDTO); await _repo.CreateEntity(status); await _repo.SaveChanges(); return(CreatedAtRoute(nameof(GetStatusById), new { id = status.Id }, status)); }
public async Task <TicketStatusDTO> Update(TicketStatusDTO ticketStatus) { await Task.Run(() => { var existingTicketStatus = _ctx.TicketStatuses.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == ticketStatus.Id); if (existingTicketStatus != null) { existingTicketStatus.Description = ticketStatus.Description; existingTicketStatus.Name = ticketStatus.Name; existingTicketStatus.UpdatedBy = ticketStatus.UpdatedBy; existingTicketStatus.UpdatedDate = ticketStatus.UpdatedDate; _ctx.SaveChanges(); } }); return(ticketStatus); }
public async Task <TicketStatusDTO> Add(TicketStatusDTO ticketStatus) { await Task.Run(() => { var newTicketStatus = new Grievance.DAL.TicketStatus() { CreatedBy = ticketStatus.CreatedBy, CreatedDate = ticketStatus.CreatedDate, Description = ticketStatus.Description, Name = ticketStatus.Name, UpdatedBy = ticketStatus.UpdatedBy, UpdatedDate = ticketStatus.UpdatedDate }; _ctx.TicketStatuses.Add(newTicketStatus); _ctx.SaveChanges(); }); return(ticketStatus); }
public void Read(TProtocol iprot) { iprot.IncrementRecursionDepth(); try { TField field; iprot.ReadStructBegin(); while (true) { field = iprot.ReadFieldBegin(); if (field.Type == TType.Stop) { break; } switch (field.ID) { case 0: if (field.Type == TType.I32) { Success = (TicketStatusDTO)iprot.ReadI32(); } else { TProtocolUtil.Skip(iprot, field.Type); } break; default: TProtocolUtil.Skip(iprot, field.Type); break; } iprot.ReadFieldEnd(); } iprot.ReadStructEnd(); } finally { iprot.DecrementRecursionDepth(); } }
public async Task <ActionResult> UpdateStatus(int id, TicketStatusDTO statusDTO) { if (statusDTO.Color.Length > 7 || !statusDTO.Color.StartsWith("#")) { ModelState.AddModelError("ColorError", "Color should be in hexadecimal format and contain 7 characters including '#'. Ex: #00cdef."); return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } var StatusFromRepo = await _repo.GetById(id); if (StatusFromRepo == null) { return(NotFound()); } _mapper.Map(statusDTO, StatusFromRepo); _repo.UpdateEntity(StatusFromRepo); await _repo.SaveChanges(); return(NoContent()); }
internal Task <T> FetchResult <T>(String ticketId, Func <string, T> method, object lockObject) { //System.Console.WriteLine("Fetch result - ticket id: " + ticketId); var t = Task <T> .Run(() => { TicketStatusDTO state = this.FetchTicketStatus(ticketId); if (state == TicketStatusDTO.DONE) { //System.Console.WriteLine("Execute method"); lock (lockObject) { return(method(ticketId)); } } else { throw new Exception(String.Format("Error while fetching result from response client: {0}", this.ticketService.getFailedMessage(ticketId))); } }); return(t); }
public async Task <TicketStatusDTO> Update(TicketStatusDTO status) { var newStatus = await _dataProvider.Update(status); return(newStatus); }
public static void Main(String[] args) { System.Console.WriteLine("Start DEF client"); DEFClient client = new DEFClient(manager, port, protocol); if (useCase == 1) { DEFDouble start = new DEFDouble(); start.Value = 0; DEFDouble end = new DEFDouble(); end.Value = 1e9; DEFDouble stepSize = new DEFDouble(); stepSize.Value = 1e-9; RoutineInstanceDTO piCalc = new RoutineInstanceBuilder("cfec958c-e34f-3240-bcea-cdeebd186cf6") .AddParameter("start", start._id, start) .AddParameter("end", end._id, end) .AddParameter("stepSize", stepSize._id, stepSize) .Build(); System.Console.WriteLine("Start program"); for (int p = 0; p < programs; p++) { String pId = client.CreateProgram(clusterId, userId).Result; System.Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Created Program ({0}/{1}): {2}", p + 1, programs, pId)); for (int j = 0; j < jobs; j++) { String jId = client.CreateJob(pId).Result; System.Console.WriteLine(String.Format(" Created Job ({0}/{1}): {2}", j + 1, jobs, jId)); System.Console.WriteLine(String.Format(" Create {0} tasks.", tasks)); for (int t = 0; t < tasks; t++) { System.Console.WriteLine(String.Format(" Create task {0}", t + 1)); client.CreateTask(pId, jId, piCalc); } client.MarkJobAsComplete(pId, jId); System.Console.WriteLine(" Waiting for Job being done"); JobDTO job = client.WaitForJob(pId, jId); if (job.State == ExecutionState.SUCCESS) { List <String> tIds = client.GetAllTasks(pId, jId, SortingCriterion.NO_SORTING).Result; System.Console.WriteLine(" Fetching all Tasks of Job"); } else { System.Console.WriteLine(String.Format(" Job state: {0}", job.State)); } } client.MarkProgramAsFinished(pId); TicketStatusDTO status = client.DeleteProgram(pId).Result; System.Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Program deleted with state {0}", status)); } } else if (useCase == 2) { String pId = client.CreateProgram(clusterId, userId).Result; System.Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Created program: {0}", pId)); String jId = client.CreateJob(pId).Result; System.Console.WriteLine(String.Format(" Created job: {0}", jId)); DEFDouble start = new DEFDouble(); start.Value = 0; DEFDouble end = new DEFDouble(); end.Value = 1e9; DEFDouble stepSize = new DEFDouble(); stepSize.Value = 1e-9; RoutineInstanceDTO piCalc = new RoutineInstanceBuilder("cfec958c-e34f-3240-bcea-cdeebd186cf6") .AddParameter("start", start._id, start) .AddParameter("end", end._id, end) .AddParameter("stepSize", stepSize._id, stepSize) .Build(); String tId = client.CreateTask(pId, jId, piCalc).Result; System.Console.WriteLine(String.Format(" Created task: {0}", tId)); client.MarkJobAsComplete(pId, jId); System.Console.WriteLine(String.Format(" Marked job as finished")); System.Console.WriteLine(String.Format(" Waiting for job being done")); JobDTO job = client.WaitForJob(pId, jId); if (job.State == ExecutionState.SUCCESS) { TaskDTO task = client.GetTask(pId, jId, tId).Result; System.Console.WriteLine(" Fetched task"); DEFDouble outParam = client.ExtractOutParameter <DEFDouble>(task); System.Console.WriteLine(String.Format(" Extracted out parameter with value {0}", outParam.Value)); } TicketStatusDTO delProgramStatus = client.DeleteProgram(pId).Result; System.Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Deleted program with id {0}", delProgramStatus)); } else if (useCase == 3) { String pId = client.CreateProgram(clusterId, userId).Result; System.Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Created program: {0}", pId)); DEFDouble resourceValue = new DEFDouble(); resourceValue.Value = 2.0; String rId = client.CreateSharedResource(pId, resourceValue._id, resourceValue).Result; System.Console.WriteLine(String.Format(" Created shared resource: {0}", rId)); ResourceDTO resouce = client.GetSharedResource(pId, rId).Result; DEFDouble fetchedValue = client.ExtractValueFromResource <DEFDouble>(resouce); System.Console.WriteLine(String.Format(" Fetched shared resource with value: {0}", fetchedValue.Value)); List <String> sharedResources = client.GetAllSharedResources(pId).Result; System.Console.WriteLine(" Fetched all shared resources"); TicketStatusDTO delResourcesStatus = client.DeleteSharedResource(pId, rId).Result; System.Console.WriteLine(String.Format(" Deleted shared resource with state {0}", delResourcesStatus)); TicketStatusDTO abortProgramStatus = client.AbortProgram(pId).Result; System.Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Aborted program with state {0}", abortProgramStatus)); TicketStatusDTO delProgramStatus = client.DeleteProgram(pId).Result; System.Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Deleted program with state {0}", delProgramStatus)); } }