Example #1
        //                            Actions                                //
        /// <summary>
        /// This override ensures that at most two one-handed
        /// <see cref="Thing"/>s or one two-handed <see cref="Thing"/> can be
        /// held in the <see cref="Hands"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item">the <see cref="Thing"/> to be added</param>
        public override void AddThing(Thing item)
            if (!this.HasFreeHand() ||
                (!this.IsEmpty() && item.IsTwoHanded())) {
                throw new Exception("Error: Attempted to add too much stuff "
                    + "to a set of hands."); }

            else {
                base.AddThing(item); }
Example #2
        //                            Actions                                //
        /// <summary>
        /// Has the <see cref="Person"/> try to take a <see cref="Thing"/>
        /// that they can see.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item">the <see cref="Thing"/> to take</param>
        /// <exception cref="InteractingWithUnseenThingException">
        /// if the <see cref="Person"/> cannot see the <see cref="Thing"/>
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="TakingItemFlaggedUntakeableException">
        /// if the <see cref="Thing"/> has been flagged as untakeable
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="TakingWithHandsFullException">
        /// if the <see cref="Person"/>'s hands are too full
        /// </exception>
        public override void Take(Thing item)
            // if the person can't see the item, throw an exception
            if (!GameManager.CanSee(this, item)) {
                throw new InteractingWithUnseenThingException(); }

            // if the item can never be taken, throw an exception
            else if (!item.CanBeTaken()) {
                throw new TakingItemFlaggedUntakeableException(); }

            // if the person is already carrying the item, throw an exception
            else if (this.Carries(item)) {
                throw new TakingItemAlreadyHeldException(); }

            // if the personis wearing the item, try taking it off instead
            else if (this.Wears(item)) {
                // if the person is the player, report the auto-correction
                if(GameManager.IsPlayer(this)) {
                        "((I think you meant \"take off\" instead of " +
                        "\"take.\" Trying that instead...))"); }
                this.TakeOff(item); }

            // if the item is worn by someone else or is inside something
            // worn by someone else, throw an exception, for now
            else if (typeof(Clothes) == GameManager.GetTopMostVisibleContainer(
                item.GetLocation()).GetType()) {
                throw new Exception("Theft has not been coded yet."); }

            // if neither hand is free or if only one hand is free and the item
            // requires two hands, throw an exception
            else if (!hands.HasFreeHand() ||
                (item.IsTwoHanded() && !hands.IsEmpty())) {
                throw new TakingWithHandsFullException(); }

            // No problems encountered; execute normally.
            else {
                    this.GetQualifiedName()) + ' ' +
                    this.GetConjugatedVerb(VerbSet.ToPickUp) + ' ' +
                    item.GetSpecificName() + '.'); }