public FileErasureTargetConfigurer() { InitializeComponent(); Theming.ApplyTheme(this); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor. /// </summary> public UpdateForm() { InitializeComponent(); Theming.ApplyTheme(this); updateListDownloader.RunWorkerAsync(); }
public CustomMethodPassEditor() { InitializeComponent(); Theming.ApplyTheme(this); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor. /// </summary> /// <param name="reports">The list of reports to upload.</param> public BlackBoxUploadForm(IList <BlackBoxReport> reports) { InitializeComponent(); Theming.ApplyTheme(this); UploadWorker.RunWorkerAsync(reports); }
private void BlackBoxMainForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Theming.ApplyTheme(this); RefreshReports(); }
public AboutForm(Control parent) { //Create and position the dialog InitializeComponent(); Theming.ApplyTheme(this); ClientSize = new Size(parent.ClientSize.Width, parent.ClientSize.Height); Point point = parent.PointToScreen(new Point(0, 0)); Left = point.X; Top = point.Y; //Get the parent dialog's screen buffer. ParentBitmap = new Bitmap(parent.ClientSize.Width, parent.ClientSize.Height); using (Graphics dest = Graphics.FromImage(ParentBitmap)) { parent.Refresh(); Point parentPos = parent.PointToScreen(new Point(0, 0)); dest.CopyFromScreen(parentPos, new Point(0, 0), parent.ClientSize); } //Load the localised About Text AboutText = S._(@"Eraser is an advanced security tool for Windows, which allows you to completely remove sensitive data from your hard drive by overwriting it several times with carefully selected patterns. Eraser is Free software and its source code is released under GNU General Public License. Erasure Method Credits: Gutmann (35 Pass): Copyright Peter Gutmann & Colin Plumb Gutmann Lite (10 pass): Copyright Peter Gutmann & Colin Plumb US DoD (7 pass): Copyright United States Department of Defense US DoD (3 pass): Copyright United States Department of Defense US Air Force 5020 (3 pass): Copyright United States Department of Defense US Army AR380-19 (3 pass): Copyright United States Department of Defense RCMP TSSIT OPS-II (7 pass): Copyright Government of Canada, Royal Canadian Mounted Police Schneier's Method (7 pass): Copyright Bruce Schneier German VSITR (7 pass): Copyright Germany BSI Verschlusssachen -IT-Richtlinien British HMG IS5 (3 pass): Copyright British Government British HMG IS5 (1 pass): Copyright British Government Russian GOST P50739-95 (2 pass): Copyright Government of the Soviet Union Pseudorandom data (1 pass): Public Domain First/Last 16Kb: Copyright The Eraser Project Eraser Copyright " + "\u00A9" + @" The Eraser Project Eraser Project Members: " + "\u2022" + @" Sami Tolvanen: Mentor/Initiator " + "\u2022" + @" Garrett Trant: Mentor/Researcher " + "\u2022" + @" Joel Low: Lead Developer " + "\u2022" + @" Kasra Nassiri: Developer/Security Researcher " + "\u2022" + @" Dennis van Lith: Designer"); //Create the About bitmap localised for the current version (sans scrolling //text) so it can be drawn quickly later. //First, duplicate the bitmap and scale it according to the resolution of the //monitor. float dpiScale = 0f; using (Graphics controlDC = CreateGraphics()) { Debug.Assert(controlDC.DpiX == controlDC.DpiY); dpiScale = controlDC.DpiX / 96.0f; } Bitmap sourceBitmap = Properties.Resources.AboutDialog; AboutBitmap = new Bitmap((int)(sourceBitmap.Width * dpiScale), (int)(sourceBitmap.Height * dpiScale)); using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(AboutBitmap)) { g.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.HighQuality; g.ScaleTransform(dpiScale, dpiScale); g.DrawImage(sourceBitmap, Point.Empty); //Scale the font down since we will be using a scale transform later. Font = new Font(Font.FontFamily, Font.SizeInPoints / dpiScale); //Version number Font boldFont = new Font(Font, FontStyle.Bold); Font underlineFont = new Font(Font, FontStyle.Underline); Brush textBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.White); PointF eraserPos = new PointF(168, 80); SizeF eraserSize = g.MeasureString(S._("Eraser"), boldFont); g.DrawString(S._("Eraser"), boldFont, textBrush, eraserPos); #pragma warning disable 429 string versionString = BuildInfo.CustomBuild ? S._("{0} (Built: {1:F}, special build)") : S._("{0} (Built: {1:F})"); #pragma warning restore 429 g.DrawString(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, versionString, BuildInfo.AssemblyFileVersion, BuildInfo.BuildDate), Font, textBrush, new PointF(eraserPos.X + eraserSize.Width + 3, eraserPos.Y)); //Copyright and Website string copyrightText = S._("copyright \u00a9 2008-2015 The Eraser Project"); PointF copyrightPos = new PointF(eraserPos.X, eraserPos.Y + eraserSize.Height); SizeF copyrightSize = g.MeasureString(copyrightText, Font); g.DrawString(copyrightText, Font, textBrush, copyrightPos); const string websiteText = ""; PointF websitePos = new PointF(copyrightPos.X, copyrightPos.Y + copyrightSize.Height); SizeF websiteSize = g.MeasureString(websiteText, Font); g.DrawString(websiteText, underlineFont, textBrush, websitePos); WebsiteRect = new Rectangle((int)websitePos.X, (int)websitePos.Y, (int)websiteSize.Width, (int)websiteSize.Height); //Open source disclaimer. string disclaimerText = S._("Eraser is free open-source software!"); PointF disclaimerPos = new PointF(websitePos.X, websitePos.Y + websiteSize.Height * 1.5f); g.DrawString(disclaimerText, Font, textBrush, disclaimerPos); //Donation statement string donationText = S._("Please help us to continue developing Eraser - donate some coffee!"); PointF donationPos = new PointF(disclaimerPos.X, disclaimerPos.Y + 170); SizeF donationSize = g.MeasureString(donationText, Font); g.DrawString(donationText, Font, textBrush, donationPos); DonateRect = new Rectangle((int)donationPos.X, (int)donationPos.Y, (int)donationSize.Width, (int)donationSize.Height); } //Calculate the position of the About bitmap AboutBitmapPos = new Point((ClientSize.Width - AboutBitmap.Width) / 2, (ClientSize.Height - AboutBitmap.Height) / 2); WebsiteRect.X = (int)(WebsiteRect.X * dpiScale + AboutBitmapPos.X); WebsiteRect.Y = (int)(WebsiteRect.Y * dpiScale + AboutBitmapPos.Y); WebsiteRect.Width = (int)(WebsiteRect.Width * dpiScale); WebsiteRect.Height = (int)(WebsiteRect.Height * dpiScale); DonateRect.X = (int)(DonateRect.X * dpiScale + AboutBitmapPos.X); DonateRect.Y = (int)(DonateRect.Y * dpiScale + AboutBitmapPos.Y); DonateRect.Width = (int)(DonateRect.Width * dpiScale); DonateRect.Height = (int)(DonateRect.Height * dpiScale); //And calculate the bounds of the About Text. AboutTextRect = Rectangle.Truncate(new RectangleF( AboutBitmapPos.X + (19 + 149) * dpiScale, AboutBitmapPos.Y + (20 + 147) * dpiScale, AboutBitmap.Width - (19 + 149 + 20) * dpiScale, 130 * dpiScale)); //Create the About Text laid out on screen. SizeF aboutTextSize = SizeF.Empty; using (Bitmap b = new Bitmap(1, 1)) using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(b)) { g.ScaleTransform(dpiScale, dpiScale); aboutTextSize = g.MeasureString(AboutText, Font, AboutTextRect.Width); } AboutTextBitmap = new Bitmap(AboutTextRect.Width, (int)aboutTextSize.Height); using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(AboutTextBitmap)) { g.Clear(Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0, 0)); g.ScaleTransform(dpiScale, dpiScale); g.DrawString(AboutText, Font, new SolidBrush(Color.White), new RectangleF(0.0f, 0.0f, AboutTextBitmap.Width / dpiScale, AboutTextBitmap.Height / dpiScale)); } AboutTextScrollTop = AboutTextRect.Height / 2; animationTimer_Tick(null, null); animationTimer.Start(); }
public SettingsForm() { InitializeComponent(); Theming.ApplyTheme(this); //Populate the list of erasure passes, except the FL16KB. foreach (IErasureMethod method in Host.Instance.ErasureMethods) { if (method.Guid != typeof(FirstLast16KB).GUID) { fl16MethodCmb.Items.Add(method); } } //Load the settings. DefaultPluginSettings settings = DefaultPlugin.Settings; if (settings.FL16Method != Guid.Empty) { foreach (object item in fl16MethodCmb.Items) { if (((IErasureMethod)item).Guid == settings.FL16Method) { fl16MethodCmb.SelectedItem = item; break; } } } if (fl16MethodCmb.SelectedIndex == -1) { Guid methodGuid = Host.Instance.Settings.DefaultFileErasureMethod; if (methodGuid == typeof(FirstLast16KB).GUID) { methodGuid = typeof(Gutmann).GUID; } foreach (object item in fl16MethodCmb.Items) { if (((IErasureMethod)item).Guid == methodGuid) { fl16MethodCmb.SelectedItem = item; break; } } } if (DefaultPlugin.Settings.EraseCustom != null) { customMethods = new Dictionary <Guid, CustomErasureMethod>( DefaultPlugin.Settings.EraseCustom); //Display the whole set on the list. foreach (Guid guid in customMethods.Keys) { AddMethod(customMethods[guid]); } } else { customMethods = new Dictionary <Guid, CustomErasureMethod>(); } }
public MainForm() { InitializeComponent(); SettingsPage = new SettingsPanel(); SchedulerPage = new SchedulerPanel(); contentPanel.Controls.Add(SchedulerPage); contentPanel.Controls.Add(SettingsPage); if (!IsHandleCreated) { CreateHandle(); } Theming.ApplyTheme(this); Theming.ApplyTheme(notificationMenu); //We need to see if there are any tools to display foreach (IClientTool tool in Host.Instance.ClientTools) { tool.RegisterTool(tbToolsMenu); } if (tbToolsMenu.Items.Count == 0) { //There are none, hide the menu tbTools.Visible = false; tbToolsDropDown.Visible = false; } //We also need to see if we have any notifier classes we need to register. foreach (INotifier notifier in Host.Instance.Notifiers) { notifier.Sink = this; } Host.Instance.Notifiers.Registered += Notifier_Registered; //For every task we need to register the Task Started and Task Finished //event handlers for progress notifications foreach (Task task in Program.eraserClient.Tasks) { OnTaskAdded(this, new TaskEventArgs(task)); } Program.eraserClient.TaskAdded += OnTaskAdded; Program.eraserClient.TaskDeleted += OnTaskDeleted; //Check if we have tasks running already. foreach (Task task in Program.eraserClient.Tasks) { if (task.Executing) { OnTaskProcessing(task, EventArgs.Empty); break; } } //Check the notification area context menu's minimise to tray item. hideWhenMinimisedToolStripMenuItem.Checked = EraserSettings.Get().HideWhenMinimised; //Set the docking style for each of the pages SchedulerPage.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; SettingsPage.Visible = false; //Show the default page. ChangePage(MainFormPage.Scheduler); }