Example #1
        // ===========================================================
        // Getter & Setter
        // ===========================================================

        // ===========================================================
        // Methods for/from SuperClass/Interfaces
        // ===========================================================

        // ===========================================================
        // Methods
        // ===========================================================

        public static void CreateThrottleTimer(Stopwatch pTimer, int pFromTime, int pToTime, string pTimerStringName)
            TimerStringName = pTimerStringName;

            // Generate a random number from a given set of values
            var randNumber = RandomNumber.GenerateRandomInt(pFromTime, pToTime);

            foreach (var t in ThrottleTimers.Where(t => t.TimerName == TimerStringName))
                t.Time = randNumber;

            // Check a throttle timer using our currently received timer and the random number
            CheckThrottleTimer(pTimer, randNumber, TimerStringName);
Example #2
        // ===========================================================
        // Inner and Anonymous Classes
        // ===========================================================

        private static void FormatAndShowTimer(string pTimerStringName)
            // Create a new timer if last one has expired or we didn't have one
            if (!WaitTimerCreated)
                foreach (var t in ThrottleTimers.Where(t => t.TimerName == pTimerStringName))
                    WaitTimerCreated = true;

                    // Set up a new timer based on the amount of milliseconds in our current timer
                    WaitTimer = new WaitTimer(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, t.Time));
                    // Build the string with the proper format
                    WaitTimerAsString = BuildTimeAsString(WaitTimer.WaitTime);