Example #1
        protected override double BorderEdgeFlux(ref CommonParamsBnd inp, double[] Uin)
            ThermalBcType edgType = EdgeTag2Type[inp.EdgeTag];

            switch (edgType)
            case ThermalBcType.ConstantTemperature:

                double Acc = 0.0;

                double T_D = tempFunction[inp.EdgeTag](inp.X, inp.time);
                // consistency term
                Acc += T_D * inp.Normal[m_d];

                // penalty term
                double Tn = 0.0;
                //for (int d = 0; d < m_D; d++) {
                //    Tn += C_12[d] * (Uin[0] - T_D) * inp.Normale[d];
                Tn += C_12 * (Uin[0] - T_D);

                //Acc += Tn * inp.Normale[m_d];

                return(k * Acc);

            case ThermalBcType.ZeroGradient:
            case ThermalBcType.ConstantHeatFlux:

                return(k * Uin[0] * inp.Normal[m_d]);

                throw new NotImplementedException();
Example #2
        public double BoundaryEdgeForm(ref Foundation.CommonParamsBnd inp, double[] _uA, double[,] _Grad_uA, double _vA, double[] _Grad_vA)
            double Acc = 0.0;

            double        pnlty   = 2 * this.penalty(inp.jCellIn, -1);//, inp.GridDat.Cells.cj);
            double        muA     = this.Conductivity(inp.Parameters_IN);
            ThermalBcType edgType = this.EdgeTag2Type[inp.EdgeTag];

            switch (edgType)
            case ThermalBcType.Dirichlet: {
                // inhom. Dirichlet b.c.
                // +++++++++++++++++++++

                double g_D = this.g_Diri(inp.X, inp.time, inp.EdgeTag, 0);

                for (int d = 0; d < inp.D; d++)
                    double nd = inp.Normale[d];
                    Acc += (muA * _Grad_uA[0, d]) * (_vA) * nd;
                    Acc += (muA * _Grad_vA[d]) * (_uA[0] - g_D) * nd;
                Acc *= this.m_alpha;

                Acc -= muA * (_uA[0] - g_D) * (_vA - 0) * pnlty;

            case ThermalBcType.ZeroGradient: {
                for (int d = 0; d < inp.D; d++)
                    double nd = inp.Normale[d];
                    Acc += (muA * _Grad_uA[0, d]) * (_vA) * nd;
                    //Acc += (muA * _Grad_vA[d]) * (_uA[0] - g_D) * nd;
                Acc *= this.m_alpha;

                //Acc -= muA * (_uA[0] - g_D) * (_vA - 0) * pnlty;

                throw new NotImplementedException();

Example #3
        public double BoundaryEdgeForm(ref CommonParamsBnd inp, double[] _uA, double[,] _Grad_uA, double _vA, double[] _Grad_vA)
            double Acc = 0.0;

            ThermalBcType edgType = this.EdgeTag2Type[inp.EdgeTag];

            switch (edgType)
            case ThermalBcType.ConstantTemperature: {
                for (int d = 0; d < m_D; d++)
                    Acc += (_uA[d]) * _vA * inp.Normale[d];


            case ThermalBcType.ZeroGradient: {
                //for (int d = 0; d < m_D; d++) {
                //    Acc += (_uA[d] - 0.0) * _vA * inp.Normale[d];


            case ThermalBcType.ConstantHeatFlux: {
                for (int d = 0; d < inp.D; d++)
                    double g_D = this.fluxFunction[d][inp.EdgeTag](inp.X, inp.time);

                    Acc += (g_D) * (_vA) * inp.Normale[d];


                throw new NotImplementedException();

        protected override double BorderEdgeFlux(ref CommonParamsBnd inp, double[] Uin)
            double c = 0.0;
            for (int d = 0; d < m_SpatialDimension; d++)
                c += inp.Parameters_IN[d] * inp.Normal[d];

            ThermalBcType edgeType = m_bcmap.EdgeTag2Type[inp.EdgeTag];

            switch (edgeType) {
                case ThermalBcType.ConstantTemperature: {
                        return (c * cap * TempFunction[inp.EdgeTag](inp.X, inp.time));
                case ThermalBcType.ZeroGradient:
                case ThermalBcType.ConstantHeatFlux: {
                        return (c * cap * Uin[0]);
                    throw new NotImplementedException("Boundary condition not implemented!");
Example #5
        public double BoundaryEdgeForm(ref CommonParamsBnd inp, double[] _uA, double[,] _Grad_uA, double _vA, double[] _Grad_vA)
            ThermalBcType edgType = this.EdgeTag2Type[inp.EdgeTag];

            switch (edgType)
            case ThermalBcType.ConstantTemperature: {
                double T_D = tempFunction[inp.EdgeTag](inp.X, inp.time);

                return(2.0 * (_uA[0] - T_D) * (_vA) * inp.Normal[m_d]);

            case ThermalBcType.ZeroGradient:
            case ThermalBcType.ConstantHeatFlux: {
                return(0.0);        // -(_uA[0]) * (_vA) * alpha;

                throw new NotImplementedException();
Example #6
        protected override double BorderEdgeFlux(ref CommonParamsBnd inp, double[] Uin)
            ThermalBcType edgType = EdgeTag2Type[inp.EdgeTag];

            switch (edgType)
            case ThermalBcType.ConstantTemperature:

                double T_D = tempFunction[inp.EdgeTag](inp.X, inp.time);

                return(k * T_D * inp.Normale[m_d]);

            case ThermalBcType.ZeroGradient:
            case ThermalBcType.ConstantHeatFlux:

                return(k * Uin[0] * inp.Normale[m_d]);

                throw new NotImplementedException();
        protected override double BorderEdgeFlux(ref CommonParamsBnd inp, Double[] Uin)
            ThermalBcType edgeType = m_bcmap.EdgeTag2Type[inp.EdgeTag];

            switch (edgeType)
            case ThermalBcType.ConstantTemperature: {
                double r = 0.0;

                // Setup params
                // ============
                Foundation.CommonParams inp2;
                inp2.GridDat       = inp.GridDat;
                inp2.Normale       = inp.Normale;
                inp2.iEdge         = inp.iEdge;
                inp2.Parameters_IN = inp.Parameters_IN;
                inp2.X             = inp.X;
                inp2.time          = inp.time;

                // Specify Parameters_OUT
                // ======================
                inp2.Parameters_OUT = new double[inp.Parameters_IN.Length];

                // Dirichlet value for temperature
                double Uout = TempFunction[inp.EdgeTag](inp.X, inp.time);

                // Outer values for Velocity and VelocityMean
                for (int j = 0; j < m_SpatialDimension; j++)
                    inp2.Parameters_OUT[j] = inp2.Parameters_IN[j];         //velFunction[inp.EdgeTag, j](inp.X, inp.time);

                    // Velocity0MeanVectorOut is set to zero, i.e. always LambdaIn is used.
                    //inp2.Parameters_OUT[m_SpatialDimension + j] = 0.0;

                    // VelocityMeanOut = VelocityMeanIn
                    inp2.Parameters_OUT[m_SpatialDimension + j] = inp.Parameters_IN[m_SpatialDimension + j];

                // Calculate BorderEdgeFlux as InnerEdgeFlux
                // =========================================
                r = InnerEdgeFlux(ref inp2, Uin, new double[] { Uout });


            case ThermalBcType.ZeroGradient:
            case ThermalBcType.ConstantHeatFlux: {
                double r = 0.0;
                double u1, u2, u3 = 0, u_d;

                u_d = Uin[0];
                u1  = inp.Parameters_IN[0];
                u2  = inp.Parameters_IN[1];
                if (m_SpatialDimension == 3)
                    u3 = inp.Parameters_IN[2];

                r += u_d * (u1 * inp.Normale[0] + u2 * inp.Normale[1]);
                if (m_SpatialDimension == 3)
                    r += u_d * u3 * inp.Normale[2];


                throw new NotImplementedException("Boundary condition not implemented!");
Example #8
        public double BoundaryEdgeForm(ref CommonParamsBnd inp, double[] _uA, double[,] _Grad_uA, double _vA, double[] _Grad_vA)
            double Acc = 0.0;

            ThermalBcType edgType = this.EdgeTag2Type[inp.EdgeTag];

            switch (edgType)
            case ThermalBcType.ConstantTemperature: {
                for (int d = 0; d < m_D; d++)
                    // consistency term
                    Acc += (_uA[d]) * inp.Normal[d];

                    // penalty terms
                    double T_D = tempFunction[inp.EdgeTag](inp.X, inp.time);
                    //Acc += C_11 * (_uA[m_D] - T_D) * inp.Normale[d];
                    double qn = 0.0;
                    //for (int dd = 0; dd < m_D; dd++) {
                    //    qn += _uA[dd] * inp.Normale[dd];
                    //Acc -= C_12[d] * qn * inp.Normale[d];
                    //Acc += C_12 * qn;


            case ThermalBcType.ZeroGradient: {
                //for (int d = 0; d < m_D; d++) {
                //    Acc += (_uA[d] - 0.0) * _vA * inp.Normale[d];


            case ThermalBcType.ConstantHeatFlux: {
                for (int d = 0; d < m_D; d++)
                    double g_D = this.fluxFunction[d][inp.EdgeTag](inp.X, inp.time);

                    // consistency term
                    Acc += (g_D) * inp.Normal[d];

                    // penalty terms
                    double qn = 0.0;
                    for (int dd = 0; dd < m_D; dd++)
                        g_D = this.fluxFunction[dd][inp.EdgeTag](inp.X, inp.time);
                        qn += g_D * inp.Normal[dd];
                    //Acc -= C_12[d] * qn * inp.Normale[d];
                    //Acc += C_12 * qn;


                throw new NotImplementedException();

            return(Acc * _vA);