protected ThingModel.Thing ConvertThingPublication(Thing thing, bool check, string senderId) { ThingModel.ThingType type = null; if (thing.string_type_name != 0) { // Here the type can be null if the string type name is not registered // in the LiveWarehouse (can be an error from a client) // So, if the type is null, it rolls back to the default type // It's a robust model type = Warehouse.GetThingType(KeyToString(thing.string_type_name)); } var id = KeyToString(thing.string_id); var modelThing = Warehouse.GetThing(id); if (modelThing == null || ( modelThing.Type == null && type != null || type == null && modelThing.Type != null || (modelThing.Type != null && type != null && modelThing.Type.Name != type.Name))) { modelThing = new ThingModel.Thing(id, type); } foreach (var property in { ThingModel.Property modelProperty = null; string key = KeyToString(property.string_key); switch (property.type) { case Property.Type.LOCATION_POINT: var locPoint = new Location.Point(); ConvertLocationProperty(locPoint, property); modelProperty = new ThingModel.Property.Location.Point(key, locPoint); break; case Property.Type.LOCATION_LATLNG: var locLatLng = new Location.LatLng(); ConvertLocationProperty(locLatLng, property); modelProperty = new ThingModel.Property.Location.LatLng(key, locLatLng); break; case Property.Type.LOCATION_EQUATORIAL: var locEquatorial = new Location.Equatorial(); ConvertLocationProperty(locEquatorial, property); modelProperty = new ThingModel.Property.Location.Equatorial(key, locEquatorial); break; case Property.Type.STRING: string value; if (property.string_value != null) { value = property.string_value.value; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(value) && property.string_value.string_value != 0) { value = KeyToString(property.string_value.string_value); } } else { value = "undefined"; } modelProperty = new ThingModel.Property.String(key, value); break; case Property.Type.DOUBLE: modelProperty = new ThingModel.Property.Double(key, property.double_value); break; case Property.Type.INT: modelProperty = new ThingModel.Property.Int(key, property.int_value); break; case Property.Type.BOOLEAN: modelProperty = new ThingModel.Property.Boolean(key, property.boolean_value); break; case Property.Type.DATETIME: var dtDateTime = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc); modelProperty = new ThingModel.Property.DateTime(key, dtDateTime.AddMilliseconds(property.datetime_value)); break; } modelThing.SetProperty(modelProperty); } if (check && type != null && !type.Check(modelThing)) { Console.WriteLine("Object «" + id + "» from «" + senderId + "» is not valid, ignored"); } else if (!thing.connections_change) { Warehouse.RegisterThing(modelThing, false, false, senderId); } return(modelThing); }
protected void ConvertProperty(ThingModel.Property.Double property, Property proto) { proto.type = Property.Type.DOUBLE; proto.double_value = property.Value; }