Example #1
        protected override void DoTest()
            // This test is quite specific to the input data set - needs results for all nodes to export the list.  Shut off the special non-proteomic test mode, otherwise you get:
            // To export a scheduled method, you must first choose a retention time predictor in Peptide Settings / Prediction, or import results for all peptides in the document.
            TestSmallMolecules = false;

            // For now, CSV files are produced with invariant culture because some manufacturers do not handle internationalized CSVs.
            _cultureInfo    = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
            _fieldSeparator = TextUtil.GetCsvSeparator(_cultureInfo);
            string       isolationWidth = string.Format(_cultureInfo, "Narrow (~{0:0.0} m/z)", 1.3);
            const double slens          = 1.234;

            // Load document which is already configured for DDA, and contains data for scheduling
            string standardDocumentFile = TestFilesDir.GetTestPath("BSA_Protea_label_free_meth3.sky");

            RunUI(() => { SkylineWindow.OpenFile(standardDocumentFile); });
            if (SmallMoleculeTestMode != RefinementSettings.ConvertToSmallMoleculesMode.none)
                ConvertDocumentToSmallMolecules(SmallMoleculeTestMode, AsSmallMoleculesNegativeMode);

            var t46     = 46.790;
            var t39     = 39.900;
            var halfWin = 1.0;

            if (AsExplicitRetentionTimes)
                const double timeOffset = 10;  // To verify that explicit retention times are in use
                const double winOffset  = .4;

                RunUI(() => SkylineWindow.ModifyDocument("Convert to explicit retention times", document =>
                    var refine = new RefinementSettings();
                    return(refine.ConvertToExplicitRetentionTimes(document, timeOffset, winOffset));

                t46     += timeOffset;
                t39     += timeOffset;
                halfWin += winOffset * 0.5;

            // Conversion to negative charge states shifts the masses
            var    mzFirst = AsSmallMoleculesNegative ? 580.304419 : 582.318971;
            var    mzLast  = AsSmallMoleculesNegative ? 442.535468 : 444.55002;
            var    zFirst  = AsSmallMoleculesNegative ? -2 : 2;
            var    zLast   = AsSmallMoleculesNegative ? -3 : 3;
            var    ceFirst = AsSmallMoleculesNegative ? 20.3 : 20.4;
            var    ceLast  = AsSmallMoleculesNegative ? 19.1 : 19.2;
            double?slensA  = null;
            double?slensB  = null;

            if (WithSLens)
                slensA = slens;
                slensB = ThermoMassListExporter.DEFAULT_SLENS;

            // Export Agilent unscheduled DDA list.
                ExportInstrumentType.AGILENT_TOF, FullScanAcquisitionMethod.None, ExportMethodType.Standard,
                FieldSeparate("True", mzFirst, 20, zFirst, "Preferred", 0, string.Empty, isolationWidth, ceFirst),
                FieldSeparate("True", mzLast, 20, zLast, "Preferred", 0, string.Empty, isolationWidth, ceLast));

            // Export Agilent scheduled DDA list.
            if (!AsSmallMoleculesNegative) // .skyd file chromatograms are not useful in this conversion due to mass shift
                    ExportInstrumentType.AGILENT_TOF, FullScanAcquisitionMethod.None, ExportMethodType.Scheduled,
                    FieldSeparate("True", mzFirst, 20, zFirst, "Preferred", t46, 2 * halfWin, isolationWidth, ceFirst),
                    FieldSeparate("True", mzLast, 20, zLast, "Preferred", t39, 2 * halfWin, isolationWidth, ceLast));

            // Export Thermo unscheduled DDA list.
            const double nce = ThermoQExactiveIsolationListExporter.NARROW_NCE;
            var          conversionDecorator = SmallMoleculeTestMode == RefinementSettings.ConvertToSmallMoleculesMode.none ?
                                               string.Empty :
            bool AsSmallMoleculeMasses = (SmallMoleculeTestMode == RefinementSettings.ConvertToSmallMoleculesMode.masses_only);
            var  peptideA = AsSmallMoleculeMasses ?
                            CustomMolecule.INVARIANT_NAME_DETAIL + " [1162.623390/1163.328090] (light)" :
                            conversionDecorator + "LVNELTEFAK (light)";
            var peptideB = AsSmallMoleculeMasses ?
                           CustomMolecule.INVARIANT_NAME_DETAIL + " [1330.628231/1331.376801] (light)" :
                           SmallMoleculeTestMode == RefinementSettings.ConvertToSmallMoleculesMode.none ?
                           conversionDecorator + "IKNLQS[+79.966331]LDPSH (light)" :
                           conversionDecorator + "IKNLQS[+80.0]LDPSH (light)";
            var polarity = AsSmallMoleculesNegative ? "Negative" : "Positive";
            var thermoQExactiveIsolationListExporter = new ThermoQExactiveIsolationListExporter(SkylineWindow.Document)
                UseSlens = WithSLens

                ExportInstrumentType.THERMO_Q_EXACTIVE, FullScanAcquisitionMethod.None, ExportMethodType.Standard,
                FieldSeparate(mzFirst, string.Empty, string.Empty, Math.Abs(zFirst), polarity, string.Empty, string.Empty, nce, slensA, peptideA),
                FieldSeparate(mzLast, string.Empty, string.Empty, Math.Abs(zLast), polarity, string.Empty, string.Empty, nce, slensB, peptideB));

            // Export Thermo scheduled DDA list.
            if (!AsSmallMoleculesNegative) // .skyd file chromatograms are not useful in this conversion due to mass shift
                    ExportInstrumentType.THERMO_Q_EXACTIVE, FullScanAcquisitionMethod.None, ExportMethodType.Scheduled,
                    FieldSeparate(mzFirst, string.Empty, string.Empty, Math.Abs(zFirst), polarity, t46 - halfWin, t46 + halfWin, nce, slensA, peptideA),
                    FieldSeparate(mzLast, string.Empty, string.Empty, Math.Abs(zLast), polarity, t39 - halfWin, t39 + halfWin, nce, slensB, peptideB));

            // Export Agilent unscheduled Targeted list.
                ExportInstrumentType.AGILENT_TOF, FullScanAcquisitionMethod.Targeted, ExportMethodType.Standard,
                FieldSeparate("True", mzFirst, zFirst, 0, string.Empty, isolationWidth, ceFirst, string.Empty),
                FieldSeparate("True", mzLast, zLast, 0, string.Empty, isolationWidth, ceLast, string.Empty));

            // Export Agilent scheduled Targeted list.
            if (!AsSmallMoleculesNegative) // .skyd file chromatograms are not useful in this conversion due to mass shift
                    ExportInstrumentType.AGILENT_TOF, FullScanAcquisitionMethod.Targeted, ExportMethodType.Scheduled,
                    FieldSeparate("True", mzFirst, zFirst, t46, 2 * halfWin, isolationWidth, ceFirst, string.Empty),
                    FieldSeparate("True", mzLast, zLast, t39, 2 * halfWin, isolationWidth, ceLast, string.Empty));

            // Export Thermo unscheduled Targeted list.
                ExportInstrumentType.THERMO_Q_EXACTIVE, FullScanAcquisitionMethod.Targeted, ExportMethodType.Standard,
                FieldSeparate(mzFirst, string.Empty, string.Empty, Math.Abs(zFirst), polarity, string.Empty, string.Empty, nce, slensA, peptideA),
                FieldSeparate(mzLast, string.Empty, string.Empty, Math.Abs(zLast), polarity, string.Empty, string.Empty, nce, slensB, peptideB));

            // Export Thermo scheduled Targeted list.
            if (!AsSmallMoleculesNegative) // .skyd file chromatograms are not useful in this conversion due to mass shift
                    ExportInstrumentType.THERMO_Q_EXACTIVE, FullScanAcquisitionMethod.Targeted, ExportMethodType.Scheduled,
                    FieldSeparate(mzFirst, string.Empty, string.Empty, Math.Abs(zFirst), polarity, t46 - halfWin, t46 + halfWin, nce, slensA, peptideA),
                    FieldSeparate(mzLast, string.Empty, string.Empty, Math.Abs(zLast), polarity, t39 - halfWin, t39 + halfWin, nce, slensB, peptideB));

            // Export Thermo Fusion unscheduled Targeted list.
            var thermoFusionMassListExporter = new ThermoFusionMassListExporter(SkylineWindow.Document)
                UseSlens = WithSLens

                ExportInstrumentType.THERMO_FUSION, FullScanAcquisitionMethod.Targeted, ExportMethodType.Standard,
                FieldSeparate(mzFirst, zFirst, string.Empty, string.Empty, nce),
                FieldSeparate(mzLast, zLast, string.Empty, string.Empty, nce));

            // Export Thermo Fusion scheduled Targeted list.
            if (!AsSmallMoleculesNegative) // .skyd file chromatograms are not useful in this conversion due to mass shift
                    ExportInstrumentType.THERMO_FUSION, FullScanAcquisitionMethod.Targeted, ExportMethodType.Scheduled,
                    FieldSeparate(mzFirst, zFirst, t46 - halfWin, t46 + halfWin, nce, slensA),
                    FieldSeparate(mzLast, zLast, t39 - halfWin, t39 + halfWin, nce, slensB));

            string fragmentsFirst;

            if (!AsSmallMoleculesNegative)
                fragmentsFirst = FieldSeparate("582.3190", "951.4782", "595.3086", "708.3927", "837.4353", "1017.5251");
                fragmentsFirst = FieldSeparate("580.3044", "595.3097", "708.3938", "837.4364", "951.4793", "1017.5262");
            string fragmentsLast;

            if (!AsSmallMoleculesNegative)
                fragmentsLast = FieldSeparate("444.5500", "496.7443", "340.1615", "406.8553", "609.7794", "545.7319");
                fragmentsLast = FieldSeparate("340.1626", "406.8564", "442.5355", "455.1896", "488.7115", "496.7454");
            var rtFirst = !AsExplicitRetentionTimes
                ? FieldSeparate("45.8", "47.8")
                : FieldSeparate("55.6", "58.0");

            var rtLast = !AsExplicitRetentionTimes
                ? FieldSeparate("38.9", "40.9")
                : FieldSeparate("48.7", "51.1");

            var trapCeFirstTrap = !AsSmallMoleculesNegative
                ? FieldSeparate("21.2", "27.9")
                : FieldSeparate("21.2", "27.8");

            var trapCeLastTrap = !AsSmallMoleculesNegative
                ? FieldSeparate("17.3", "23.0")
                : FieldSeparate("17.2", "23.0");

            var trapCeFirstTransfer = !AsSmallMoleculesNegative
                ? FieldSeparate("26.2", "32.9")
                : FieldSeparate("26.2", "32.8");

            var trapCeLastTransfer = !AsSmallMoleculesNegative
                ? FieldSeparate("22.3", "28.0")
                : FieldSeparate("22.2", "28.0");

            // Export Waters Synapt (trap region) unscheduled Targeted list
                ExportInstrumentType.WATERS_SYNAPT_TRAP, FullScanAcquisitionMethod.Targeted, ExportMethodType.Standard,
                FieldSeparate(0, "0.0", "30.0", mzFirst.ToString("0.0000", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), fragmentsFirst, trapCeFirstTrap, "2.0", "2.0", 30, "0.0000", 0, 199),
                FieldSeparate(0, "0.0", "30.0", mzLast.ToString("0.0000", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), fragmentsLast, trapCeLastTrap, "2.0", "2.0", 30, "0.0000", 0, 199));

            // Export Waters Synapt (trap region) scheduled Targeted list
            if (!AsSmallMoleculesNegative || AsExplicitRetentionTimes)  // Negative ions do not match results, so need explicit RTs for scheduling
                    ExportInstrumentType.WATERS_SYNAPT_TRAP, FullScanAcquisitionMethod.Targeted, ExportMethodType.Scheduled,
                    FieldSeparate(0, rtFirst, mzFirst.ToString("0.0000", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), fragmentsFirst, trapCeFirstTrap, "2.0", "2.0", 30, "0.0000", 0, 199),
                    FieldSeparate(0, rtLast, mzLast.ToString("0.0000", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), fragmentsLast, trapCeLastTrap, "2.0", "2.0", 30, "0.0000", 0, 199));

            // Export Waters Synapt (transfer region) unscheduled Targeted list
                ExportInstrumentType.WATERS_SYNAPT_TRANSFER, FullScanAcquisitionMethod.Targeted, ExportMethodType.Standard,
                FieldSeparate(0, "0.0", "30.0", mzFirst.ToString("0.0000", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), fragmentsFirst, "4.0", "4.0", trapCeFirstTransfer, 30, "0.0000", 0, 199),
                FieldSeparate(0, "0.0", "30.0", mzLast.ToString("0.0000", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), fragmentsLast, "4.0", "4.0", trapCeLastTransfer, 30, "0.0000", 0, 199));

            // Export Waters Synapt (transfer region) scheduled Targeted list
            if (!AsSmallMoleculesNegative || AsExplicitRetentionTimes)  // Negative ions do not match results, so need explicit RTs for scheduling
                    ExportInstrumentType.WATERS_SYNAPT_TRANSFER, FullScanAcquisitionMethod.Targeted, ExportMethodType.Scheduled,
                    FieldSeparate(0, rtFirst, mzFirst.ToString("0.0000", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), fragmentsFirst, "4.0", "4.0", trapCeFirstTransfer, 30, "0.0000", 0, 199),
                    FieldSeparate(0, rtLast, mzLast.ToString("0.0000", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), fragmentsLast, "4.0", "4.0", trapCeLastTransfer, 30, "0.0000", 0, 199));

            // Export Waters Xevo unscheduled Targeted list
                ExportInstrumentType.WATERS_XEVO_QTOF, FullScanAcquisitionMethod.Targeted, ExportMethodType.Standard,
                FieldSeparate(0, "0.0", "30.0", mzFirst.ToString("0.0000", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), fragmentsFirst, trapCeFirstTrap, 30, "0.0000", 0, 199),
                FieldSeparate(0, "0.0", "30.0", mzLast.ToString("0.0000", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), fragmentsLast, trapCeLastTrap, 30, "0.0000", 0, 199));

            // Export Waters Xevo scheduled Targeted list
            if (!AsSmallMoleculesNegative || AsExplicitRetentionTimes)  // Negative ions do not match results, so need explicit RTs for scheduling
                    ExportInstrumentType.WATERS_XEVO_QTOF, FullScanAcquisitionMethod.Targeted, ExportMethodType.Scheduled,
                    FieldSeparate(0, rtFirst, mzFirst.ToString("0.0000", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), fragmentsFirst, trapCeFirstTrap, 30, "0.0000", 0, 199),
                    FieldSeparate(0, rtLast, mzLast.ToString("0.0000", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), fragmentsLast, trapCeLastTrap, 30, "0.0000", 0, 199));

            // Check error if analyzer is not set correctly.
            CheckMassAnalyzer(ExportInstrumentType.AGILENT_TOF, FullScanMassAnalyzerType.tof);
            CheckMassAnalyzer(ExportInstrumentType.THERMO_Q_EXACTIVE, FullScanMassAnalyzerType.orbitrap);
        protected override void DoTest()
            // This test is quite specific to the input data set - needs results for all nodes to export the list.  Shut off the special non-proteomic test mode, otherwise you get:
            // To export a scheduled method, you must first choose a retention time predictor in Peptide Settings / Prediction, or import results for all peptides in the document.
            TestSmallMolecules = false;

            // For now, CSV files are produced with invariant culture because some manufacturers do not handle internationalized CSVs.
            _cultureInfo = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
            _fieldSeparator = TextUtil.GetCsvSeparator(_cultureInfo);
            string isolationWidth = string.Format(_cultureInfo, "Narrow (~{0:0.0} m/z)", 1.3);
            const double slens = 1.234;

            // Load document which is already configured for DDA, and contains data for scheduling
            string standardDocumentFile = TestFilesDir.GetTestPath("BSA_Protea_label_free_meth3.sky");
            RunUI(() => { SkylineWindow.OpenFile(standardDocumentFile); });
            if (SmallMoleculeTestMode != RefinementSettings.ConvertToSmallMoleculesMode.none)
                ConvertDocumentToSmallMolecules(SmallMoleculeTestMode, AsSmallMoleculesNegative);

            var t46 = 46.790;
            var t39 = 39.900;
            var halfWin = 1.0;
            if (AsExplicitRetentionTimes)
                const double timeOffset = 10;  // To verify that explicit retention times are in use
                const double winOffset = .4;

                RunUI(() => SkylineWindow.ModifyDocument("Convert to explicit retention times", document =>
                    var refine = new RefinementSettings();
                    return refine.ConvertToExplicitRetentionTimes(document, timeOffset, winOffset);

                t46 += timeOffset;
                t39 += timeOffset;
                halfWin += winOffset*0.5;

            // Conversion to negative charge states shifts the masses
            var mzFirst = AsSmallMoleculesNegative ? 580.304419 : 582.318971;
            var mzLast = AsSmallMoleculesNegative ? 442.535467 : 444.55002;
            var zFirst = AsSmallMoleculesNegative ? -2 : 2;
            var zLast = AsSmallMoleculesNegative ? -3 : 3;
            var ceFirst = AsSmallMoleculesNegative ? 20.3 : 20.4;
            var ceLast = AsSmallMoleculesNegative ? 16.2 : 19.2;
            double? slensA = null;
            double? slensB = null;
            if (WithSLens)
                slensA = slens;
                slensB = ThermoMassListExporter.DEFAULT_SLENS;

            // Export Agilent unscheduled DDA list.
                ExportInstrumentType.AGILENT_TOF, FullScanAcquisitionMethod.None, ExportMethodType.Standard,
                FieldSeparate("True", mzFirst, 20, zFirst, "Preferred", 0, string.Empty, isolationWidth, ceFirst),
                FieldSeparate("True", mzLast, 20, zLast, "Preferred", 0, string.Empty, isolationWidth, ceLast));

            // Export Agilent scheduled DDA list.
                ExportInstrumentType.AGILENT_TOF, FullScanAcquisitionMethod.None, ExportMethodType.Scheduled,
                FieldSeparate("True", mzFirst, 20, zFirst, "Preferred", t46, 2*halfWin, isolationWidth, ceFirst),
                FieldSeparate("True", mzLast, 20, zLast, "Preferred", t39, 2*halfWin, isolationWidth, ceLast));

            // Export Thermo unscheduled DDA list.
            const double nce = ThermoQExactiveIsolationListExporter.NARROW_NCE;
            bool AsSmallMolecules = (SmallMoleculeTestMode != RefinementSettings.ConvertToSmallMoleculesMode.none);
            bool AsSmallMoleculeMasses = (SmallMoleculeTestMode == RefinementSettings.ConvertToSmallMoleculesMode.masses_only);
            var peptideA = AsSmallMolecules
                ? (AsSmallMoleculeMasses ? "Ion [1164.639040/1165.343970] (light)" : (AsSmallMoleculesNegative ? "LVNELTEFAK(-H2) (light)" : "LVNELTEFAK(+H2) (light)"))
                : "LVNELTEFAK (light)";
            var peptideB = AsSmallMolecules
                ? (AsSmallMoleculeMasses ? "Ion [1333.651707/1334.400621] (light)" : (AsSmallMoleculesNegative ? "IKNLQSLDPSH(-H3) (light)" : "IKNLQSLDPSH(+H3) (light)"))
                : "IKNLQS[+80.0]LDPSH (light)";
            var polarity = AsSmallMoleculesNegative ? "Negative" : "Positive";
            var thermoQExactiveIsolationListExporter = new ThermoQExactiveIsolationListExporter(SkylineWindow.Document)
                UseSlens = WithSLens
                ExportInstrumentType.THERMO_Q_EXACTIVE, FullScanAcquisitionMethod.None, ExportMethodType.Standard,
                FieldSeparate(mzFirst, string.Empty, string.Empty, Math.Abs(zFirst), polarity, string.Empty, string.Empty, nce, slensA, peptideA),
                FieldSeparate(mzLast, string.Empty, string.Empty, Math.Abs(zLast), polarity, string.Empty, string.Empty, nce, slensB, peptideB));

            // Export Thermo scheduled DDA list.
            if (!AsSmallMoleculesNegative) // .skyd file chromatograms are not useful in this conversion due to mass shift
                ExportInstrumentType.THERMO_Q_EXACTIVE, FullScanAcquisitionMethod.None, ExportMethodType.Scheduled,
                FieldSeparate(mzFirst, string.Empty, string.Empty, Math.Abs(zFirst), polarity, t46 - halfWin, t46 + halfWin, nce, slensA, peptideA),
                FieldSeparate(mzLast, string.Empty, string.Empty, Math.Abs(zLast), polarity, t39 - halfWin, t39 + halfWin, nce, slensB, peptideB));

            // Export Agilent unscheduled Targeted list.
                ExportInstrumentType.AGILENT_TOF, FullScanAcquisitionMethod.Targeted, ExportMethodType.Standard,
                FieldSeparate("True", mzFirst, zFirst, 0, string.Empty, isolationWidth, ceFirst, string.Empty),
                FieldSeparate("True", mzLast, zLast, 0, string.Empty, isolationWidth, ceLast, string.Empty));

            // Export Agilent scheduled Targeted list.
            if (!AsSmallMoleculesNegative) // .skyd file chromatograms are not useful in this conversion due to mass shift
                ExportInstrumentType.AGILENT_TOF, FullScanAcquisitionMethod.Targeted, ExportMethodType.Scheduled,
                FieldSeparate("True", mzFirst, zFirst, t46, 2*halfWin, isolationWidth, ceFirst, string.Empty),
                FieldSeparate("True", mzLast, zLast, t39, 2*halfWin, isolationWidth, ceLast, string.Empty));

            // Export Thermo unscheduled Targeted list.
                ExportInstrumentType.THERMO_Q_EXACTIVE, FullScanAcquisitionMethod.Targeted, ExportMethodType.Standard,
                FieldSeparate(mzFirst, string.Empty, string.Empty, Math.Abs(zFirst), polarity, string.Empty, string.Empty, nce, slensA, peptideA),
                FieldSeparate(mzLast, string.Empty, string.Empty, Math.Abs(zLast), polarity, string.Empty, string.Empty, nce, slensB, peptideB));

            // Export Thermo scheduled Targeted list.
            if (!AsSmallMoleculesNegative) // .skyd file chromatograms are not useful in this conversion due to mass shift
                ExportInstrumentType.THERMO_Q_EXACTIVE, FullScanAcquisitionMethod.Targeted, ExportMethodType.Scheduled,
                FieldSeparate(mzFirst, string.Empty, string.Empty, Math.Abs(zFirst), polarity, t46 - halfWin, t46 + halfWin, nce, slensA, peptideA),
                FieldSeparate(mzLast, string.Empty, string.Empty, Math.Abs(zLast), polarity, t39 - halfWin, t39 + halfWin, nce, slensB, peptideB));

            // Export Thermo Fusion unscheduled Targeted list.
            var thermoFusionMassListExporter = new ThermoFusionMassListExporter(SkylineWindow.Document)
                UseSlens = WithSLens
                ExportInstrumentType.THERMO_FUSION, FullScanAcquisitionMethod.Targeted, ExportMethodType.Standard,
                FieldSeparate(mzFirst, zFirst, string.Empty, string.Empty, nce),
                FieldSeparate(mzLast, zLast, string.Empty, string.Empty, nce));

            // Export Thermo Fusion scheduled Targeted list.
            if (!AsSmallMoleculesNegative) // .skyd file chromatograms are not useful in this conversion due to mass shift
                ExportInstrumentType.THERMO_FUSION, FullScanAcquisitionMethod.Targeted, ExportMethodType.Scheduled,
                FieldSeparate(mzFirst, zFirst, t46 - halfWin, t46 + halfWin, nce, slensA),
                FieldSeparate(mzLast, zLast, t39 - halfWin, t39 + halfWin, nce, slensB));

            string fragmentsFirst;
            if (!AsSmallMolecules || AsExplicitRetentionTimes)
                fragmentsFirst = FieldSeparate("582.3190", "951.4782", "595.3086", "708.3927", "837.4353", "1017.5251");
            else if (!AsSmallMoleculesNegative)
                fragmentsFirst = FieldSeparate("582.3190", "595.3086", "708.3927", "837.4353", "951.4782", "1017.5251");
                fragmentsFirst = FieldSeparate("580.3044", "595.3097", "708.3938", "837.4364", "951.4793", "1017.5262");
            string fragmentsLast;
            if (!AsSmallMolecules || AsExplicitRetentionTimes)
                fragmentsLast = FieldSeparate("444.5500", "496.7443", "340.1615", "406.8553", "609.7794", "545.7319");
            else if (!AsSmallMoleculesNegative)
                fragmentsLast = FieldSeparate("340.1615", "406.8553", "444.5500", "455.1885", "488.7104", "496.7443");
                fragmentsLast = FieldSeparate("340.1626", "406.8564", "442.5355", "455.1896", "488.7115", "496.7454");
            var rtFirst = !AsExplicitRetentionTimes
                ? FieldSeparate("45.8", "47.8")
                : FieldSeparate("55.6", "58.0");
            var rtLast = !AsExplicitRetentionTimes
                ? FieldSeparate("38.9", "40.9")
                : FieldSeparate("48.7", "51.1");
            var trapCeFirstTrap = !AsSmallMoleculesNegative
                ? FieldSeparate("21.2", "27.9")
                : FieldSeparate("21.2", "27.8");
            var trapCeLastTrap = !AsSmallMoleculesNegative
                ? FieldSeparate("17.3", "23.0")
                : FieldSeparate("17.2", "23.0");
            var trapCeFirstTransfer = !AsSmallMoleculesNegative
                ? FieldSeparate("26.2", "32.9")
                : FieldSeparate("26.2", "32.8");
            var trapCeLastTransfer = !AsSmallMoleculesNegative
                ? FieldSeparate("22.3", "28.0")
                : FieldSeparate("22.2", "28.0");

            // Export Waters Synapt (trap region) unscheduled Targeted list
                ExportInstrumentType.WATERS_SYNAPT_TRAP, FullScanAcquisitionMethod.Targeted, ExportMethodType.Standard,
                FieldSeparate(0, "0.0", "30.0", mzFirst.ToString("0.0000", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), fragmentsFirst, trapCeFirstTrap, "2.0", "2.0", 30, "0.0000", 0, 199),
                FieldSeparate(0, "0.0", "30.0", mzLast.ToString("0.0000", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), fragmentsLast, trapCeLastTrap, "2.0", "2.0", 30, "0.0000", 0, 199));

            // Export Waters Synapt (trap region) scheduled Targeted list
                ExportInstrumentType.WATERS_SYNAPT_TRAP, FullScanAcquisitionMethod.Targeted, ExportMethodType.Scheduled,
                FieldSeparate(0, rtFirst, mzFirst.ToString("0.0000", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), fragmentsFirst, trapCeFirstTrap, "2.0", "2.0", 30, "0.0000", 0, 199),
                FieldSeparate(0, rtLast, mzLast.ToString("0.0000", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), fragmentsLast, trapCeLastTrap, "2.0", "2.0", 30, "0.0000", 0, 199));

            // Export Waters Synapt (transfer region) unscheduled Targeted list
                ExportInstrumentType.WATERS_SYNAPT_TRANSFER, FullScanAcquisitionMethod.Targeted, ExportMethodType.Standard,
                FieldSeparate(0, "0.0", "30.0", mzFirst.ToString("0.0000", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), fragmentsFirst, "4.0", "4.0", trapCeFirstTransfer, 30, "0.0000", 0, 199),
                FieldSeparate(0, "0.0", "30.0", mzLast.ToString("0.0000", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), fragmentsLast, "4.0", "4.0", trapCeLastTransfer, 30, "0.0000", 0, 199));

            // Export Waters Synapt (transfer region) scheduled Targeted list
                ExportInstrumentType.WATERS_SYNAPT_TRANSFER, FullScanAcquisitionMethod.Targeted, ExportMethodType.Scheduled,
                FieldSeparate(0, rtFirst, mzFirst.ToString("0.0000", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), fragmentsFirst, "4.0", "4.0", trapCeFirstTransfer, 30, "0.0000", 0, 199),
                FieldSeparate(0, rtLast, mzLast.ToString("0.0000", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), fragmentsLast, "4.0", "4.0", trapCeLastTransfer, 30, "0.0000", 0, 199));

            // Export Waters Xevo unscheduled Targeted list
                ExportInstrumentType.WATERS_XEVO_QTOF, FullScanAcquisitionMethod.Targeted, ExportMethodType.Standard,
                FieldSeparate(0, "0.0", "30.0", mzFirst.ToString("0.0000", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), fragmentsFirst, trapCeFirstTrap, 30, "0.0000", 0, 199),
                FieldSeparate(0, "0.0", "30.0", mzLast.ToString("0.0000", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), fragmentsLast, trapCeLastTrap, 30, "0.0000", 0, 199));

            // Export Waters Xevo scheduled Targeted list
                ExportInstrumentType.WATERS_XEVO_QTOF, FullScanAcquisitionMethod.Targeted, ExportMethodType.Scheduled,
                FieldSeparate(0, rtFirst, mzFirst.ToString("0.0000", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), fragmentsFirst, trapCeFirstTrap, 30, "0.0000", 0, 199),
                FieldSeparate(0, rtLast, mzLast.ToString("0.0000", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), fragmentsLast, trapCeLastTrap, 30, "0.0000", 0, 199));

            // Check error if analyzer is not set correctly.
            CheckMassAnalyzer(ExportInstrumentType.AGILENT_TOF, FullScanMassAnalyzerType.tof);
            CheckMassAnalyzer(ExportInstrumentType.THERMO_Q_EXACTIVE, FullScanMassAnalyzerType.orbitrap);