Example #1
        public void TestCalculateRealData()
            TickerBLL tbll = new TickerBLL(_unit);

            List <Ticker> tList = tbll.GetTickerListByShareDB(1585, 0, 21100000);
            var           input = new SMAIn();

            input.Data = new SMAItem[tList.Count];

            var i = 0;

            foreach (var t in tList)
                input.Data[i]             = new SMAItem();
                input.Data[i].TradingDate = t.TradingDate;
                input.Data[i].iClose      = t.Close;

            var setting = new SMASetting();

            setting.Period = 50;
            setting.Offset = 0;

            Result res = new SMA().Calculate(input, setting);
Example #2
        public void TestCalculateRealData()
            TickerBLL tbll = new TickerBLL(_unit);

            List <Ticker> tList = tbll.GetTickerListByShareDB(1585, null, 21100000);

            double[] inputData = new double[tList.Count];
            double[] h         = new double[tList.Count];
            double[] lo        = new double[tList.Count];

            double?[] k = new double?[tList.Count];

            var i = 0;

            foreach (var t in tList)
                inputData[i] = t.Close;
                h[i]         = t.High;
                lo[i]        = t.Low;


            WilliamR.Calculate(inputData, h, lo, 14, k);
Example #3
        public void TestCalculate()
            TickerBLL tbll = new TickerBLL(_unit);

            List <Ticker> tList = tbll.GetTickerListByShareDB(1585, 20160401, 21100000);

            double[] o = new double[tList.Count];
            double[] h = new double[tList.Count];
            double[] l = new double[tList.Count];
            double[] c = new double[tList.Count];

            double?[] oo = new double?[tList.Count];
            double?[] oh = new double?[tList.Count];
            double?[] ol = new double?[tList.Count];
            double?[] oc = new double?[tList.Count];

            var i = 0;

            foreach (var t in tList)
                o[i] = t.Open;
                h[i] = t.High;
                l[i] = t.Low;
                c[i] = t.Close;


            Result res = HeikinAshi.Calculate(o, c, h, l, oo, oc, oh, ol);
        public IHttpActionResult Get(int id, int start = 0, int end = 0, string indicator = "")
            int             MINI_TICKER = 30;
            TickerViewModel tickerVM    = new TickerViewModel();
            List <Ticker>   tickerList  = null;

            IndicatorBLL iBLL = new IndicatorBLL(_unit);

                if (end == 0)
                    end = DateHelper.DateToInt(DateTime.Now);

                tickerList = new TickerBLL(_unit).GetTickerListByShareDB(id, start, end);

                // Load indicators
                tickerVM.TickerList = tickerList;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(indicator) && tickerList.Count >= MINI_TICKER)
                    tickerVM.Indicators = iBLL.GetIndicators(tickerList, indicator);
            catch (Exception ex)
                LogHelper.Error(_log, ex.ToString());

        public IHttpActionResult GetLatestByZone(int shareId, int?zoneId)
            Ticker t = null;

                if (!zoneId.HasValue)
                    t = new TickerBLL(_unit).GetLastTicker(shareId, null);
                    var z = new ZoneBLL(_unit).GetByID(zoneId.Value);

                    t = new TickerBLL(_unit).GetLastTicker(shareId, z.TradingDate);
            catch (Exception ex)
                LogHelper.Error(_log, ex.ToString());

Example #6
        public async void TestHeikinAshi()
            TickerBLL           bll   = new TickerBLL(this.s3_bucket_name, this.tempTickerFolder);
            List <TickerEntity> tList = await bll.GetDailyTickerEntityList("ORG", 20191001, 20191101);

            double[] o = new double[tList.Count];
            double[] h = new double[tList.Count];
            double[] l = new double[tList.Count];
            double[] c = new double[tList.Count];

            double?[] oo = new double?[tList.Count];
            double?[] oh = new double?[tList.Count];
            double?[] ol = new double?[tList.Count];
            double?[] oc = new double?[tList.Count];

            var i = 0;

            foreach (var t in tList)
                o[i] = t.O;
                h[i] = t.H;
                l[i] = t.L;
                c[i] = t.C;


            Result res = HeikinAshi.Calculate(o, c, h, l, oo, oc, oh, ol);

        public async void TestMACD()
            TickerBLL           bll   = new TickerBLL(this.s3_bucket_name, this.tempTickerFolder);
            List <TickerEntity> tList = await bll.GetDailyTickerEntityList("ORG", 20181001, 20191101);

            double[] inputData = new double[tList.Count];

            var i = 0;

            foreach (var t in tList)
                inputData[i] = t.C;

            double?[] m = new double?[tList.Count];
            double?[] s = new double?[tList.Count];
            double?[] h = new double?[tList.Count];

            Result res = MACD.Calculate(inputData, 26, 12, 9, m, s, h);

            var tArray = tList.ToArray();

            for (int j = 0; j < tList.Count; j++)
                Console.WriteLine($"{tArray[j].T} {tArray[j].P} O: {tArray[j].O} H: {tArray[j].H} L: {tArray[j].L} C: {tArray[j].C} M: {m[j]} S: {s[j]} H: {h[j]} ");
Example #8
            public void TestCalculateRealData()
                TickerBLL tbll = new TickerBLL(_unit);

                List <Ticker> tList = tbll.GetTickerListByShareDB(1585, null, 21100000);

                double[] close = new double[tList.Count];
                double[] h     = new double[tList.Count];
                double[] lo    = new double[tList.Count];

                double?[] adx     = new double?[tList.Count];
                double?[] diPlus  = new double?[tList.Count];
                double?[] diMinus = new double?[tList.Count];

                var i = 0;

                foreach (var t in tList)
                    close[i] = t.Close;
                    h[i]     = t.High;
                    lo[i]    = t.Low;


                ADX.Calculate(h, lo, close, diPlus, diMinus, adx);
        public void Test_GetDailyShareTickerFromYahoo()
            TickerBLL tbll = new TickerBLL(_unit);

            var result = tbll.GetDailyShareTickerFromYahoo("org.ax", DateTime.Now.AddDays(-20), DateTime.Now);

            var resultString = XMLHelper.SerializeObject <List <Ticker> >(result);
        public void Test_GetTickerListByShareDB()
            TickerBLL tBll = new TickerBLL(_unit);

            var tickerList = tBll.GetTickerListByShareDB(1585, 20100101, 20160320);

            tickerList = tBll.GetTickerListByShareDB(1585, 20100101, null);
        public IHttpActionResult GetLatestDate(int shareID)
            TickerBLL tbll = new TickerBLL(_unit);

            var latestDate = tbll.GetLatestTradingDateByShareZone(shareID, null);

        public void TestLoadAsxRawFromAzure()
            TickerBLL tBll = new TickerBLL(_unit, null);

            int tradingDate = DateHelper.DateToInt(DateTime.Now);

Example #13
    protected void WallPost(string post)
        UserBO objUser = new UserBO();

        objUser = UserBLL.getUserByUserId(Userid);

        WallBO objWall = new WallBO();

        objWall.PostedByUserId  = Userid;
        objWall.WallOwnerUserId = Userid;
        objWall.FirstName       = objUser.FirstName;
        objWall.LastName        = objUser.LastName;
        objWall.Post            = post;
        objWall.AddedDate       = DateTime.Now;
        objWall.Type            = Global.PROFILE_CHANGE;
        string wid = WallBLL.insertWall(objWall);

        ////////////////////////////////////TICKER CODE //////////////////////////////////
        List <UserFriendsBO> listtag = FriendsBLL.getAllFriendsListName(Session["UserId"].ToString(), Global.CONFIRMED);

        //get the education,hometown and employer of people in list
        foreach (UserFriendsBO Useritem in listtag)
            TickerBO objTicker = new TickerBO();

            objTicker.PostedByUserId    = objWall.PostedByUserId;
            objTicker.TickerOwnerUserId = Useritem.FriendUserId;
            objTicker.FirstName         = objWall.FirstName;
            objTicker.LastName          = objWall.LastName;
            objTicker.Post      = objWall.Post;
            objTicker.Title     = objWall.Post;
            objTicker.AddedDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
            objTicker.Type      = objWall.Type;
            objTicker.EmbedPost = objWall.EmbedPost;
            objTicker.WallId    = wid;
        TickerBO objTickerUserTag = new TickerBO();

        objTickerUserTag.PostedByUserId    = Session["UserId"].ToString();
        objTickerUserTag.TickerOwnerUserId = Session["UserId"].ToString();
        objTickerUserTag.FirstName         = objUser.FirstName;
        objTickerUserTag.LastName          = objUser.LastName;
        objTickerUserTag.Post      = objWall.Post;
        objTickerUserTag.Title     = objWall.Post;
        objTickerUserTag.AddedDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
        objTickerUserTag.Type      = objWall.Type;
        objTickerUserTag.EmbedPost = objWall.EmbedPost;
        objTickerUserTag.WallId    = wid;

        public void Test_GetIndicators()
            IndicatorBLL iBLL = new IndicatorBLL(_unit);
            TickerBLL    tBll = new TickerBLL(_unit);

            var tickerList = tBll.GetTickerListByShareDB(1585, 20100101, 20160520);

            iBLL.GetIndicators(tickerList, "sma,10|ema,20");
        public async void TestGetDailyTickerEntityList()
            string    tempTickerFolder = "/tmp/screen3_temp_files/localticker/";
            TickerBLL bll = new TickerBLL(this.s3_bucket_name, tempTickerFolder);

            await bll.GetDailyTickerEntityList("ANZ");

            await bll.GetDailyTickerEntityList("SUN");
        public void Test_UpdateDailyShareTicker_FromAsxEod_DB()
            TickerBLL tBll = new TickerBLL(_unit);

            ShareBLL sBll = new ShareBLL(_unit);

            Share s = sBll.GetShareBySymbol("ORG.AX");

Example #17
    protected void lbtnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        GridViewRow row = ((GridViewRow)((LinkButton)sender).NamingContainer);

        HiddenField hfId = (HiddenField)row.FindControl("HiddenFieldWallId");

        HiddenField hfTId = (HiddenField)row.FindControl("HiddenFieldId");

        public void Test_SearchShareDayTicker()
            var tickerLast = new TickerBLL(_unit).GetLastTicker(1585, null);

            IndicatorBLL iBLL = new IndicatorBLL(_unit);

            if (tickerLast != null)
                iBLL.SearchShareDayTicker(tickerLast.TradingDate, tickerLast.TradingDate);
        public async void TestGetTickerFromEmail()
            string    tempTickerFolder = "/tmp/screen3_temp_files/localticker/";
            TickerBLL bll = new TickerBLL(this.s3_bucket_name, tempTickerFolder);

            string emailAccount = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SCREEN3_TICKER_EMAIL_ACCOUNT");
            string emailPwd     = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SCREEN3_TICKER_EMAIL_PWD");
            string bucketName   = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SCREEN3_S3_BUCKET");

            await bll.GetTickerFromEmail(emailAccount, emailPwd, bucketName);
        public void Test_GetLastTicker()
            TickerBLL tBll = new TickerBLL(_unit);
            ShareBLL  sBLL = new ShareBLL(_unit);

            Share s      = sBLL.GetShareBySymbol("ORG.AX");
            var   ticker = tBll.GetLastTicker(s.Id, null);

            s      = sBLL.GetShareBySymbol("1PG.AX");
            ticker = tBll.GetLastTicker(s.Id, null);
        public void TestSaveTickers()
            TickerBLL bll = new TickerBLL(this.s3_bucket_name, this.tempTickerFolder);

            List <TickerEntity> tickerList = new List <TickerEntity>();

            tickerList.Add(new TickerEntity
                T = "CLL",
                P = 20081201,
                O = (float)66.01,
                H = (float)77.01,
                L = (float)999.0,
                C = (float)12.1,
                V = 123124

            tickerList.Add(new TickerEntity
                T = "CLL",
                P = 20071201,
                O = (float)111111.01,
                H = (float)11111.01,
                L = (float)111.0,
                C = (float)111.1,
                V = 123124

            tickerList.Add(new TickerEntity
                T = "CLL",
                P = 20091212,
                O = (float)33.01,
                H = (float)199.01,
                L = (float)13.0,
                C = (float)13.1,
                V = 2346

            tickerList.Add(new TickerEntity
                T = "CLL",
                P = 20081202,
                O = (float)33.01,
                H = (float)99.01,
                L = (float)13.0,
                C = (float)13.1,
                V = 2346

            bll.SaveTickersToS3("CLL", tickerList, true).Wait();
        public void Test_GetTickerListByShareDB_Full_AllShares()
            ShareBLL  sBll = new ShareBLL(_unit);
            TickerBLL tBll = new TickerBLL(_unit);

            var shareList = sBll.GetList().ToList();

            foreach (var s in shareList)
                var tickerList = tBll.GetTickerListByShareDB(s.Id, null, null);
                Debug.WriteLine("share {0}  {1}", s.Id, tickerList.Count);
        public void LoadTickers_Should_Return_False()
            var mock = new Mock <TickerLoader>()
                CallBase = true

            mock.Setup(loader => loader.UploadAsxEodRaw()).Returns(false);

            TickerBLL bll = new TickerBLL(null, "testConnectionString");

            var result = bll.LoadTickers(mock.Object);

        public IHttpActionResult GetLatest(int shareId)
            Ticker t = null;

                t = new TickerBLL(_unit).GetLastTicker(shareId, null);
            catch (Exception ex)
                LogHelper.Error(_log, ex.ToString());

        public IHttpActionResult GetVerificationList(int shareId, int tradingDate, int count)
            List <Ticker> t = null;

                t = new TickerBLL(_unit).GetTickerListByDate(shareId, tradingDate, count);
            catch (Exception ex)
                LogHelper.Error(_log, ex.ToString());

        public IHttpActionResult GetTickerByDate(int shareId, int tradingDate)
            Ticker t = null;

                t = new TickerBLL(_unit).GetTickerByDate(shareId, tradingDate);
            catch (Exception ex)
                LogHelper.Error(_log, ex.ToString());

Example #27
    public static void post(PostProperties post)
        UserBO objUser = UserBLL.getUserByUserId(SessionClass.getUserId());
        WallBO objWall = new WallBO();

        objWall.WallOwnerUserId = post.WallOwnerUserId;
        objWall.PostedByUserId  = post.PostedByUserId;
        objWall.FirstName       = objUser.FirstName;
        objWall.LastName        = objUser.LastName;
        objWall.Post            = post.PostText;
        objWall.EmbedPost       = post.EmbedPost;
        objWall.AddedDate       = DateTime.Now;
        objWall.Type            = post.PostType;
        string wid = WallBLL.insertWall(objWall);

        List <UserFriendsBO> listtag = FriendsBLL.getAllFriendsListName(SessionClass.getUserId(), Global.CONFIRMED);

        //get the education,hometown and employer of people in list
        foreach (UserFriendsBO Useritem in listtag)
            TickerBO objTicker = new TickerBO();
            objTicker.PostedByUserId    = objWall.PostedByUserId;
            objTicker.TickerOwnerUserId = Useritem.FriendUserId;
            objTicker.FirstName         = objWall.FirstName;
            objTicker.LastName          = objWall.LastName;
            objTicker.Post      = objWall.Post;
            objTicker.Title     = Global.SHARE_A_POST;
            objTicker.AddedDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
            objTicker.Type      = objWall.Type;
            objTicker.EmbedPost = objWall.EmbedPost;
            objTicker.WallId    = wid;
        TickerBO objTickerUserTag = new TickerBO();

        objTickerUserTag.PostedByUserId    = SessionClass.getUserId();
        objTickerUserTag.TickerOwnerUserId = SessionClass.getUserId();
        objTickerUserTag.FirstName         = objUser.FirstName;
        objTickerUserTag.LastName          = objUser.LastName;
        objTickerUserTag.Post      = objWall.Post;
        objTickerUserTag.Title     = Global.SHARE_A_POST;
        objTickerUserTag.AddedDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
        objTickerUserTag.Type      = objWall.Type;
        objTickerUserTag.EmbedPost = objWall.EmbedPost;
        objTickerUserTag.WallId    = wid;
Example #28
        public void TestCalculateRealData()
            TickerBLL tbll = new TickerBLL(_unit);

            List <Ticker> tList = tbll.GetTickerListByShareDB(1585, null, 21100000);

            double[]  inputData = new double[tList.Count];
            double?[] outData   = new double?[tList.Count];

            var i = 0;

            foreach (var t in tList)
                inputData[i] = t.Close;

            Result res = RSI.Calculate(inputData, 14, outData);
Example #29
        public async Task ProcessSourceFile(S3Object fileInfo)
            LambdaLogger.Log($"About to download file, {fileInfo.Key}\n");
            String resultFileName = await this.DownloadFileAsync(fileInfo.BucketName, fileInfo.Key, this.Temp_Folder + "originSourceFiles/");

            string dailyTargetFolder = this.Temp_Folder + $"originExtractedFiles/{fileInfo.Key}/";

            LambdaLogger.Log($"Download file, {fileInfo.Key}, about to extract to {dailyTargetFolder}.\n");
            List <String> dailyFileList = this.ExtractIntoDayData(resultFileName, dailyTargetFolder);

            LambdaLogger.Log($"Extracted files done. items {dailyFileList.Count} \n");

            foreach (string path in dailyFileList)

            TickerBLL bll = new TickerBLL(this.S3_Bucket_Name, this.Temp_Folder);

            // save tickers into S3
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <TickerEntity> > tickerGroup in this.stockDict)
                await bll.SaveTickersToS3(tickerGroup.Key, tickerGroup.Value, true);

                LambdaLogger.Log($"Save to S3 for {tickerGroup.Key} with items {tickerGroup.Value.Count} \n");

            // move file to archive
            S3Service service    = new S3Service();
            string    archiveKey = fileInfo.Key.Replace("source", "archive");
            await service.CopyObject(this.S3_Bucket_Name, fileInfo.Key, this.S3_Bucket_Name, archiveKey);

            await service.DeleteObject(this.S3_Bucket_Name, fileInfo.Key);

            // about to clean things
            FileHelper.ClearDirectory(this.Temp_Folder + $"originExtractedFiles/", true);

            this.stockDict = new Dictionary <string, List <TickerEntity> >();

            LambdaLogger.Log("Temp folder cleared");
Example #30

    protected void lbtnFeedDetail_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        GridViewRow          row = ((GridViewRow)((LinkButton)sender).NamingContainer);
        PopupControlExtender pce = row.FindControl("PopupControlExtenderTicker") as PopupControlExtender;

        ImageButton imbtnPhoto = (ImageButton)row.FindControl("imbtnPhoto");
        ImageButton imbtnVideo = (ImageButton)row.FindControl("imbtnVideo");
        HiddenField hfId       = (HiddenField)row.FindControl("HiddenFieldId");
        HiddenField hfWallId   = (HiddenField)row.FindControl("HiddenFieldWallId");

        TickerBO objClass = new TickerBO();

        objClass = TickerBLL.getTickerByTickerId(hfId.Value);

        string   sValue           = hfWallId.Value;
        GridView gridviewComments = (GridView)row.FindControl("GridViewComments");
        //LinkButton btn = (LinkButton)gvr.FindControl("LinkButton2");
        WallBO objWall = new WallBO();

        objWall = WallBLL.getWallByWallId(sValue);

        if (objWall.Type == Global.PHOTO || objWall.Type == Global.TAG_PHOTO)
            imbtnPhoto.ImageUrl = "../../Resources/ThumbnailPhotos/" + objClass.EmbedPost + ".jpg";
            imbtnPhoto.Visible  = true;
        if (objWall.Type == Global.VIDEO || objWall.Type == Global.TAG_VIDEO || objWall.Type == Global.POST_VIDEOLINK || objWall.Type == Global.TAG_VIDEOLINK)
            imbtnVideo.Visible = true;

        gridviewComments.DataSource = CommentsDAL.getCommentsTop(Global.WALL, sValue, 2);
